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2019-2020年高考(英语)考前得分训练五说明:本试卷满分150分 时间120分钟第一卷(共两部分,满分115分)第一部分 听力题:( 共两节20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)第一节:(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. When did the big earthquake happen? A. 1976. B. 1967. C. 1876.2. What do you think of the woman? A. She likes poems. B. She is good at poems. C. She doesnt like the poems.3. How long is their holiday? A. One month. B. Two months. C. One week.4. How does the man feel? A. Nervous. B. Surprised. C. Relieved.5. What can we learn about the woman? A. She felt sorry for the man. B. She felt sorry for her laziness C. She didnt pass the examination.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面五段对话和独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听第六段材料, 回答第六至八题6. When will the man go for the trip?A. This weekend.B. Tomorrow. C. The day after tomorrow.7. Where will the man go for the trip?A. Abroad. B. Hometown. C. Countryside.8. What will the woman do this weekend?A. Write her poems at home.B. Have a trip alone.C. Have a trip with the man.听第七段材料,回答第九至十一题9. Where does the conversation take place probably?A. At a language school. B. At a pany. C. At a bookshop.10.How many days will the girl go for courses a week?A. Four days. B. Five days. C. Six days.11. What will the man have to pay for the course?A. $216. B. $260. C. $206.听第八段材料,回答第十二至十四题12. Why did the cyclone happen?A. In the afternoon.B. At noon.C. At night.13. Where did the womans family hide when the cyclone happened?A. In the dinning room.B. In the bathroom.C. In the bedroom.14. When the cyclone happened, what did the woman feel?A. She didnt understand what were happening.B. She knew the cyclone was ing.C. She felt she would be in danger.听第九段材料,回答第十五至十七题15. Whats the difference between a typhoon and a cyclone?A. The way the wind in them moves.B. The place where they occur.C. The time when they occur.16. Where do cyclones occur?A. In Australia. B. In America. C. In the South China Sea.17. How to name Cyclone?A. In the name of the place.B. By the occurred time.C. In alphabetical order.听第十段材料,回答第十八至二十题18. What does the man think is the mean for helping the world to be better?A. TV. B. The Internet. C. puter.19. How long has the man used the InternetA. Over 20 years.B. Less than 20 years.C. About 30 years.20. What is a “forum”?A. “Forum” is a way as supporting the group to have a voice.B. “Forum” is a way to support information and fit their dream.C. “Forum” is a way to make an “online munity”.第二部分:英语知识运用(共三节,共85分)第一节:单项填空:(共15小题,每小题 1 分,满分15分)21. -Excuse me, Dad, but I am going to the club to meet my friends in the football team.-OK. A. Good luck B. Congratulations C. With pleasure D. Have fun22As is known, it was Hu Jintao, _ president of our nation, who gave _ lecture at the ceremony of National Day A. the; a B. the ; / C. a; the D. /; a 23. _ in the last examination, she was more confident of another success in the ing one.A. To succeed B. To have succeeded C. Having succeeded D. succeeding24. I dont like fish, so I eat it unless I was extremely hungry.A. neednt B. shouldnt C. cant D. wounldnt25. The public _ of the environmental problem will make the government take it seriously. A. awareness B. revolution C. existence D. evidence26. It was reported that as many as 50% of patients do not take medicine _ directed, _ has drawn doctors attention.A. when; it B. as; what C. as; which D. that; and27. Everyone in the village hoped that he would _ after a few days treatment.A. pick up B. e up C. keep up D. make up28. The flowers sweet in the garden attracted the visitors to the beauty of nature.A. smell B. smelt C. smelling D. to be smelt29. -May! How is your plan? I heard you started it last Sunday.-Oh! I for it, but I havent decided where to start it.A. have prepared B. had prepared C. have been preparingD. was preparing30. Im interested in a blue dress. Do you have any _?A. convenient B. available C. possible D. personal31. Mr. Brown arranged for the taxi to e at six she would not have to wait long at the station.A. so that B. even if C. before D. because32. Though he lacks experience, the arrangements are all _ for the meeting next Thursday ahead of time.A. in particular B. in place C. in preparation D. in time33. Though many extra planes and trains are used to carry passengers, traffic tools are still _needed during “May Day” holidays.A. eagerly B. badly C. equally D. slightly34. I dont think Rosemary will be upset about it, but Ill go to see her in case she _.A. is B. will be C. does D. need35. All of a sudden, the thief walking behind a young and pretty lady _ her purse, _into the crowd.A. seizing; rushed B. seized; rushed C. seizing; rushing D. seized; rushing第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Chinese tennis is entering a golden time. In recent years there has been an explosion of _36_ female tennis players bursting onto the global scene. And this couldnt have e at a _37_ time with the xx Beijing Olympics .These young girls have _38_ strong will and talent. _39 the way is Li Na, who may have the _40_name in womens tennis, but she has a big reputation. Li Na is Chinas top ranked player and the first to have _41_into the worlds top 20.After _42_ nearly six months of the season with a serious injury, the 25-year-old_ 43_ an impressive eback by winning the Australian Womens Hardcourt Tennis Championships.In the world of professional tennis, Lis refreshing sense of humor proved to be a hit both on and _44_ the court.“My husband said he had a special gift for me _45_I won,” Li Na said after lifting the prize cup. “Thats _46_ I tried so hard today. I wanted a special gift.”The Wuhan girl _47_ tennis at the age of eight after being discovered by a coach who had _48_ her playing badminton. After years of hard training, Li Na turned _49_ in xx and has bee one of the most successful Chinese tennis players.With her solid groundstroke and aggressive mindset, she _50 the first Chinese tennis player to win a WTA Tour _51_. Then two years later, she was the first Chinese to make _52_ into the last 16 of Wimbledon, which led to her being _53_ number 16 in the world last January.Li is now looking forward to winning a _54_at the Olympics. “The Olympics are very important for us, ” she said. “I am more motivated after my recovery _55_ I feel my desire for the Olympics is bigger than ever before.”36Apleased Btalented Cexcited Dinterested37Agood Bbetter CbestDwell38Amuch Beither CbothDsome39AKnowing BLeading CShowing DFinding40AbiggestBlongestCsmallestDshortest41AbrokenBwalkedCdroppedDchanged42AplayingBwastingCsparingDmissing43AreturnedBmadeCkeptDbrought44AoverBoffCinDaround45AunlessBifCwhetherDthat46A whatBhowCbecauseDwhy47Awent onBmet withCtook upDset out48AspottedBheardCmindedDpersuaded49ApetitorBplayerCprofessionalDcoach50AfoundBbecameCgotDhelped51AeventBteamCprojectDrace52AoneBthisCthatDit53ApraisedBrankedCreceivedDannounced54ArewardBscoreCgoldDprize55AandBorCbutDwhile第三节:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)第一小节:阅读文章,并根据文章选出最佳选项。(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)AMy students often tell me that they dont have “enough time” to do all their schoolwork.My reply is often a brief “You have as much time as the president.” I usually carry on a bit about there being twenty-four hours in the day for everyone, and suggest that “not enough time” is not an acceptable explanation of not getting something done.Once in graduate school, I tried to prove to one of my professors by saying that I was working hard. His answer to me was, “Thats irrelevant (无关的). Whats important is the quality of your work.” Since then I have had time to think carefully about the “hard worker” dodge (诀窍), and I have e to some conclusions all relevant to the problem of how much time we have.If you analyze the matter, you can identify two parts of the problem: There is, of course, the matter of “time”, which we can think of as fixed. Then there is the problem of “work” during that time. But, as my professor suggested, its not how hard one works but the quality of the product thats important.That led me to a new idea: the quality of the work. That concept is perhaps best explained by a sign I once saw on the wall in someones office: “Dont work harder. Work smarter.” There is a lot of sense in that idea.If you cant get more time, and few of us can, the only solution is to improve the quality of the work. That means thinking of ways to get more out of the same time than we might otherwise get. That should lead us to an analysis of our work habits. Since “work” for students usually means “homework”, the expression “work habits” should be read as “study habits”.Then, as a smart student, you will seek to improve those skills that you use in study, chiefly reading and writing. If you learn to read better and write better, there are big benefits that pay off in all your studies.56. From the passage, we know that the author is probably _ . A. a poet B. an educator C. a novelist D. an engineer57. We can infer from the 2nd paragraph that we students still _ . A. have enough time B. can meet the presidentC. get everything done well D. should accept the explanation58. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. The authors students make good use of their time to do all their homework. B. The author tried to tell the professor that he/she (author) had done a good job.C. You cant improve the quality of the work if you cant get more time.D. Youll try to improve your skills in reading and writing if youre a clever student.59. Whats the passage mainly about? A. Students dont have enough time. B. Dont work harder; work smarter. C. No one can get more time. D. Read better and write better.(BADB)BGetting your teen to think beyond his own immediate needs can be more difficult than cracking a nut with a plastic forkBut dont worryIts not impossibleThere are many ways to encourage your teen to care about those outside his immediate circle of friendsAs he begins to have responsibility towards others, he will realize he feels even better about himselfTeens are thinking about career, college, and what their future might look like, explains Michelle Maidenberg, a clinical director of Westchester Group Works, a center for group treatment in New YorkThis is very challenging and just one of the reasons why they are so focused on their own world Once teens participate in munity service, however, they begin to look beyond their personal needsThey also learn firsthand about the challenges others face, and they experience a sense of authority as they realize they can make a real difference in others livesNot sure how to convince a teen to get away from the cell phone and into a munity project? Teens buy into munity service when the project or program is in an area of their interestFinding something in an area of interest for them keeps them motivated and inspired, Maidenberg saysFor instance, if he is interested in culinary (烹饪) school, he could volunteer in a soup kitchen or bake for a project that supports families in needVolunteer projects in your teens area of interest will build her knowledge base as well as help othersParents can do their part by participating in munity service themselvesTeens can learn directly from their parents that personal enjoyment is not ,all that mattersLet teens know the benefits they will obtain“Give them every reason in the world to volunteer, Maidenberg advisesShe says that working on munity service projects builds confidenceBy working with others, teens improve managerial, interpersonal and munication skillsmunity service helps to approach maturity when they take a step back to see the needs of other people, she addsAnother reward: service hours look great on a resume!60According to Michelle Maidenberg, its hard to get teens to think beyond their own immediate needs partly because _ _Athey care more about their circle of friendsBthey have no interest in doing anythingCthey have to work hard for collegeDthey are facing many challenges61The underlined phrase buy into in Paragraph 3 probably means _Aagree to join in Bspend money on Cget away from Dare interested in62The writer mentions the benefits in the last paragraph in order to _Amake teens feel much better about themselvesBencourage teens to care about his own needsChelp parents reason teens into volunteeringDget parents to do more munity serviceCNew technology that can “ see ” through clothing and detect what s underneath can now be used to scan crowds, making it a potentially effective tool to prevent terrorist attacks in public places.The Thru Vision T5000 camera picks up Terahertz rays ,or T-rays, which are naturally sent out by all objects and can pass through clothes or even walls. The camera can then detect metallic and nonmetallic objects hidden under clothing on still or moving subjects without showing any body detail.While similar technology is seen at airports around the world, the T5000 is designed to be used in large, open areas. With a range of 25 meters, the T5000 can screen people in public places, thus avoiding bottle-necks at border crossing or security checkpoints. It also means people can be screened without knowing it.The technology develops from British astronomers work in studying dying stars. Astronomers use T-ray cameras to see through dust and clouds in space. The pany sees uses for its camera at other sites where political or business activities take place.For privacy concerns,Thru Vision Chief Executive Clive Beattie said the image produced by the camera did not show detailed parts of the body. ” Its almost a shining light bulb(灯泡).“ Beattie said. You don t see the detail that people might be concerned about. “ In London s busy Piccadilly Circuswhich is already filled with closed -circuit surveillance (监视)cameras reaction to the new technology was mixed. Some said the camera was going too far and violating privacy,but others said they are willing to put safety before privacy concerns. “ There s surveillance everywhere anyway, “ said one muter. “I don t think it s much of a difference. I don t care that they can see through me because they can see me anyway.“Some experts said the privacy violation of the camera was not worth the benefit. “ What we should consider is how much we want to lose our privacy in order to obtain a sort of national security,” said David Murakami Wood,director of the Surveillance Studies network,which deals with surveillance and privacy problems. “ In most cases this isn t real securityit s a sense of safety that has very little real effect. ”63. What can we learn about T5000?A.It can detect metallic and nonmetallic objects underneath.B.It can see through clothing or walls by sending out T-rays.C.It was first used to observe stars by astronomers.D.It is widely used at airports around the world.64. What is the most probable purpose of the new invention?A. To improve people s life standard.B. For scientific research.C. For mercial benefits.D. For safety reasons.65. Which is most probably the opinion of people on using the new camera?A.Some agree to its use as it is new technology to protect privacy.B.Some agree to its use because safety is the most important.C.Some don t agree to its use because it makes no difference.D.Some people don t care because they know little about it.66. What s the main idea of the last paragraph?A.Safety is more important than privacy.B.T5000 is more beneficial than harmful.C.T5000 does not really provide security.D.Its not worth giving up privacy for safety.DWalking down a path through some woods in Georgia, I saw a small pool of water ahead on the pathI angled my direction to go around it on the part of the path that wasnt covered by water or mudAs I reached the pool, I was suddenly attacked! Yet I did nothing for the attackIt was so unpredictable and from somewhere totally unexpectedI was surprised as well as unhurt though I had been struck four or five timesI backed up a foot and my attacker stopped attacking meHad I been hurt I wouldnt have found it amusingAnd I was laughingAfter all, I was being attacked by a butterfly!Having stopped, laughing, I took a step forwardMy attacker rushed me againHe charged towards me at full speed, attempting to hurt me but in vainFor a second time, I took a step backwards while my attacker pausedI wasnt sure what to doAfter all, its just not everyday that one is attacked by a butterflyI stepped back to look the situation overMy attacker moved back to land on the groundThats when I discovered why my attacker was charging me only moments earlierHe had a mate and she was dyingSitting close beside her, he opened and closed his wings as if to fan herI could only admire the love and courage of that butterfly in his concern for his mateHe had taken it up on himself to attack me for his mates sake (缘故), even though she was clearly dying and I was so largeHe did so just to give her those extra few precious moments of life, should I have been careless enough to step on herHis courage in attacking something thousands of times larger and heavier than himself just for his mates safety seemed admirableI couldnt do anything other than reward him by walking on the more difficult side of the poolHe had truly earned those moments to be with her, undisturbed Since then, Ive always tried to remember the courage of that butterfly whenever I see huge barriers facing me.67Why did the writer change his direction while walking down a path?ATo get close to a butterfly.BTo look over the bad situation.CTo escape a sudden attack.DTo avoid getting his shoes dirty.68What made the man feel funny?AMaking the attacker pause.BBeing attacked by a butterfly.CBeing stepped on by his mate.DDiscovering the energetic butterfly.69From this experience the man learned .Awhat he should do when faced with troubleBpeople should show sympathy to the weak Chow he should deal with attacksDpeople should protect butterflies70Which of the following words can best describe the butterfly?ACareless BAmusing CCourageousDAggressive.第二小节 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)It doesnt e as a surprise to you to realize that it makes no difference what you read or study if you cant remember itYou jus


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