2019年高中英语 Module 3 Period Five Grammar and Writing课时作业 外研版必修3.doc

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2019年高中英语 Module 3 Period Five Grammar and Writing课时作业 外研版必修3.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Paper money _ (use) for over a thousand years.2We want to sit at the table near the window.Im sorry,but it _ (take) already.3_ the letter _ (give) to Mr.Black?No.Its still on the desk.4How long _ (employ) at this job?Since 1990.5The train _ (start) before we got to the station.6The teacher asked Wang Ying why she _ (leave) without asking for a leave.完成句子1He told me that _ (他们在那里已经住了三年了)2She said that _ (她几周前去过那里)3Wu Ming asked Zhang Ming _ (是否他已经完成作业)4When I reached the cinema,the film _ (已经演了半个小时了)5I asked my brother _ (我们下周是否去长城).单项填空1Were you surprised by the ending of the film?No.I_the book,so I already knew the story.Awas reading Bhad readCam reading Dhave read2I was just going to cut my rose bushes but someone_it.Was it you?Ahas done Bhad doneCwould do Dwill do3It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they_for me.Ahad done BdidCwould do Dwere doing4His bike_before he came here.Ahad been stolen Bhad stolenChas been stolen Dhas stolen5The police found that the house_and a lot of things_.Ahas broken into;has been stolenBhad broken into;had been stolenChas been broken into;stolenDhad been broken into;stolen6If Newton lived today,he would be surprised by what_in science and technology.Ahad discovered Bhad been discoveredChas discovered Dhas been discovered7I got caught in the rain and my suit_.Ahas ruined Bhad ruinedChas been ruined Dhad been ruined8Professor Jame will give us a lecture on Western culture,but when and where_yet.Ahasnt been decidedBhavent decidedCisnt being decidedDarent decided9At the end of the meeting,it was announced that an agreement_.Ahas been reached Bhad been reachedChas reached Dhad reached10When you get the paper back,pay special attention to what_.Ahave marked Bhave been markedChad marked Dhad been marked11“Have you seen the film?” he asked me.He asked me_.Ahad I seen the filmBhave I seen the filmCif I have seen the filmDwhether I had seen the film12“Please close the window,” he said to me.He_me_the window.Asaid to;to close Btold to;closingCasked;to close Dsaid to;please close13“I am a teacher,” Jack said.Jack said_.Athat I am a teacherBI was a teacherCthat he is a teacherDhe was a teacher14He said,“Dont do that again.”He_me_that again.Asaid to;not to do Bsaid to;dont doCtold;dont do Dtold;not to do15He asked,“How are you getting along?”He asked_.Ahow am I getting alongBhow are you getting alongChow I was getting alongDhow was I getting along.阅读理解February has long been a month of romance.With the sweet smell of roses in the air,romantic films hit cinemas and love stories fill newspapers and magazines.On the 14th day,it is a custom for a boy to take his girlfriend out to dinner,buy her flowers and chocolates,write poems,sing to her or even spell out her name with rose petals! This is what you see on Valentines Day,a day named after Valentine who was a priest in the third century in Rome.When the emperor (皇帝) decided that single men could bee better soldiers than those with wives,he didnt allow marriage.But Valentine continued to perform marriage ceremonies for young lovers in secret.When his actions were discovered,the emperor sentenced him to death.While in prison,it is said that Valentine fell in love with the daughter of the prison guard.Before his death,he wrote her a letter,on which he signed “From your Valentine”,an expression that is still in use today.Valentine died for what he believed in and so he was made a Saint (圣徒),as well as being one of the most romantic characters in history.Nowadays,Valentines Day is also popular among Chinese young people.Some students are planning to make Valentines cards for parents,teachers and friends.Others want to hold parties at which they will exchange small gifts and eat heartshaped cakes.The idea is to have fun and encourage people to share the spirit of St.Valentine.1Why did the emperor in Rome not allow marriage in his country?ABecause there were few women in his country at that time.BBecause he thought men without wives could be better soldiers.CBecause there wasnt enough food for so many people.DBecause he wanted to control the birth rate.2Valentine was put into prison because _.Ahe killed one of the soldiersBhe stole a lot of foodChe didnt obey the emperors orderDhe didnt want to be a soldier3The last paragraph mainly tells us _.Astudents in China send cards to their teachersBit is a good idea to celebrate Valentines Day in ChinaCit is interesting to celebrate Valentines Day in ChinaDValentines Day is also popular in China now4The best title for this passage should be _.AValentines DayBA Brave PriestCValentines Day in ChinaDA Romantic Man.书面表达1976年7月28日我国唐山发生大地震,造成25万人死亡;2008年5月12日四川汶川发生大地震,造成近万人死亡;2010年4月14日青海玉树发生大地震造成近两千人死亡。这些地震不仅造成人员死亡,而且还毁坏桥梁建筑,供水供电中断,大量人员无家可归。为了预防地震,可采取下列措施:1在两个板块相连接的地方不要建房;2把房屋建在岩石上,而不要建在沙地上;3把房屋建得尽可能牢固。注意:内容应包括以上所有要点,可适当发挥。_我立刻想到一个方案。1I thought of a plan immediately.2A plan struck me immediately.3A plan occurred to me immediately.Period FiveGrammar and Writing.1.has been used2.has been taken3.Has;been given4have you been employed5.had started6.had left.1.they had lived there for three years2.she had been there a few weeks before3.whether he had finished his homework4.had been on for half an hour5.if we would go to the Great Wall the next week.1.B句意为:你对这部电影的结局惊讶吗?不,我已经读过这本书,早知道结局了。从上下文句意看,应用过去完成时。2B句意为:我正要去修剪玫瑰花丛,但有人已经修剪了,是你吗?由题意可知用过去完成时态。3A句意为:很久以后我才能够完全领会到他们为我做的一切。before本义表示“在以前”,在具体语境中可以根据句子意思翻译为“以后才”。该句用过去完成时是因为其动作发生在was able to fully appreciate这一过去动作的前面。4A由came可知,排除C、D两项。steal与bike之间是动宾关系,因此选A项。5D主句用found,宾语从句应用过去的某种时态,排除A、C两项。break into与house之间是动宾关系,故选D项。6D考查动词时态和语态辨析。句意为:假如牛顿生活在今天,他也会对当今的科技发展感到惊异。因此从句中的谓语动词应使用现在完成时态的被动语态,故选D项。7C考查动词时态和语态辨析。ruin和my suit之间应该是动宾关系,所以用被动语态。根据此处表示过去的事件对现在的影响,所以应该选用现在完成时。8A考查谓语动词单复数以及时态。句意为:詹姆斯教授将给我们做一个关于西方文化的讲座,但什么时候及在哪里举行还没有被决定。“when and where”指的是一件事情而且是被决定,因而选A项。9B考查动词时态。句意为:在会议结束时,一项协议被宣布已经达成了。reach an agreement要早于announce这个动作发生,而announce发生在过去,因此用had been reached表过去的过去。10B考查语态和时态辨析。句意为:当你拿回考卷的时候,要特别注意被标记过的地方。根据句意,应该选用被动语态。整个句子用的是一般现在时,所以应该选择B项。11D若直接引语为一般疑问句,变间接引语时,一般将变成whether/if引导的宾语从句,由于C项时态错误,故选D项。12C直接引语变间接引语时,若直接引语为祈使句,则通常将其变为“ask (请求)/tell (告诉)/order (命令)/invite (邀请)/warn (警告)/advise (建议).sb.不定式”结构,故选C项。13D直接引语变间接引语时,若直接引语为陈述句,则将其变为that引导的宾语从句,that可省去,再结合人称和时态变化的原则可知D项正确。14D直接引语变间接引语时,若直接引语为祈使句,则将其变为“ask/order/tell.sb.不定式”结构,句中祈使句表示否定意义,则不定式用否定形式,所以选D项。15C直接引语变间接引语时,若直接引语为特殊疑问句,则将其变为疑问词转化的连接词引导的宾语从句,并且宾语从句应用陈述语序,故C项正确。.1.B细节理解题。由第二段最后一句“When the emperor decided that single men could bee better soldiers than those with wives,he didnt allow marriage.”可知。2C细节理解题。由第三段第一句及第二句可知。3D段落大意题。通读文章最后一段可知。4A标题归纳题。通读全文可知。.参考范文A strong earthquake struck Tangshan on July 28,1976,causing 250,000 deaths.On May 12,xx,another earthquake occurred in Wenchuan,Sichuan Province,which made nearly 10,000 people lose their lives.April 14,xx also saw an earthquake in Yushu,Qinghai Province,which killed nearly 2,000 people.These terrible earthquakes not only caused many deaths and injuries but made bridges and buildings destroyed,water and electricity supply cut off and many people homeless.In order to prevent the earthquake,we should take some measures.Firstly,we mustnt build houses where two plates join.Secondly,buildings should be put up on rocks but not on sands.Lastly,houses that are built should be as strong as possible,which is very important.As long as we take these necessary measures,we will prevent so many houses and buildings from being destroyed in the disaster like earthquakes.


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