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2019-2020年高考英语阅读理解专项训练5Although he will always be remembered for portraying “Superman,” the greatest role of actor Christopher Reeves life was as a champion of sufferers of spinal cord (脊椎) injuries and an advocate of stem cell (干细胞) research.Unlike the man of steel, he wasnt faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than an engine and he couldnt leap tall buildings in a single bound. But the courage and determination Reeve displayed in trying to overe his paralysis (瘫痪) from a 1995 horse-riding accident went beyond any of the achievements of the ic book hero.“He became a real-life Superman. His heroism, his courage was extraordinary,” Colin Blakemore, the chief executive of Britains Medical Research Council said. “Like many people who suffer some terrible injuries, Christopher Reeve was totally changed by that experience and brought the kind of energy and enthusiasm that made him successful as a film star to an entirely different issue, with huge effect.”Reeve, 52, died of heart failure on October 10, xx after having treatment for an infected pressure wound without realizing his dream of walking again. But in the nine years since his accident, he made personal progress to regain respect and admiration, established the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, a non-profit research organization, and used his fame to raise millions of dollars for research into spinal cord injuries.He also provided hope and inspiration to other patients and made speeches to support scientists to be allowed to conduct stem cell research in the hopes of eventually curing paralysis and other illnesses such as diabetes and Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease.“He has been our champion. If you think of spinal injuries, you automatically recall a picture of Christopher Reeve,” said Paul Smith, executive director of the Spinal Injuries Association in England. It is because of Reeve that spinal cord injuries and stem cell research are so widely discussed, according to Smith. The fact that it happened to Reeve showed it can affect anyone, even Superman.Reeve did not live long enough to see whether stem cell research could help restore movement to the paralyzed. The research is still in its early days and no one knows what advances it may bring.41. Which of the following words can best describe the characteristics of Reeve?A. strong-willed and caring B. tough and persuasiveC. caring and reliable D. sympathetic and considerate42. The purpose of paragraph 2 is to show us that _.A. Reeve was not as capable as the image he acted in his filmB. the image of Superman created by Reeve will always be rememberedC. Reeve is no more than an ordinary person when he was faced with paralysisD. the inspiring image in Reeves real life was even greater than that in his film43. Reeve made the following contributions to the scientific research except_.A. setting up a non-profit research organizationB. winning public respect and admiration by overing obstaclesC. influencing the world by making speeches on stem cell researchD. struggling for the permission to conduct stem cell researchBSummer School for Effective Leadership xxThe Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) partners with 2 world-class universities, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) to offer you the best international summer schools in town! This year the Summer School for Effective Leadership (SSEL) is divided into the HKU ChapterAn Overture to Global Leadership, and HKUST ChapterThe Art of Public Speaking. Please find out more from the introduction below:HKU ChapterAn Overture to Global LeadershipAn Overture to Global Leadership, now in its seventh year, is cooperation between the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and the University of Hong Kong with the aims:1. To nurture youth leaders with solid fundamental knowledge and intensive leadership skills;2. To strengthen their critical thinking skills, interpersonal skills and problem solving abilities;3. To reinforce their willingness to serve the munity; 4. To further develop global perspective and promote intercultural awareness amongst participants.Date Between 18 July xx (Friday) and 26 July xx (Saturday).Full attendance is mandatory for the 9-day-8-night programme. Shared-room acmodation in the University dormitory is required. Application DeadlineNon-residents of Hong Kong: 6:00p.m., Friday, 16 May xx (Hong Kong Time)Non-residents of Hong Kong may need to apply for a student visa, please visit the website: l21.hkfyg.org.hk/ssel/hku/overview.html for further details.For application, please visit: l21.hkfyg.org.hk/ssel/hku/application.phpHKUST ChapterThe Art of Public SpeakingThe Art of Public Speaking is a new collaboration between the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology with the aims:1. To enhance the leadership skills and public speaking skills of participants;2. To allow youth leaders and speakers to learn from one another, and encourage cultural exchanges;3. To demonstrate how public speaking skills can be used by leaders to municate to the public; 4. To allow outstanding student leaders to serve and understand the local munity. DateBetween 14 July xx (Monday) and 19 July xx (Saturday)Full attendance is mandatory for the 6-day-5-night programme. Shared-room acmodation in the University dormitory is required. Application DeadlineNon-residents of Hong Kong: 6:00p.m., Friday, 9 May xx (Hong Kong Time).Non-residents of Hong Kong may need to apply for a student visa, please visit the website: l21.hkfyg.org.hk/ssel/hkust/overview.html for further details.For application, please visit: l21.hkfyg.org.hk/ssel/hkust/application.php46. The Art of Public Speaking is organized by _.A. HKFYG & HKU B. HKFYG & HKUSTC. HKU & HKUST D. HKUST & SSEL47. Which is the mon aim between an Overture to Global Leadership and the Art of Public Speaking?A. Strengthening critical thinking B. Promoting intercultural awareness C. Improving public speaking D. Developing problem solving abilityCElderly women who eat foods higher in potassium (钾) are less likely to have strokes and die than women who eat less potassium-rich foods, according to new research in the American Heart Association. “Previous studies have shown that potassium consumption may lower blood pressure. But whether potassium intake could prevent stroke (中风) or death wasnt clear,” said Smoller, professor of the department of population health at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY.Researchers studied 90,137 women, aged from 50 to 79 for an average 11 years. They looked at how much potassium the women consumed, as well as if they had strokes, including ischemic strokes (缺血性中风), or died during the study period. Women in the study were stroke-free at the start and their average dietary potassium intake was 2,611 mg/day. Results of this study are based on potassium from food, not supplements.The researchers found: Women who ate the most potassium were 12 percent less likely to suffer stroke in general and 16 percent less likely to suffer an ischemic stroke than women who ate the least. Women who ate the most potassium were 10 percent less likely to die than those who ate the least. Among women who did not have high blood pressure, those who ate the most potassium had a 27 percent lower ischemic stroke risk and 21 percent reduced risk for all stroke types, pared to women who ate the least potassium in their daily diets. Among women with high blood pressure, those who ate the most potassium had a lower risk of death, but potassium intake did not lower their stroke risk. “Our findings suggest that women need to eat more potassium-rich foods. You wont find high potassium in junk food. Some foods rich in potassium include white and sweet potatoes, bananas and white beans.”The U.S. Department of Agriculture remends that women eat at least 4,700 mg of potassium daily. “Only 2.8 percent of women in our study met or went beyond this level. The World Health Organizations daily potassium remendation for women is lower, at 3,510 mg or more. Still, only 16.6 percent of women we studied met or went beyond that,” said Smoller.While increasing potassium intake is probably a good idea for most elderly women, there are some people who have too much potassium in their blood, which can be dangerous to the heart. “People should check with their doctor about how much potassium they should eat,” she said.The study was observational and included only elderly women. Researchers also did not takesodium (钠) intake into consideration, so the potential importance of a balance between sodium and potassium is not among the findings. Researchers said more studies are needed to determine whether potassium has the same effects on men and younger people.50. The benefits of potassium intake to elderly women do not include _.A. preventing strokes B. reducing heart attacksC. cutting down death risks D. lowering blood pressure51. Which of the following figure meets the daily potassium intake remendation of the World Health Organization?A. 4,000 mgB. 3,500 mgC. 3,000 mgD. 2,500 mg52. What conclusion can be drawn from the research findings? A. Increasing potassium is definitely a good idea for all elderly women. B. Elderly women with high blood pressure benefit more from potassium.C. Potassium intake is more beneficial to those without high blood pressure.D. There was not any association between potassium intake and ischemic strokes. 53. It can be learned from the passage that _.A. Results of the research were based on potassium from medicineB. Researchers gave different amounts of potassium to the elderly women C. Elderly women need to keep a balance between sodium and potassium intake D. The effects of potassium intake on men and younger people are not yet known54. The authors purpose for writing this passage is to _.A. present a report on a new researchB. show the importance of a good life styleC. give information about a chemical elementD. encourage elderly women to take potassium D“I never did hate the Yankees (北方佬). All that I hated was the war.” Thats how my great-aunt Bettie began her story. I heard it many times as a child, whenever my family visited Aunt Bettie in the old house in Berryville, Virginia. Bettie Van Metre had good reason to hate the Civil War. Her brother was killed at Gettysburg, and her husband, James, a Confederate (南方联盟军) officer, was taken prisoner and sent to an unknown prison camp somewhere.One day in late September, Dick came to Bettie reporting that he had found a wounded Union soldier in a farmhouse half a mile away from the Van Metre home. When talking about her first sight of the man in the blood-spotted blue uniform, she always used the same words. “It was like walking into a nightmare: those awful bandages, that terrible smell.” She went out into the cool air, trying not to be sick at the thought of that smashed right hand, that missing left leg.The mans papers Bettie found in the farmhouse showed his identity: Henry Bedell, 30 years old. She knew that she should report the presence of this Union officer to the Confederate army, but she wouldnt. This is how she explained it: “I kept wondering if he had a wife somewhere, hoping, and not knowingjust as I was. It seemed to me that the only thing that mattered was to get her husband back to her.”Slowly, patiently, skillfully, Aunt Bettie fanned the spark of life in Henry Bedell. Of drugs or medicines she had almost none. And she was not willing to take any from the few supplies at the Confederate hospital. But she did the best she could with what she had.The October nights in the valley grew cold. With the help of Dick and his wife, she moved the Union officer at night, to a hidden room above the warm kitchen of her own home. But the next day, Bedell had a high fever. Knowing that she must get help, she went to her family doctor, Graham Osborne. Dr. Osborne examined Bedell and said, “there was little hope unless proper medicines could be found.”“Ill get them from the Yankees at Harpers Ferry.” Bettie said. The doctor told her that Harpers Ferry was almost 20 miles away. Even if she reached them, the Yankees would never believe her. “Ill take proof,” Bettie said. She found a blood-spotted paper bearing the official War Department seal (印章). “When I show it, theyll believe me.”Early the next morning she set off with a list of medical items. For five hours she drove, stopping only to rest her horse. The sun was almost down when she finally stood before the general at Harpers Ferry. The general listened, but did not believe her. “Madam,” he said, “Bedells death was reported to us.” “Hes alive,” Bettie insisted. “But he wont be much longer unless he has the medicines on that list.” “Well,” the general turned to a junior officer, “see that Mrs. Van Metre gets the supplies.”With the medicines, Bedell gradually recovered. Ten days later he was walking with sticks. “Id better go back as soon as possible.” Bedell told Bettie. So it was arranged that Dick should help Bettie deliver Bedell to Harpers Ferry in his wagon. Bedell lay down in a box filled with hay, his rifle and sticks beside him.At Harpers Ferry, the soldiers were amazed when the Union officer with the missing leg rose from his hay-filled box. Bedell told the story to Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, who wrote a letter of thanks to Bettie and signed an order to free James Van Metre. It was arranged for Bedell to go with Bettie as she searched for her husband. Records showed that a James Van Metre had been sent to a prison camp in Ohio. Then at Fort Delaware, near the end of the line of prisoner, a tall man stepped out and walked clumsily into Betties arms. Bettie held him, tears streaming down her face. And Henry Bedell, standing by on his sticks, wept, too. 55. What might be Betties tone when she used the underlined sentence to describe the first sight of Henry Bedell?A. Pessimistic.B. Desperate.C. Shocked.D. Sympathetic.56. Why wouldnt Bettie report the presence of Bedell to the Confederate army?A. Because she felt it her responsibility to save soldiers of the Union. B. Because she wanted to save Bedell so that her husband could be freed. C. Because Bedell was more a suffering human being than an enemy to Bettie. D. Because Bedell begged Bettie not to give him away to the Confederate army. 57. Dr. Osborn thought it was _ of Bettie Van Metre to drive to Harpers Ferry for the medicines.A. crazy B. kind C. brave D. smart58. Still recovering, Henry Bedell decided to leave as soon as possible mainly because _.A. he was eager to return to the Union to fightB. he didnt want to go on putting Bettie in dangerC. he was concerned about his safety at the Van Metre homeD. he could be treated with better medicines back at Harpers Ferry59. Rearrange the following statements in terms of time order.a. Betties husband was found and freed. b. Bettie helped deliver Bedell back to Harpers Ferry.c. Bettie moved Bedell to a safe room in her own house.d. Bettie drove all the way to Harpers Ferry to get the medicines for Bedell.e. In spite of being short of medicines, Bettie attended to Bettie with what she had. f. Bettie saw Bedell in a farmhouse half a mile away from her house for the first time.A. f,e,c,b,d,aB.f,c,e,d,b,aC. f,e,c,d,b,aD. f,c,e,b,d,a60. What message is conveyed through the end of the story? A. Giving is a reward in itself. B. Happiness es from giving. C. Help yourself by helping others. D. God helps those who help themselves.ADBBC BBDB BACDA CCABCC


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