2019-2020年高考英语 第十五周45分钟限时训练.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 第十五周45分钟限时训练I. 单项选择:(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)1. Id rather have some wine, if you dont mind. _. Dont forget that youll drive. A. Anything but that B. By all means C. Take it easy D. I wouldnt say no to this2. For a long time they walked without saying _ word. John was the first to break _ silence. A. the; aB. a; theC. a; /D. the; /3. Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me how to get to the bus station? Sorry. Im also a newer. You should ask, Im afraid, _ is a local citizen. A. anyone B. whoever C. who D. whomever4. The two movie stars _ because the movie had e out, and they didnt have to pretend to be a couple any more. A. broke upB. dressed up C. looked upD. cheered up 5. Looking back on the three-year life in China,he _ it as a milestone in his personal development. A. deservedB. promised C. declaredD. valued 6. Is it Torsion Theatre _ you are going to put on the performance? A. whereB. thatC. whichD. when7. The moment I saw him, his name simply _ me, and I stood there not knowing how to address him. A. chokedB. escapedC. failedD. confused8. Her brother is said to be very bright. _ She wouldnt accept his help even if he offered it. A. No wonder. B. So what? C. No doubt. D. What for? 9. Have you been teaching here since graduation? No, I _ on a farm for 5 years. A. had workedB. have worked C. was workingD. worked10. New lawyers often e across various cases _ they really dont know how to deal with in the beginning. A. which B. when C. whom D. where11. The story of the movie is a lot different from what I know g so I guess it is just_ based on the original novel. A. logically B. obviously C. loosely D. typically12. Things go back to _ since we paid off all our debts.A. formal B. regular C. mon D. normal13. We consider it necessary that a plan _ before doing the work.A. is made B. will be made C. should be made D. made14. Have you seen the latest drama series Legend of Zhen Huan? It seems to _ more discussion than any other drama series. Why? Some experts say its because its a well-made series from inside out. A. rise B. arouse C. raise D. arise15. John returned with two workers,with _ help we finally got the car out of the mud. A. their B. whose C. which D. that16. Why do you always lie to our mother you love her cooking?Its only a white lie, so _.A. my pleasure B. dont mention it C. dont bother D. its no big deal17. The little girl, with her head _ slightly forward, sat silently near the piano. A. bent B. being bent C. bending D. to be bent18. You _ the day off from work, which created a burden for everyone else. A. shouldnt have taken B. mustnt have taken C. couldnt have taken D. wouldnt have taken 19. The students are happy to see the newly-built reading room, which is _ the old one. A. four times as bigger as B. four times the size thanC. bigger four times than D. four times as big as20. Once _ in a theater wearing 3D glasses, you feel as though you are caught up in the story which is showing around you.A. seated B. be seated C. to sit D. have been sitting21. Considering its diverse cultures,Spain is an attractive country,_ well worth a visit. A. it B. one C. thisD. that22. I think what makes a girl shine is not her looks but her personality. _. A. You have a pointB. It serves you right C. Not likelyD. Dont mention it 23. Modern people are busy working,struggling to make ends meet. _, most of them suffer from stress and anxiety. A. On the contraryB. Above all C. As a resultD. In turn24. An earthquake of 8. 7 magnitude (震级) struck an island _ the coast of Indonesia last month. A. toB. onC. in D. off25. Asking for help suggests you have the courage to admit that you dont know _ and want to know it. A. somethingB. anything C. everything D. nothingII完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)When I was young, I really doubted whether there was love between my parents. Every day they were busy earning money so that they could _26_ the high tuition my brother and I needed. They didnt _27_ in the romantic ways that I read in books or saw on TV.One day, Mom was sewing a quilt(被子). I _28_ sat down beside her. “Mom, I have a _29_ here,” I said after a while. “Is there love between you and Dad?” I asked her in a very _30_ voice.Mom stopped her work and raised her head with _31_ in her eyes. She didnt answer immediately. She bent her head and continued to sew the quilt. I was _32_ if I had hurt her. I was in great embarrassment and I was at a loss what to do. But at last she said, very _33_, “Susan, look at this _34_. Sometimes it appears, but most of it disappears in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt strong and lasting. If _35_ is a quilt, then love should be a thread. It can hardly be seen, but its really there. _36_ is inside.”I listened carefully but I couldnt understand her until years later.One day, Dad accidentally got _37_ while on duty. Ever since then he could no longer _38_ properly. Every morning and dusk Mom would help Dad walk slowly on the country road. Along the country road, there were beautiful flowers, green grass and trees. The leaves were gently glistening(闪耀)_39_ the sun shining upon them. All of these made up the most beautiful _40_ in the world.“Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day. “Susan, dont worry about me,” he said gently. “I just like walking with your mom. I like this kind of life.” Looking into his eyes, I _41_ what they meant.The doctor had said Dad would _42_ in two months. But that day never came. He _43_ away in peace._4_ I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. But from this _45_, I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life, which makes life strong and warm.26A. affordBcostCspendD. offer27A. goBliveCactDwalk28A. happilyBsilentlyCsecretlyDnervously29A. requestBproblemCmessageDquestion30A. loudBlightClowDclear31A. surpriseBangerCstressDhorror32A. amazedBconfusedCshockedDashamed33A. quicklyBexcitedlyCbitterlyDgently34A. quiltBneedleCthreadDsewing35A. beliefBworkCexperienceDlife36A. WarmthBThreadCCottonDLove37A. tiredBdrunkCillDinjured38A. talkBwalkCworkDthink39A. withBasCforDby40A. signsBsymbolsCpicturesDreflections41A. readBdoubtedCtranslatedDrecognized42A. retireBrecoverCregainDremove43A. passedBescapedCfadedDturned44A. AgainBOnceCThenDLater45A. lessonBaccountCexperienceDaccidentIII. 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Our school lies on the foot of a mountain with a small river passes by. It used to be a quiet, clean and beautiful place for a school. It is a pity which things have changed after a chemical factory was built near our school one year ago. Every day the factory produces many waste water and some harmful gases. The terribly pollution is harmful to our health. Whats bad, the great noise from the factory had a bad effect on our activities. As a result, our school is no longer what it used to. Our teachers and students are miserable beyond the description. IV. 书面表达填空,每空一词:(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从学校毕业,或上大学,或步入社会。毕业意味着前进意味着选择。请以Graduation and Moving on为题,写一篇120词左右的短文,介绍你校毕业前的一些活动以及你的毕业感受。Graduation is a _ when we move on, from school to university, or out into the real world_ graduating from school, We usually have a variety of activities, _ taking pictures, leaving encouraging words to one another in memory of our friendship, or _ presents to our teachers expressing our _ and showing respect_, I have mixed emotions about moving onI want to stay and have more fun with my friends, but I will have to move onGraduation means _ a step forward-moving onward and upwardThus I can _ more and will be more skilled and experiencedGraduation is ing _ we are ready or notLets makegreatefforts so that our _ will e true特尖班45分钟限时训练答案I. 单项选择:1.【解析】选A。考查情景交际。句意:如果你不介意的话,我来点酒怎么样? 什么都可以,就是不能喝酒。别忘了你还要开车。根据语境可知,anything but that意为“除了酒之外什么都可以”;by all means当然可以了;take it easy 别着急,别紧张;I wouldnt say no to this. 表示说话人愿意接受某物,同意某种做法。2.【解析】选B。考查冠词用法。句意:很长时间他们走路时一句话也不说。是约翰首先打破这种沉默。say a word 说一句话,用不定冠词a; break the silence意为“打破沉默”,为固定短语。3.【解析】选B。考查名词性从句。句意:劳驾,先生。你能告诉我如何到达公共汽车站吗?抱歉。我也是刚到此地。我想你应该问一个当地人。whoever在句中引导名词性从句,作ask的宾语,同时也是名词性从句的主语。Im afraid在句中为插入语。如果用anyone要加who构成定语从句。4.【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意:那两个影星分手了,因为电影已经发行,他们没有必要再假装是一对夫妻了。break up 分手,结束,解散;dress up 化妆,打扮;look up 查找;cheer up 使高兴,使振作起来。5.【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。句意:回顾在中国三年的生活,他将其当做是他个人发展的里程碑来珍惜。deserve应受,应得;promise 许诺,承诺;有希望,有前途;declare 宣布;value 重视,珍视。6.【解析】选A。考查定语从句。句意:那是不是你要在那里演出的Torsion剧院?Torsion Theatre为先行词,其后所接的定语从句缺少地点状语,故选where。7.【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意:我看到他时,想不起他的名字。我站在那里,不知如何称呼他。choke窒息,哽咽;阻塞,说不出话来;escape在句中意为“被忘记,想不起”;fail失败,不及格;衰退;confuse 使混乱,使困惑。8.【解析】选B。考查情景交际。句意:据说她的哥哥很聪明。那又怎么样?即使他主动提供帮助,她也不会接受的。no wonder难怪,不足为怪;so what那又怎么样?no doubt毫不怀疑;what for为什么?有何目的?9.【解析】选D。考查时态。因为在农场工作的五年没有明显的时间界限,所以属于持续了一段时间的过去存在的状态,要用一般过去时。10.【解析】选A 。考查定语从句。本定语从句的先行词是various cases,关系代词which指代先行词,在句中作为动词短语deal with的宾语。When, where在句中做状语,whom的先行词必须是人。句意:新的律师总是会遇见各种在开始的时候他们不知道任何处理的案件。根据句意说明A正确。11. 【解析】选C 。副词辨析。A逻辑上的;B明显地;C松散地,联系不紧密地;D典型地;句意:这个电影里的故事和我知道的区别很大,所以我猜想它和原来的小说联系不紧密了。根据句意说明C正确。12.【解析】选D。词义辨析。formal(学校教育或培训)正规的;regular 有规律的;mon普通的;normal正常的,正规的。句意是我们付清债务以后一切都回到了正常。13.【解析】选C。is made是一般现在式;will be made是将来时态;should be made表示应该;made是一般过去式。Should是情态动词,(表示义务,责任)意思是应该,计划被制定所以用被动式。句意是我们考虑到做工作前应该先制定计划是必要的。故选C.14.【解析】选B。考查动词词义辨析。句意:你看过最新电视剧甄嬛传了吗?相比其他任何一部电视剧,它似乎更能引发争议。为什么?一些专家表示这是因为它是一部从内到外制作精良的电视剧。rise和arise 为不及物动词,故可排除A、D两项。raise意为“举起,提高,抚养”;arouse意为“激起,引起,唤醒”,符合题意。15. 解析】选B。考查定语从句。句意:约翰和两个工人回来了,在他们的帮助下,我们最终把车从泥里弄了出来。whose在句中用作形容词性物主代词,作定语修饰help;which和that在句中只用来指代物,在句中作主语、宾语或表语。16.【解析】选D。 考查交际用语。A我的荣幸(帮忙的事情已经做完);B没关系;C别麻烦;D这没有什么大不了的。句意:你为什么总是要对你妈妈说谎说你喜欢她做的菜?这只是一个善意的谎言。没有什么大不了的。根据句意说明D正确。17.【解析】选A。考查with复合结构。句意:小女孩头向前略倾着,静静地坐在钢琴附近。head与bend之间为被动关系,描述状态,故选A。18.【解析】选A。考查情态动词的用法。句意:你不应该休班,这给其他所有的人都造成了负担。由句子语境分析,句子谓语动作发生在过去,“过去不应该做某事”要用shouldnt have done,故选A。must表示推测意义不可用于否定形式,故B项不存在;couldnt have done 不可能做某事;wouldnt have done 过去不会做某事。19.【解析】选D。考查倍数表达法。句意:看到新建的阅览室,学生们很高兴。这个阅览室是旧阅览室的四倍大。倍数表达法为: A is 倍数+as +adj. as +B; A is 倍数 +比较级 than B; A is 倍数+the size/length/height/width. . . + of B。根据以上三种句型结构,本题中只有D项正确。20. 【解析】选A 。考查分词转换的形容词用法。动词seat使就坐;能容纳;它的过去分词转换的形容词seated表示就坐的状态。可以修饰名词,对主语的情况进行说明。句意:一旦坐在剧院里,带上3D眼睛,你就会感觉到你身临一个发生在你身边的故事。故A正确。21. 【解析】选B。考查代词用法。句意:鉴于其多元化的文化,西班牙是一个有吸引力的国家,一个值得一看的国家。句中的one为代词,在句中相当于a country, well worth a visit为one的后置定语。it代指前面提到的特指的名词; that指同类但不同一个的单数名词或不可数名词。22. 【解析】选A。考查情景交际。句意:我想使一个女孩与众不同的不是外貌,而是她的性格。你的话有道理。You have a point用于表示认同对方的观点,意为“你的话很对,我同意你的观点,你的话有道理”;It serves you right 你活该;你罪有应得;Not likely不可能;Dont mention it 不用谢;不客气;没关系。23. 【解析】选C。考查短语辨析。句意:现代人忙于工作,努力维持生活。因此他们中大多数人忍受着压力和忧虑之苦。on the contrary相反;above all尤其是,最重要的是;as a result结果,因此;in turn依次,反过来。24. 【解析】选D。考查介词用法。off表示“离、距离”。句意:上个月离印度尼西亚海岸不远处的岛上发生了8. 7级的地震。25. 【解析】选A。考查代词用法。句意:寻求帮助表明你有勇气承认有些事你不知道且想知道。something在此表示“有些东西”;如果用anything则表示“什么也不知道”。II. 完形填空:26. A。句意为:“他们忙着挣钱,以便能够支付我和我的弟弟需要的高昂学费。”afford和can/could 连用表示“付得起钱或抽得出时间”。27C。句意为:“他们没有按照我在书中读到的或在电视中看到的浪漫的方式做事。act做事,行事。28. B。由于作者有一个严肃的问题想问母亲,所以她静静地坐在母亲旁边。29. D。从后文的问句可知答案从B或D中选择。考查question和problem的区别。对于让对方回答的问题要用question。30. C。 由于这个问题很严肃,所以作者只能用低低的声音问。31. A。作者的母亲没有想到作者会问这样的一个问题,所以刚听到的时候母亲眼中充满了惊奇。32. B。从后句中的“我很尴尬和我不知道要做什么”,我们可以知道作者不知道自己是否伤害了母亲,所以该空用confused表示“困惑的,不清楚的”。33. D。过了一会儿,母亲语气柔和地说道。在这样一个充满温情的情景中,说话的声音自然是很轻很柔和的。34. C。根据语境知道是指线,有时露出被子,有时隐藏在被子中。35. D。后文的句子I just like walking with your mom. I like this kind of life.暗示答案用life,作者把生活比喻为被子。36. D。文章讲的是父母之间是否有爱,所以用love。爱是内在的,是用实际行动来灌溉的。37. D。get injured 受伤。38. B。由下文中的help Dad walk slowly on the country road可知父亲受伤后不能正常地到处行走。39. A。考查with复合结构,在该句中用with复合结构表示伴随。40. C。落叶和母亲搀扶父亲行走的画面构成了世界上最美丽的图画。41. A。read可以做“理解,读懂”,如:read ones thought等。42. B。recover受伤后的恢复健康。43. A。从前句中的but可知父亲没有恢复健康,而是平静地离开了人世。pass away去世。44. B。过去作者认为爱意味着鲜花等,但是现在作者理解了爱的真正含义,所以答案为B。45. C。从这次经历中作者明白了爱的真正含义。III. 改错:1. on at 2. Passes passing 3. Which that 4. After since 5. Many much6. terribly terrible 7. bad worse 8. Had has 9.used to后加be 10. 去掉the IV书面表达填空:Graduation is a time when we move on, from school to university, or out into the real worldBefore graduating from school, We usually have a variety of activities, like taking pictures, leaving encouraging words to one another in memory of our friendship, or giving presents to our teachers expressing our thanks and showing respectHowever, I have mixed emotions about moving onI want to stay and have more fun with my friends, but I will have to move onGraduation means taking a step forward-moving onward and upwardThus I can learn more and will be more skilled and experiencedGraduation is ing whether we are ready or notLets makegreatefforts so that our dream will e true


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