2019-2020年高考英语二轮专题复习精练 完型填空(8).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮专题复习精练 完型填空(8)(xx湖北黄冈中学模拟)Even though it was only October,my students were already whispering about Christmas plans.With each passing day everyone became more_1_,waiting for the final school bell.Upon its_2_everyone would run for their coats and go home,everyone except David.David was a small boy in ragged clothes.I had often_3_what kind of home life David had,and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so_4_for the cold winter months,without a coat,boots,or gloves.But something made David_5_.I can still remember he was always_6_a smile and willing to help.He always_7_after school to straighten chairs and mop the floor.We never talked much.He_8_just simply smile and ask what else he could do,then thank me for letting him stay and slowly_9_home.Weeks passed and the_10_over the ing Christmas grew into restlessness until the last day of_11_before the holiday break.I smiled in_12_as the last of them hurried out the door.Turning around I saw David_13_standing by my desk.“I have something for you,” he said and_14_from behind his back a small box._15_it to me,he said anxiously,“Open it.” I took the box from him,thanked him and slowly unwrapped it.I lifted the lid and to my_16_saw nothing.I looked at Davids smiling face and back into the box and said,“The box is nice,David,but it s_17_.” “Oh,no,it isnt,”said David.“Its full of love.My mum told me before she died that love was something you couldnt see or touch unless you know its there.” Tears filled my eyes_18_I looked at the proud dirty face that I had rarely given_19_to.After that Christmas,David and I became good friends and I never forgot the meaning_20_the little empty box set on my desk.1.A.anxiousBcautiousCserious Doptimistic2A.screaming BringingCcalling Dwarning3A.realized BwonderedCadopted Dlearned 4.A.modestly BinaccuratelyCinappropriately Dnaturally5A.popular BspecialCupset Dfunny6A.expressing BdeliveringCsharing Dwearing7A.wandered BpracticedCstudied Dstayed 8.A.would BmightCshould Dcould9A.head for Bturn toCput off Daim at10A.argument Bjudgment Cmovement Dexcitement11A.school BeducationCyear Dprogram 12A.public Breturn Crelief Dcontrol13A.weakly BsadlyChelplessly Dquietly14A.found BsearchedCraised Dpulled 15.A.Holding BSendingCHanding DLeaving 16.A.appreciation BexpectationCdelight Dsurprise 17.A.cheap BuselessCempty Dimproper 18.A.though Buntil Cbecause Das19A.attention BsupportCadvice Dmand 20A.from BtowardsCover DbehindB(xx河北普通高中质量检测)“It is never too late and you are never too old to start something new!” says Englishtown_1_Ellen Rema.Ellen began to learn English at the age of 50,and in just a few years,she has made_2_progress!Ellen chose to study at Englishtown because no evening classes were_3_in the German countryside where she lives.At Englishtown,she joins_4_classes online and speaks with live native Englishspeaking teachers.“Englishtown is a wonderful place to_5_.” she says.“My son always says,mom,you are a bit_6_.He cannot understand why I spend so many hours studying,_7_love it.I do it for myself.”In xx,Ellen began with the first level of Englishtown and quickly_8_.“I spent hours and hours studying,” she said.“Maybe I wanted too much in a short time.I finished all my_9_after 2 years,but noticed I still had_10_difficulties.”Instead of_11_,she chose to press on.After four years at Englishtown,shes still studying in the online classroom,but now to perfect her already_12_English,she has set new_13_for herself and_14_understanding grammar points.“Studying online is never_15_,but you need selfdiscipline,selfmotivation and staying power,” she says.“If you really want to learn,never quit even when you notice difficulties or when you think there is no_16_.Practice,practice,practice!”Ellen says studying English isnt all about hard work.It should also be_17_!“I really like the online conversation classrooms,” she says.“I have learned so much about other cultures and traditions.Im open for all _18_.”Ellen has been able to_19_her English to use by visiting England five times!“Im very thankful to Englishtown because most of the English I know now was learned here,”Ellen says.“My life has_20_with Englishtown.”1.A.professor BfriendCstudent Dreporter2A.amazing B.challenging Cdiscouraging D.disturbing3A.satisfied B.offered Cattended D.represented4A.conversation Bposition Clistening D.reading5A.live B.eatCentertain D.study6A.crazy B.tired Cworried D.attractive7A.though B.but Cwhile D.when8A.dropped B.brushedCawarded D.progressed9A.channels BschedulesCcourses Dpapers10Aprehending BreadingCgrammar Dvocabulary11A.fighting back Bgiving upCturning away Dlooking around12A.significant BshabbyCbroken Dexcellent13A.goals BdecisionsCmeans Dconclusions14A.turns off Bgets offCfocuses on Dputs up15A.interesting BboringCshocking Dunwilling16A.vision BsuccessCstruggle Dtendency17A.fun BwasterCweakness Dwonder18A.measures BtopicsCtimetables Dfashions19A.take BsetCmake Dput20A.ruined BstartedCchanged Dturned解题导语有志者,事竟成。一位50岁才开始学习英语的老人,凭借顽强的毅力,取得了可喜的成绩。1解析:选C。由第二段的第一句可知她是Englishtown的一名“学生”。2解析:选A。她50岁开始学英语,仅仅几年后,就取得了“惊人的”进步。后三项分别表示“挑战性的”、“令人气馁的”、“烦扰的”,都不符合语境。3解析:选B。在她居住的德国乡村没有“提供”夜校课程,所以她选择了网络学习方式。4解析:选A。根据本句后半句中的内容可知她参加的是在线“会话”课程。倒数第二段中的第三句也是答案提示。5解析:选D。根据第二段第一句中的内容可知Englishtown是一个极好的“学习”场所。6解析:选A。下一句提到她的儿子难以理解她为什么花那么多的时间去学习,由此可知他认为妈妈有点儿“疯狂”。7解析:选B。他不能理解的是妈妈为什么花那么多时间学习,“却”乐在其中。8解析:选D。她从第一级开始学习,并且很快“取得进步”。此处progress作动词,表示“进步,进展”。9解析:选C。她在两年后学完了所有的“课程”。A项表示“渠道,频道”,B项表示“时间表”,D项表示“论文,报纸,试卷”,都不符合常识。10解析:选C。根据下文第14空后面的内容可知她察觉到自己仍然有“语法”方面的困难。11解析:选B。她没有“放弃”,而是坚定地继续学习。A项表示“还击,抵抗”,C项表示“把某人拒之门外”,D项表示“寻找”,都不符合语境。12解析:选D。为了使她本来已经很优秀的英语更出色13解析:选A。虽然她的英语已经非常优秀,可是她又为自己制订了新的“目标”。14解析:选C。她为自己制订了新的目标,并且“集中”理解语法要点。15解析:选B。本句的后半部分提到“但是你需要自律、自我激励以及忍耐”,由此可知她认为在线学习一点也不“乏味”。16解析:选B。如果你真的想学习,即使当你遇到困难或者认为不会有“成功”的时候,也决不要放弃。17解析:选A。结合本句前后两句中的内容可知学习英语也应该“很有趣”。18解析:选B。她对所有的“话题”都感兴趣。A项表示“措施”,C项表示“时间表”,D项表示“时尚”,都与语境不符。19解析:选D。通过五次参观英国,她已经能够使用英语。put.to use是固定搭配,表示“利用,使用”。20解析:选C。Englishtown使她的生活发生了“改变”。C(xx江苏启东中学模拟)The song that has meant the most to me since I was the age of five,watching the movie Space Jam,is called “I Believe I Can Fly” by RKelly.Every time I listen to the song,it_1_me that as long as I believe,I can be or do_2_I want in life even with a disability.I didnt know much of what the song_3_a long time ago but as I grew older,I still loved the song and started to listen to the_4_more and more.Every time I listen to it,I think about all the obstacles I have_5_.When I was little,I had to_6_a wheelchair because I have a disability.The doctors told my mother I had a slim_7_of ever walking but I was_8_to walk because I disliked that wheelchair.I knew that I had to believe in myself to_9_my goal to walk someday.One day the doctor told my mother that he could make a(n)_10_that would help me walk._11_when I was seven and onehalf,I had my first surgery.I_12_the cast because it was a half body cast,with a bar in the middle of my legs.I was a very_13_kid so being in a bed for six weeks,not being able to move,I felt horrible.I knew after all the_14_and the crying it would be worth_15_it in the long run._16_,at the age of eight,I got my cast off.I felt free when I finally_17_all the therapy (治疗) and learned how to_18_.The song_19_,“I see me running through that open door.” Thats what I felt like.Like the song says,“There are miracles in life I must achieve,but first I know it starts inside of me,oh.” I am one of the_20_in life.1.A.remembers BremindsCregards Dreflects2A.whoever BwhomeverCwhichever Dwhatever3A.meant BexpectedCsuggested Dprovided4A.voices BmeaningsCwords Drhythms5A.suffered BexperiencedCencouraged Dovere6A.apply BuseCseat Doffer7A.chance BoccasionCcondition Dadvantage8A.encouraged BamazedCdetermined Dorganized9A.acplish BfinishCplete Dacquire10A.operation BperformanceCexperiment Darrangement11A.While BButCOr DSo12A.enjoyed BdislikedCexpected Dvalued13A.generous BkindCactive Dpassive14A.pain BjoyCguilt Dembarrassment15A.fixing BwearingCadjusting Dmaking16A.Finally BInstantlyCNormally DRegularly17A.went on Bwent downCwent out Dwent through18A.live BwalkCthink Dmunicate19A.speaks BsingsCsays Danswers20A.successes BsurprisesCmiracles Dfailures解题导语本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者被一首叫“I Believe I Can Fly”的歌曲所鼓舞,勇敢地面对残疾,克服各种困难,最终能够行走的故事。1解析:选B。作者每次听这首歌,它都提醒作者只要他相信,他就能成为任何他想成为的人,做任何他想要做的事。remind sb.that“使某人想起,提醒某人”,符合语境。2解析:选D。whatever“任何的事物,什么都”,符合文意。3解析:选A。很久之前作者对这首歌是什么意思知道得不多。mean“意思是,本意是”,符合语境。4解析:选C。结合上下文可知,此处为随着年龄的增长,作者开始越来越多地听歌词,word在此处意为“歌词”,符合语境。5解析:选D。从下文内容可知,作者曾克服了很多障碍,结合选项可知,应用overe,表示“克服”。6解析:选B。因为残疾,作者不得不使用轮椅,故用use。seat后常接oneself。7解析:选A。大夫告诉作者的妈妈,作者能走路的希望很渺茫。slim修饰chance,指“机会渺茫,可能性很小”。8解析:选C。从空前的but和空后的because引导的原因状语从句的内容可以看出,此处是转折关系,因为不喜欢轮椅,作者下定决心去走路,所以用determined。9解析:选A。作者知道必须相信自己总有一天会达到学会走路的目标。acplish“完成,取得”,符合语境。10解析:选A。从空格后的“that would help me walk”可推知,医生要对作者做一个有助于他行走的手术,make an operation“做手术”,符合语境。下文的surgery也是答案提示。11解析:选D。分析上下文可知,此处应为因果关系。12解析:选B。从下文的叙述可知,作者不喜欢这个固定腿的模型。13解析:选C。从下文的内容可知,作者觉得在床上六周不能动很可怕是因为他是一个活泼好动的孩子。14解析:选A。从上文作者所经历的一切可知,pain“痛苦”,符合语境。15解析:选D。作者认为从长远来看,在经历这么多的痛苦和泪水之后,自己所做的这一切都是值得的。16解析:选A。从后面的“I got my cast off”可知,此处用finally,表示“最后,终于”的意思。17解析:选D。从上下文可知,此处表示作者终于完成了全部治疗。go through“经历,完成”,符合语境。go on继续;go down下沉,下降;go out送出。18解析:选B。从上文的“that would help me walk”可知,治疗结束后,应是学习行走。19解析:选C。此处用says,表示歌中唱到的内容,下文的“Like the song says”也是答案提示。20解析:选C。结合语境可知,此处是作者说他自己是生命中的奇迹之一。

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