2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 课时训练4 Module4 A Social Survey My Neighbourhood 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 课时训练4 Module4 A Social Survey My Neighbourhood 外研版一、单元扣点.根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空tourattractfascinatefortunesurveysoundprofessionstarvelifeemploy1The manager wants to employ workers with skills.答案professional2Some people eat too much, but many African people die of .答案starvation3Our government has taken measures to help the longterm .答案unemployed4Last night, they went to a model show at the Peoples Stadium.答案fascinating5We are very lucky in a beautiful seaside city.答案living6About 60% of those said that they supported the Presidents decision.答案surveyed7Who is the young lady standing under the tree?答案attractive8 , all the people were able to escape being trapped in the big fire.答案Fortunately9Do you like the music like the singing of rails?答案sounding10China is developing so fast that more and more foreign e to China every year.答案tourists.完成句子1你最近和他有联系吗?Have you been him recently?答案in contact with2许多人为摆脱城市里的噪音而想在乡村生活。Many people want to live in the countryside to the noise in the city.答案away from3由于房价上升,许多人买不起新房。As the price of houses , many people cannot a new house.答案go up; afford4他有五年不抽烟了。It is five years since he .答案gave up smoking/smoked5他已经失业半年了。He has been for half a year.答案out of work二、七选五阅读Sharks have been around for hundreds of millions of years. 1 Some sharks live near the surface, some live deep in the water, and others on or near the ocean floor.We tend to think of sharks as big dangerous creatures. We sometimes read about shark attacks in the newspapers, and in 1975 the film Jaws terrified moviegoers with the story of a great white shark which attacked holidaymakers in a small seaside town in the USA. 2 It can reach 6 metres in length and up to 2 000 kilograms in weight. It has as many as 3 000 needle sharp teeth, so it can sever(切断) a mans leg in a single bite.But not all sharks are like the great white. 3 There are almost 400 species of sharks and more than half of these are under a metre in length. The biggest sharks of all are not at all dangerous to humans. The basking shark and the whale shark grow to around 12 metres, but they are quite harmless. 4 Of these the bull shark is the one that is most likely to attack people. It swims in very shallow waters where people swim. 5 Indeed you are far more likely to be killed by a dog or by bees than by a shark, and some scientists believe that sharks only attack people because they mistake them for their favourite food.A. The pigmy shark, for example, is only about 20 centimetres in length.B. Less than one hundred people are attacked by sharks each year.C. A shark is a large fish considered to be dangerous to humans.D. Only about 25 species(种类) are dangerous to people.E. The great white is certainly a fearsome creature.F. We can never imagine such things can happen.G. They live in oceans and seas all over the world.答案1.G2.E3.A4.D5.B三、语法填空One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about 1 (be) late for school.There were many people waiting at the bus stop, 2 some of them looked very anxious and 3 (disappoint). When the bus finally came, we all hurried on board.I got a place next 4 the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk.A boy on a bike 5 (catch) my attention.He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he refused 6 (stop) until we reached the next stop. Still, the boy kept 7 (ride). He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting.Finally, when we came to the next stop, the boy ran up to the door of the bus. I heard an excited conversation.Then the driver stood up and asked, “ 8 anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?” A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh dear! Its 9 (I)”She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully.Everyone on the bus began talking about what the boy had done, and the crowd of strangers 10 (sudden) became friendly to one another. 答案与解析1being介词后跟名词或动名词,故填being。2and根据内容可知前后是顺承关系,故用and。3disappointed由前面可知人们感到失望,用ed结尾的形容词disappointed。4to固定短语next to“靠近,临近”。5caught文章是讲述过去的事用过去时。6to stop固定短语refuse to do sth.“拒绝做某事”。7riding固定短语keep doing sth.“一直做某事”。8Did询问过去发生的事情用过去时。9me/mine此处是做表语,强调“我的包,或者是我丢了”。10suddenly副词做状语,所以填suddenly。四、短文改错Hello, boys and girls! Today, I am going to talk with what you should do when a fire alarm go off. If you hear the alarm, stand in line at the door and wait your teacher to lead you outside. Stay close to your teacher and classmate. Dont panic or get out of line, and trying to remain quiet and calmly. Soon the firefighters will e and put out a fire. If its a false alarm and there is no fire, your teacher will lead us back to the classroom. If you notice that when someone is missing and hurt, tell your teacher immediately.答案Hello, boys and girls! Today, I am going to talk what you should do when a fire alarm off. If you hear the alarm, stand in line at the door and wait your teacher to lead you outside. Stay close to your teacher and . Dont panic or get out of line, and to remain quiet and . Soon the firefighters will e and put out fire. If its a false alarm and there is no fire, your teacher will lead back to the classroom. If you notice that when someone is missing hurt, tell your teacher immediately.五、书面表达假如你是李华,在最近的研究性学习当中,受21世纪中学生英语报(The 21stCentury)之邀,你对你所在的班60名同学(男女各半)进行了上网目的的调查。现将调查结果(如下表所示)用英语给报社的编辑写一封信,报道此事,以引起舆论的关注,并提出你的观点和建议。注意:1.报道应包括图表所示全部内容,可适度发挥。2文章的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。3词数:1504参考词汇:调查:make a surveyDear editor,I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in my class about their purpose of getting on the Internet. Yours,Li Hua范文Dear editor,I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in my class about their purpose of getting on the Internet.The girls favorite is chatting, but few boys like it. What the boys like to do most is playing games and the girls also like it. Both boys and girls like to read news or send emails on the Internet. Maybe they think its the most convenient way to get information from keeping in touch with friends. As for studying, the numbers of boys and girls are equal, but altogether only several of them will use the Internet as a tool to study.In my opinion, useful as the Internet is, the students had better make better and wise use of it. Otherwise, its impossible for us to benefit from it. Moreover, I also hope the parents will pay enough attention to their children using the Internet in their spare time and give them some useful advice.Yours,Li Hua


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