2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors讲读 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors讲读 新人教版选修8Warming up (小组讨论,集中发言) 1. Look at the following pictures. Do you know what they are? What are they made of? What were they used for? 2. Can you imagine how the ancient people made them without any modern machines? Pre-reading 1. Do you know Zhoukoudian? Where is it? What is it famous for? 2. Look at the two pictures above. Guess what is the relationship between them.3. Just imagine how the ancient people made a living.While-readingScamming1. What is the main idea of the passage?_2. Read the passage quickly and according to the given pictures, divide the passage into three parts. Then fill in the blanks. Part 1 A. Life in the 1)_ Part 2 B What we can learn from the 2)_. Part 3 C. What we can learn from the 3)_.Careful reading :1. Read the text carefully, and fill in the blanks.Form 1. Describe ancient peoples homes, tools and dresses.Homes1)_, perhaps with skins to keep out the cold.ToolsScrapers, axe-heads, bone 2)_DressesAnimal 3)_ sewn together with needles and thread, 4)_Form 2. The cave, needle and the necklaceobjectsdescription conclusionscaveFireplaces in the 1)_ of the cavesLayers of 2)_ almost six meters thickNo 3)_They might have hung animal 4)_ at the cave mouth to keep out the cold.Tigers and 5)_ might have been their most dangerous enemies.needleAt most 6)_ centimeters longMade of 7)_Perhaps ancient people cut animals skins and sewed the pieces together to make 8)_.necklaceMade of animals bones and 9)_There was 10)_ between them or they traveled to the 11)_ on their journey.2. Answer the following questions.1) Why have the English students e to the Zhoukoudian Caves?_2) What did the earliest people use fire for?_3) What did they use for doors?_4) What did they eat?_5) Why the earliest people had to live in groups?_Post-reading 1. Read the text carefully again and choose the best answers. 1) Where do the caves lie?A. In the forestB. On the seaside C. At the foot of the hillD. High up the hill 2) Which of the following material wasnt mentioned when talking about the necklace?A. animal bones B. gold C. animal teeth D. shells 3) Which of the following shows us the earliest people and the modern people have something in mon?A. People hung animals skins to keep out the coldB. People never grew their own crops C. People use scienceD. People care about their appearance. 4) Through the conversation, everything about our earliest people is mentioned EXCEPT _. A. homes B. tools C. dress D. entertainment 5) From the conversation we can infer that the earliest people were very _. A. busy and rich B. idle and lazy C. clever and hardworking D. stupid and cruel 2.True (T) or False (F)1) The archaeologists have only found human and animal bones.2) The archaeologists have been finding the bones of tigers and bears in the caves.3) The layers of ash almost six meters thick.4) The earliest people might have kept the fire burning all the year round.5) The needle the earliest peoples used are more than six centimeters long.6) Earliest people really cared about their appearance. 7) The necklace is pletely made of animal teeth. 3. Reorder the following jumbled actions to show how the earliest people made clothes.A. clean the fat and meat from the skin B. cut up the animalsC. rub salt inside the skin D. remove the skinE. sew the pieces together. F. cut the skin up 4. Choose the best word to fill the passage A group of students came to Zhoukoudian for a 1)_. An archaeologist showed them 2)_. He told them it was there that they found 3)_ of the earliest people who lived there and it was reasonable to 4)_ they had lived in these caves 5)_ up the hill regardless of the 6)_. In the center of the caves were 7)_, which the earliest people used to keep 8)_. They also used needles that were made of 9)_ to make clothes. Just like modern people, they also care much about their 10)_. The made necklace by using animal teeth, fish bone and 11)_ to make themselves beautiful. Discussion:(四人一组讨论,合作探究,每组出一名代表发言。) What kind of life did the earliest people lived thousands of years ago in your opinion? Try to describe it in your own words.答案:While-reading:Scamming:1.A brief introduction of the life and habits of the earlier people in Zhoukoudian. 2.1) cave 2) needle 3) necklaceCareful reading:1.Form 1. 1) caves 2) needles 3) skins 4) necklacesForm 2.1) center 2) ash 3) doors 4) skins 5) bears 6) three 7) bone 8) clothes 9) shells 10) trade 11) seaside2. 1) They want to find out how early people lived. 2) They used fire to keep themselves warm, cook food and scare the animals.3) The archaeologist thinks they may have used animal skins.4) They ate animal meat, fish from the lakes nearby and picked fruit when it was ripe.5) They had to unite to fight against the dangerous animals such as tigers or bears.Post-reading1.DBDDC2.FTTFFTF3.B-D-A-C-F-E 4. 1) visit 2) around 3) evidence 4) assume 5) high 6) cold 7) fireplaces 8) warm 9) bone 10) appearance 11) shells


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