2019年高中英语 Unit 1 Period 3 Using Language课时作业 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 1 Period 3 Using Language课时作业 新人教版必修4.语境填词1C_ plays an important part in many card games.2Rough seas caused much s_ among the passengers.3He was always prepared for any unforeseen event of e_.4My parents g_ never had bottled water.5She kept thanking me for my k_.6We have to take environmental protection into _ (考虑) when developing the economy.7If it is less than 10 kms,we can _ (递送) them on Tuesday.8The living quarters are _ (朴素的),with few luxuries,but cozy.9My girlfriend and I _ (打算) to get married next year.10At the _(速度) you work,youll never finish.选词填空 1I _ an old friend at the party yesterday.2If you _ working like that,youll make yourself ill.3He _ study abroad next year.4If all the factors were _,the result is much better than we expected.5I met her _ at the airport.单项填空1But you didnt tell me it was time to leave!I did.You must have been _ by the performance. Acarried away Bcarried outCcarried on Dcarried off 2.My demand is that the information referred to in my report _ to Mr.Brown without delay.Ato be emailed BemailedCbe emailed Dbeing emailed3Have you _ some new idea? Yeah.Ill tell you later.Ae about Be roundCe up with De out 4.Thats a lovely dress.You look good in it.Really? Thank you.My aunt gave it to me for my birthday,but I dont _ the color.Ago in for Bcare forCfeel about Dconcern about5Is it _ he often plays truant to play puter games on the Internet _ makes his parents angry with him?Asince;what Bthat;whatCbecause;that Dthat;that6When you want to buy something,you need to take the price into _.Adecision BrequirementCconsideration Dimportance7We must carry _ till success in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.Aaway BoffCup Don8Scientists are trying to find out the facts to _ their theory.Asupport BpromiseCdesign Dcarry9The population of the world is growing _ a surprising rate.Aon BinCat Dabove10The programme,which refers _ the tomb of Qin Shihuang is _ for those who are interested in history.Aas;meant Bfor;intendedCto;planned Dto;intended.阅读理解Song Qingling was born in Shanghai on the 27th of January in 1893 into a welleducated family.In 1907,Qingling traveled to the United States for her education;she and her three sisters became the first Chinese girls to be educated in the US.In 1915,she married Dr.Sun Yatsen(孙中山)At the age of eighteen,Qingling began to fight for the rights of women in her country and expressed her ideas of liberty and equality.For the next seven decades,Song Qingling became an active character and came to be known as “the Mother of China”In her lifetime,she always paid close attention to womens and childrens welfare.She supervised(监督) studies on woman and child healthcare,and childrens education.She was awarded the 1950 International Stalin Peace Prize,and she donated all the money to programs promoting the welfare of women and children.Song Qingling always showed concern for Suns followers,overseas Chinese,and the future of Taiwan.She hoped that China could be reunited at an early date.In the long years of struggle in the Chinese revolution,Song firmly stood by the side of the Chinese munist Party,whose leaders,Mao Zedong,Zhou Enlai,Liu Shaoqi,and Zhu De,considered her their close radeinarms.On May 29,1981 Song Qingling died of illness in Beijing.Song Qingling was a great fighter for patriotism(爱国主义),internationalism and munism.The great contributions she made to China and the Chinese people will not be forgotten.1Whats the best title for this passage?ASong Qingling and Her SistersBSong Qingling and Sun YatsenCWomen Are also GreatDA Brief Introduction to Song Qingling2What is the right order of the events about Song Qingling according to the passage?atraveled to the United States for her educationbmarried Sun Yatsencbegan to fight for the rights of womendwas awarded the International Stalin Peace PrizeAa,b,c,d Ba,d,b,cCb,a,c,d Da,c,b,d3What did Song Qingling pay attention to in her lifetime?AWomens rights.BChildrens education.CWomens and childrens welfare.DAll of the above.4The underlined word “concern” in Paragraph 3 probably means _.Acare BworryCanger Dsurprise5According to the passage,Song Qingling _.Awas born into a poor familyBwas one of the first Chinese girls to be educated in the UKCdonated all her prize money for the welfare of women and children in 1949Ddied at the age of 881“It is/was被强调部分that其他成分”为强调句结构,所强调的可以是单词、短语,也可以是从句,但结构必须完整;被强调的成分可以是主语、宾语和状语,但不能是定语和谓语。2在强调句中,强调人时也可用who代替that。3强调句的一般疑问句只需把is/was提前;它的特殊疑问句只需在一般疑问句前加上特殊疑问词。4在强调句型中,is/was有时也可被“情态动词动词原形”所替代。(1)It was my teacher who I met yesterday in the street.(2)昨天我在街上见到的是我的老师。Is it Mary who runs the hotel?是玛丽经营这家宾馆吗?(3)What is it that makes you change your mind?是什么使你改变了主意?Period ThreeUsing Language.1.Chance2.sickness3.emergency4generation5.kindness6.consideration7deliver8.modest9.intend10.rate.1.came across2.carry on3.intends to4taken into consideration5.by chance.1.A此题考查的是动词词组词义辨析。carry away使失去自制力;carry out执行;carry on继续;开展; carry off 赢得某物。根据题意可知此题选择A选项。 2.C此题考查的是虚拟语气。referred to in my report作the information的后置定语。my demand作主语,表语从句用情态动词should动词原形,其中情态动词should可以省略。所以此题选择C选项。3C此题考查的是动词词组词义辨析。e about 发生;产生;e round 来,前来;e up with赶上;想出(主意);e out 出来;被出版。根据题意可以看出,此题选择选项C。 4.B此题考查的是动词词组词义辨析。go in for支持;care for喜欢,根据题意可以看出,此题应该选择B选项。5D考查强调句。句意为:是不是他经常逃学去玩网络游戏才使他的父母生气的呢?题干为一个强调句式,对原句的主语从句进行强调,而这个主语从句不缺任何成分,故用连接词that引导;第二个空为强调句中的that。故选D项。6Ctake.into consideration为固定搭配,意为“考虑到”或“把考虑在内”。7D句意为:尽管条件极端困难,我们必须坚持下去,直到成功。carry on继续;坚持;carry away运走;拿走;carry off获得;成功对付;carry up建高(房屋);追溯。8Asupport their theory支持他们的理论;promise允诺;design设计;carry搬。9Crate常与at连用,表示“以的比率”。10D句意为:与秦始皇陵有关的这期节目是专门为那些对历史感兴趣的人们而制作的。refer to在此意为“与有关;涉及”。be intended for.为而设计/打算的;打算给的,表示目的。.1.D主旨大意题。本文主要对宋庆龄的生平作了简要介绍。2D细节理解题。综合文章第一、二段可知,D项正确。3D细节理解题。文章第一段提到宋庆龄为女权而斗争,文章第二段提到她关注妇女儿童福利事业以及儿童教育等,故选D项。4A词义理解题。根据上下文,concern在这里的意思接近于care,意为“关心;关注”。5D细节理解题。根据第一段第一句及最后一段第一句可知,宋庆龄去世时88岁,故D项正确。


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