2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero单元综合测试(I)新人教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero单元综合测试(I)新人教版必修1.单项填空1It must be kept in mind that _ lifelong study can you survive in the high petitive society.Aonly whenBuntil thenConly through Duntil when2The time he has devoted in the past 10 years _ the disabled is now considered _ of great value.Ato help; being Bto helping; to beCto help; to be Dhelping; being3To produce one pound of honey, a line of bees must fly a distance _ to twice around the earth.AsimilarBequalrCfamiliarrDnear4What one person considers a wild flower may be a weed to _.Aother Banother Cthe other Dthe others5I thought you didnt mind it.Well, _, I didnt, but you should have asked me first.Aas a whole Bby the wayCon the contrary Das a matter of fact6If parents never expect their children to be helpful at home, they are sure _.Anot Bnot toCnot to be Dnot to be that7One _ of the plastic is that it is almost unbreakable.Aquantity Bquality Cshorting Dnumber8Remember _ we met, John?Of course I do. You _ an English movel in the library.Afor the first time; readBfirst time; had readCthe first time; were readingDby the first time; read9Since he often travels on business, he can _ himself to sleeping in any place he can find.Adevote Baccustom Cforce Dreduce10The government has _ a mittee to examine the fishing industry.Aset up Bset aside Cset down Dset off11Our teachers often tell us,“the harder you study,the more questions you will think of_.”Aasking Bto ask Cbeing asked Dto be asked12The two drivers could do nothing but _ the truck.Ato take turns to drive Btake turns to driveCto drive by turns Ddrive by turns13How will she behave in case of our failure?Shell put the blame on us if it _ badly.Aturns up Bturns downCturns off Dturns out14The incident _ a chain of events which resulted in the outbreak of World War .Aset off Bset aside Cset about Dset down15Attention! Our bus is approaching Cambridge, _ well be stopping to eat.Awhen Bwhich Cas Dwhere.完成句子1即使身处逆境,她也从不灰心。(lose heart; in trouble)_2他把一生都献给了造福人类的事业。(devote)_3他失业三个月了。(out of work)_4她用十美元酬谢那个男孩对她的帮助。(reward)_5政府要在这儿再建一家医院。(set up)_.完形填空 I felt very lonely in America because I had left my family behind Nigeria.I decided to join a walking group that I_1_ in a local newspaper.I had been _2_ enough to leave my home thousands of miles away.Surely I could meet new people and _3_myself to talk to them.One _4_Saturday,we _5_at the bottom of a hill.It was slowly_6_dark.Every one was wearing blue jeans and Tshirts_7_me.It was as if someone had told them what to wear._8_I wore a dress and walked alone behind family groups.The children spoke in high American _9_.I kept waiting for them to speak_10_,that is,without an American accent.To me,normal meant Nigerian.Would my voice bee American like theirs?The leader of the walking_11_was a man who knew all about_12_that grew in the Semi Desert.He talked about plants.He kept on talking.Suddenly in the dark,fireflies appeared turning_13_like little lights.The small lights shone like_14_floating among us.All of us were silenced,including the group leader and the children.Then the _15_tired to _16_the moving lights,_17_and running around.The parents smile.Suddenly I said:“We have lots of fireflies at home.”My voice sounded_18_even to me.I do not know what made me talk.The others turned and asked,“Where is home”?I answered,“_19_”They were surprised and asked me more questions.Everyone laughed and I did too.They asked more questions as we returned down the hill.They were very friendly.What a difference it makes to talk to people?This _20_my heart and I drove home smiling.1A.read about Bteach in Cpresent at Dsee2A.foolish Bpolite Csimple Dbrave3A.tell Bforce Ccause Dfind4A.late Bearly Csunny Drainy5A.saved Bgathered Creleased Dfound6A.going Bbringing Cgrowing Dchanging7A.besides Bbut for Cexcept Dexcept for8A.Otherwise BTherefore CFurthermore DInstead9A.voices Bsounds CEnglish Dnoises10A.normally Bordinarily Cslowly Dpoorly11A.team Bgroup Cgame Dpractice12A.animals Bbirds Cplants Dbeasts13A.back and forth Bon and ofCin and out Don and off14A.birds Bclouds Cinsects Dstars15A.children Bparents Cgroup leader Dfireflies16A.feed Bcatch Cwatch Dcook17A.laughing Bstaring Cglaring Dcalling18A.interesting Bcolourful Cstrange Dusual19A.Australia BEngland CAmerica DNigeria20A.softened Btightened Cwarmed Dhurt.阅读理解Some 30 million Americans suffer from insomnia. Here,our expert panel(小组) provides you with four different solutions for getting some rest:Neil BKavey,MD.Director.Sleep Disorders Center. New York Presbyterian HospitalThe sleep specialist.Try behavior changes and proper use of medication.At night,keep away from bright light.In the morning, open the shades and go out for a walk,to tell your brain,“This is the start of the day.”You can try OTC sleep aids,but if you suffer for more than three weeks,see a doctor.Drugs are safe when used properly, and better than the consequences of not sleeping.Gerald Lemole,MD.Associate Medical Director,Christiana Care Center for Hcart and Vascular Health,Wilmington,DelawareThe alternative source.Stress often plays a role in insomnia,so try to change your reaction to it.Dont exercise or eat at the end of the day, and avoid or limit caffeine,alcohol and nicotine.Enjoying a warm bath can help.Also,try taking 1000 mg of calcium(it may calm your muscles and nerves,helping you sleep)Lisa Derosimo,MD,Owner,The Weight and Wellness Center,Jupiter,FloridaThe nutritionist.Go to bed and get up at the same time daily.Keep your room dark and quiet,and remove distractions(no working in bed)Have a cup of herbal (草药)tea,such as chamomile,to relax your body.And remember,people who eat a healthy diet of whole grains,fruits and vegetables,and lowfat protein feel better and sleep better.Sandra McLanahan,MD,Medical Director,Integral Health Center,Buckingham,Virginia The mind/body pro.Lying in bed,starting from your legs and moving up to your head,tense your muscles one at a time, and then release.Your body will feel more relaxed, like a rubber band after its been stretched.And try alternate nostril(鼻孔)breathing.Exhale(呼气) through one nostril,using your fingers to close the opposite nostril.Breathe in and out; then switch back and forth.1.What does the underlined word “insomnia”mean?ALate stay. BSleeplessness.CTiredness. DBreath trouble.2Who thinks medicine is an important factor in keeping a good sleep?AKavey. BLemole. CDerosimo. DMcLanahan.3According to Lisa Derosimo,what leads to a good sleep?AHaving a balanced diet.BKeeping your bedroom bright.CTaking enough medicine.DHaving some fish in the evening.4Kavey and Derosimo share the idea in _ to have a good sleep.Akeeping your bedroom darkBtrying behavior changesChaving regular work and restDdrinking herbal tea答案.单项填空1解析从后面的can you survive.可以看出,此题主句为倒装句,故要用only开头,同时,lifelong study是一个名词短语,不是句子,故只需要加介词。答案C2解析devote.to doing sth. 固定用法;be considered to be.固定用法。答案B3解析be equal to“等于”;be similar to“和类似”;be familiar with“对熟悉”。答案B4解析考查代词。此处没有特指哪些人,而是泛指“另外的一个人”,因此用another。答案B5解析由后面的句子“but you should have asked me first”可知,答句前面要表达的意思是:事实上我不介意,I didnt后省略了mind。as a whole总的来说;by the way顺便说一下;on the contrary相反;as a matter of fact事实上。答案D6解析本题考查不定式的省略。通常不定式的省略只保留不定式符号,如果后面有助动词be或have则需与to一起保留。答案C7解析此处在谈论材料的特性质地,故用quality。答案B8解析the first time在句中作remember的宾语,意为“第一次”;表示过去某个时间正在进行的动作,用过去进行时,表示“当时正在读”,即第二空用were reading。答案C9解析考查动词辨析。句意:因为经常出差旅行,他能适应在能找到的任何地方睡觉。accustom oneself to养成的习惯,使自己习惯;devote oneself to致力于,献身于;动词force只能构成force sb. to do sth.强迫某人做某事;reduce sb./sth.to sth./doing sth.使沦落为;使降格为。答案B10解析考查短语辨析。set up设立,建立。句意:政府已成立了一个委员会来检查捕鱼业。set aside将放在一边,为节省或保留(钱或时间);set down记下,放下,登记;set off出发,动身,使爆炸。答案A11解析考查非谓语动词。此题容易错选asking。因为think of 已经有自己的宾语the more questions。所以选to ask 目的状语,意为“想出更多的问题来问。”答案B12解析but前有do,所以应跟不带to的不定式,take turns to do sth.轮流做某事。答案B13解析turn out强调结果。答案D14解析set off意为“引发”。答案A15解析本句中的先行词是Cambridge,先行词在从句中作“地点状语”,应该用关系副词where。所以这里选D项。答案D.完成句子1答案She never loses heart even when she is in trouble.2答案He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.3答案He has been out of work for three months.4答案She rewarded the boy with $ 10 for his help.5答案The government will set up another hospital here.完形填空1解析在报纸上读到的,了解到的。答案A2解析离家数万里,离开家人,是为了过更好的生活。当然是勇敢。答案D3解析在这样的环境下,“逼迫”自己与他人交谈。答案B4解析从后面的It was slowly growing dark以及第二段的Suddenly in the dark,可知用A。全文中根本没有谈到天气状况。答案A5解析我们在山脚下“集合”。答案B6解析天慢慢变黑了。答案C7解析后面的内容提示“我穿的不同”,but for要不是,except for先说整体,再谈细节。答案C8A解析“反而”。otherwise要不然,否则,therefore因此,furhermore此处,再者。答案D9解析voices嗓音,sound各种声音,noises噪音。从下句Would my voice bee American like theirs?可知A最佳。答案A10解析从To me,normal meant Nigerian的提示可知答案。答案A11解析从本文第二句中to join a walking group得到提示。答案B12解析下文中有He talked about plants。答案C13解析从词组turn on,turn off得到提示。答案D14解析晚上荧火虫“像天上的星星”一样在空中飘荡。答案D15解析抓荧火虫的当然是孩子们。答案A16解析见上。答案B17解析伴随状语,表示孩子们的欢乐,与running的最佳搭配是laughing。答案A18解析作者因孤独而闷闷不乐,一直未开口说话,此时突然开口,也是情不自禁,因而“他自己都感到有点怪怪的”。答案C19解析第一段首句有提示。答案D20解析本题是该文的“关键”。起到首尾呼应的作用。从后面的smiling和上文的描述,不难作答。答案C.阅读理解1.解析词义猜测题。结合几位专家提出的建议可推知insomnia的意思是“失眠”,因此选B项。第一段中的.for getting some rest也是暗示。答案B2解析细节理解题。联系Kavey的建议中的最后一句话“Drugs are safe when used properly, and better than the consequences of not sleeping.”可知,他肯定了药物治疗失眠的作用。答案A3解析细节理解题。根据Lisa Derosimo说的“And remember, people who eat a healthy diet of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and lowfat protein feel better and sleep better.”可知,她认为好的饮食是良好睡眠的保证。答案A4解析推理判断题。由文章内容可知,Kavey和Derosimo都建议晚上休息时要远离光线,故选A。答案A


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