高中英语 4考纲词汇天天练(第二版)第61-70天课件.ppt

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DAY 61,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.怀疑的 _ 2.满足;使满意 _ 3.责骂;训斥 _ 4.惊吓 _ 5.(向)致敬 _ 6.日程安排(表);时刻表 _ 7.奖学金;学术成就 _ 8.香肠 _,sceptical/skeptical,satisfy,scold,scare,salute,schedule,scholarship,sausage,9.景色;风光 _ 10.色拉;凉拌食品 _ 11.科学;理科 _ 12.科学家 _ 13.三明治 _ 14.星期六 _ 15.牺牲;献出 _ 16.细看;浏览;寻读 _,scan,scenery,salad,science,scientist,sandwich,Saturday,sacrifice,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 scholar (b) scissors (c) scene (d) scarf (e) scar (f) salary (g) sailor (h) sale (i) satellite (j) saying (k) sacred (l) saucer (m) scientific (n) sadness (o) safety (p) satisfaction,( )1.卖;出售 ( )2.茶碟;垫盘 ( )3.神圣的;宗教的 ( )4.科学的 ( )5.水手;海员 ( )6.悲哀;忧伤 ( )7.学者 ( )8.安全;保险 ( )9.满意;满足 ( )10.剪刀 ( )11.领巾;围巾 ( )12.薪金 ( )13.事发地点;景象( )14.格言;谚语 ( )15.伤疤 ( )16.卫星,h,l,k,m,g,n,a,o,p,b,d,f,c,j,e,i,三、填空 1.She gave a lecture to 2,000 fellow _ (science) in Beijing. 2.Joans childhood was filled with pain and _ (sad). 3.I get a lot of _ (satisfy) from helping other people.,scientists,sadness,satisfaction,4.This bacon is too _ (salt) for children. 5.He won a _ (scholar) to Queens College, Cambridge. 6.I kept saying to _ (me) that this wasnt really happening. 7.There was a“_ sale” sign in the yard.,salty,myself,scholarship,for,8.Im really scared _ heights. 9.Toms been saving his pocket money _ a new bicycle. 10.Women want to be able to walk the streets at night _ safety.,in,of,for,DAY 62,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.秘密;诀窍 _ 2.秘书 _ 3.判断力;感官 _ 4.体贴的;神经过敏的 _ 5.部分;块;科室 _ 6.服务;公共设施 _ 7.九月 _ 8.安全的;安心的 _,secret,secretary,sense,sensitive,section,service,September,secure,9.自私的 _ 10.较年长的;(级别)较高的 _ 11.单独的;分开的 _ 12.得分;分数 _ 13.寻求;尝试 _ 14.抓住(时机等);拽住 _ 15.搜寻;搜查 _ 16.挑选;选拔 _,selfish,senior,separate,score,seek,seize,search,select,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 (a) seldom (b) sculpture (c) seminar (d) seal (e) seaweed (f) seagull (g) seashell (h) scratch (i) semicircle (j) scream (k) screen (l) seaside (m) seed (n) security (o) serious (p) session,( )1.刮;搔;抓痕 ( )2.海贝;贝壳 ( )3.尖叫声;惊呼 ( )4.半圆(形) ( )5.幕;荧光屏 ( )6.海滨(胜地) ( )7.保安;稳定(感)( )8.种子 ( )9.严肃的;重大的 ( )10.学期;会议 ( )11.海草;海藻 ( )12.很少;罕见 ( )13.图章;海豹 ( )14.雕刻(术) ( )15.海鸥 ( )16.研讨会,h,g,j,i,k,l,n,m,o,p,e,a,d,b,f,c,三、填空 1.Public _ (serve) should be incorruptible. 2.The only trouble with this cafe is that the _ (serve) is so slow. 3.Everyone can play a part in improving the _ (secure) of their neighborhood.,servants,service,security,4. _ (separate) from her friends made her very sad. 5. _ (serious) though, you cant keep lying to your parents. 6.This is a very delicate situation and it needs to be handled _ (sensitive). 7.The lady seems a self-important person behaving _ (selfish).,Separation,Seriously,sensitively,selfishly,8.I cant understand what the mans saying. Wed better send _ someone who speaks Chinese. 9.Weve been trying to make sense _ our dreams. 10.Tom had come to this country in search _ adventure and he had certainly found it.,for,of,of,DAY 63,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.严厉的;严峻的 _ 2.破旧的;卑劣的 _ 3.锋利的;敏锐的;苛刻的 _ 4.浅的;肤浅的 _ 5.分摊;分享 _ 6.高声呼喊 _ 7.使震惊;使厌恶 _ 8.发光;擦亮 _,severe,shabby,sharp,shallow,share,shout,shock,shine,9.摇动;打颤 _ 10.安家;确定;解决 _ 11.刮(脸);剃毛发 _ 12.缺点;短处 _ 13.羞愧(感);耻辱 _ 14.形状;外形;状态 _ 15.片;张;床单 _ 16.几个;若干 _,shake,settle,shave,shortcoming,shame,shape,sheet,several,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 shelter (b) shadow (c) shade (d) shoot (e) shot (f) shorts (g) shower (h) show (i) shelf (j) shark (k) sew (l) shoulder (m) shoe (n) shirt (o) sex (p) shore,( )1.展示;演出 ( )2.鲨鱼 ( )3.衬衫 ( )4.缝制;缝补 ( )5.鞋 ( )6.滨;岸 ( )7.肩膀 ( )8.性;性别 ( )9.影子, 阴影 ( )10.阴凉处;树荫处 ( )11.遮蔽;躲避处 ( )12.(运动)短裤 ( )13.书架;搁架 ( )14.嫩枝;苗;芽 ( )15.阵雨;淋浴 ( )16.开枪;射手,h,j,n,k,m,p,l,o,b,c,a,f,i,d,g,e,三、填空 1.When the first _ (settle) moved into the area they faced severe hardships. 2.Lawyers are seeking an out-of-court _ (settle). 3.The advanced course will help students _ (sharp) their writing skills.,settlers,settlement,sharpen,4.I found a new pencil _ (sharpen) in my schoolbag. 5.Grandparents brought my uncle a fine electric _ (shave) as a gift. 6.The store is open for late night _ (shop) on Wednesdays.,sharpener,shaver,shopping,7.The accident happened _ (short) after midnight. 8.There was no time to send the goods _ ship. 9.The schoolmaster showed the foreign visitors _ the school. 10.The official was photographed shaking hands _ AIDS victims.,shortly,by,around,with,DAY 64,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.重要性,意义 _ 2.游览;观光 _ 3.使简化 _ 4.蹦跳;跳绳 _ 5.下沉;下跌;变低 _ 6.形势;位置 _ 7.视力;视野 _ 8.傻的;无聊的 _,significance,sightseeing,simplify,skip,sink,situation,sight,silly,9.信号;暗号 _ 10.安静;沉默 (n.) _ 11.疾病 _ 12.缩小;收缩 _ 13.单一的;一人的 _ 14.害羞的 _ 15.相似的;像 _ 16.技艺精湛的 _,signal,silence,sickness,shrink,single,shy,similar,skillful/skilful,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 sideways (b) sideway (c) skate (d) skateboard (e) silver (f) signature (g) slave (h) skin (i) size (j) since (k) skirt (l) ski (m) silk (n) shuttle (o) skyscraper (p) sincerely,( )1.女裙 ( )2.摩天大楼 ( )3.真诚地 ( )4.往返火车(班机) ( )5.皮肤;果皮 ( )6.奴隶 ( )7.尺寸 ( )8.滑雪 ( )9. 丝绸 ( )10.小路;人行道 ( )11.滑板 ( )12.向一边;向旁边 ( )13.银;银器 ( )14.签名;署名 ( )15.溜冰;滑冰 ( )16.由于;从以来,k,o,p,n,h,g,i,l,m,b,d,a,e,f,c,j,三、填空 1.After a few years, he became very _ (skill) at drawing. 2.The crowd fell unusually _ (silence) as she began to speak 3.The team lost because of a combination of injuries and _ (sick).,skillful,silent,sickness,4.The professor tried to _ (simple) the story for the younger audience. 5.Millions of Africans were sold into _ (slave) between the 17th and 19th centuries. 6.Mike has decided he is going to try a career as a rock_ (sing). 7.I sat _ the shore and looked at the sea.,simplify,slavery,singer,on,8.The children sat side _ side on the sofa watching television. 9.The first four hotels we tried were shut _ the winter. 10.She heard the boys shouting to her to stop, but she shut her ears _ them.,by,for,to,DAY 65,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.打喷嚏 _ 2.抽鼻子;嗅 _ 3.滑跤;失误 _ 4.运动鞋 _ 5.光滑的;顺利的 _ 6.轻微的;细长 _ 7.社会的;社交的 _ 8.社会 _,sneeze,sniff,slip,sneaker,smooth,slight,social,society,9.气味;一嗅 _ 10.(使)滑行;溜过 _ 11.固体的;结实的 _ 12.短袜 _ 13.软的;轻柔的 _ 14.士兵 _ 15.聪明的;帅的 _ 16.有时 _,smell,slide,solid,sock,soft,soldier,smart,sometimes,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 somehow (b) socket (c) solar (d) sob (e) slice (f) sleeve (g) sleepy (h) soap snake (j) slow (k) smile (l) snowy (m) software (n) smog (o) soil (p) sofa,( )1.慢慢地;缓慢地( )2.蛇 ( )3.下雪的 ( )4.土壤;土地 ( )5.沙发 ( )6.软件 ( )7.烟雾 ( )8.发出笑 ( )9.抽泣;啜泣 ( )10.薄片;部分 ( )11.以某方式 ( )12.太阳的 ( )13.插座;孔;窝 ( )14.袖子;袖套 ( )15.肥皂 ( )16.困倦的,j,i,l,o,p,m,n,k,d,e,a,c,b,f,h,g,三、填空 1.His grandpa was a _ (social) all his life. 2.They believed that these problems would disappear under scientific _ (socialist). 3.He had been a heavy _ (smoke) since his early twenties.,socialist,socialism,smoker,4.The warmth from the fire made her feel a bit _ (sleep). 5.There _ (be) something sharp in my shoe. 6.I had a streaming cold, so I could not smell _ (proper). 7.The dogs can find drugs _ smell.,sleepy,is,properly,by,8.The idea is not so silly _ it sounds. 9.Heidi is planning to come, and _ is Sylvia. 10.We can do things for our health in the way of diet, exercise, good lifestyle, not smoking and so_ .,as,so,on,DAY 66,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.纪念品;纪念物 _ 2.具体的;专用的 _ 3.撕开;分开 _ 4.吐唾沫;吐痰 _ 5.场所;点;斑点 _ 6.发言人;代言人 _ 7.汤 _ 8.度过;花费 _,souvenir,specific,split,spit,spot,spokesman,soup,spend,9.悲伤;悲痛 _ 10.专家;专科医生 _ 11.赞助者;担保人 _ 12.(使)旋转:纺纱 _ 13.酸的;馊的 _ 14.演讲;发言 _ 15.精神的;心灵的 _ 16.灿烂的;辉煌的 _,sorrow,specialist,sponsor,spin,sour,speech,spiritual,splendid,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 spade (b) spoonful (c) sparrow (d) sow (e) spare (f) spear (g) spelling (h) spoken (i) southern (j) southwest (k) spirit (l) sound (m) special (n) sort (o) spaceship (p) speed,( )1.把分类;拣选 ( )2.口语的 ( )3.西南方;西南部 ( )4.南部的 ( )5.听起来 ( )6.宇宙飞船 ( )7.特殊的 ( )8.(使)加速 ( )9.铲子;锹 ( )10.一匙(的量) ( )11.播种;种 ( )12.空闲的 ( )13.麻雀 ( )14.拼写(能力) ( )15.矛;梭镖 ( )16.精神;情绪,n,h,j,i,l,o,m,p,a,b,d,e,c,g,f,k,三、填空 1.The school _ (sport) will be held next month. 2.Two _ (spoon) of sugar, please. 3.Some English words are difficult for _ (speak) of other languages.,sports,spoonfuls,speakers,4.Both her husband and brother are leading cancer _ (special). 5.British and American _ (spell) differ in many ways. 6.The old man hasnt lost his strong _ (south) accent. 7.Music provides a vastly satisfying _ (spirit) experience for many people.,specialists,spellings,southern,spiritual,8.She was really sorry _ what she had done. 9.He was asking us all sorts _ questions about you. 10.No sooner had the chairman finished his speech _ a young woman stood up to ask a question.,for,of,than,DAY 67,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.标准; 基准 _ 2.雕像;塑像 _ 3.陈述;说法 _ 4.全体员工 _ 5.胃;腹部 _ 6.(露天)体育场 _ 7.喷 ;喷洒 _ 8.饿死;(使)挨饿 _,standard,statue,statement,stomach,staff,stadium,spray,starve,9.盯;凝视 _ 10.粘住;插入;卡住 _ 11.储藏;存储 _ 12.延伸;传播 _ 13.稳定的;牢固的 _ 14.稳定的;牢固的 _ 15.险峻的; 陡峭的 _ 16.无瑕疵的;不锈的 _,stare,stick,store,spread,stable,steady,steep,stainless,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 square (b) steak (c) statistics (d) status (e) spy (f) stain (g) squeeze (h) stocking (i) station (j) steward (k) steel (l) spring (m) state (n) steal (o) steam (p) stage,( )1.队 ( )2.钢 ( )3.泉;泉水 ( )4.偷; 窃取 ( )5.状态;国家 ( )6.汽;水蒸气 ( )7.广场 ( )8.舞台;阶段 ( )9.牛排;鱼扒 ( )10.地位; 身分 ( )11.统计数字 ( )12.污点;污渍 ( )13.压;捏;榨( )14.监视;窥探 ( )15.长统袜 ( )16.(火车、飞机、轮船等)男服务员,i,k,l,n,m,p,a,p,b,d,e,f,c,g,h,j,三、填空 1.Our educational reform was _ (steady) led onto the correct path. 2.Weve had to build some cupboards to give us more _ (store) space. 3.A girl who wants to be a _ (steward) must be pretty and helpful.,steadily,storage,stewardess,4.After three days without food, the wounded were close to _ (starve). 5.I have a set of _ (stain) knives and forks. 6.I only just managed to stop myself _ (shout) at him. 7.We should stick _ the principles and be flexible as well,starvation,stainless,shouting,to,8.The letters ER stand _ Emergency Room. 9.My parents dont allow me to stay _ late on Sundays. 10.A foreign language cannot be learned rapidly, it must be learned step _ step.,by,for,up,DAY 68,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.坦诚的;易做的 _ 2.固执的;难驾驭的 _ 3.代替,取代 _ 4.呈递;顺从 _ 5.订阅;捐助 _ 6.成功(v.) _ 7.受苦;遭受 _ 8.适合;对方便 _,straightforward,stubborn,substitute,submit,subscribe,succeed,suffer,suit,9.建议;表明;暗示 _ 10.争斗;拼搏 _ 11.敲;撞击 ;突然想起 _ 12.压力;强调 _ 13方式;款式;风度;风格 _ 14.学科;题目;主题 _ 15.严格的;严谨的 _ 16.直地;即刻地;直截了当地 _,straight,suggest,struggle,strike,stress,style,subject,strict,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 studio (b) stout (c) suck (d) string (e) stream (f) strawberry (g) strait (h) storm (i) stove (j) sugar (k) strong (l) strange (m) strength (n) stupid (o) suitcase (p) suite,( )1.一套家具;套房 ( )2.风暴;暴风雨 ( )3.小提箱;衣箱 ( )4.奇怪的;陌生的 ( )5.愚蠢的 ( )6.糖 ( )7.工作室;演播室 ( )8.力;力量 ( )9.肥重的;粗壮的 ( )10.草莓 ( )11.吸吮;含着 ( )12.海峡 ( )13.细绳;线 ( )14.炉子;火炉 ( )15.小河;溪流 ( )16.坚强的,p,h,o,n,l,j,a,m,b,f,c,g,d,i,e,k,三、填空 1.Eddie Murphy is one of Hollywoods most _ (success) stars. 2.I put my _ (succeed) down to hard work and a lot of sleepless nights! 3.A number of patients have been _ (successful) treated with the new drug.,successful,success,successfully,4.I didnt want to share a room with a complete _ (strange). 5.Our school hopes to _ (strength) its ties with the students parents. 6.There are many other training courses that would be equally _ (suit). 7.I think my uncle is the most handsome man in the world, but I realize my judgment is rather _ (subject).,stranger,strengthen,suitable,subjective,8.The Presidents message expressed sympathy with the _ (suffer) of the earthquake victims 9.I went to the Park Street dentists at Anns _ (suggest) and I was really impressed. 10.On such a day _ today, its hard to imagine that things will ever be normal again.,as,suffering,suggestion,DAY 69,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.料想;认为 _ 2.提供;供应;满足 _ 3.幸存;存活(v.) _ 4.发誓;诅咒 _ 5.吞下;咽下 _ 6.支持;供养;支撑 _ 7环绕;围绕 _ 8.扫除;扫 _,suppose,supply,survive,swear,swallow,support,surround,sweep,9.中止;停职(学) _ 10.交换 _ 11.上级;领导 _ 12.象征;符号 _ 13.毛衣;针织套衫 _ 14.晚餐;晚饭 _ 15.赞同;同情(心) _ 16.迅速的;敏捷的 _,suspension,swap,superior,symbol,sweater,supper,sympathy,swift,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 symptom (b) surplus (c) supermarket (d) supreme (e) swell (f) symphony (g) swing (h) suspect (i) surgeon (j) surface (k) summary (l) superb (m) sunburnt (n) sunshine (o) system (p) sweet,( )1.摘要;概要 ( )2.表面 ( )3.犯罪嫌疑人 ( )4.晒伤的;晒黑的 ( )5.极好的 ( )6.阳光;日照 ( )7.体系;系统 ( )8.悦耳的;甜的 ( )9.剩余;盈余 ( )10.(使)肿胀 ( )11.症状;征兆 ( )12.最高的;极度的 ( )13.超级市场 ( )14.挥舞;摇摆 ( )15.交响乐 ( )16.外科医生,k,j,h,m,l,n,o,p,b,e,a,d,c,g,f,i,三、填空 1.Without more food and medical supplies, these people will _ (sure) not survive. 2.The doctors told his wife he had a 50/50 chance of _ (survive). 3.Weve got to be a bit more _ (system) in the way that we approach this task.,surely,survival,systematic,4.Soon, news of these events spread to _ (surround) countryside. Most working environments are improved by the _(add) of a few plants and pictures. 6.Its hardly _ (surprise) that youre putting on weight, considering how much youre eating. 7.Were having the party in the garden, so Im praying itll be _ (sun).,surrounding,surprising,sunny,addition,8.A group of schoolboys sat _ the sun, eating ice cream. 9.I have absolutely no sympathy _ students who get caught cheating in exams. 10.They used the money to supply the school _ new textbooks.,in,for,with,DAY 70,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.戏弄;逗弄 _ 2.趋向;倾向(v.) _ 3.品尝, 尝味 _ 4.暂时的;临时的 _ 5.温度;体温 _ 6.目标;靶子 _ 7.(1319岁的)少年_ 8.天赋;天才;有才能的人_,tease,tend,taste,temporary,temperature,target,teenager,talent,9.眼泪 _ 10.任务;工作 _ 11.药片 _ 12.纳税人;纳税单位 _ 13.故事;传说 _ 14.科技;工艺技术 _ 15.技能;技巧;技术 _ 16.技术的;工艺的 _,tear,task,tablet,taxpayer,tale,technology,technique,technical,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 tap (b) temple (c) telephone (d) tendency (e) tape (f) teamwork (g) teapot (h) tasty (i) tax (j) taxi (k) tailor (l) telescope (m) television (n) tasteless (o) tank (p) table tennis,( )1.税;税款 ( )2.美味的 ( )3.裁缝 ( )4.出租汽车 ( )5.电视(机) ( )6.望远镜 ( )7.阀门;龙头 ( )8.无滋味的 ( )9.乒乓球 ( )10.大容器;桶;罐 ( )11.庙宇;寺院 ( )12.倾向;偏好 ( )13.配合;合作 ( )14.打电话 ( )15.茶壶 ( )16.磁带;录音带,i,h,k,j,m,l,a,n,p,o,b,d,f,c,g,e,三、填空 1.The_ (teach) insisted on all the homework being handed in on Monday. 2.Last night in McDonald, I saw a man eating a hamburger _ (tasteless). 3.Due to a small fire, the office will be closed _ (temporary).,teacher,tastelessly,temporarily,4.Agriculture is becoming more and more _ (technical) advanced . 5.These sausages are really _ (taste). Where did you buy them? 6.The medicine was a colourless, _ (taste) liquid, almost like water. 7.There is a growing _ (tend) to regard money more highly than quality of life.,technically,tasty,tasteless,tendency,8.The suitcases were taken _ Charlie by mistake. 9.Most of her classmates cannot tell Lily _ her twin sister? 10.Only _ effective teamwork can we achieve our success.,to,from,through,


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