2019-2020年高三英语周末回顾(8) 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语周末回顾(8) 含答案I. 单词拼写:1. The trade agreement helped to strengthen b_ between the two countries. 2. Do you start the day with a y_ instead of a smile? 3. When an accident nearly happens, we say it is a close s_.4. Old people are usually more c_ than young people.5. I didnt receive any a_ from my father.6. She asked him, in a r_ way, if he would help her with her homework.7. When you disagree with others, you can w_ your finger at them.8. The scientific m_ method has brought about many changes in factory production.9. I kicked the dog, which r_by growling.10. Which d_ of the pany do you work in?11. She speaks Swahili with great f_.12. I used to cook on electricity, but Ive s_ to gas.13. During the long holiday, we took a trip to the ancient town, which made us all feel quite r_.14. A d_ is a certificate that proves that a student has pleted a particular course of study or has got an academic degree.II. 短语翻译1. 写一封好的附信_2. 休学实践年_3. 在这一部分_4. 面试成功技巧_5. 可能成为公司雇员的人_6. 评价申请者_7. 把面试过程分成三部分_8. 不假思索的 _9. 因紧张而心慌意乱 _10. 考虑到_11. 在环形路口_12. 很难找到停车场_13. .直视某人 _14. 和某人建立关系 _15. 摇头 _16. 采取后续行动 _17. 在面试中胜出 _18. 易如反掌 _19. 加班_20. 面对堆成山的文案工作_21. 帮助把文件归档_22. 留下好印象_23. 做好功课_24. 显而易见_25. 泰然自若_26. 下倾盆大雨_27. 付出昂贵代价_28. 坚信_29. 有的文凭_30. 说一口流利的英语_31. 开始慢慢攀爬事业的阶梯 _32. 奔赴世界各地 _33. 获得生活经验 _34. 起作用,有影响 _35. 面对未来的挑战 _36. 应对困难的处境 _37. 不仅仅只有学术资格 _38 被普遍认可_39. 从不同角度看待生活 _40. 看牙医的痛苦历程_III. 选词填空splitinto establish a bond follow up give sb. an edge provide fundsmake eye contact it is widely accepted that rather than tend to make the most of 1. Playing games can help _ between parents and children.2. The interview process can be _three parts.3. You should_ your letter with a phone call4. He was so shy that he didnt dare to _ with the interviewer.5. The Chinese is _ to the earthquake-stricken area to help them rebuilt their city.6. The experiences of teaching children may _ over others in the job market.7._ a gap year is a time for personal growth and development.8.It is the ability to do the job that counts _ who you are or where you are from.9. The film is too long. The audience _ yawn with boredom.10. The scientist _ the invention to benefit the human being.IV. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子1 眼神交流是最快的建立与他人关系的方式之一。_ _ _ is one of the quickest ways of _ _ _ _ another person.2你只有在不远离河岸的条件下才能去游泳。You can go swimming that you dont go too far from the river bank3 在面试时, 保持你的背挺直,不要经常动来动去。During the interview, _ your back _ and dont _ _ too much.4 杨利伟精湛的技术和素质使他胜出其他应征者一筹。Yang Liweis perfect skills and qualities _ him _ _ _ other candidates.5 这不仅仅是一种礼貌的表现,也是你向公司推销自己的最后一个机会。This is not only a _ _ _, but also a final chance to _ _ _ the pany.6. 他被委任承担学校各方面的管理工作。He has been to the school management in all respects7写一篇名为音乐的回忆的文章,字数不限。Write an essay of as many words as you like the of “Musical Memories”8幸福不在于拥有很多,而在于就算拥有很少也很满足。Happiness not in having much, but in being with little9. 麦克很谦虚,他把他的成功都归功于他的父母和老师们。Mike is modest and he a lot of his success his parents and teachers 10据报道中国的经济总量目前仅次于美国比日本或欧洲任何一个国家都要大。It is reported that Chinas economy is now to the United States, larger than that of Japan or any single member of the European UnionV. 单项选择1. Among those _ the ceremony were some experts and leaders.A. who present B. who were present C. present at D. presented at2. Some animals can _ the color of their surroundings.A. take on B. put on C. dress up D. have on3. _ you told me in secret, I had heard nothing about it.A. While B. Until C. After D. Since4. _ of danger in the street at night by police, young women had to go home with a friend or a family member _ themA.Having been warned; following B. warning; following C.Having warned; following Dwarned; followed 5. There is no point _ with him and _ is no need to talk with him.A. arguing, it B. to argue, there C. arguing, there D. to argue, it6. -Are you going to have a holiday this year ? -Id love to . I cant wait to leave this place_. Aoff Bout Cbehind Dover7. Nowadays, it is not easy for young people to _good jobs after graduating from college.A. lose B. land C. give D. sell 8. _ is known to us all is that the old worker, _ life was hard in the past, still works hard in his seventiesAAs, whom BWhat, whom CIt, whose DWhat, whose9. Many people in this country eat_as they actually need every day.Atwice as much meat Btwice meat as much Cas twice much meat Dmeat as much twice10. - Jim has his wife do all the housework! Isnt he wise? - Not really. He is_.A. more wise than lazyB. wiser than lazy C. more lazy than wiseD. lazier than wise11The winning of hosting _ xx Youth Olympic Games is _ victory not only for Nanjing residents, but for _ people of the whole Chinese nationA the; a; the B a; the; a C a; a; the D the; the; a12- I promise to go shopping with you if you help me with the housework. - _ You are the last person to keep a promise.A. Thats great! B. How e? C. I dont agree. D. e off it!13-I havent seen you for a long time What are you busy doing ? -I have been _my French because I will go to work in France this summerA speeding up B lighting up C making up D polishing up14 The French Revolution was successful in_ society of inequality, which had a great effect on many other countries, particularly _ in EuropeAfreeing; that B freeing; ones C ridding; the one D ridding; those15No student _ go out of the school campus after 10:00 at night without permission according to the school regulationsAshall B must C would D should16You didnt go to Europe, why? I _ this morning, but I _ to Shanghai because of an emergency Awas to start; am going B was scheduled to start; will go Cshould have started; am going D would like to start; will go17_the local authorities put more attention to the safety of the children, more than 20 lives _in Gansu ProvinceAShould, would not be claimed B Had, would not have been claimedCShould, would not be cost D Had, would not have been cost18Student loan is supposed to provide financial support for people who would _ not be able to go to college. A. otherwiseB. meanwhile C.therefore D. nevertheless19Yue Yue, a two-year-old girl, was left _ on a street after _ by a van in Foshan, Guangdong Province on Oct 13, 2011Ableeding, hit B to bleed, hit C to bleed, being hit D bleeding, being hit20No bread eaten by man is so sweet as _ earned by his own labor.Aone Bthat Cwhat Dthose21. Finally we decided to fly to France for the winter holiday on our first stop, _ we planned to stay for three days. A. when B. there C. which D. where22. On hearing the news, the president _ his visit to Australia and returned home immediately. A. broke off B. went off C. kept off D. took off23. Sorry for not having got what you wanted. She kept her mouth shut and just said _.A. thats her feet of clay B. a little bird told herC. she wanted to kill the fatted calfD. she was the salt of the earth24. Each member country WTO must _ its laws and regulations and pete on the principle of fairness and cooperation.A. submit to B. cater to C. correspond to D. relate to25. Weve got a general idea of what we want, but nothing _ at the time.A. concrete B. ordinary C. abstract D. standard VI. 完型填空There was a rich man who wanted to choose a husband for h is only child from a great number of pursuers. The man 1 all the pursuers to a river and pointed to the crocodiles there, saying, “Anyone who can swim across the river safely will marry my 2 .” The pursuers looked at each other and no one 3 take action. At that moment, a man plunged into the river and swam 4 surprising speed to the other side. All the people there 5 him with a great sense of admiration for his courage. 6 , the man, after landing on the bank, shouted 7 , “who pushed me into the river just now?”Maybe the man, 8 thinking about the whole 9 and the happy consequences of his act, will eventually be 10 to the one who pushed him into the river. In life it is fairly 11 for disadvantages to turn into advantages and misfortunes into fortunes! But many of us are 12 to realize the true 13 of our “rivals” to success. Generally speaking, many people would see the one who “pushes him into the river” as an opponent. However, the one who “pushes him into the river” gives you a feeling of urgency and stimulates your ambition and 14 to strive for success! You try your best to 15 your difficulties and progress to the next stage in life!If a man does not have rivals, he 16 be satisfied with the present and will not strive to improve his 17 . He would 18 in the face of difficulties and sink into laziness. Therefore, you rivals are not your opponents. Instead, they are good 19 !In our lives, we need some rivals to “pushes him into the river,” leading us to strive ahead in difficulties and petitions. Thank to our rivals, we can show our 20 to its best. Thanks to our rivals, we are able to make continuous progress while peting with them!1AwalkedBledCdroveDbrought2AdaughterBsonCbrotherDsister3AcouldBwouldCdaredDmust4AinBatCforDwith5AweleBobservedCapplaudedDapproved6AButBHoweverCMeanwhileDFurthermore7AangrilyBdesperatelyChappilyDsurprisingly8AafterBbeforeCunlessDwhile9AresultBprogramCprocessDaccident10AgratefulBsatisfiedCdevotedDclose11AgeneralBmonCusualDordinary12AunableBableCwillingDunwilling13AmeaningBsignificanceCtendencyDanswer14AdemandBdeedCdesireDdefense15AignoreBovereCoverlookDmeet16Ais bound to Bis meant toCis intended to Dis fit to17AcontributionBoccasionCambitionDsituation18Ahold outBhold backChold onDhold off19ArivalsBenemiesCfriendsDrelatives20Apreference Bpotential Ccharacter DknowledgeVII阅读理解pared to night owls, people who rise early feel happier and more satisfied with life overall.But the good news for teenagers is that most people bee earlier risers as they age, and this change is also associated with greater feelings of happiness. Researchers at the University of Toronto asked more than 700 people about their preferred time of day and how healthy and happy they generally feel.They then pared the responses of the group of younger adults aged 17 to 38 with older people ages 59 to 79. Only about seven percent of young adults are morning larks(云雀), while by age 60 most people preferred to be up with the dawn. Just seven percent of the oldest people in the study described themselves as night owls.“We found that older adults reported greater positive emotion than younger adults, and older adults were more likely to be morning type people than younger adults,” study researcher Renee Biss from the University of Toronto reportedly told Live Science. The “morningness” was associated with greater happiness emotions in both age groups.Morning types also tended to report that they felt healthier than the late risers, according to the study that published in the journal Edition. The researchers said that this apparent health benefit could e from the extra sleep they would enjoy, as their sleeping schedule would fit with societys expectations of rising early for work.This extra sleep could not only make them feel more clear mined, but may also boost their immune system.“An evening person may go through their week feeling unhappy because they have to get up earlier than they would like to”. But Ms Biss said there was hope for night owls as it was possible for them to turn themselves into morning people.“One way to do it is to increase your natural light exposure early in the morning, and to wake up earlier and go to bed earlier,” she said. “Its easiest if you have a consistent schedule, to make sure you are waking up at the same time every day.”1From the text we know that earlier risers .Alike to stay up late and stay happyBare more associated with positive feelingsCare inthe majority among the young Dare healthier than other people2What is the fifth paragraph mainly about?AEarlier risers feel happier than later risers. BEarlier risers feel healthier than night owls.CLater risers get more sleep than earlier risers. DMorning types tend to sleep more.3What does the underlined word “boost” probably mean?AreduceBdamageCimproveDenlarge4Which of the following is not the way to turn evening people to morning people?ATo sleep with the light on in the morning. BTo fit their schedule with societys expectations.CTo wake up earlier and go to bed earlier.DTo expose themselves to more natural light.周末回顾八答案I. 单词拼写:1. bonds 2. yawn 3. shave 4. conservative 5. allowance6. roundabout 7. wag 8. management 9. responded 10. division11. fluency 12. switched 13. refreshed 14. diplomaII. 短语翻译1. Write a good covering letter 2. a gap year3. in this session 4. tips for job interview success5. a potential employee 6. assess the interviewee7. split the interview process into three parts 8. off the top of one s head9. have butterflies in ones stomach 10. make allowance(s)for11. at the roundabout 12. have trouble finding parking13. look sb in the eye(s) 14. make a bond15. wag ones head 16. follow sth up17. give sb the edge over sb18. as easy as pie19. work overtime20. face mountains of paperwork21. help file documents22. make a good impression23. do ones homework24. as plain as day25. as cool as a cucumber26. rain cats and dogs27. cost an arm and a leg28. hold firm29. with a diploma in sth30. have good fluency in English31. begin the slow climb up the career ladder32. travel to every point of the pass33. gain life experience34. make a difference35. face challenges in the future36. deal with difficult situation37. more than just academic qualifications38. it is accepted that39. see life in a different way40. a painful trip to the dentistIII. 选词填空1. establish a bond 2. split into 3. follow up 4.make eye contact 5. providing funds 6. give you an edge 7.It is widely accepted that 8. rather than 9. tend to 10.make the most of IV. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子1. Making eye contact , establishing a bond with 2. on condition3. keep, straight, move around 4. gave , the edge over 5. gesture of politeness, sell yourself to 6. appointedundertake7. under title 8. consists ,content9. owes ,to 10. second onlyV. 单项选择1-10 CABAC CBDAC 11-20 ADDDA BBADB 21-25 DABAAVI. 完形填空 1-5 BACBC 6-10 BAACA 11-15 BABCB 16-20 ADBCB VII. 阅读理解 BBCA


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