2019-2020年高二英语上学期 学科限时作业13.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语上学期 学科限时作业13一、单项选择1. We have decided to hold a party our professors birthday. A. in favour of B. in charge of C. in honour ofD. in case of 2. Who wrote the novel Great Expectations? A. Mozart.B. Paul Simon.C. Jane Austen. D. Charles Dickens.3. How was the lecture by Professor Li?Its a that you missed the wonderful lecture.A. shameB. regret C. surpriseD. wonder4. Have you found a job?No, but I have already e-mailed to a pany, _ a job.A. to apply forB. applying for C. and applying forD. and apply for5. These suggestions _ serious consideration and discussion.A. deserveB. are deserved C. are worthy D. are worth of6. It was in the house _ Picasso was born _ his works were exhibited.A. that; thatB. where; whereC. that; where D. where; that7. Ouch! I thought it was a piece of yellow leaf.Yes, some insects can _ on the colour of their surroundings. A. stay B. keep C. put D. take8. I dont like _ when Tommy and Lily are eating while talking and laughing so loud. A. it B. this C. him D. her9. I think Tom is an honest young man.Thats _ you are wrong.A. what B. how C. where D. when10. Rose seldom has noodles at home, _? A. hasnt she B. doesnt she C. has he D. does she11. _ around the famous university, the foreign guests were then taken to the Grand Hotel.A. Showing B. Having shown C. Being shown D. Having been shown12. Youd better not buy the product. I never believe ads. What is said in them is _ .A. an excuse B. an invitation C. a profit D. a reminder13. Will you go to the exhibition with Lisa this Sunday?No, I _ at home _ with her.A. would rather stay; than go B. had rather stay; than goC. would rather stay; than to go D. would not rather stay; than go 14. Although he _, the emperor cannot break his promise.A. would like B. would like to break C. would like to D. would like it 15. We students should devote our time to the _ of knowledge. A. learning B. study C. acquisition D. acquaintance 完形填空。(共20小题,计10分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。You wouldnt think of driving your car to work in the morning on an _16_ tank of gas, yet thousands of parents send their children off to school without any breakfast.“After an overnight fast of eight to twelve hours, the brain needs _17_,” said Joan Carter, manager for the Childrens Nutrition Research Center in Houston.The body breaks down food to produce this fuel in the form of glucose (葡萄糖). Because glucose levels are _18_ with memory function, children can have difficulty _19_ when they skip breakfast.Research shows that breakfast eaters tend to pay more attention to their _20_ in class than those who _21_ eat breakfast. They tend to be more creative and better performers in school. They _22_ more energy by late morning, have more strength and endurance, concentrate better, and are better at problem-solving.Children who are hungry can be _23_ or nervous during classroom activities or can appear disinterested _24_ they have a difficult task to perform.Researcher have also discovered that students who eat breakfast regularly tend to have better _25_ overall. They _26_ more vitamins and minerals, consume less fat and cholesterol, and may even have less chance of being overweight than breakfast-skippers._27_ breakfast, its difficult for children to get the nutrients they need throughout the day. Research shows that nutrients missed at breakfast arent _28_ for at other meals.“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and theres no _29_ for not eating breakfast,” Dr. Carter said. A piece of bread and a glass of milk take little time to _30_. If you are trying to lose weight, skipping breakfast is also a big _31_. You will be tired and hungry by mid-morning. Then youll want to eat a snack that isnt healthy.Parents should set a good _32_ for children. “You cant run out of the door without eating breakfast yet _33_ that your kids sit down and eat something,” Dr. Carter said.Breakfast should provide _34_ 1/4 to 1/3 of a childs daily needs for vitamins, minerals and calories. A nutritious breakfast also provides the sugar, starch, protein and fat they need because they are _35_ growing and changing.16. A. absentB. emptyC. ordinaryD. occupied17. A. foodB. restC. fuelD. freedom18. A. satisfiedB. packedC. associatedD. pared19. A. concentratingB. contributingC. relaxingD. behaving20. A. classmatesB. teachersC. positionsD. feelings21. A. rarelyB. roughlyC. rapidlyD. really22. A. saveB. wasteC. distributeD. display23. A. sharpB. sickC. slowD. shy24. A. untilB. whenC. althoughD. unless25. A. memoryB. healthC. figureD. strength26. A. take inB. bring inC. let in D. get in27. A. Despite B. WithoutC. Through D. Beyond28. A. answeredB. pensatedC. calledD. intended 29. A. needB. doubtC. excuseD. risk30. A. prepareB. eatC. digestD. choose31. A. attemptB. reasonC. dreamD. mistake32. A. exampleB. standardC. regulationD. method33. A. resistB. insistC. consistD. assist34. A. at leastB. at mostC. at lastD. at first35. A. continuouslyB. occasionallyC. finallyD. fortunately四、阅读理解。(共12小题,计24分)AHome Our Programmes IELTS Preparation Who is this course for?For students who want to focus only on the skills needed to achieve at the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) which was developed by Cambridge University. These courses are ideal preparation for Pre-University students who require in-depth training in IELTS preparation in order to get their required score.How many hours per week will I study?You can choose to study 15, 20, 25 or 30 hours per week. (20 hours per week minimum required for non-EU students)please note this timetable may be subject to change depending on current student numbersNot all classes are available at all levels.N.B. Unless otherwise stated the above classes are 3 hours in lengthEntry CriteriaThere are three levels: Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced.A student should have the same academic level of IELTS 4.5 to join the Foundation course, 5.0-5.5 for the Intermediate course and 6.0 to join the advanced course. Upon arrival students will meet with a senior member of our staff to ensure that they are being placed in the appropriate level in order for the student to meet their learning objectives.How can I progress after this course?The IELTS courses are ideal preparation for students planning to study at Undergraduate, Postgraduate or Professional programmes at the London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) or who are continuing their studies with another university in the UK.Key Featuresl Start any Monday (except public holidays) l Minimum study period 1 week, no maximum period l A varied and flexible timetable l Average 12 students per class, maximum 18 l Course available in London and BirminghamPLEASE NOTE: l Students must be 18 years or older to participate in any LSBF School of English course.l IELTS testing fees are NOT included in the IELTS course fees (approximately 120)Contact Information:LondonBirminghamTelephone: +44 (0) 207 100 1808Email: englishlsbf.org.ukAddress: Lex House, 17 Connaught Place, London, W2 2ESTelephone: +44 (0) 121 616 3370Email: infofbt-globalAddress:2nd Floor Podium Centre City 5-7 Hill Street, Birmingham, B5 4UA36. Who might have put up this website advertisement? A. Cambridge University. B. London School of Business & Finance. C. Pre-University students who require in-depth training in IELTS preparation. D. London and Birmingham IELTS Testing Centers.37. Who can NOT apply for this course? A. A French student who is going to London for his postgraduate courses. B. A 18-year-old Chinese girl who will spare 3 hours a day for this course. C. A Chinese boy who would like to continue his study in Cambridge University. D. A 16-year-old Japanese Pre-University student who is living in Birmingham. 38. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage? A. You must have got at least 4.5 in IELTS before attending this course. B. After finishing this course, you can choose not to study in LSBF. C. You dont need to pay for this course except IELTS testing fees. D. You can email at englishlsbf.org.uk to take this course in Birmingham.B“Who questions much, shall learn much, and remember much.”Francis Bacon (1561-1626)It seems obvious now how we acquire knowledge and understanding. To start with, you need questions. Then, to find answers, you observe the world around you and study the facts. After that you consider possible answers and test each to find the right ones. Although today we are more accustomed to typing a few key words into a search engine and waiting for the Internet to spit the answer out for us, modern scientists and thinkers are still solving the worlds problems with this type of analysisluckily for us. However, in the 17th century when Francis Bacon suggested that this type of thinking was the way to gain knowledge, he was going against the views of the day. At that time, people believed more in religion than in facts, and people like Galileo Galilei, who proved scientific ideas such as “the earth is not the centre of the universe”, were often punished by the church with no one ing to their defence. The church and many people tended to ignore the facts and were unwilling to challenge what they had always fortably believed. They preferred to make assumptions about the world based on the experience of others. In fact, when Galilei proved that the earth was not the centre of the universe, instead of believing him, people chose to believe ancient views put forward by the great philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC). This also shows how people didnt want to search for their own understanding or educate themselves. And this is still often true today. People feel that if someone important and respected says that something is right, then it must be so. But even though Aristotle was a great man who inspired many great scientists and philosophers after him, he was wrong at times. And Galilei too made mistakes. He is now known as the father of astronomy but he believed that the earth moved round the sun in a perfect circle. He was wrong. Therefore our understanding of the world around us is constantly growing and changing. In other words, we learn more every day and none of us can ever sit back and say “We know it all”.We need to thank the great men of the past for the wisdom to know that we dont know it all and probably never will, for that would mean a world without questions. So much of our knowledge and understanding of the world today is due to people like Bacon and Galilei, who were brave enough to step out from the shadows of old thoughts in order to find the kingdom of knowledge that todays civilization is built upon. These men knew that knowledge and understanding are things to fight for; more vital to a man, and more beneficial to mankind, some might say, than all the money in the world. “All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)39. In Bacon and Galileos times, people would prefer to _.A. learn new things by observing the world around themselvesB. acquire knowledge from church or experience of great ancestorsC. seek answers to their puzzles from contemporary scientistsD. explore knowledge out of facts they saw with their own eyes40. In this passage Bacon and Galileo is mentioned as examples for _.A. their great achievements in scienceB. their ambition to doubt great ancestorsC. their revolutionary way of acquiring knowledge D. their preference to believe in themselves rather than others41. What is the main purpose of the passage? A. To help the readers learn more about great thinkers in history. B. To convince the readers of the importance of thinking and discovering. C. To persuade the readers to thank the great men of the past for their wisdom. D. To encourage the readers to go against the views of their day.42. Which of the following is the process the writer suggests to acquire knowledge? A. Asking questions searching the internet waiting for results finding answers B. Acquiring knowledge and understanding asking questions answering questions C. Observing the world asking questions studying facts finding answers considering possibilities D. Asking questions observing the world studying facts considering possibilities testing and finding answersCAt 10 p.m., I met Holmes outside his house as arranged. With him were two men. The police officer, Peter Jones, I already knew. He had often helped us out in our little adventures. The other gentleman was Mr. Merryweather. He was the manager of the bank we had seen that morning in Short Street. When we got to the bank, Mr. Merryweather opened the door with a large key and we all crept silently down into the basement. The floor of the basement was covered in large square stones and the room was filled with wooden boxes. “Thats our French gold,” explained Mr. Merryweather. “We borrowed it some months ago from a French bank to use in a business deal. As it happens, we didnt need it after all, so it was never unpacked. It will be going back to France first thing on Monday morning.” “Please be quiet,” said Sherlock Holmes. “Hide behind the boxes and keep very still. We shouldnt have long to wait.” In fact, we waited silently in the dark for over an hour, although it seemed a lot longer to me. Then suddenly, a strange light appeared under the stone floor. One of the stones began to move, letting more light in from below. Within moments, the stone was pushed on top of the next one, leaving a light-filled hole in its place. A hand appeared out of the hole, then another hand. A few seconds later, Vincent Spaulding jumped out of the hole onto the basement floor. Then he turned and leaned over the hole. “OK, Archie, its all clear up here. Give me the hammer and the bags and then climb up yourself,” he said. At that moment, Holmes ran from behind his box and caught hold of Spaulding. “Quick, Archie, run!” yelled Spaulding. We heard the sound of feet running away. “He wont get far, Mr. Clay, for thats your real name, isnt it?” said Holmes. “The police are guarding the shop door at the other end of the tunnel you so cleverly dug. Theyll catch him as he es out the other end.” Once both thieves had been arrested and taken off to the police station, Holmes and I went home to discuss the matter.“And so you see, Watson, Spaulding, or Clay as his real name is, needed to get Mr. Wilson out of his shop so he and his associate could dig their tunnel. The dirt on the knees of his trousers confirmed that they were digging. When I knocked my stick on the pavement and heard nothing unusual, I knew they werent digging under the front of the shop. So I concluded they were digging out the back. When I made enquiries at the bank and found out about the French gold, I knew I was right. And I guessed theyd take the gold on Saturday evening because the bank would be closed the next day and theyd have time to escape before the theft was noticed.”43. Holmes and Watson met Mr. Merryweather at the bank that morning to _.A. withdraw some cash for emergency useB. inquire if Spaulding had once used his real name at the bankC. confirm that the digging was linked with the bankD. see the French gold in the basement with their own eyes44. It can be inferred from the passage that . A. it was the first time that Clay had mitted a theft crime. B. this was a well-planned theft though failed. C. the other thief was able to escape from the other end of the tunnel. D. the French gold would be going back to France since it took up too much room.45. “We shouldnt have long to wait” (in the 4th paragraph) showed that Holmes was . A. patient B. confident C. concerned D. calm46. Which is the correct order of the following events?a. The two thieves began to dig the tunnel.b. Holmes knocked his stick on the pavement.c. The two thieves were taken off to the police station.d. The bank borrowed the gold from a French bank.e. Watson met Holmes outside his house.A. e-a-b-d-cB. d-a-e-b-cC. c-e-b-d-aD. d-a-b-e-c五、任务型阅读。(共10小题,计10分)请认真阅读下面短文,并根据短文的结构和内容要点完成文章后的图表。注意:补全填空应符合语法和搭配要求,每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。The effects of inflation or rapidly rising prices in one area may encourage a purchaser to borrow money to avoid higher costs in the future. People who are successful at saving will often want to make their money work even harder and increase their ine through successful investments. Purchasing housing has been shown to be good investments. So many Chinese people purchased houses in the early xxs because rapid price increases made them look like a good investment. Some people have managed to bine their hobbies and special interests with their investments. However, investing in such things as artworks, rare cars and number plates, rare wines, first edition books, fossils, stamps and gems all cause particular problems. It requires professional knowledge and good luck if it is to bee an investment rather than an expensive hobby.Shares (股票) can also provide an ine stream. They offer a return on the investment through a dividend (红利) paid to the share owner. The dividend is a share in the profits of the business divided amongst the shareholders. As well as providing a regular ine, shares can be sold to add to holders ine on a lump sum (一次性地). The dividend and increased value of share price growth (also known as capital growth), are the two main reasons people purchase shares. However, share prices can also fall and investors can lose money.Managed funds are provided by most financial institutions. These are actually a group of investments that the brokers (the financial institution representative) buy. They provide five investment alternatives: cash, fixed interest, Chinese shares, overseas shares and property trusts. They spread the risk over different investments to ensure a better return. For example, property management funds choose a selection of properties to invest in and the rent on these properties provides an ine, which is passed on to investors.However, it is important when borrowing to carefully consider what deposit (押金) can be paid and what the actual rate of interest that has to be paid is. It is essential not to have an unnecessary debt burden. Exploit Your MoneyPart IInvestments Part IICautionsPurchasehousing.bine hobbies and interests with _3_.Purchaseshares.Buy managed funds._9_ unnecessary debt burden. Decide how much to borrow and _10_ a good organization. Price _2_ made houses a good investmentProfessional knowledge and good luck are basic _4_.Share owners get _5_ through dividendsCapital growth also _6_ people to buy shares.Share owners do not always _7_ money.Brokers buy investments and _8_ them for people to invest in.Brokers try

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