2019-2020年高二英语暑期作业(套卷)(2) Word版含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语暑期作业(套卷)(2) Word版含答案(120分钟 120分)第一部分听力(共两节, 满分20分)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题, 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。21. Duncan,_NBA star, is one of_few basketball players who are very popular to many of his Chinese fans. A. an; the B. an; a C. the; theD. the; a22. The movie, Pirates of the Caribbean 4 is well_and lives up to the_which is established by the first 3 series. A. received; expectation B. received; reputationC. accepted; contribution D. accepted; civilization23. (xx唐山模拟)The film doesnt_audience because the plot or the love is rather mon nowadays. A. apply to B. appeal to C. intend to D. attach to24. It is human nature to think back to a golden age in_ones country was strong and respected. A. Which B. What C. When D. that25. I think you should go back to your_plan, which is much more practical than the present one. A. typical B. original C. abstract D. contrary26. Though America is the strongest country, but_countries look on it as the leader of the world now. A. not every B. each C. all D. not all27. The past few years_the rapid rise of China as a world economic power. A. Witnessed B. has witnessed C. will witness D. have witnessed28. _we think of the news that Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature, we feel proud and excited. A. Each time B. Every time C. By the time D. All the time29.The Ministry of Education demanded many a measure_in schools after the new school year began. A. take B.takes C. is taken D. be taken30. Jack, take more clothes when going camping. It_be very cold in the mountains. Thank you, Mum. I will. A. can B. should Cshall D. must31. Studies show that sunshine, fresh air and plenty of rest often_a persons recovery from sickness. A. arrest B. accelerate C. betray D. condemn32. The terrible train crash in Wenzhou has shaken the country, not only causing the loss of lives, but also_people_confidence in the rail system. A. made; losing B. make; lost C. making; lose D. making; to lose33. _, a small advertisement held my attention, which read “Easy job. Good wages. No experience necessary”. A. Looking through the newspaperB. While I was looking through the newspaperC. To look through the newspaperD. I was looking through the newspaper34. Rose was tired out. She had little time to think of_but sleep. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing35._the hot weather in the south, the old man lived happily with his son after leaving his home in the north. A. Accustoming to B. Accustomed to C. Having used to D. Having accustomed to第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。The boy who paints like an old master(原创)Kieron kneels on the wooden bench in his small kitchen, takes a pastel from the box by his side and rubs it on to a piece of paper. “Have you got a picture in your36of what youre going to do? ”asks his mother, Michelle. “Yes, ”Kieron37. “A snow scene? ”Because it is38at the moment, I ask. “Yes. ”. . . Like many great artists, small boys are not often famous as good39. While Kieron is a very40seven-year-old who uses his words sparingly, 41slowly appears on the small piece of paper in his kitchen is a wonderful picture. This month, Kierons second exhibition in a gallery in his hometown42in 14 minutes. The sale of 16 new paintings4318, 200 to his bank account. There are now 680 people on a waiting44for his picture. Art lovers have driven from London to buy his work. People even45to buy his schoolbooks. The starting46for a simple pastel picture like the one Kieron is drawing is900. At first, Kierons art was pretty47like any other five-year-old childrens. But he quickly48and was soon asking questions that his parents couldnt49. “Kieron wanted to know the techniques of50and how to put a painting together, ”says Michelle. Garner, a professional artist, has51more than 1, 000 adults over the last few decades and Kieron, he says, is head and shoulders52everyone. “He doesnt say very much, he doesnt ask very much, he just53. Hes a very visual learner. If I did a picture with most students, they will54it but Kieron is different, ”he says. “It might be a bit naive(天真的)at the moment55theres a lovely freshness about what he does. The confidence that this little guy has gothe just doesnt see any danger. ”36. A. headB. handC. eyesD. souls37. A. standsB. nodsC. shoutsD. wonders38. A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter39. A. writersB. talkersC. runnersD. divers40. A. normalB. unusualC. special D. informal41. A. thatB. whichC. it D. what42. A. sorted outB. stayed outC. sold outD. left out43. A. joinedB. exposedC. contributedD. added44. A. listB. roomC. gameD. brochure45. A. failB. refuseC. provideD. offer46. A. costB. valueC. priceD. salary47. A. stillB. yetC. evenD. much48. A. understoodB. progressedC. paintedD. started49. A. findB. recognizeC. createD. answer50. A. artB. writingC. speech D. teaching51. A. raisedB. suppliedC. taughtD. blamed52. A. upB. belowC. besidesD. above53. A. listensB. looksC. smellsD. tastes54. A. applyB. concludeC. copyD. edit55. A. andB. soC. orD. but第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。(A)(xx北京模拟)Travel around the world on an empty wallet? Yes, it is possible. . . “In order to travel cheap, you need to be looking for opportunities and be willing to take them. You have to be somewhat active and not be afraid to ask for advice, help, and guidance. Ask for what you wantits very amazing what people are willing to give. I discovered that most people are very willing and are looking to give to the right person. You miss 100 percent of the opportunities you dont take. . . ”Jim Lawrence, 34 years old, travelled around the world for nearly free for eight years. Weve all heard the old saying that the best things in life are always free. But most people think that this rule only applies to lifes little pleasures like smelling flowers or laughing with friends. And sure, those are nice, but what about those bigger pleasures, like travelling all over the world by jet? Can you do that for free too? Well, if it is not for free, then very cheap. If youre looking for an international experience but dont have the cash to pay for it, this article is for you. You dont need thousands of dollars to get yourself on the road. In fact, all you need is a little originality, some courage and enthusiasm, and some ideas to get you started. Some of the ideas below are useful ones that Granny would approve of. Others are a little more unusualits amazing what some people will do to save a pennybut hey, since when do you take Grannys advice anyway? So dont let your empty wallet stop you from taking the trip of a lifetime. Just remember: with the right attitude, the best things in lifeeven travellingcan e pretty cheap. 56. If you try to look for and take opportunities, you will. A. travel all over the world for nearly freeB. be active and get some adviceC. amaze the people giving helpD. discover what most people are willing to do57. In the authors opinion, travelling around the world by plane for free is. A. necessary B. impossible C. availableD. bitter58. What is most important for you to travel for free? A. An empty wallet. B. Jim Lawrences help. C. Lifes little pleasures. D. The right attitude. 59. What will the author talk about in the next paragraphs? A. Some ways to travel around the world cheap or for free. B. Some ways to ask for advice, help, and guidance. C. The benefits of travelling around the world for free. D. The right attitude to travelling around the world cheap. (B)BEIJING, Oct. 10, xx (Xinhua) Seven-time NBA All-Star Tracy McGrady has inked a one-year deal with Chinas CBA team Qingdao DoubleStar, a report said on Wednesday. McGrady, 33, has pleted the deal and is expected to leave for the Chinese eastern city of Qingdao within the next seven to ten days, according to a report by Yahoo! Sports. The financial terms, however, were not disclosed. McGrady, who has been bothered by knee problems in recent years, failed to secure an NBA contract for this season. He averaged 19. 6 points, 5. 6 rebounds and 4. 4 assists in his 15-year in NBA. The 2. 03-meter forward most recently signed with the Atlanta Hawks as a free agent last year. He then decided to try out his luck in China when Qingdao general manager Sheng Xishun extended the invitation. McGrady will land the Chinese Basketball Association league as the highest profile player and be treated like a distinguished guest. The club will offer him a five-star hotel suite or a high-end condo, Jinan Times reported. “We would like to ensure he has a pleasant stay in Qingdao, ”Sheng said, according to the Jinan Times. McGradys new teammates also are ready to give him a warm wele as team captain Li Guang promised to show him around and introduce delicious food to him. “He is sure to be the No. 1 player in the team, ”Li Guang was quoted by Jinan Times. “I think we can learn much from him. ”“I hope I can help him bee adapted here. If he is interested in Chinese food, I am glad to introduce some local snacks, ”he added. Even before McGrady set foot on Qingdao, he already has a large fan base, not only because his glorious days in NBA, but also because he once played alongside Yao Ming, one of the countrys most popular sports figures, during his six seasons with the Houston Rockets. McGrady is the latest of several NBA players who have sought to revive their flagging careers in China. 60. How old was Tracy McGrady when he first entered NBA? A. 17. B. 18. C. 19. D. 20. 61. Which of the following is NOT true? A. McGrady suffered from knee problems in the past few years. B. McGrady didnt sign any NBA team before he finally decided to e to China. C. McGrady will be treated as equally as other players in Qingdao Doublestar. D. How much McGrady will be paid remains unknown at present. 62. McGrady already has a large fan base because. A. he is the highest profile player and is treated like a distinguished guestB. he used to be an NBA star and a teammate of Yao Ming in the RocketsC. he will teach his fans to play basketball while he is in QingdaoD. the club will offer him a five-star hotel suite or a high-end condo63. What is the best title of this new report? A. McGrady signs with Qingdao Double Star to play in Chinas CBAB. McGrady will e to CBA in seven to ten daysC. McGradys new teammates are expecting his arrivalD. McGrady will be given a warm wele in Qingdao(C) Louisa May Alcott was born in Pennsylvania in 1832 and she died in 1888. She was the second of four daughters. She had one older sister, Anna. And two younger sisters, Elizabeth, called Beth, and May. Her parents were Bronson and Abigail Alcott. Her father was an educator and social reformer. The Alcotts later settled in Concord, Massachusetts. Several great American writers were friends of the family. Mr. Alcott provided the girls education. He taught them many subjects. He also made them write about their personal thoughts and experiences. The Alcotts did not have much money. Louisa worked to help support her family. She tried teaching, sewing, and taking care of children. She did not like any of these Jobs. Louisa thought of herself as a writer. At the age of 16, she wrote her first book. It was called “Flower Fables”. She decided to sell what she wrote. She wrote many kinds of poems, stories and plays. Her stories were exciting, but unrealistic. She sold them to newspapers and magazines for small amounts of money. In 1862, during the American Civil War, Louisa May Alcott went to Washington, D. C. . She served as a nurse in a military hospital. She cared for sick and wounded soldiers. She wrote letters to her family about her experiences. She included these letters in a book that was published the next year. Critics praised it but it did not bring her much money. And, working in the hospital damaged her health. In 1865 she visited Europe as a helper to an older woman. Alcott hoped to regain her health. She spent a long time away from her family. Her health did not improve. But she thought about her writing. When she returned, she agreed to her publishers request that she write a book for girls based on the life she knew. “Little Women” was published in 1868. The book was immediately popular with people of all ages. It brought Alcott fame and a lot of money. She continued writing other popular books for young people. These included “An Old-Fashioned Girl”, “Little Men”, and “Eight Cousins”. Louisa May Alcott wrote books for adults, as well as children. She published these under another nameA. M. Barnard. These books were published before “Little Women” made her famous. Alcott was involved in the movements to end slavery and to gain voting rights for women. She wrote that “I. . . take more pride in the very small help we Alcotts could give than in all the books I ever wrote. ” Louisa May Alcotts most famous book, “Little Women”, tells the story of the March family of Concord, Massachusetts. The story begins during the American Civil War in the 1860s. The March family in “Little Women” is very much like Louisa May Alcotts family. Her sisters are like the sisters in the book. And the leading person, Jo, is like Louisa. Jo must work to support her family, just as Louisa had to do. One of Jos Jobs is to help a family member, an old woman called Aunt March. Jo does not really like Aunt March. But she loves the old womans house, especially the large library with hundreds of books. Louisa May Alcotts book, “Little Women”, is still extremely popular. The book has been made into several movie versions. It has been published in more than 50 languages. And women who read the book when they were young often give it to their daughters. Some famous American women even claim they decided to bee writers after reading how Jo March became a writer in “Little Women”. 64. From the passage we can learn. A. Louisa was the cleverest among the daughtersB. Louisas father was a writer and educatorC. Louisa showed interest in writing at an early ageD. Louisa learned many subjects from her fathers friends65. During the early stage of her writing, Louisa. A. failed to earn much moneyB. created quite a few famous storiesC. wasnt good at writing unrealistic storiesD. was well received by newspapers and magazines66. Louisa tended to think that. A. she was the main supporter of her familyB. she was proud of being the greatest writerC. her books encouraged more women to be great writersD. she could contribute more to social movements than to writing67. Which of the following statements is implied in the article? A. People didnt know that Louisa wrote books under the name of A. M. Barnard. B. Books that Louisa wrote for adults were more successful. C. Louisa created more books for the young than for adults. D. The book “Little Women” was Louisas most famous work. (D) looks like a cross between Noahs Ark and something out of a 1970s science-fiction film. The futuristic Ark Hotel has been designed to withstand floods caused by rising sea levels. The floating behemoth(庞然大物)is a “biosphere” regarded as a safe, self-contained shelter in case of disaster. Boasting a green, self-sustaining environment for guests, the shell-shaped hotel would withstand tidal waves and other natural disasters. Architects say the Arks shell-like construction of arches and cables evenly distribute weight so it is also invulnerable(不会受伤害的)to earthquakes. The design uses solar panels and a rainwater collection system to provide inhabitants with power and water. The greenhouse-like environment also provides for thick vegetation to help with air quality and provide food sources. Because of the see-through structure enough daylight is filtered through internal rooms to reduce the need for lighting. And to ensure quality of light, the frame is protected with a self-cleaning layer. The Ark has been designed by Russian firm Remistudio with the assistance of the International Union of Architects program Architecture For Disaster Relief. Alexander Remizov, of Remistudio, said, “For architecture there are two major concerns. The first is maintenance of safety and precautions(预防措施)against extreme environmental conditions and climate changes. The second one is protection of natural environment from human activities. The Ark is an attempt to answer the challenges of our time. Provision is made for an independent life support system. All the plants are chosen according to patibility, illumination(采光)and efficiency of oxygen producing, and with the aim of creating an attractive and fort space. Through the crystal roof there is enough light for plants and for illuminating the inner rooms. ”68. Russian firm Remistudio designed the Ark Hotel so as to. A. withstand floods and other natural disastersB. make a 1970s science-fiction filmC. protect the environment in a better wayD. attract visitors from all over the world69. From the third paragraph we can learn. A. Arks shell-like construction of arches and cables can prevent fireB. solar panels are used to provide power for people living in itC. drinking water is from the seaD. thick vegetation can provide water and food70. From what Alexander Remizov said we can infer. A. the Ark has been designed mainly to protect natural environment from human activitiesB. the plants in the Ark will create an attractive and fort spaceC. the crystal roof can be used to protect people from sunlightD. the Ark has been constructed and some people are living there第四部分任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意: 每个空格只填一个单词。(xx西安模拟)Penguins spend their entire lives living on the worlds coldest continent and swimming in the coldest waters on the planet. How do the penguins do this without freezing? Here are a few of the methods that a penguin uses to stay warm. 1. Down FeathersThe feathers on a penguin arent the normal everyday feathers that you might expect to find on a robin or a Blue Jay. Instead, their feathers are extremely short, fine, and wooly. Their outer feathers are covered with a layer of oil to make them a bit more water resistant. They can even puff out their inner feathers a bit to create even more space to trap warm air near their skin. 2. Subcutaneous(皮下的)FatAlthough penguins feathers may help them stay warm when they are on land, this doesnt help them too much when they are in the water. Penguins actually spend about half of their day within the water, and the water is usually right around 25 degrees Fahrenheit(the freezing point of sea water). To stay warm in the water, penguins have a layer of subcutaneous fat. Otherwise known as “blubber”, this has traditionally been Mother Natures preferred technique for keeping sea animals like whales, seals, and dolphins warm. 3. The Tripod TechniqueHave you ever noticed that you never see penguins lying around on the ice? Instead, theyre always standing up! This is because they need to minimize the amount of body surface area that touches the ice. Ice is cold, and if a penguin were to lie down on the ice, he would soon lose all of his body


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