2019年高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea综合技能测试 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea综合技能测试 新人教版选修7第一部分:听力(共两节;满分30分)第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21Cutting grass for her pigs,Ms. Zhang _ someone killing the little trees on the side of the hills anti called the police.AwitnessedBthrewCurgedDsucked答案:A考查动词词义辨析。句意:正在割猪草时,张女士看到有人砍伐山坡上的小树,并报了警。witness“目击”;throw“扔掉”;urge“催促”;suck“吮吸”。22She urged _ us the need for speed.AtoBonCofDwith答案:B考查urge的用法。句意:她向我们强调需要速度。urge sth.on sb.或urge on sb. sth.意为“向某人极力陈述某事”。故B项符合题意。23Its not good manners for a woman to speak almost without _ for breath; its necessary to listen to others opinion.ApausingBstandingCpredictingDopposing答案:A考查动词词义辨析。句意:女士说话像放连珠炮似的是不礼貌的,听听别人的意见也很有必要。pause“暂停,终止”,符合句意。stand for“代表,象征”;predict“预言,预测”;oppose“反对,反抗”。24In the big fire, all the people in the building were _ ahead of the time when the building fell down.Ahelping outBhelped outChelpingDto be helped答案:B考查固定用法。句意:在大火中,所有的人们在大楼倒塌之前都被救了出来。help out“帮助摆脱困境”,此处用被动结构。25Yesterday I turned my drawer _, looking for my pen, a present given by my best friend.Aupside downBoutside downCside downDup down答案:A句意;昨天我把抽屉翻了一个底朝天,寻找我最好的朋友作为礼物送给我的钢笔。upside down表示“上下颠倒”。26The little girl, who has been spoiled, has got used to _ everything she needs.Abeing offeredBofferCofferingDbe offered答案:Aget used to在此处意为“习惯于”,其中to是介词,后面接名词、代词或动名词,排除B和D;the little girl与offer之间为被动关系,所以用动名词的被动形式。27This morning traffic was _ by an accident outside the town hall.Aheld offBheld upCheld onDheld over答案:B考查动词短语。hold off“拖延;抵抗;使疏远;使不接近”;hold up“举起;抬起;支撑;使停顿;耽搁”;hold up the traffic“使交通停顿”,hold on“继续;不挂断”;hold over“延缓;推迟”。28The _ look suggested that there must be something _ around her.Ascaring; scaredBscaring; scaringCscared; scaringDscared; scared答案:C考查scaring与scared用法。句意:害怕的表情表明在她周围一定有令人害怕的东西。修饰人的表情常用ed形式的形容词,而scaring表示“令人感到害怕的”,常用来修饰物。29A short man appeared suddenly in the doorway, and Dave had to pull up _ so as to avoid bumping into him.AmerelyBsharplyCshortlyDdesperately答案:B考查副词词义辨析。句意:一个矮个子男人突然在门口出现,为了避免掩到他,戴夫不得不突然停住。sharply“突然地,急剧地”,符合句意。merely“仅仅”;shortly“立刻,马上”;desperately“拼命地,绝望地”。30House prices vary from place to place and are usually high _ there are famous schools.AwhereBsinceCwhenDwhether答案:A考查地点状语从句。句意:住房价格地方与地方之间不同,通常在有著名学校的地方房价就高。根据句意there are famous schools表示地点,故用where引导地点状语从句,选A。31We had to _ the plan to go for a picnic due to the bad weather last week.AabandonBmissCavoidDallow答案:A考查动词辨析。abandon“放弃”;miss“错过;想念”;avoid“避免”;allow“允许”。句意:因为天气不好,我们上周不得不放弃去野炊的计划。根据句意,应选A项。32After he became conscious, he remembered _ and _ on the head with a rod.Ato attack; hitBto be attacked; to be hitCattacking; be hitDhaving been attacked; hit答案:D考查动词ing形式的被动语态。remember to do表示“记得去做某事”;remember doing表示“记得做过某事”。根据句意应使用remember doing,另外主语he应为attack的逻辑宾语,故用v.ing的被动形式,hit与attacked为并列关系。33I _ the book on the top of the shelf when the chair on which I stood broke.Awas to reachBwas going to reachCwould reachDwas about to reach答案:Dbe about to do. when.表示“正要做,这时(突然)”,为常用句型。be about to表示较近的将来。34The _ Spring Festival Evening not only gives us much pleasure, but also brings about some superstars, like Xiao Shenyang.AeveryBeachConeDannual答案:D句意:每年的春节晚会不仅给我们带来许多快乐,还造应了许多超级明星,如小沈阳。annual“每年的,按年度计算的”,符合题意。空格前有the,故排除A、B、C三项。35Being a female is not always easy, and _a famous female, she has to overe extra difficulty.AbeBisC/Dbeing答案:D句意:当女人不容易,作为一名著名女性,她不得不克服额外的困难。being a famous female是现在分词作状语。第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Halloween is a time to wear terrifying costumes and tell scary stories. Perhaps the most terrifying tale was _36_ on Halloween eve in 1938, when a radio program spread _37_ along the US eastern coast.“Somethings happening!” yelled the “reporter” on the _38_ of a mysterious crash of an object with Earth. The _39_ was told the accident had happened in a little town in New Jersey. _40_ and shouts of “Stand back” followed.“Ladies and gentlemen,” the “reporter” said, “this is the most horrifying thing I have seen. I can _41_ force myself to keep looking at it. Saliva (唾液) is dripping from its lips. Its rising up now.” Then it became clear that the object was not a meteorite(陨石) _42_ an alien spaceship.Actually, _43_ were skillfully performing H. G. Wells story, War of the Worlds, which was written four decades earlier in 1898. Many listeners pletely _44_ that aliens were attacking New Jersey. People _45_ in basements and packed their cars to escape.Could the same thing happen today? Its not likely on radio, which _46_ few dramas these days and has a much _47_ audience. But suppose a television producer or Internet website _48_ persuasive videos and added breathless reporting _49_ themwhat will happen?We probably would not believe,Were more _50_ about things these days. Weve seen so much fake information that well _51_ think it is another one. And we would quickly _52_ another news source we trusted and see whether someone else was bothering to report this _53_. Besides, I think TV producers and popular websites today would never _54_ to play with our nerves on a subject so _55_. Would they?36A.writtenBtoldCpublishedDcollected答案:B逻辑推理题。从后文的描述可知这个最吓人的故事是在这一天讲述出来的。37A.panicBsurpriseCinterestDsorrow答案:A词语辨析题。恐怖故事应该带来恐慌的情景。38A.topBbeachCsceneDway答案:C习语搭配题。那个假扮成记者的人在现场进行报道,on the scene of表示“在的现场”。39A.studentBofficerCaudienceDworker答案:C生活常识题。接收这些信息的应该是听众。40A.ScreamsBSongsCSmellsDSmiles答案:A逻辑推理题。随着报道的继续,现场的尖叫声和“往后站”的呼喊声接踵而来。41A.clearlyBhardlyCnearlyDtruly答案:B逻辑推理题。根据前面的this is the most horrifying thing I have seen可知现场报道员几乎不敢看下去。42A.norBifCunlessDbut答案:D逻辑推理题。那个东西不是陨石而是外星人飞船。根据前面的not可知,此空用but。43A.readersBwritersCplayersDactors答案:D逻辑推理题。根据后面的performing HG Wells story可知应该是演员在表演。44A.believedBforgotCarrangedDrefused答案:A逻辑推理题。从后面的packed their cars to escape可知很多人相信了。45A.protestedBimaginedCfoughtDhid答案:D词语辨析题。人们藏了起来,准备驾车逃走。46A.broadcastsBsellsCconcernsDpromotes答案:A生活常识题。现在广播上很少播放戏剧之类的东西。47A.youngerBfunnierCsmallerDstranger答案:C逻辑推理题。前面暗示了现在广播已经没有这么大的影响力了,其中一个原因是听众变少了。48A.discoveredBrecoveredCcreatedDconsidered答案:C生活常识题。要达到相同的效果电视台和网站应该自己制作影片。49A.onBtoCasDfor答案:B习语搭配题。add. to.表示“把添加到”。50A.hopefulBdoubtfulCseriousDcareless答案:B逻辑推理题。从前面的“We probably would not believe”可知此处是要说人们的疑心重了。51A.difficultlyBfortunatelyCnaturallyDpractically答案:C生活常识题。人们见到的假消息多了,就会自然而然地认为太离谱的消息是假的。52A.turn toBput upCgive awayDmake up答案:A短语辨析题。从后面的“see whether someone else was.”可知人们会转向别的消息来源核实真假。53A.showBcelebrationCdisasterDvictory答案:C生活常识题。如果用假消息报道类似的事情的话应该是报道一个灾难事件。54A.rememberBwaitCpretendDdare答案:D生活常识题。现在的电视台和网站应该不敢轻易开这样的玩笑。55A.confusingBtouchingCchallengingDhorrifying答案:D逻辑推理题。如果发生类似的事情的话,报道的会是一个恐怖的事件。第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AWhen Andrea Peterson landed her first teaching job, she faced the daunting task of creating a music program with almost no money for equipment or supplies in a climate where standardsbased learning was the focus and music just provided a break for students and teachers.For her drive and creativity in overing those challenges, shes been named national teacher of the year.Principal Waynes Kettler said hes worked with many outstanding teachers in his 22 years as an educator, but Peterson is “just that one step above anybody Ive ever worked with before.”Kettler and others at Monte Cristo Elementary School talk about the ways she has introduced the learning from other classrooms into her music program and her creativity in working around things such as the lack of money for new music.When students were reading S. E. Hintons novel The Outsiders in their regular classroom, Peterson helped them write a 30minute play with scenes from the book. Then they chose three Broadway tunes that focused on race, equality and social justice,the themes of the hook. Peterson posed two other songs herself after classroom discussions about the play and the book.The honor means a lot to residents of Granite Falls. Its inspiring to know that people from small towns can even win national honors.As national teacher of the year, Peterson will spend the next year outside the classroom, as a national and international spokeswoman for education.Not surprisingly, She is a big believer in the value of arts education. She said its essential for schools to offer classes such as art or music and physical education because for some kids one of those subjects is the only thing that motivates them to e back to school day after day.56The underlined word “daunting” in Paragraph 1 most probably means _.AdiscouragingBinterestingCcreativeDunbearable答案:A词义猜测题。根据第一段“. creating a music program with almost no money for equipment or supplies in a climate where standardsbased learning was the focus and music just provided a break for students and teachers”可知这个任务是令人气馁的,没有钱买乐器,而且音乐课也不受重视。57When Peterson began her teaching career, _.Amusic was a focus of learning in most schoolsBthe environment was favorable to music teachingCthe school lacked teaching facilities for musicDfinancial support for music programs was unavailable答案:C细节理解题。根据第一段“.creating a music program with almost no money for equipment or supplies.”可知学校缺乏音乐课设备。58What is the most important reason that Peterson won the award?AShe concerned herself with current social problems.BShe motivated students to learn music with her creativity.CShe has taught music at the elementary school for 22 years.DShe made great efforts to amuse students interest in literature.答案:B细节理解题。根据第二段“For her drive and creativity in overing those challenges, shes been named national teacher of the year”可知她被授予“国家年度教师”的原因是她推动音乐教学和克服困难的创造力。59Which of the following is an example of Petersons way of teaching music?AShe wrote plays on themes of race,equality and social justice.BShe made use of the contents of other classes in her teaching.CShe organized classroom discussions of Broadway tunes.DShe helped students pose songs by themselves.答案:B推理判断题。根据第四段“Kettler and others at Monte Cristo Elementary School talk about the ways she has introduced the learning from other classrooms into her music program.”可知彼得森老师利用其他班级的内容来进行音乐教学。BIn a littleknown part of the counterterrorism (反恐怖主义) world, one of the most effective detection systems is a 600pound animal that works for about 20 pounds of fish a day.Since the 1960s, the United States and a handful of other countries have trained dolphins and sea lions to detect sea mines and swimmers, and to recover wornout torpedoes(鱼雷) and testing objects used in naval(海军的) exercises.The U. S. Navy kept its Marine Mammal Program a secret until the 1990s, and this spring CNN became one of the first members of the media to witness firsthand how the program works.The program trains about 75 Pacific bottlenose dolphins,with natural biosonar (生物声纳) that tracks better than any manmade device; and 35 California sea lions,with very good underwater eyesight. Not only do these trained marine mammals track and save millions of dollars in U. S. military equipment, they are also helping to save lives. The navy wont reveal whether the dolphins and sea lions have effectively stopped terrorists attempting to do harm to the U. S.A key part of the training program is teaching these mammals how to stop potentially unfriendly swimmers. The program is also positioned to defend against swimmer terrorist attacks as well.In the digital age,it seems that there should be more advanced approaches to guard the Navys most expensive things. But according to Rothe, the program director, nothing in todays hightechnology world can pete with these mammals biosonar abilities. “I hope that one day there is a robot or a UUV (unmanned underwater vehicle) that makes the mammal program out of date,”he said. “But right now this is the best thing out there.”60The U. S. Marine Mammal Program trained marine mammals to _.Astop dangerous swimmersBcatch 20 pounds of fish a dayCdestroy sea minesDfire torpedoes答案:A事实细节题。根据文章第二段及第六段中的“teaching these mammals how to stop potentially unfriendly swimmers”可知,应选A。61The U. S. trained dolphins because they _.Aare cleverBswim very fastChave natural biosonarDhave good underwater eyesight答案:C事实细节题。根据第四段“The program trains about 75 Pacific bottlenose dolphins, with natural biosonar that tracks better than any manmade device”可知,应选C。62What can we learn from the last paragraph?AThe trained dolphins are the best way of protection available to the U. S. Navy.BThere will be dolphinlike robots in the future, according to Rothe.CThe mammal program will bee useless soon.DRothe has no faith in todays high technology.答案:A推理判断题。根据最后一段“.nothing in todays hightechnology world can pete with these mammals biosonar abilities”可知,就现在的技术水平来说,利用海豚是保卫美国海军最好的方法。63Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?AMany countries have trained sea animals for counterterrorism.BThe Marine Mammal Program was a secret until the 1960s.CThe trained sea animals have already stopped some terrorists.DThe U. S. Navy has trained both dolphins and sea lions.答案:D事实细节题。根据第四段“The program trains about 75 Pacific bottlenose dolphins. and 35 California sea lions”可知选D。COver the last six years I have learned what patience is. Growing up I did not have this virtue(优点) and it is a very important virtue to have. Now I can see that if you are patient you will almost always get what you want if you are supposed to have it. I gained patience when I lost my freedom. I knew that I would eventually get it back in time.I was locked up in prison for a period of six years because at 19 years old I was playing with a handgun and I accidentally shot and killed my friend. The first couple of years was the hardest. I was always stressed out about everything. Time was dragging by because I was always paying attention to it. While I was locked up,Tom who I talked to helped put this virtue in me. He told me that it was possible that he would never make it home but that being patient and believing that one day he would was what had made him feel better. After a while I realized why he said a lot of things to me. Once I stopped paying attention to the days and just kept in mind that I would get freedom, it seemed that my time passed quickly. Now I am home and can see that patience paid off for me. I now use this virtue in my daily activities. I know that sometimes life gets hard and that it will pay in the end to stay patient and not to get discouraged. So if you are having a hard time in life, be patient and it will eventually work out one way or another.64We can learn from the passage that the writer _.Agot patience in prisonBalways wants to know what patience isCbegan to teach others how to be patientDis a successful man now through failure答案:A细节理解题。根据第一段“Over the last six years I have learned what patience is.”和“I gained patience when I lost my freedom.”可知,作者在狱中学会了耐心。65The writer was put in prison because he _.Asold handgunsBstole a handgunCplayed handguns with friendsDkilled his friend accidentally with a handgun答案:D细节理解题。根据第二段“I was locked up in prison for a period of six years because at 19 years old I was playing with a handgun and I accidentally shot and killed my friend.”可知,作者因为用手枪误杀朋友而入狱。66How did Tom make himself feel better?ABy admitting his mistakes.BBy helping others.CBy being patient and believing he would be set free.DBy thinking he would succeed.答案:C细节理解题。根据第二段第六句“He told me that it was possible that he would never make it home but that being patient and believing that one day he would was what had made him feel better.”与后句“.kept in mind that I would get freedom,”可知,这个人有耐心并相信某天会被释放,这使他心情好点。67In the writers opinion people will get a good result at last if they _.Atry their best to help othersBturn to others for helpCkeep patient and dont lose heartDset different goals and keep them up答案:C细节理解题。根据末段“I know that sometimes life gets hard and that it will pay in the end to stay patient and not to get discouraged.”可知。DI think people everywhere dream about having lots of money. I know I do. I would like to earn large amounts of money. You can win a large amount of money in the United States through lotteries. People pay money for tickets with numbers. If your bination of numbers is chosen, you will win a huge amount of moneyoften in the millions.A few years ago, my friend Al won the lottery. It changed his life. He was not “born with a silver spoon in his mouth”. Instead, my friend was always short of money. And the money he did earn was chicken feed.Sometimes Al even had to accept handouts(施舍物) from his friends. But do not get me wrong. My friend was always very careful with the money he spent. In fact, he was often a cheapskate. He did not like to spend money. The worst times were when he had no single penny left.One day, Al scraped together a few dollars for a lottery ticket. He thought he would never gain lots of money unexpectedly. But his bination of numbers was chosen and he won the lottery. Al was so excited. The first thing he did was buy a costly new carone thing that he normally would not buy. Then he started spending money on unnecessary things. It was like he had “money to burn”When we got together for a meal at a restaurant, Al paid every time. He would always tell me the money made him feel like a millionaire. But, Al spent too much money. Soon he was “down and out” again. He had spent his “bottom dollar”his very last amount. He did not even save any of the money.I admit I do feel sorry for my friend. He had enough money to “live like a king”. Instead, he was back to “living on a shoestring” a very low budget. Some might say he was wise about small things, but not about important things.68What does the author desire to do like others?ATo bine the numbers perfectly.BTo make a huge fortune.CTo be chosen for selling lotteries.DTo get in touch with millionaires.答案:B细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“I know I do. I would like to earn large amounts of money.”可知,作者也像其他人一样,想挣一大笔钱。故选B。69Before Al won the lottery _.Ahe spent too much money buying chickenBhe didnt value the money he had earnedChe had trouble feeding his familyDhe hated to give a hand to his friends答案:C细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知,Al总是缺钱,他赚的钱少得可怜。第三段又表明朋友经常帮助他。故选C。70What does the fourth paragraph imply?AAl always had good luck in life.BAl valued his money above his life.CAl had loved the expensive car probably.DAl pretended to have more money.答案:C推理判断题。第四段第五句中的“The first thing he did was buy a costly new car”表明,Al有钱后的第一件事就是买了一辆豪车,这辆车可能是他以前喜欢但买不起的东西。故选C。71When a person is “down and out”, _.Ahe is as poor as a church mouseBhe lives a life like other peopleChe has set aside all his moneyDhe is looking forward to big success答案:A细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段的“He had spent his bottom dollarhis very last amount.”可知,他把最后一笔钱也花掉了,他又过起了穷困潦倒的生活。故选A。EApart from five carp (锂鱼) that got into Lake Erie in xx, no Asian carp have been found in the Great Lakesjust traces of their genes, known as “environmental DNA”, or eDNA. Those genes could have e from feces or scales (粪便或鳞片) in


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