2019-2020年高中英语 Module5 Period Three Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module5 Period Three Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修2.语境填词1He took part in politics when he was young.Now he is a very famous _ (政治家)2Im _ (高兴的) to be here to make a speech.3Most of the boys in this school like watching football match.They are all football _ (迷;粉丝)4There wasnt enough _ (证据) to prove him guilty,so he was set free.5He is an _ (业余的) in table tennis.6He had no great _ (相信) in his doctor.7Nothing can _ (取代) a mothers love and care.8It was said that someone saw aliens get out of a _ (宇宙飞船).同义词辨析1用divide或separate的适当形式填空(1)Our class is _ into five groups.(2)Taiwan is _ from the mainland by Taiwan Strait.(3)The students didnt _ until midnight.2用event,affair,business或matter的适当形式填空(1)This is one of the chief _ of the year 2011.(2)We are concerned about national _.(3)Whats the _?(4)How is your _?(5)Its none of your _.完成句子1他们正在地里干活,这时天突然下起雨来。They _ in the field _ it began to rain.2令我们高兴的是,我们的篮球队赢了。_,our basketball team won.3既然大家都到了,我们就开会吧。_ everyone is here,lets begin our meeting.4你一定累了,你可以休息了。You _ tired.You can have a rest.5把这些事件按发生的顺序排列。Put these events _ they happened.6我想到了我该走的时候了。I think _ me to go now.单项填空1He was about to get off the bus _ he saw his father.Aas Buntil Cwhile Dwhen2Visiting the Great Wall made me greatly _.Adelight BdelightedCdisappointed Dexciting3_ you have known it,theres no need to tell you.AWhy BAfterCWhile DNow that4What the doctor said _ persuading him to stop smoking.Adid play an important part inBsucceeded inCfailed inDdid make use of5Let me introduce the _ who has recently discovered a new star.Aphotographer BastronomerCpolitician Dcosmonaut6Oh,John._ you gave us!AWhat a pleasant surpriseBHow pleasant surpriseCHow a pleasant surpriseDWhat pleasant surprise7Do you _ what Janet said about the aliens?Im afraid not,though I _ her.Abelieve;believe in Bbelieve;believeCbelieve in;believe Dbelieve in;believe in8We _ have proved great adventurers,but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years.Aneednt Bmay notCshouldnt Dmustnt9Most of the _ of the play are from the masses.In other words,they are _ and not _.Aactors;amateur;professionalBplayers;amateur;professionalCactors;profession;amateurDplayers;amateur;profession10She had just finished her homework _ her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.Awhen BwhileCafter Dsince.完形填空Working on a newspaper is a very busy job.Many newspapers _1_ each day,and they have to _2_ people with all the latest news.The editor is in _3_ of the paper.Reporters _4_ news stories and write them.The paper is printed so that it is _5_ sale every morning.People _6_ up the editor when something interesting _7_.The editor sends a reporter and a photographer to find out _8_ about it.The reporter phones the newspaper to tell the story.A typist types it _9_.Next,the editor decides how much “space” to give the story.Important stories _10_ most of a page.The stories are keyed into a puter and _11_ print.The first copies are called “proofs”Another editor _12_ mistakes.The stories are all _13_ in the paper.Then the paper is printed.The newspapers are _14_ by lorry,plane or rail._15_ are taken all over the country.The _16_ arrive early in the morning,and people buy them.Not all newspapers _17_ every day.Some are weekly with a Sunday edition.Local newspapers _18_ the news for different parts of the country.Working on a daily paper is always busy.But people working on weekly papers do not have to work _19_ such a hurry.Sometimes reporters _20_ all over the world to report news.1A.printedBprintCis printingDare printed2A.copyBwriteCprovideDtake3A.searchBchargeCfrontDface4A.seeBsearchCfindDlook up5A.inBonCforDwith6A.phoneBsayCtellDtalk7A.happenBwill happenCis happeningDhappened8A.muchBmanyCmoreDmost9A.onBoutCupDoff10A.take outBtake inCtake upDtake off11A.make upBmade ofCmade intoDmake out12A.findBcorrectsClooks upDlook for13A.putsBputtingCputDto put14A.deliversBdeliveringCdeliveredDdeliver15A.ItBThemCTheyDTheir16A.paperBpapersCnewsDstories17A.came outBe onCe upDe out18A.to reportBreportsCreportDreporting19A.onBinCwithDof20A.reachBarriveCtravelDwalkIt/This is the first/second.last time that.(that从句用现在完成时)It/That was the first/second.last time that.(that从句用过去完成时)1This is the third time that he has taken part in the Olympic Games.这是他第三次参加奥运会。2That was the first time that he had been to Beijing.那是他第一次去北京。答案.1.politician2.delighted3.fans4.evidence5amateur6.belief7.replace8.spaceship.1.(1)divided(2)separated(3)separate(1)divide意为“分开,分离,分割”,常用作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,结构为:divide.into把分成。(2)separate作动词用时,读作/sepreIt/,可作及物动词或不及物动词,译为“(使)分开,(使)分离”,结构为:separate sb./sth.from。2(1)events(2)affairs(3)matter(4)business(5)business(1)event常指重大事件,也指比赛项目。(2)affair用作单数形式,意为“事,事情,事物”,常指小事、私事,已经发生的事或要去做的事;用作复数形式,意为“事务,业务”,常指重大事务(如国内事务、国际事务)或头绪较多的事情。(3)business表示“生意,商务”,以赚取利润为目的;也可表示“事情,事务”,相当于affair,但更强调出于责任或任务去做某件事。(4)matter表示“事情,东西,问题”,通常指需要加以考虑或处理的事。.1.were working;when2.To our delight/joy3.Now (that)4.must be5.in the order6.its time for.1.D句意为:他刚要下车,这时他看见了他的爸爸。be about to.when.正要这时,符合语境。其余三项无此用法。2B根据题意,排除C项;A项在此用法不对;D项的正确形式应为excited。3D句意为:既然你已经知道了,就没必要告诉你了。now that引导原因状语从句,意为“既然”。4Aplay an important part in 在中起重要作用,did在此起强调作用。5B句意为:让我来介绍一下刚刚发现一颗新星的天文学家。astronomer天文学家,符合题意。photographer摄影师;politician政治家;cosmonaut宇航员。6Asurprise表达具体令人惊讶的事或人时是可数名词;感叹句中名词前用what。7Abelieve相信某人说的话;believe in sb.信任某人。8B“may nothavev.ed形式”意为“可能没有”,用于对过去或已经发生的事进行猜测。“neednt havev.ed形式”表示“不需要”,表示过去不需要做某事。“shouldnthavev.ed形式”表示本来不应该做而做了某事。mustnt不与“havev.ed形式”连用,只与动词原形连用,表示“禁止,不要”。9Aactor演员;professional职业的;amateur业余的。10A考查连词。when可用作并列连词,意为“就在这时,就在那时”,此处表示“昨天她刚刚做完作业,(这时)她妈妈就叫她练习弹钢琴”。.1.D应该用被动语态。2Cprovide sb.with sth.意为“向某人提供某物”,也可以用provide sth.for sb.来替换。3Bsb.be in charge of sth.意为“某人负责某事”。4C此句意思是,记者需要找新闻,故C项符合题意。5Bon sale意为“出售”;for sale意为“待售”。6Aphone up sb.等于call up sb.,up也可省略。7C根据文章意思,用进行时态更能体现新闻事件的突发性。其他三个选项语法上不符合语意。8C指了解更多的新闻。9Btype sth.out意为“把打印出来”。10Ctake up意为“占有”。如:This piano takes up too much room.钢琴占了很大的空间。11Cmake up意为“组成,编造”;make out意为“看出来、认出来、证明”;make into意为“把制成,将变成,使转变为”,故C项符合题意。12B根据空后单词,可推测是“修改错误”的意思。13C此句为被动语态。14C同上题。15C指报纸被运往全国各地。16Bpaper指报纸时是可数名词。17De out作“出版”讲,符合语境。e up作“出现”讲。18Creport作“报道”讲,其他三项语法上说不通。19Bin a hurry立刻;着急地,是固定搭配。20Ctravel是不及物动词,而reach是及物动词。

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