2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Module 2 Me, my parent and my friends教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Module 2 Me, my parent and my friends教案 外研版I Teaching objectives 单元教学目标Skill Focus听Listen and find out what people can do说Asking and answering about ability读Reading passages and find about peoples jobs写Writing about personal informationUsing punctuation: full stops and capital lettersLanguage Focus功能句式Talking about abilityI can play football.Tony cant swim.Can you ride a bike?Yes, I can. / No, I cant.Giving and asking for personal informationWhats your name?My name isHow old are you?Im years old.Where are you from?Im fromCan you swim/speak English/play the piano/ride a horse?Yes. I can. / No, I cant.词汇1. 重点词汇parent, basketball, table tennis, tide, wele, international, factory, doctor, worker, at, photo, family, her,can, piano, tennis, horse, hotel, university, hospital, office, manager, secretary2. 短语Weleto, be from, at the hospital 重点句子I can play football.Tony cant swim.Can you ride a bike?Yes, I can. / No, I cant.This is / These are 语法The modal verbal can (not) The referential pronouns this / theseII Teaching materials analyzing教材分析模块2以Me, my parents and my friends为话题,以完成“提供和询问别人的信息”的任务为目标,通过3个单元的学与练,旨在让学生通过这一学习与体验的过程,能够就自己与别人的能力进行提问与回答,能够介绍父母的工作单位与职业,培养学生用英语进行社交活动最基本的能力。Unit 1要求学生通过听、读、说的练习,学会讨论能力。Listening and vocabulary 包括4部分。Part 1要求学生根据图片找出与之相对应的描述短语和单词,通过这一部分的练习,使学生在复习已有知识的基础上,进一步熟悉本单元所要学习的语言知识,为相关语言技能的训练奠定基础;Part 2 要求学生在熟悉图片后,根据一段听力材料,就Lingling个人能做的事情进行判断; Part 3以欢迎新同学为背景,通过老师与学生的对话,帮助学生学会如何正确、得体地介绍自己与别人的情况(包括姓名、国籍、年龄、能力、朋友等);Part 4要求学生在完成Part 3的基础上,通过听力练习,正确捕捉和判断听力材料中的信息,同时也为“提问、回答能力”作好准备。Pronunciation and speaking 包括4部分。Part 5 帮助学生掌握三组相对应的清浊辅音的发音规律;Part 6 训练学生使用正确的语音语调;Part 7 要求学生在获取判断列表所给的信息后,结对练习“如何询问的能力”;Part 8 要求学生将上述所学运用到实际日常交往中,并利用任务的设置来培养其初步的调查探究能力。Unit 2 围绕“如何介绍父母亲”展开,包括介绍他们的职业、工作单位以及能力等。Vocabulary and reading 包括5部分。Part 1与Part 2要求学生将工作场所、职业与图片对号入座,来激活学生已有的相关知识储备,并熟悉本单元基本的语言知识;Part 3要求学生结对讨论自己父母的职业,为下一步的学习热身;Part 4 要求学生结合文字描述找出所要求的图片,做到考察学生根据文字与图片获取信息并做出正确判断的同时,为他们讨论、描述自己的父母亲提供了很好的范例,同时也在一定程度上复习了名词所有格; Part 5要求学生利用表格对所学内容进行提炼、总结。 Writing 包括2部分。Part 6对学生在写作时正确使用大小写和标点符号提出了要求;Part 7让学生在回答问题的同时,学会如何询问别人父母的有关信息,也为写作提供了最基本的要素与素材。Unit 3 是一个复习单元,对学生在前两单元中业已掌握的知识技能进行总结与综合性的练习。Language practice包含4部分。Part 1要求学生运用前面所学知识介绍自己的全家福;Part 2要求学生通过看图片与比较练习有关情态动词can的一般疑问句及其回答、陈述句和否定句的表达;Part 3要求学生根据图片写出正确的表达,对学生记忆与书写能力提出了要求;Part 4要求学生连线熟悉工作单位与之相对应的职业。Around the world 介绍了六种具有代表性的文字,在引起学生兴趣的同时,让他们能够区分这些语言的书写形式。Module task 为学生提供了介绍和询问个人信息的框架结构。III Class types and periods 课型设计与课时分配Period 1 Listening and reading Period 2 Integrating skills (I) Period 3 Reading and speaking Period 4 Reading and writing Period 5 Integrating skills (II)IV Teaching plans for each period分课时教案Period 1 Listening and speakingLanguage goals 语言目标Key vocabulary 重点词汇parents, can, basketball, piano, tennis, table tennis, ride, horse, Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to talk about sports and ability.Teaching methods 教学方法Listening, reading and speaking. Teaching aids 教具准备A tape recorder, some pictures and a projector. Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Warming up and MatchingGet the students to match the words and phrases with pictures and make them familiar with sports.T: Hello! Boys and girls!S: Hello! T: I am very happy today, because I can play table tennis! S: Congratulations!T: Thank you. Do you know other sports? S: Yes! Basketball, tennis, football, swimT: Good! Well, now, I will show you some pictures. And lets see what sports you can do.Show students the following pictures,words and phrases. A B C D E F G H I1 sing 2 swim 3 ride a bike 4 ride a horse 5 play the piano 6 play the basketball 7play the football 8 play the table tennis 9 play the tennisT: Do you know them? S: Yes!T: Well, now, match the words with the pictures (If necessary, explain this in Chinese.) Work with your partners like this: A1. Do you understand?S: Yes!T: Well, lets begin.Give students enough time to do this. After several minutes.T: Finished?Then check the answers.Suggested answer:A6 B7 C2 D8 E1 F4 G9 H5 I3After that, if time permits, get students to bee more familiar with the words by playing a game: Ask the students to turn their back to these pictures. Ask one of them to stand in front of the class. Point to one of the pictures and let the student act out. Then make the other students to guess and speak out the correct words. After that, ask them to write and fill in the blanks in 1.Step II Speaking Get the students to talk about what they can do using the structure: I canT: Well done! So many sports, and tell me what can you do?S: I can play basketball / football / table tennis / tennisS: I can play the pianoS: I can ride a bike / a horseS: I can swim / singT: Great! Now look at this:Show the following.1. play+ basketball / football / table tennis / tennis(球类)2. play+the+ piano(乐器)3. ride a bike / a horseT: Can you find any difference?S: There is a the between play and ball games, while no the between play and musical instruments.T: Great!Step III Listening and checking Get the students to look at the picture, and then listen and check what Lingling can do.T: You can do so many sports. Thats wonderful! Betty and Lingling are talking. Next, listen carefully; lets see what Lingling can do.Fist let students look through the pictures, then play the tape recorder three times. For the first time, ask them to listen what sports have been mentioned; for the second time, ask them to check; for the third time, ask them to check their answers. After that check the answers with their partners first, then check the answers together.Step IV ConclusionGet students recall what they have learned in this period.Show students the pictures given at the very beginning of the class; ask them to describe the pictures. Step V HomeworkAsk students to remember the words listed and plete Parts 6&7 in the workbook.Period 2 Integrating skill (I)Language goals 语言目标1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇和短语wele, international, weleto, be from2. Key structures 重点句式 Please weleto This isThey are fromI can, but I cant Can you?No, I cant.Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to learn how to introduce themselves and others, and also how to talk about ability.Teaching methods 教学方法Reading, talking, group working, listening, and role-playTeaching aids 教具准备A tape recorder, a projector and some slides.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Revision and homework checking Show pictures and ask them to describe the words learned in last period. Then check the answers to exercises 6&7 in the workbook.Step II Reading Get students to read the dialogue. Help them learn how to introduce themselves and others, and also how to talk about ability.T: Do you still remember Lingling?S: Yes!T: And today, two new students are ing to her school. Do you want to know them?S: Yes!T: Good! Tell me what do you want to know about them?S: Their names.S: How old are they?S: Where are they from?S: What can they do?T: Good! Now, quickly look at the dialogue in 3, and tell me what their names are?Ask the students glance at part 3 and find out the names they will deal with in next steps.After a while.S: They are Betty and Tony!T: Great! Now read after the tape. Are you ready?S: Yes!Play the tape recorder for the students, pause if the sentence is too long, some words are difficult for students to pronounce, and also intonations are special. After this, ask students to read again to gain useful information of introduction. T: OK. Next, read the dialogue again. Then work in groups of four, and act it out.Give students several minutes to read and prepare for their performance. Several minutes later.T: Are you ready? Who wants to have a try? Hands up!Ask several groups to act the dialogue out. Encourage them perform that without books.T: Well done! Now, look at this chart:Show students the following chart:Name介绍他人介绍自己Nationality (国籍)Age (年龄)CanCan notT: Next, read the dialogue again. plete the chart with your partners. Clear? S: Yes! Give students enough time to do this, which helps them find the way to introduce oneself, the othersT: Are you ready?S: Yes!T: Who wants to have a try?Ask some students to plete the chart separately. Then check the answers together.NameBettyTony介绍/询问他人介绍自己This is Im Nationality(国籍)AmericaEnglandThey are fromIm fromAge (年龄)1311Im(years old).CanPlay football, basketball, speak English,Speak English,play football, table tennis, and ride a bike.Can you?No, I cant. / Yes, I can.I canCan notSpeak ChineseSwim and speak Chinese.I cant T: Great! Step III ListeningGet students to listen to the tape and finish Part 4First ask the students to glance at Part 4, and then play the tape recorder and ask them to choose Yes or No. After that, check the answers together.Step IV Pronunciation Get students to correctly pronounce three pairs of consonants. When do this part, show the words listed in Part 5 to students and then divided them into 6 groups and find out the same pronunciations after talking.T: Well, everybody, would you like to play a game?S: Yes!T: OK! Now, look at this:Show students the following words:1. play piano2. bike Betty basketball3. table Tony tennis4. old friend ride students5. can cant6. English legT: Listen carefully! I only say that once! Work in groups, read and find out the same pronunciation in each group. Lets say which group finishes that quickly and correctly. Clear? S: Yes! Then divide the class into 6 groups. Give them enough time and do that.Several minutes later.T: Finished?S: Yes! T: OK. G1, what about the first group of words?While asking students to read the pronunciations they have found, try to correct the improper pronunciations and encourage the right ones. G1: Its /p/.T: G2G2: Its /b/.T: G3G3: Its /t/.T: G4G4: Its /d/.T: G5G5: Its /k/. T: G6G6: Its /g/. T: Well down! Now, listen to the tape, and read after it.Play the tape recorder; pause where necessary to help students pronounce properly. If time permits, ask students to take out a piece of paper, hand the paper in front of their mouth, and then pronounce /p/./b/./t/./d/./k/./g/.respectively, they will find that when they pronounce /p/. /t/. /k/清辅音the paper will move, while pronounce. /b/ /d/ /g/浊辅音, the paper will not. And this will help arouse students interests in learning pronunciation. Also, the teacher can ask some students to stand in front of the class and pronounce these consonants silently; let others guess which one it is according to the shape of the mouth.Step V Listening and speaking Get students to practice how to state, ask and answer about ability.Showing examples:First ask some students to stand up, and ask them questions like the following one, ask the other students to listen carefully:T:Hello! (Whats up? / How is it going ) A.A:Hello! (Whats up? / Good) Mr. / Miss T:Can you speak Japanese (Explain it in English if students dont understand that.)?A:No, I cant.Ask the other students: T:Can A speak Japanese?S:No, she / he cant.T:Great! Thank you, sit down, please.Then ask another studentB:T:Excuse me! Can you swim?B:Yes, I can.Ask the other students:T:Can B swim?S:Yes, she / he can.T:Very good! SpeakingT:Now, look at Activity 7. And make dialogues with your partner. Clear?S:Yes!Give students enough time to look at the information and make their own dialogues. Several minutes later, ask some pair to stand in front of the class and show themselves.Sample dialogue:A: Can Betty play basketball?B: Yes, she can. Can Betty play basketball?A: No, she cant.T: You have done a really good job! Ask your partners friends and find out what they can do. OK?S: OK.Give students enough time to do this. Then ask some pairs to perform in front of the class.Step VI HomeworkFinish Activity 10&11 in the workbook.Period 3 Reading and speakingLanguage goals 语言目标1 Key vocabulary 重点词汇Factory, hotel, university, hospital, office, doctor, worker, manager, secretary, at, photo, family, her2 Key structures 重点句式 Whats your fathers / mother job?My father / mother is a (an)These are my parents.They areAbility goals 能力目标Enable students to talk about their parents jobs and the working places.Teaching methods 教学方法Pairwork and speaking. Teaching aids 教具准备Pictures and a projector. Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Homework checking T: How is it going! S: Fine!T: Good! So, shall I check your homework? S: OK.Ask some students to tell their answers. If necessary, play the tape recorder for several times, help the students plete and check the difficult points.Step II Vocabulary and matchingGet students to learn some new words about job and working places.T: Boys and girls, here is a question, and I dont know how to answer it. Can you help me?S: Yes! Of course!T: Well, here we go: She doesnt work in a garden, but people call her gardener(园丁) / 鼠的共同名帅字多一横.So, who is she?S: She is a teacher!T: Great! Meanwhile show students the picture of a teacher. teacher schoolT: And she works in the S: School!T: Well done! Show students the picture of a school:T: So, her job is teacher and she is a teacher at school. Right?S: Yes!T: Now, lets look at the pictures.Show students the following pictures: (1) (2) (3) (4)T: Pictures 1 means in the primary school; so Picture 2 means in ; Picture 3 means in Give students chance to think about that, if they cannot say that in English, help they know how to express “junior school” and “senior school”.T: Great! So, three years later you will be in the senior school. (As saying this, point to Picture 3)Now, guess, what is Picture 4?Some students may find out the rule and answer it in Chinese, that is “大学”。 Then praise them and show the word university to them, and ask them repeat after the teacher.T: Well done! That is university! Do you know Harvard? S: Yes. / No.T: Well, it is one of the greatest universities in the world. Here are some pictures for you.Show students the pictures of Harvard. If time permits, ask students some questions about their feelings of going to the top universities, and arouse their interest in learning.T: So, we say, teacher in a university is S: University teacher!T: Thats it! Show students the pictures of a university teacher.T: So, the man is a teacher at university.Then show students the following chart:JobTeacherWorking placeUniversity All these above aim at arousing students interest about job and working places. After that, leave the other jobs and working places to them to discuss with their partners and match.T: OK. Its your turn now! plete Activities 1&2 on Page 10 with your partners, and then fill in the chart. Clear?S: Yes!Give students enough time to do the two parts. While they are discussing, go around and help them. Several minutes later, ask some students to fill in the chart and check the answers together.Sample answer:Jobteacherdoctorfactory managerfactory workerHotel managersecretaryWorking placeuniversityhospitalfactoryfactoryhoteluniversity / schoolStep III Speaking Get the students to work in pairs to talk about What are your parents jobs?T: You see, so many jobs. Show students the following pictures. T: What are your parents jobs? Now, look at Activity 3 and discuss with your partners.Give students enough time to make their dialogues and then ask some of them to perform in front of the class. Sample dialogueA: What are your parents jobs?B: My mother is a teacher. My father is a doctor. What about your parents?A: My mother is a secretary. My father is a factory managerStep IV Conclusion and homeworkGet students to review what they have learned in this period.T: Everybody, tell me, what jobs do you know in this class?S: Doctor, factory manager, factory worker, hotel manager, secretary, and teacher.T: Great! So, how to ask about your parents jobs?S: What are your parents jobs?T: We can sayS: My mother is a (an) My father is a (an)T: Great! After class finish Activity4 on Page 13 and Activities 8&9 in your workbook. Will you?S: Yes!T: OK. Class is over, youre dismissed!Also, if time permits, ask some students to act as a doctor, and let other students to guess and say.Period 4 Reading and writingLanguage goals 语言目标Key vocabulary 重点词汇和短语at, photo, at the hospitalAbility goals 能力目标Enable students to introduce their parents jobs and also use capital letter and full stop correctly. Teaching methods 教学方法Reading, pair-working, speaking and writing.Teaching aids 教具准备A tape recorder, a projector, Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Revision and homework checkingCheck the answers to Activities 8&9 in their workbook and also have a revision of how to ask about their parents jobs.T: How are you going?S: Fine!T: Good! And how about your homework? Finished? S: Yes!T: Ok. Now, lets check the answers together.Show students the answers and check together. Or have a dictation of the words they have learned during last period. T: Well done! Now, guess, what am I going to ask?S: Parents jobs!T: You are clever! Then ask several students to stand up and ask about their parents jobs or ask some pairs to have a dialogue about their parents jobs. Meanwhile show the sentence structure: Whatre your parents jobs? My father is a (an) / My mother is a (an)to students. Help them talk.Step II Reading and practicing ScanningGet students to read the passage and finish exercises in Activities 4 and 5.T: What jobs do you know?S: Doctor, factory manager, factory worker, hotel manager, secretary, and teacher.T: Good! Do you remember Betty, Tony, Daming and Lingling?S: Yes! They are in the same class. And they are good friends!T: Good! Now, turn to Page 11, lets see what their parents do. Read the passage and plete the table below. Clear?S: Yes!Give students enough time to read and plete label the pictures and the table. And then, check the answers together.T: Well done! Listening Play the tape recorder for several times, for the first time, ask them to repeat to imitate the pronunciation and intonation; for the second or other time, ask them to repeat without looking at the book, help them get familiar with the passage, and the way of introducing themselves and their parents jobs.T: Now, listen to the tape and read after it. Clear?S: Yes!Play the tape recorder.T: Now, close your book and read after the tape. Are you ready?Play the tape recorder for a third time, pause where necessary.PerformingAsk some students to stand in front of the class and role play the passage.T: Well, next lets role-play. Who wants to be Betty?. Tony?. Daming?. Lingling?.T: Great! Lets wele them! (Applause)Encourage these students to introduce themselves as Betty, Tony, Daming, Linglin


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