2019-2020年中考英语 知识点梳理 第17讲 九上 Unit 1-2复习.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语 知识点梳理 第17讲 九上 Unit 1-2复习 基础知识即时训练一、易错单词1. 奥运会 2. 同意 (n.) 3. 真相 4. 金属 5. 监狱 6. 错误 7. 理解力 8. 幽默 9. 邀请 10. 大学 11. 乐事 12. 讲座 13. 观众 14. 座位 15. 成就 16. 不能肯定 17. 好像 18. 解决 19. 装满 20. 击;打 21. 认为 22. 避免 23. 信任 24. 服从 25. 减少 26. 确定的 27. 金色的 28. 勇敢的 29. 正确的 30. 精确地 二、词汇测试i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。1. Are you happy with his work?Yes, of course.A. tired ofB. interested inC. satisfied with2. Dont trust her shes only out for your money.Thank you for reminding me.A. laugh atB. believe inC. worry about3. The team felt that they had let the coach down.A. made . happyB. made . nervousC. made . disappointed4. What did the teacher ask us to do this weekend?She asked us to learn the text by heart.A. writeB. reciteC. find5. Its been a pleasure to do business with you.A. wrong thingB. bad thingC. happy thing6. How was the work that she did?She finished it without difficulty.A. easilyB. sadlyC. slowly7. I dont doubt that hes telling the truth.A. dont thinkB. believeC. dont agree8. Dont play a joke on him. He is deaf.Sorry, I wont.A. look atB. play withC. make fun ofii. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。9. A/An _ is something that someone has succeeded in doing.A. achievementB. descriptionC. agreement10. I dont know where to go this summer vacation.Why not _ visiting Huanggang? There are many places of interest there.A. wonderB. considerC. regard11. The box is too heavy to carry. Whats in it?Oh, it _ goods.A. is filled withB. is worried aboutC. is prepared for12. Its _ that the Earth moves around the sun.A. practicalB. certainC. funny13. You look really tired. _?I didnt sleep well last night. I had a headache.A. What should I doB. Whats the matterC. How are you feeling now三、词组英汉互译1. be happy with 2.(使)装满 3. run over 4. 把关进监狱 5. make sure 6. 幽默感 7. let . down 8. 背诵 9. take a seat 10. 轻而易举 11. join in 12. 丝毫不知道 13. be in trouble 14. 跟某人开玩笑 四、课文语法填空根据所学课文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。One day, King Hiero ordered a crown maker to make a 1. _ (gold) crown. When he got it, he wasnt sure whether it was real 2. _ not. So he sent it to Archimedes 3. _ (prove) it. Archimedes came up with 4. _ idea while taking a bath. So he went to see the king and asked him for some gold of the same 5. _ (weigh) as the crown. Then he put two pots into two big bowls and filled them 6. _ water. After that, he put the gold into one pot and the crown into the 7. _. Then he pointed out that the crown had displaced 8. _ (much) water than the gold, so it was not 9. _ (total) made of gold. The king knew the crown maker 10. _ (deceive) him and therefore sent him to prison. 必考词汇背记1. doubt n. & v.: uncertainty of mind 怀疑;be uncertain about 不能肯定;对无把握There was no doubt that he was a great scientist.毫无疑问,他是一位伟大的科学家。I dont doubt that he will e soon.我相信他很快就会回来。I doubt if/whether they will win. 我怀疑他们能否赢。拓展beyond/without doubt 无疑地,必定in doubt 怀疑,未确定There is no doubt that + 从句 毫无疑问的是2. solve v.: e to an answer 解决;处理Will you help me to solve this puzzle?你能帮我解决这个难题吗?拓展solution n. 解决;解答3. fill . with . 用把装满The man filled the glass with juice.那个人把玻璃杯装满了果汁。同义词组be filled with = be full of 充满The glass was filled with juice by the man.这个人把杯子里装满了果汁。4. certain adj.: without any doubt; sure 确定的;肯定的It is certain that he took the TV set from the house.毫无疑问,是他从屋子里拿走了那台电视机。I am certain that I have made no mistake.我确信我没有犯错。常用短语make certain 确定;弄清楚be certain of 确信;对有把握拓展(近)sure adj. 确信的;确定的5. mistake n.: thing done incorrectly 错误I make mistakes in grammar. 我在语法上犯了错误。However, sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their mistakes.然而,有时候不原谅别人的错误是愚蠢的。常用短语by mistake 错误地 make a mistake/mistakes 犯错误mistake (v.). for 把误以为是6. make sure: do sth. to ensure sth. will happen 确保;设法保证用法make sure 意为“确保;弄清楚”,其后可接介词短语、不定式或从句。Try on clothing and shoes to make sure they fit.试穿一下衣服和鞋子,看看是否合适。I only came to make sure that everything was all right.我只是来弄清楚是否一切都无问题。7. consider v.: have sth. as an opinion 认为;觉得用法consider后面一般接名词或动名词短语作宾语,不能直接跟动词不定式。They consider Jim (to be) the cleverest boy in their class.他们认为吉姆是他们班上最聪明的男孩。Why not consider visiting New York?为什么不考虑去纽约参观参观呢?常用短语consider (doing) sth. 考虑(做)某事be considered as (to be) . 被认为是consider . as (to be) . 认为是拓展consideration n.考虑 considerate adj. 考虑周到的8. avoid v.: keep or get away from 避免;避开用法avoid 后面可接名词、代词、动名词作宾语,但是不能接不定式作宾语。I crossed the street to avoid meeting him.我横穿马路以便避开他。常用短语avoid doing sth. 避免做某事9. obey v.: carry out an order 服从;遵守Everybody must obey the rules. 人人都必须遵守规则。常用短语obey the rule 遵守规则obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则拓展disobey v. 不遵守;违反(近)follow v. 遵守10. let . down: disappoint sb. especially by breaking a promise 使失望You can trust Brooks. Hell never let you down.你可以相信布鲁克斯,他绝不会使你失望。He is a bit let down by the low grade he got.这次成绩不好,他有点气馁。 写作句型运用1. 陈述句 + 简短疑问句? “,是吗不是吗?”例句They are very interesting, arent they? 他们很有趣,不是吗?用法反义疑问句,它表示提问人的看法,没有把握,需要对方证实。反义疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句,两部分的人称时态应保持一致。其句子结构是:(1) 陈述部分肯定式 + 疑问部分否定式(2) 陈述部分否定式 + 疑问部分肯定式运用(1) He can hardly swim, can he?(英译汉)_(2) 他看上去不高兴,不是吗?(汉译英)_2. in ones spare time 在某人的空闲/业余时间例句He likes singing and dancing in his spare time. 他喜欢在空闲时唱歌跳舞。运用我妹妹喜欢在空余时间学习陶艺。(汉译英)_ 写作模板狂背类型:名人介绍典例:韩国明星李俊基模板:Do you know Lee Jun-ki? He is from South Korea. He is a big star. Many people like him. Do you want to know something more about him? Now, let me tell you.Lee Jun-ki has two nicknames. They are “Monkey” and “Crane”. They are very interesting, arent they? There are four people in his family his parents, his sister and him. He likes red and blue. He likes dogs best. His favourite seasons are spring and fall. He likes playing soccer, playing puter games and seeing movies. And he is good at boxing. He is very great. He was a member of the national kickboxing team in the past. He likes singing and dancing in his spare time.提醒:能力提升卷(十七)的书面表达就写名人介绍第十七讲基础知识即时训练一、1. Olympics 2. agreement 3. truth 4. metal 5. prison 6. mistake 7. sense 8. humour 9. invitation 10. university 11. pleasure 12. lecture 13. audience 14. seat 15. achievement 16. doubt 17. seem 18. solve 19. fill 20. hit 21. consider 22. avoid 23. trust 24. obey 25. reduce 26. certain 27. golden 28. brave 29. correct 30. exactly二、i. CBCBC ABC ii. ABABB三、1.(对某人或某物)满意的 2. fill . with . 3. 溢出 4. send . to prison 5. 确保;设法保证 6. sense of humour 7. 使失望 8. learn . by heart 9. 坐下 10. without difficulty 11. 参加;加入 12. have no idea 13. 倒霉;处于困境 14. play a joke on sb.四、1. golden 2. or 3. to prove 4. an 5. weight 6. with 7. other 8. more 9. totally 10. had deceived写作句型运用1. (1) 他不会游泳,是吗?(2) He looks unhappy, doesnt he? 2. My sister likes to learn art pottery in her spare time.

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