2019-2020年中考英语 知识点梳理 第10讲 八上 Unit 3-4复习.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语 知识点梳理 第10讲 八上 Unit 3-4复习 基础知识即时训练一、易错单词1. 订货 2. 显示器 3. 鼠标 4. 脑 5. 速度 6. 公司 7. 总额 8. 广告 9. 车轮 10. 四轮马车 11. 世纪 12. 乘客 13. 距离 14. 翅膀 15. 引言 16. 比较 17. 控制 18. 依赖 19. 操作 20. 出售 21. 创造 22. 发明 23. 开发 24. 昂贵的 25. 微小的 26. 受欢迎的 27. 使人舒服的 28. 适用的 29. 特殊的 30. 从以来 二、词汇测试i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。1. When was the park built?About a century ago.A. one hundred minutesB. one thousand daysC. one hundred years2. Germs are so tiny that we cant see them.A. very bigB. very coolC. very small3. How about this pair of shoes?It is expensive.A. smallB. bigC. dear4. What advice do you have for me?You need money and time, in addition, you need hard work.A. howeverB. becauseC. besides5. Shes almost 30 years old.A. nearlyB. hardlyC. usually6. Do you know how to operate the machine?Sorry, I dont know.A. make . workB. make . stopC. make . see7. The red sofa in the living room is fortable.A. hardB. softC. big8. They were unaware of the danger they were in.A. didnt stopB. didnt realizeC. didnt sayii. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。9. A/An _ means the part that es at the beginning and tells you what the rest of the book is about.A. introductionB. inventionC. support10. Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow?Well, it all _ on the weather.A. putsB. dependsC. controls11. The explorers made a camp fire to _ wild animals.A. keep offB. keep onC. keep up12. You think studying English well is difficult, but we know interest can be _ any way.A. foundB. showedC. developed13. Its interesting to _ these two cars.I agree with you. They look difterent in some ways.A. pareB. realizeC. promise三、词组英汉互译1. work as 2. 没意识到 3. in addition 4. 依靠 5. grand total 6. 期待 7. since then 8. 与保持联系 9. in the daytime 10. 使不接近 11. at the same time 12. 代替 13. be short of 14. 数百万的 四、课文语法填空根据所学课文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。The first puters were bigger than cars in 1. _ 1940s, but 2. _ (today) puters are being smaller and 3. _ (good). Some of them are so small that we may be 4. _ (aware) of them. We can use puters to calculate, help type and draw things and do 5. _ (importance) jobs such as operating railways and 6. _ (fly) planes and spaceships. One day puters may be able 7. _ (do) better jobs than man, but they cant be cleverer than man 8. _ man can e up with new 9. _ (idea). However, we still cant help thinking: What 10. _ (happen) to us if puters can do all our jobs? Will they make our lives better? 必考词汇背记1. pare v.: discover the differences and similarities between things 比较;对比He cant pare with Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies.作为一个悲剧作家,他无法和莎士比亚相比。常用短语pare . with . 把和相比pare . to . 把比作2. control n. & v.: make sth. do what you want it to do 操纵;控制He lost control of his car.他的车失控了。I dont know how to control the machine.我不知道怎样操作那台机器。拓展in control (of) 掌控着lose control 失去控制under the control of 在控制之下out of control 失去控制3. depend v.: rely; be supported by 依靠;依赖You cant depend on your parents forever.你不能永远依赖你的父母。All living things depend on the sun for their growth.万物生长靠太阳。常用短语depend on 依靠拓展dependence n.依赖;依靠dependent adj. 依靠的;依赖的independent adj. 独立的4. be unaware of: not realize 没认识到;未察觉He may be unaware of his rudeness.他可能没意识到他的粗鲁。She was unaware of the danger.她没有意识到危险。反义词组be aware of 意识到拓展awareness n.意识 unawareness n. 没认识到;未觉察到5. create v.: make 创造;创作God created the world. 上帝创造了世界。A novelist creates characters and a plot. 小说家塑造人物并设计情节。拓展creative adj. 有创造力的creatively adv. 创造地creativity n. 创造力creation n. 创造6. develop v.: increase or bee larger or more plete 开发;发展We believe that sports can develop mind and body. 我们认为运动可促进身心发展。They decided to develop a new product.他们决定开发一种新产品。常用短语developing country 发展中国家developed country 发达国家拓展development n. 发展7. special adj.: not ordinary 特殊的;特别的This lock has a special key. 这个锁有把特别的钥匙。Today is a special day. 今天是一个特殊的日子。拓展specially adv.特别地;专门地 specialist n.专家8. introductionA. n.: sth. that leads the main part of sth. 引言The introduction tells you how to use the book.引言告诉你怎样使用这本书。B. n.: formal presentation of one person to another 介绍;引见He give us a brief introduction about his pany. 他向我们简要介绍了一下他的公司。拓展introduce v. 介绍You can introduce her to your new friends.你可以把她介绍给你的新朋友。9. instead of: in place of 代替;顶替We went to the Biology class instead of attending the English class. 我们去上生物课而不去上英语课。辨析instead, instead ofinstead 是副词,侧重指“取而代之”,往往位于句子开头或句末。如:Give me this instead.instead of 是介词词组,意为“代替;而不是”,其后跟名词、代词、v.+ing 形式或介词短语。如:Many young people like pop songs instead of folk songs.许多年轻人喜欢流行音乐而不是民歌。10. keep in touch with: be in contact with sb.与保持联系We keep in touch with each other by e-mail.我们通过电子邮件保持联系。Do you still keep in touch with Tom?你还和汤姆保持联系吗?同义词组municate with 与联系拓展keep . off 使不接近keep up with 跟上keep away from 远离keep quiet 保持安静keep healthy 保持健康keep the record 保持纪录 写作句型运用1. on one hand ., on the other hand . 一方面,另一方面例句On one hand, it brings us a lot of convenience and happiness. On the other hand, it also brings us troubles.一方面,它带给我们许多便利和快乐;另一方面,它也带给我们麻烦。用法on one hand ., on the other hand . 一般是用于提出两个相反的事物和看法,也用于对比不同的事物。运用她一方面教英语,另一方面学习汉语。(汉译英)_2. however 然而;但是例句However, some students play games, chat with friends, and even surf the unhealthy websites on the Internet the whole day. 然而,一些学生一整天都在网上玩游戏,和朋友聊天,甚至浏览不健康的网站。用法however 副词,表示转折,通常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。运用我们都已尽了最大的努力,然而我们还是输了比赛。(汉译英)_ 写作模板狂背类型:科学与技术典例:互联网的利弊模板:Internet is now ing into our life. On one hand, it brings us a lot of convenience and happiness. On the other hand, it also brings us troubles. Some students use the Internet as a tool to study. They look up the meanings of the words, the background of an event or a story, etc. Internet helps them learn more and study well.However, some students play games, chat with friends, and even surf the unhealthy websites on the Internet the whole day. They are not interested in their subjects. Its very dangerous for them!In my opinion, we should make good use of the Internet and stay away from the unhealthy websites.提醒:能力提升卷(十)的书面表达就写科学与技术第十讲基础知识即时训练答案一、1. order 2. monitor 3. mouse 4. brain 5. speed 6. pany 7. total 8. advertisement 9. wheel 10. carriage 11. century 12. passenger 13. distance 14. wing 15. introduction 16. pare 17. control 18. depend 19. operate 20. sell 21. create 22. invent 23. develop 24. expensive 25. tiny 26. popular 27. fortable 28. practical 29. special 30. since 二、i. CCCCA ABB ii. ABACA三、1. 从事工作 2. be unaware of 3. 除之外(还) 4. depend on 5. 总计;共计 6. look forward to 7. 自从那以来 8. keep in touch with 9. 在白天 10. keep . off 11. 同时 12. instead of 13. 缺乏 14. millions of四、1. the 2. todays 3. better 4. unaware 5. important 6. flying 7. to do 8. because 9. ideas 10. will happen写作句型运用1. On the one hand, she teaches English; on the other hand she learns Chinese. 2. We all tried our best. However, we lost the game.

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