2019-2020年高中英语 Module4 Period Five Grammar and Writing课时作业 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module4 Period Five Grammar and Writing课时作业 外研版必修1.用所给词的适当形式填空1Mr. White _ just _ (buy) a recorder for his son.2She _ (be) here just now.3My mother isnt in.She _ (go) to the theatre.4_ you _ (see) Mr.Smith recently?5My mother _ (wake) me up when she _ (hear) a knock at the door last night.6Great changes _ (take) place in China since 1978.7I hear that the famous singer _ (be) to America several times.8I _ (receive) his letter three days ago.9He will e as soon as he _ (finish) the homework.10If you _ (read) the magazine before I leave,please lend it to me.完成句子1那本书他已借了一个星期了。He _ the book for a week.2玛丽到图书馆去了。Mary _ to the library.3我去过西安。I _ to Xian.4他入党三年了。He _ a Party member for 3 years.5我们从小就是好朋友。We _ good friends since we were children.单项填空1When you are home,give a call to let me know you _ safe.Aare arriving Bhave arrivedChad arrived Dwill arrive2Up to now,the program _ thousands of children who would otherwise have died.Awould save BsavesChad saved Dhas saved3For many years,people _ electric cars.However,making them has been more difficult than predicted.Ahad dreamed of Bhave dreamed ofCdreamed of Ddream of4When shall we restart our business?Not until we _ our plan.Awill finish Bare finishingCare to finish Dhave finished5When did he go to America?Oh,he _ there since half a year ago.Awent Bhas beenChas gone Dwas6Look!How long_ like this?Three weeks!Its usual here that rain _ without stopping these days of the year.Ahas it rained;poursBhas it been raining;poursCis it raining;is pouringDdoes it rain;pours7This is the best dinner that I _.Aenjoyed Bhave enjoyedChad enjoyed Denjoy8My brother_ the army for five years.He devotes most of his spare time to teaching himself advanced physics.Ahas joined BjoinedChas been in Dhad been in9Why dont you go home?Because a lot of work _ yet.Ahasnt finished Bhasnt been finishedChas been finished Dhavent finished10My uncle _ in Shanghai for the past two years.Ais living BlivesChas lived Dlived11The pany had about 20 notebook puters but only onethird_ used regularly.Now we have 60 working all day long.Ais Bare Cwas Dwere12I_ in London for many years,but Ive never regretted my final decision to move back to China.Alived Bwas livingChave lived Dhad lived13The young girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous.She _ before.Ahasnt flown Bdidnt flyChadnt flown Dwasnt flying14Hi,Tracy,you look tired.I am tired.I _ the living room all day.Apainted Bhad paintedChave been painting Dhave painted15When Jack arrived,he learned Mary_ for almost an hour.Ahad gone Bhad set offChad left Dhad been away.阅读理解Making friends is a skill like many other skills.It improves with practice.If you want to meet people and make friends,you must be willing to take some action.You must first go where there are people.You wont make friends staying home alone.Join a club or a group.Talking with those who like the same things as you do is much easier.Or join someone in some activities.Many people are nervous when talking to strangers.After all,meeting strangers means facing the unknown.And its human nature to feel a bit unfortable about the unknown.Most of our fears about dealing with new people e from doubts about ourselves.We imagine other people are judging us or finding us too tall or too short,too this or too that.But dont forget that they must be feeling the same way.Try to accept yourself as you are and try to put the other person at ease.Youll both feel more fortable.Try to act selfconfidently even if you dont feel that way.When you enter a room full of strangers,such as a new classroom,walk tall and straight,look directly at other people and smile.If you see someone youd like to speak to,say something.Dont wait for the other person to start a conversation.Just meeting someone new does not mean that you will make friends with that personfriendship is based on mutual liking and “give and take”It takes time and effort to develop.1You cant make friends if you_.Atake some actionsBgo to the peopleCwouldnt like to meet peopleDwont start a conversation2Friendship is based on_.Aselfconfidence and being richBmeeting more unknown peopleCmore talking and smiling to peopleDtaking from and giving to people3Which of the following statements is NOT true?AMaking friends needs practising.BMaking friends needs to be more active.CWhen meeting someone,make him feel nice and easy.DBefore making friends with someone,judge if he is too this or too that.4The best title of the text may be_.AFriendshipBHow to Make FriendsCMeeting New PeopleDFacing the Unknown.书面表达假如你是李华,你在与外国友人的交流中得知,中国民工学校状况在国外的媒体上已受到关注。于是,你和你的同学共同对你们所在城市的民工学校进行了一次调查。请你写信给21世纪中学生英文报,呼吁全社会关注民工学校,帮助民工子弟。参考词汇:民工学校migrant school_答案.1.hasbought2.was3.has gone4.Haveseen5.wokeheard6.have taken7.has been8.received9.finishes10.have read.1.has kept2.has gone3.have been4.has been5.have been.1.B考查时态。从语境看,在打电话时对方“已经到达”,因此这里的宾语从句要用现在完成时。2Dup to now相当于by now,要与现在完成时连用。3B根据时间状语for many years可知句子时态为完成时态,故排除C、D两项;句子并没有过去的时间或过去的动作,因此不存在“过去的过去”,排除A项,故答案选B项。4D句意为:我们的生意何时重新开张?直到完成我们的计划。在时间状语从句、条件状语从句和让步状语从句中,用一般现在时代替一般将来时,用现在完成时代替将来完成时,用现在进行时代替将来进行时。此处为until引导的时间状语从句,用现在完成时代替将来完成时,故选D项。5Bsince一般过去时,主句一般用现在完成时。6B问某种状态持续多长时间,应用现在完成进行时;而第二个空是指一般状态,故用一般现在时。7B因主句用了一般现在时,从句用来说明对现在所造成的影响,故用现在完成时。8C句中有时间段for five years,所以用延续性动词have been in。9B句中有副词yet,一般用在现在完成时中。10C句中有“for表示时间段的状语”时,时态要用现在完成时。句意为:过去的两年来我叔叔一直住在上海。11D句意为:公司以前大约有20台笔记本电脑,但只有1/3被经常使用,现在我们有60台整天工作。由句中的had可知时间是过去;由onethird指的是puters,故谓语动词用were。12A考查动词的时态。根据后一句判断,我已回中国了。因此在伦敦住了多年是过去的事了,因此应用过去时态。又因为此句只是陈述过去的一件事实,故用一般过去时。13C考查时态的恰当使用。句意为:在飞机上,坐在我旁边的小女孩非常紧张。她以前没坐过飞机。此句要用过去完成时,表示在坐这架飞机前,即“过去的过去”。14C从题干中“I am tired”和“all day”这一时间状语不难看出,该空的时态应用现在完成进行时,表示“我一整天一直在油漆起居室”。故选C项。15D因有表示一段时间的状语for almost an hour,所以动词必须是可延续性的。而go,set off和leave都是非延续性动词,只有be away正确。.1.C细节理解题。由第一段第五句“You wont make friends staying home alone.”可知,如果你不和别人接触,是交不到朋友的。2D推理判断题。由最后一段第一句中的“friendship is based on mutual liking and give and take”可推知,友谊是建立在给予与获得的基础上。3D细节理解题。由第一段最后四句可知,要想和别人交朋友,就不要总挑别人的毛病,要尽量使别人感到轻松。4B主旨大意题。本文主要在如何交朋友方面,给我们提出了建议。.参考范文Dear Editor,We have done some research about migrant schools in our city lately and we are shocked to see the environment of the schools is so poor.The problems are due to one key pointthe lack of money,which leads to a huge difference in education even for kids in the same city.And yet,the good thing we saw is that migrant kids are just as keen on study as us.Can we do something to help them?Yes.Our government can pour more money into migrant schools;our munity resources can be made use of;city students can help collect money or do book donations to them.There are a lot more things we can do.I do hope that the whole society can care more about migrant kids.If everyone contributes a bit,migrant kids can surely enjoy equal education opportunity.Yours,Li Hua


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