2019-2020年七年级英语下册《Unit 7 What does he look like》教案(共4课时) 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit 7 What does he look like教案(共4课时) 北师大版TopicPhysical appearanceTeaching aimsLanguage aim1. 学会一些常见的关于人的身材、发型、服饰的描述词。2. 能用英语询问并描述外表。3. 能谈论明星、名人、偶像及身边人的外表。Ability aim1. 能够阅读相关描写人物的文章。2. 能够综合描述评价一个人。Cross-culture &moral 1. 了解不同人的外貌特征。2. 在形容某人身材时注意中西文化的差异。3. 培养审美情趣,学会欣赏父母和老师。 Sentence structure1. Yes/No questions and short answers2. Present tense3. Adjectives of general descriptionFunctions1. Describe peoples appearanceTarget language1. What do you look like? Im short. Im thin.2. What do they look like? Theyre medium height.3. What does he look like? Hes medium build.4. What does she look like? She is tall. She has curly hair.5. Do you know David? No. What does he look like?VocabularyHair: long, short, straight, curly, blonde, dark, brown, red, grayHeight: tall, short, medium heightBuild: thin, heavy, medium buildOthers: glasses, beard, wearPhrases: be tall, be medium build, have short curly hair, look like, a new friend, the basketball team, the captain of, a little bit quiet, love to tell jokes, stop talking, like reading, play chess, a pop singer, my favorite movie actor, have blonde hair, have a beard, have/wear funny glasses, have a new look, wear jeans, go shoppingLearning strategiesGuessing, sequencingPeriod 1 StepsTeachers ActivityStudents Activitynotes1. Lead-in:Brain-storming1. Show yourself and say: What do I look like?Show another two pictures of other teachers and say: What do they look like?2. Brainstorming: Peoples appearance (description words): tall, medium build, black hair.3. Show pictures of different people and let students practise.Listening and judging:1. Watch carefully and answer the teachers questions.2. List as many jobs as possible and share information.3. Watch the pictures and tell the appearance.2. Section A 1a1. Read the instructions and give a sample: the person c has short hair. Are there other persons have short hair? Yes b, d, e, f.2. Check the answers. 1. Read after the teacher and match the letters with the people.2. Check the answers.3. Section A 1b1. Listen Listen and fill in the blanks. Find Amys friend.2. Check the answers. 1. Listen Fill in the blanks. Find Amys friend.2 .Check the answers.4.Section A 1cPair work1.Section A 1c: Talk about your friends in the picture and find him out, using the target language: What does your do? He / She is a / an. 2. Talk about what their family members look like.1. Pair work. 2. Present dialogues with the target language. 5.Section A 2a-2bListening and writing ( 2a-2b):1. 2a1) Ask students read the 9 phrases and chose by themselves first.2) Play the tape.3) Check the answers.4) More exercises.1) Read and choose the correct answers without listening.2) Listen and choose.3) Check the answers.4) Do exercises.2. 2b1) Play the tape the second time.2) Check the answers.3) Have the students answer the questions like making a report.1) Listen and fill in the chart.2) Check the answers.3) Make a report about the chart.Eg: David is tall and heavy. He has curly hair.6.PracticeSection A 3Pair work: 1. Show a picture of Lilys new friend and ask: What does she look like?2. Make students fill in the blanks.3. Check the answers.4. Make students read the dialogue by pairs.5. Give them some important sentences and ask them to make a new dialogue about their friends.6. Make the students act out1. Describe Lilys new friend.2. Read and fill in the blanks.3. Check the answers.4. Read the dialogue by pairs.5. Make a new dialogue about their friends.6. Present the dialogues.7.TaskGroup work:1. Show some pictures of different people from different countries.2. Have the students talk about their appearance and fill in the chart in groups.3. Have one student in a group describe the persons. 1. Form a group of four students.2. Talk about the different people in groups.3. Check the answers.8SummarySummary of this class:1. People appearance:2. The usage of “is” and “have”Assignments1. Memorize the words and grammar focus in this part.2. Learn more description words of peoples appearance by themselves.3. Fill in the chart: Information about one of your teachers or classmates.Summary after class(for students)Period 2StepsTeachers ActivityStudents Activity1. Revision1. Ask students to show their writing about one teacher or classmate. (Dont tell others their names.)2. Ask students to present their homework and learn description words from each other.3. Show them more words.1. One describes a teacher or a classmate, others listen and guess who he is.2. Learn description words about peoples appearance from each other.3. Learn words from the teacher.2. Section A1a-1b1. Let students do 1a & 1b.2. Pair work. (Section A 3b)3. Show more pictures and make students practice.1. Do 1a &1b.2. Pair work.3. Describe according to the pictures.3.Section B 3a1. Draw attention to the pictures and the descriptions2. Point out the example. Have a student read the first description.3. Make them read, and then match the descriptions with the pictures.4. Have them read again and fill in the chart.5. Have them describe the people one by one by giving them pictures and key words.1. Pay attention to the example.2. Read and match.3. Read and fill in the chart.4. Retell under the teachers leading.4Practice:1. Read and draw.Show them some passages. Make them read the descriptions and draw their correct pictures.2. Read and guess.1. Read the passage.2. Draw his or her picture.3. Share the pictures and check.4. Read and guess.5Tasks:1.Mrs. Brown在商场里不慎丢失了自己的小女儿,于是去寻人处登记。假如你是Mrs. Brown,该如何向那里的值班人员进行描述呢?2.警察局正在通缉一名罪犯。社区的工作人员正在给各住户发放该罪犯的照片,希望大家协助警方早日缉拿该罪犯。如果你是警察,如何根据照片向居民描述罪犯的特征呢?AssignmentsHomework:1. Recite 3a of Section A2. Prepare the posters of famous persons and try to introduce them.Summary after class课后反思:Period 3Teaching Aims: 1. Learn to describe different appearance by reading.2. pare peoples old look and new look.3. Learn to introduce peoples appearance from all sides.StepsTeachers ActivityStudents Activitynotes1. Listening and writing. (Section B 2a/2b)1.Show the picture and ask them, “What do they look like?” 2. Play the tape.(the first time: listen and fill, the second time: check)3. Ask a student to give the right answers.4.Make students talk about Johnny Dean and Tina Brown. Eg: Jobs favorite pop singer is Jonny Dean. He is really tall and thin. He has long curly hair and has funny glasses.1. Watch the picture carefully and describe the people.2. Listen and write down the names of jobs and their appearance.3. Give the answers.Talk about the pictures, using the target language.2.Guessing games. (Section B 2c)1. Game 1: One student put his favorite famous person in the heart. Other students ask him with Yes/No questions. The student who guesses out first is the winner. Then he can think out a famous person and make others guess. 2. Game 2Group work: Guess the famous person. (Rules: 1.Each group describe one person. 2.The group that uses the most words is the winner.)Do the guessing games as the teacher as them do.1. Put a favorite person in heart and answer other students questions.Eg. Is he a singer?Is he tall?Does he have?2. Work in a group.Eg. He is a basketball player.Hes very tall3.Reading and writing.(Section B 3 a)1. Call attention to the two pictures of Johnny Dean. (Ask students if they are pictures of one person or two different people. Lead them to understand that they are the same person in different time.)2. Show the chart. Ask them to read the passage and fill in the chart.3. Check the answers.4. Read again and ask them to point out the important and difficult points 5. Make sentences to help them understand.1. Watch the pictures and get to know that they are the same person in different time with the teachers help.2. Read and fill in the chart.3. Check the answers.4. Read carefully and mark the important and difficult points.5. Listen and make notes.Important and difficult points in 3a1. Notes:1). remember sb./sth.2). the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair3). have a new look4). wear glasses5). Ruth from New York2. Retell according to the chart and pictures.4. Section B 3b1. Ask students to finish the activity on their own.2. Group work: Talk about their favorite stars old look and new look.1. Finish 3b.2. Do group work.4.Writing.Ask students to write a passage.你姑姑将从美国回来探亲,要你去接机。但你这位阔别十年的姑姑变化很大。你变化也很大,请你写一封信安排见面时间和地点。在信中你要简单描述你的长相及你所穿的衣服,以便你姑姑能在机场认出你。Dear aunt, I am very glad to meet you at the airport. Since I _ I hope you have a good trip.Yours, _1. Read the title and think carefully.2. Write3. Read others writing and learn from them.4. Learn from the sample:Assignments1. Write a passage about your parents change.2. Review the whole unit. (There is a dictation and translation exercise next time)3. Do the exercise in the Test package (Part A)Summary after class(For students)Period 4Teaching Aims: 1. Check how well the students learned this unit. 2. A summary of the grammatical structures. 3. ExercisesStepsTeachers ActivityStudents Activity1.Dictation.1. Dictate the description words of peoples appearance and other important words.2. Check the homework: writing.1. Dictation.2. Share their writing with the whole class.2.Reading and writing.1. Self-check 32. A reading passage from the newspaper.1. Read and answer the questions according to the picture.2. Read and answer the questions.3.Check the answers.3. Summary of Unit 7Give a summary of the grammatical structures.1. Present tense -positive and negative sentences with different verbs2. Language points of this unit 1.Listen and think and note.2.Do some exercises.4. ExercisesProvide the exerciseDo exercises and check the answers.Assignments1. Review the whole unit. (A quiz next time)2. Finish the exercise in Test package (Part B)Summary after class


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