2019-2020年高三英语单元综合测试示范卷12 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语单元综合测试示范卷12 新人教版第卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What does the man suggest? A.Buying a new car.B.Repairing the car.C.Selling the car.2.How did the woman get back home? A.By bus.B.On foot.C.By car.3.What happened to the woman?A.She couldnt find a seat.B.Her suitcase was lost.C.She missed the train.4.How much does an ice-cream cost? A.1 dollar.B.2 dollars. C.8 dollars.5.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a library. B.In a restaurant. C.In a store.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Why cant the woman eat the ice-cream?A.Because she doesnt like the tastes.B.Because she is on a diet.C.Because she is quite full.7.What kind of person is the woman? A.She is fond of eating. B.She is easy to persuade. C.She has a strong will.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.What are the two speakers mainly talking about? A.Going for a picnic.B.Going shopping.C.Going out for food.9.What will the man most probably do the day before they go? A.Prepare the car.B.Buy some food.C.Write the report.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A.Host and guest.B.Fellow-workers.C.Manager and secretary.11.Where will Jim go to work? A.Atlanta. B.Chicago. C.California.12.What do we know about the woman?A.She has risen to a higher position.B.She is looking forward to a higher position.C.She has no interest in fame and gain.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.What does the man want to do? A.To learn English.B.To buy some puter desks.C.To know the plan for the puter desks.14.Who is David Wong?A.Manager of Easy English School.B.Manager of Bentalls Furniture.C.Secretary of Easy English School.15.When was the order placed? A.Last Tuesday. B.Last Thursday. C.Last Saturday.16.Whats the man speakers name? A.John Morrisson. B.David Morrison. C.John Morrison.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.How do people ask the speaker for advice on how to build robots? A.By telephoning him. B.By sending him emails.C.By visiting him in person.18.How long is it since the speaker started building robots? A.Three years.B.Thirteen years.C.Thirty years. 19.What does the speaker think of building a robot? A.It is a hard task. B.It is an easy job. C.It doesnt take much time.20.How much does it cost to build a robot at least? A.$200. B.$400. C.$1,000.试题答案15ACBAC610BCAAB1115CBCAB1620CBCAA附:听力部分录音材料(Text 1)W:I was told that it would cost 800 dollars to have the car repaired.M:I doubt whether the old car is worth repairing. We might as well spend 800 dollars more to buy a new one.(Text 2)W:Hello, Daddy.M:Betty, why did you get home so early today?W:Oh, I was about to walk home when Mary saw me and gave me a lift in her car.(Text 3)W:Where is my suitcase?M:I dont know. Where did you leave it?W:I just put it on the chair a moment ago, but now its gone.(Text 4)M:Heres 10 dollars, and give me 8 ice-creams, please.W:Sure. Your ice-creams are here and heres a two-dollar change.(Text 5)M:This is a very expensive watch, but Ive had trouble with it ever since I bought it. I insist on seeing the manager.W:Actually, there is no need for that, sir. Ill give you another watch just like this one.(Text 6)M:Lily, would you like to have some ice-cream? Ive got some different tastes for you to choose from. Ive got strawberry, peach and chocolate.W:Wow! I wish I could, but I just cant. Im on a diet to lose weight.M:e on, and its just a bite. It doesnt really matter to have just a bite.W:Id better not. M:Youre really strong-willed.W:Youre right. Im not so easily persuaded into doing something that I think is wrong.(Text 7)M:You know, we can do something we havent done for a long time. Id like to go for a picnic.W:Where could we go? To the park?M:No, I want to drive out into the country, find some place away from the highway and have a real picnic lunch with fried chicken, potato salad, fish and chips.W:Sounds like a good idea. Why dont we go this Sunday?M:I cant make it. Im busy writing the report on the study of western food all weekend, but next Saturday and Sunday I will be free.W:I see. Lets make some preparations on next Saturday and start out the next day.M:OK. Its a date. Youll get what we need for the lunch and Ill provide the transportation.(Text 8)M:Whats going on around here? Why is everyone changing offices? W:Havent you heard? Where have you been anyway?M:I just got back from visiting the plant in Chicago.W:Well, therere a lot of changes in our factory this week.M:Yes, I see. But what are they?W:For one thing, Marta and Jim are leaving.M:Where are they going? Did they get a higher position?W:Martas going to the office in Atlanta. She is going to be in charge of the whole southern market.M:That sounds like a good position. What about Jim?W:He is going to manage the plant in California.M:What about you? Are you going to rise to a higher position? W:Not yet, but Im hoping I will.(Text 9)W:Hello, Easy English School. May I help you? M:Yes, this is John Morrison from Bentalls Furniture. Id like to speak to David Wong, please. W:Im sorry, our manager is not here now. Can I ask him to call you back or take a message? M:Yes. He placed an order for some puter desks last Thursday, but he didnt say clearly how they were to be arranged. W:Oh, I see. Here I have a copy of the plan. Would you like me to fax it to you? M:Yes, that would help if you could. W:Of course. Can you give me your name and fax number then, please?M:Yes. John Morrison and the fax number is 7323 9311.W:OK, Mr Morrison. Is your name spelled with two Rs and Ss? M:Its spelt with a double R and one S.W:All right then, Mr Morrison. And your fax number is 7323 9311.Is that correct? M:Yes it is. W:All right. Ill fax you the plan now. M:Thanks very much.(Text 10)I get many emails each week from people who want to start building robots. As a builder of robots for 30 years, heres my advice on the subject.First, lets decide what a robot is. In my opinion, to be a robot, it should have the ability to thinkmake decisions. This may sound hard at first, but really any small puter can be programmed to make decisions. I want to encourage you, but honestly, building a robot is not easy. This is a task that would take a normal person several months or years. Most people believe that they can build a robot with parts found around the house and that is partly true. I think electric screwdrivers would be a good drive motor. However, there are many things that they will have to buy. These things are simply not available in the bottom of a toybox or at their local Wal-Mart.Although almost all believed it would cost much less when they began, most robots built cost between $200 and $400.Many people spend well over $1,000 and some, much more. 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.The movie Lost in Thailand brought in more than 1.2 billion yuan in a month, which was new height in directors career. A.a; aB.the; theC.a; theD.the; a【答案与解析】C考查冠词。句意:电影人在囧途之泰囧一个月内收入突破12亿元,这是这个导演职业生涯的一个新高度。第1空填不定冠词a表示泛指;第2空填定冠词the特指该影片的导演。22.Would you please keep an eye on my luggage? I have to get some drink. Itll be fine with me. A.I think soB.Go ahead C.Its my pleasure D.Youre wele【答案与解析】B考查交际用语。句意:请帮我看一下行李好吗?我想去喝点东西。你去吧。你的行李在我这很安全。根据下文的“Itll be fine with me”可知,回答者表示同意。Go ahead意为“去吧”,符合语境。I think so意为“我这样认为”;Its my pleasure和Youre wele都意为“不用谢”。23.Its impossible for us to say exactly how much a student will need to live on as this mainly their lifestyle, and will vary greatly from student to student. A.insists on B.concentrates on C.bases on D.depends on【答案与解析】D考查动词短语。句意表示“主要取决于他们的生活方式”。insist on“坚持”;concentrate on“集中;全神贯注于”;base.on.“以为基础”;depend on“取决于”。24.As more and more sports , the Olympic Games are growing so big that most cities may not be able to host them in the future. A.are being added B.added C.were added D.have added【答案与解析】A考查动词时态和语态。句意表示“越来越多的体育项目正在被加入到奥运会中”。根据语境可知,此处应该使用现在进行时的被动语态。25.The president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, has said that it is ready to provide further support to the eurozones banking system, . A.if soB.if ever C.if necessaryD.if any【答案与解析】C考查省略句。句意表示“如果有必要的话,欧洲中央银行准备给欧元区的银行系统提供进一步的支持”。if necessary是if it is necessary的省略形式,意为“如果有必要”。26.The project manager of the pany had to face the of whether to continue the project or give it up. A.danger B.challenge C.assignment D.dilemma【答案与解析】D考查名词。句意:这家公司的项目经理不得不面对是该继续这个项目还是放弃这一窘境。dilemma“(进退两难的)困境;窘境”;danger“危险”;challenge“挑战”;assignment“任务”。27.In order not to be disturbed by anyone else, I spent the whole afternoon in my study. A.locked B.locking C.to lock D.being locked【答案与解析】A考查非谓语动词。句意:为了不被任何其他人打扰,我一下午都把自己锁在书房中。过去分词短语locked in my study在句中作状语。28.Emily dancing for a while, but soon she found it too difficult to learn and then lost interest. A.took overB.took up C.took in D.took off【答案与解析】B考查介词。句意:艾米丽学习了一段时间的舞蹈,但是不久后她发现舞蹈太难学,就失去了兴趣。take over“接管”; take up“学习;从事”;take in“吸收;欺骗”; take off“起飞”。29.It was quite foggy this morning; , hundreds of flights were delayed at Beijing Capital International Airport alone. A.on the contrary B.in other words C.as a result D.above all【答案与解析】C考查连接词。句意:今天上午雾很大,因此,仅在北京首都国际机场就有上百架次航班延误。on the contrary“与此相反;正相反”;in other words“也就是说”;as a result“因此”;above all“最重要;首先”。30.For miles around me there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree . A.in sight B.in place C.in particular D.in need【答案与解析】A考查介词短语。句意表示“方圆几英里都是沙漠,看不到一棵植物或树”。in sight“在视野中;看得见”;in place“在适当的位置”;in particular“尤其;特别”;in need“需要”。31. highly for his wonderful performance in the project, the young man was too to fall asleep. A.Praising; excited B.To praise; exciting C.Praised; exciting D.Praised; excited【答案与解析】D考查非谓语动词。句意:因为在项目中的出色表现而受到高度赞扬,这个年轻人兴奋得难以入睡。句子的主语the young man和动词praise之间是动宾关系,因此第1空填praised表示被动;第2空填excited表示年轻人感到很兴奋。32.To avoid delays, make sure your application is plete before you it by mail or in person. A.acquire B.submit C.approveD.demand【答案与解析】B考查动词。句意:为了避免延误,在你用邮件或者亲自递交申请前一定要确保它是完整的。acquire“获得;学到”;submit“递交;呈递”;approve“赞成;批准”;demand“强烈要求”。33.I remember I left my dictionary in the classroom. Why here?Oh, I brought it here for you. A.has it e B.had it e C.does it e D.will it e【答案与解析】A考查动词时态。句意:我记得把字典落在教室了。它怎么会跑到这里来呢?哦,我给你带来的。根据答语可知,e所表示的动作已经发生,因此应该使用现在完成时。34.Being a good listener is a kind of quality, and thats it takes to keep friendship. A.how B.which C.where D.what【答案与解析】D考查名词性从句。句意:做一个好的倾听者是一种品格,并且这是保持友谊所需要的。what引导的名词性从句在句中作表语;what在名词性从句中作宾语。35.I was sitting with my toast and coffee when a nice lady came in; however, only when she said hello it was Sarah Montague. A.I realized B.realized I C.did I realize D.I did realize【答案与解析】C考查倒装结构。当only引导的时间状语位于句首时,主句的主谓语应该采用部分倒装结构。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A wise man was visiting the Ganges, a river which flows through northern India, to take a bath. He found a group of family members on the 36, shouting angrily at each other. He 37 his disciples (弟子), smiled and asked, “Why do people shout in38at each other?” The disciples 39for a while and one of them said, “Because we40our calm, we shout.” “But, why should you shout 41the other person is just next to you? You can as well tell him what you have to say in a(n) 42manner,” asked the wise man. Some disciples gave some other answers, but none 43the other disciples. Finally the wise man explained, “When two people are angry at each other, there is a distance between their44. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to 45each other. The angrier they are, the louder they will have to shout to46that great distance. What47when two people fall in love? They dont shout at each other but talk softly, because their hearts are very 48. The distance between them is either nonexistent (不存在的) or very small.” The wise man 49, “When they love each other even more, they do not 50, but only whisper and they get even closer to each other. Finally they even 51 not whisper. They only look at each other and thats 52. That is how close two people are when they love each other.” He looked at his disciples and said, “So when you 53, do not let your hearts get distant. Do not say words that distance each other more. 54, there will e a day when the distance is so great that youll not find the path to 55. You may end up being enemies, for instance.” 36.A.roofB.platform C.bank D.street37.A.referred to B.attended to C.appealed to D.turned to38.A.excitement B.anger C.disappointment D.surprise39.A.thought B.relaxed C.listened D.waited40.A.control B.disturb C.lose D.enjoy41.A.as long as B.when C.in case D.unless42.A.soft B.impressive C.serious D.responsible43.A.encouraged B.satisfied C.entertained D.bothered44.A.directions B.bodies C.goals D.hearts45.A.hear B.hurt C.attack D.understand46.A.keep B.measure C.cover D.ignore47.A.matters B.works C.succeeds D.happens48.A.close B.huge C.special D.open49.A.doubted B.continued C.replied D.promised50.A.pass B.cry C.care D.speak51.A.can B.dare C.need D.should52.A.nothing B.all C.one D.something53.A.argue B.apologize C.criticize D.explain54.A.Instead B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.Besides55.A.beat B.follow C.walk D.return 【答案与解析】本文是一篇记叙性哲理文。一位智者看到一家人争吵的经历并以此教育自己的弟子:当我们争吵时,不要伤害彼此的心灵。36.C从上句中的the Ganges, a river which.可以判断,这里应该是指他看到一家人在河岸上怒气冲冲地争吵。37.D由后文可知,他想借此机会对弟子进行教育,所以他转向他们。38.B根据上文的angrily可知,此处是指“人们为什么会愤怒地向对方喊叫呢?”39.A为了回答这个问题,弟子们思考了一会。40.C人们失去了内心的平静时才会怒喊。41.Bwhen在此意为“在情况下”。42.A由前面所提及的“离得很近”可知,这里是说可以用柔和的方式讲话。43.B一些弟子又说出了另外的答案,但没有一个能让其他人满意。44.D当两个人向对方怒喊时,彼此的内心就会产生距离感。45.A提高嗓音是为了能让双方都听见。46.C根据上文的“To cover that distance”可知答案。47.D由下句“They dont shout at each other”可知,此处意为“如果两个人相爱会是一种什么情况呢?”48.A根据下句“The distance between them is either nonexistence or very small”可知,两颗相爱的人的心彼此很亲近。49.B说完了上述内容,这位智者接着说。50.D与本空后面的whisper构成对比,意为“相爱的人不会大声说话而只会甜蜜地低语”。51.C最后,他们甚至不必低语,而只需要深情地注视对方。52.B他们只要注视着对方就可以明白一切。53.A所以,当你们争吵的时候,千万不要伤害对方的心灵。54.C不要轻易地说出那些令人伤心的话,否则你们的心会彻底相离。55.D你们心灵的距离会越来越远,以至于你们不能再和好如初。第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AMy great-grandfather, Johann, moved here from Austria in 1922. Since he was not the oldest son in the family, he was not to take over the family farm. He set off to make a life for himself in America. He married a woman whose parents had lived just across the Hungarian border within the Austro-Hungarian Empire.My great-grandparents moved to Queens and had two children. In the spring of 1939, Johann received a letter from his father asking him to return to Austria. For reasons unknown to me, his brothers were not able to take over the farm. Johann took a leave of absence from his job and took his wife and children to the farm in Austria. This was the only time my grandfather, then a boy, met his own grandparents.While Johann was preparing to take over his fathers farm, Austria was annexed (兼并) by Germany. Since he had been naturalized as an American citizen, and his wife and children had been born in the US, Johann was considered an unwele person by the Nazis. He was told that he faced conscription (征兵) into the Nazi army, and imprisonment if he refused. So he said goodbye to his parents for the last time and fled with his wife and children. They traveled through Europe for months before they were able to catch a boat back to the US from Rome around New Years Day, 1940.Johanns job was no longer waiting for him when they returned. He managed to borrow money from the bank and bought a pub and a grocery store. My grandfather owned the business for some time after his fathers death in 1969. Its always with a deep sense of pride that I remember that my ancestor was able to build a life for himself and his family from scratch after ing to America.56.According to the passage, Johann first left for America to . A.get married B.start a new life C.obtain his own farmD.look after his family57.What would most probably happen if Johann refused to be a Nazi soldier? A.He would be put into prison. B.He would be sent back to America. C.He would not be wele in Austria. D.He would not be able to take over the farm.58.When Johann returned to America, he . A.was given a job in a pub B.couldnt do his previous job C.had been away for over a yearD.failed to start his own business 59.How does the author feel when he thinks of the stories about his great-grandfather? A.Surprised. B.Sad. C.Proud.D.Pitying.【答案与解析】本文是一篇记叙文。作者的曾祖父在年轻时背井离乡到美国谋生,后来,曾祖父和家人返回奥地利继承家业,但是当时奥地利被德国兼并,具有美国国籍的他不受欢迎,因此他们被迫又回到美国,重新创业并有了一番成就,作者为曾祖父的经历感到自豪。56.B根据文章第1段“Since he was not the oldest son in the family, he was not to take over the family farm. He set off to make a life for himself in America”可知,Johann首次去美国是为了谋生,开始新的生活。57.A根据文章第3段“He was told that he faced conscription into the Nazi army, and imprisonment if he refused”可知,如果Johann拒绝被征兵成为纳粹战士,就会被关进监狱。58.B根据文章最后一段首句“Johanns job was no longer waiting for him when they returned”可知,Johann不能再做他以前的工作了。59.C根据文章最后一段最后一句“Its always with a deep sense of pride that I remember that my ancestor was able to build a life for himself and his family from scratch after ing to America”可知,每当作者想起曾祖父的经历时,他都会引以为豪。BStay-at-home kids are named “generation ni-ni” in Spain. They are adults who still live at home and are neither working nor studying. But the phenomenon is by no means limited to Spain. It is a worldwide problem.In Italy they are known as “bamboccioni” or big babies. There nearly 60 percent of 18-34-year-old adults still live in their parents home, up from almost 50 percent since 1983. Once kept there by a love for mamas home-cooked food, the economic crisis has seen a rise in adults left unable to hold down a steady job or afford a home of their own. Last year a government minister, who admitted his mother washed his clothes and made his bed for him until he was 30, demanded a law forcing young Italians to leave the parental nest at 18 to stop them being hopelessly dependent on their parents. In the UK, the government has created the term NEETS (Not currently engaged in Employment, Education or Training) for these children. In England alone the percentage of NEETS aged 1924 surged to 18.8 percent of the age group, in the last quarter of xx, up 1.4 percent on the same period a year before. The percentage of British men in their 20s living with their parents has risen from 59 percent to 80 percent in the past 15 years, while the number of women has risen from 41 percent to 50 percent. The age of the average first-time house buyer is now 38.In the US the problem is known as “full nest syndrome (综合征)”. Parents there are left struggling to support adult children who stay at home with student debts and facing few job opportunities in a weak economy. A recent study showed almost a third of American adults aged 34 and under are living with their parents.60.The Italian government minister thinks that .


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