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2019-2020年中考英语特训复习第2编语法专题突破篇专题12复合句试题一、近四年云南省、昆明市中考考点分布年份/省、市题型考查内容分值(分) xx云南单项填空40.宾语从句1xx昆明单项填空27.宾语从句1xx云南单项填空 40.宾语从句1xx昆明单项填空36.宾语从句1xx云南单项填空35.宾语从句1xx昆明单项填空32.宾语从句1xx云南单项填空35.宾语从句1xx昆明单项填空 33.宾语从句1二、命题规律和常考考点复合句中的宾语从句和状语从句为云南中考必考考点,常在单项填空中设置1分的题目,其中宾语从句是各地考查的重点。,考点复习宾语从句的连接词、语序和时态的用法命题点用法例句连接词that在从句中作宾语时可以省略,作主语时不能省略The teacher often says (that) you are cute.what,when,where,how,whatever,whenever,wherever,who,whom,whose等特殊疑问词作连接词Please tell me how you go to school.表示“是否”时,连接词用whether/ifCould you tell me if/whether it snows in winter in Australia?语序从句一律用陈述语序,即主语谓语Do you know where Tom lives?时态主句从句现在时从句根据实际情况使用相应时态I hear Joe will leave for Beijing.过去时从句使用过去时的某种形式Kate said she was watching TV this time yesterday.特殊点从句表示的是客观事实、真理、自然现象等时不管主句使用什么时态,从句都用一般现在时Miss Hu said that the earth goes around the sun.状语从句的用法类型从句的引导词含义例句时间状语从句when/while/as当时before在之前after在之后since自从notuntil直到才as soon as一就I was doing my homework when my mother came in.He did not go to bed until his father came back.条件状语从句if如果as long as只要unless除非Unless weather stops me,I go for a walk every day.原因状语从句because因为since既然as由于I like to eat apples because its good for my health.Since everyone is here,lets begin our meeting.目的状语从句so that以便;为了in order that为了He gets up early every morning so that he can catch the bus.续表类型从句的引导词含义例句结果状语从句so that结果是sothat/suchthat如此以至于Its so hot that nobody wants to go out.让步状语从句though/although尽管;虽然even if即使whatever无论什么wherever无论哪里whenever无论何时Wherever you go,I will go with you.Whenever you e,I will wait for you.续表类型从句的引导词含义例句比较状语从句than比asas和一样not as/soas不如He is as tall as Tom.地点状语从句where的地方wherever无论哪里Sit wherever you like.注意:若主句和从句中的动作都未发生,那么,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,即:“主将从现”。,考点真题检测(B)1.(xx云南中考) Could you tell me_?The movie Fast and Furious(激情) 8. Awhere you saw the movieBwhich movie you like best Cwhere did you see the movieDwhich movie do you like best(D)2.(xx昆明中考) Could you please tell me_?The people and the food.Ahow does Tom like ChinaBif Tom likes ChinaCwhat does Tom like about ChinaDwhat Tom likes about China(C)3.(xx曲靖中考) The TV news talked about a car accident near our house_I was eating.Aas soon asBsinceCwhile Duntil(B)4.(xx安徽中考) Do you know_ Ann goes to work every day?Usually by underground.Awhy BhowCwhen Dwhether(B)5.(xx黄石中考) Excuse me,could you tell me_ to the nearest bank?Go straight.Its across from the park.Ahow can I get Bhow I can getCwhen can I get Dwhen I can get,预测模拟检测(A)1.Tommy,do you know if Frank_to the theater with us this Sunday if the weather_?Sorry,I have no idea.Awill go;is fineBgoes;is fine Cwill go;will be fineDgoes;will be fine(B)2.Can you tell me_your online shopping will arrive?In three days,I think.Ahow longBhow soonChow far Dhow much(A)3.Do you know_? I want to see a funny film.Awhere the cinema isBwhere is the cinemaCwhere the cinema wasDwhere was the cinema(A)4.Could you tell me_at the meeting?Sorry,I didnt go to the meeting.Awhat he said Bwhat did he say Cwhat he saysDwhat does he say(A)5.Can you tell me why_yesterday?Ayou didnt eBdid you not e Cdidnt you eDyou dont e


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