高中英语 2.1 Highlights of My Senior Year课件 外研版选修7.ppt

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How to Savor Your Senior Year of High School,Its hard to think of your senior year as the year oflastsyour last spirit week,last football game,and last prom.You want to make it a year to remember and never regret.Here are some helpful steps in making it special for you as a senior and as an adult looking back 1Take pictures.If you have a digital camera,take it with you.You are going to remember all the fun times and inside jokes,and it helps to have something to remember.Take pictures whenever you canDont take it too seriously.When your friends put up hands“I dont want my picture taken”,take a picture of their shoes or their backs.Have fun with it.,2Make your memory place.If its a skating rink or something like that,take a service menu that has the lessons or the service with the prices.Little things can remind you of that place.Receipts,events you went to,applicationsyoull be glad you grabbed them.You can also make a note on whatever you want to write. 3Save the scraps.When you have time,find a box,scrapbook,notebook,or bag to hold all your photos and scraps(零星的东西),You can make a scrapbook with all your photos and grabs or you can make a memory box,bag or book.Make it special to you.However you want to design your memories is up to you. 4Make plans to keep in touch.Take an address book or notebook with you.Have your friends fill out a page with all their contact information like addresses,emails and maybe even a little note.If they are moving,make sure that you have the future address to contact them when they get there.That way you can keep in touch.,This is your last year in high school,so relive memories of early high school with your friends.Tell one special teacher how much he or she has affected your life and how you will miss him or her very much Try to move on.Dont getstuckin senior yearlife is much more than that.,一、佳句仿写一二三 1很难想象一个没有金属的世界。 _ 2有一些如何学好英语的建议。 _ 3有困难随时找我。 _,Its hard to think of a world without metals. Here are some advice on how to learn English well. Ask me for help whenever you are in trouble.,翻译佳句,放眼高考 Tell one special teacher how much he or she has affected your life and how you will miss him or her very much. _,二、,告诉一位老师他/她对你的一生影响有多大,并告诉他/她,你是多么想念他/她。,_nthe best,most interesting or most exciting part of sth _ adj.used to describe a situation in which people or organizations compete against each other _ na person who is the same age or who has the same social status as you,Period One Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary,.单词识记 1 2 3,highlight competitive peer,_ vto put an end to an argument or a disagreement _ vt.to choose sb to do a particular job by voting for them _ adv.used to say that a particular situation or state will always exist _ adj.extremely large _ v(especially of clothes,colors etc.) to make you look attractive _ na page or sheet of information in the form of diagrams,lists of figures etc. _ nan amount of money that you regularly pay so that you can use a house,etc.,4 5 6 7 8 9 10,settle elect forever enormous suit chart rent,.短语天地 1_回顾,回忆 2_玩的开心 3_租一辆漂亮的车 4_获取高中毕业证 5_担任艺术编辑 6have my hair specially done _ 7be elected to the student council _ 8have an enormous breakfast _ 9take a long vacation _ 10watch the sunrise over the sea _,1.look back at have fun rent a nice car receive the high school diploma work as an arts editor 专门做头发 入选学生会 享用丰盛早餐 度长假 观看海上日出,.语境助记 Tina,a competitive girl,like her peers,was elected to the student council to work as an arts editor a fortnight ago.Every weekend,having an enormous breakfast,she went to the workshop they rented to settle some questions.After she received the high school diploma,she rented a nice car to take a long vacation with his classmates.When she looked back at her high school life,she said it was a highlight to her.She would remember it forever.,I find myself looking back at my senior year. 信息提取 find后跟复合结构。 例句仿写 醒来时,他发现自己躺在医院里。 When he woke up,he found himself _ _ _. It seems strange to think that in a few days time Ill be walking out of the school gates forever. 信息提取 It seemsadj.to do sth句型。 例句仿写 似乎经理有必要亲自参加这个会议。 It seems necessary for the manager himself _ _ _ _.,.句型搜索,1,2,to,attend the conference,lying in hospital,.I did enjoy it whenever I won our races. 信息提取 do 用于强调句,强调谓语动词。 例句仿写 昨天在公园里我的确见到了他。 I _ _ him in the park yesterday. Its a great pity that its probably the last time this will happen. 信息提取 Its a great pity thatclause句式。 例句仿写 太遗憾了,你没来参加这次的聚会。 Its a great pity that _ _ _ _ _ _.,3,4,did meet,you didnt come to,the party,I feel too excited to think clearly. 信息提取 too.to.意为“太以至于不能”。 例句仿写 太冷了,小孩子不能出去玩。 Its too cold for young child _ _ _ _ _.,5,to go out to play,Joanna cant believe that her school life is almost over.( ) The first thing Joanna is going to do after graduation is to take part in the senior prom. ( ) Joanna has greatly enjoyed working as a peer mediator because she can help students deal with their problems.( ) Joanna had never hoped Daniel would ask her to go to the prom. ( ) Joanna thought watching the sunrise was a perfect ending to a perfect school year. ( ),.预读理解 ATrue(T)or False(F)questions. 1 2 3 4 5,T,T,F,F,F,When is this passage written? AAfter a prom night. BWhen the writer is about to graduate. CDuring a prom night. DAfter the writer graduated. The writer decides to write the highlights of her Senior Year down in order to _. Aexchange with her classmates Bmake them a good memory Cmake herself happy Dwrite a book about Senior School,BChoose the best answers according to the passage. 1 2,Which of the following is not included in the experiences that the writer recalls? AAttending the Senior prom. BWorking as a peer mediator. CWorking as an arts editor. DTaking the final exam. The writer expresses her _ feelings about the Senior Year experiences in the passage. Aregretful Bpassive Cnegative Dexcited 答案 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.D,3,4,settle vt. (1)解决,处理 常与affair,business,question,quarrel,argument,matter等名词搭配使用。 The problem was settled to his satisfaction. 这个问题的处理令他感到满意。,1,(2)决定 强调最后的决定,接名词、代词或从句。 That settled the matter.事情就这样决定了。 They have settled that theyll go to Beijing,but they still havent settled when they are going. 他们已决定去北京,但什么时候去还没有定下来。 (3)定居 They will settle down in the country.他们将在农村定居。 (4)安定下来,稳定下来 Wait until the excitement has settled down. 等到兴奋的情绪平静下来再说。,【归纳拓展】 settle down解决;定居 settle down to着手认真做某事 settle on(upon)就达成协议,决定,由于有很多问题要处理,经理不得不工作到深夜。 With so many problems _ _ (settle),the manager has to work late till midnight. 问题解决了,经理很高兴。 With problems _(settle),the manager was so happy. 目前,我做什么都安不下心来。 I cant _ _ _ anything at present.,to settle,【完成句子】 ,settled,settle down to,(1)n.一套衣服 I have ordered a new suit for my wife. 我为妻子订了一套新衣服。 (2)vt.(尤指服装,颜色等)合适 The colour of the skirt doesnt suit your complexion. 这衣服的颜色不适合你。 (3)vt.对某人方便, 合某人的心愿 The seven oclock train will suit us very well. 七点的火车正和我们心意。,2suit,(4)vt.适宜,有利于 This hot weather doesnt suit me. 我不适宜这炎热的天气。 【比较网站】 suit/fit/match suit通常用作及物动词,意为“适合;适宜”,主要指颜色、衣着、发型、时间、事情、口味、气候、条件、地位等适合某人。如果衣着使某人看上去有吸引力,不能用fit,而要用suit。用于比喻意义时也多用suit。 Which date suits best?哪天最合适?,fit作动词用时,其基本含义为“适合;合身”,多用于衣服、鞋、帽等,指大小、尺寸、形状等的“适合”。既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。fit还可作形容词,意为“健康的”。 The shoes fit me well.鞋正合脚。 He is fit for the job.这工作他很称职。 match着重指颜色、式样的搭配,也可指“相一致”。 The color of the shirt doesnt match that of the coat. 衬衣颜色和上衣颜色不匹配。,用suit/fit和match的适当形式填空 Her special abilities _ her well for the job. The color of the shirt does not _ that of the coat. That color doesnt _ him.,fit,match,suit,elect v选举,推选 Voters always elect the candidate most tuned in to their needs.选民总是选那些最能体察其疾苦的候选人。 They elected him chairman.他们选他做主席。 The president elected will take office next week. 候任总统将在下周正式就任。 【归纳拓展】 elect sb from/among electsbas职位(前无冠词) elect to do决定做 election n选举,3,【比较网站】 choose/select/elect/pick out/pick,他精选一本教辅书。 He_a coaching book. 请挑选一朵鲜花。 _ a flower. 我要去挑选窗帘。 Ill go_ curtain. 我们今天选举主席。 Well_ chairman today.,【完成句子】 ,selected,please pick out,to choose,elect,enormous adj.巨大的,庞大的 The problems the president is facing are enormous. 总统面临的问题是巨大的。 He shows enormous interest in politics. 他对政治产生了极大的兴趣。 【比较网站】 enormous/huge/vast (1)enormous不仅表示“块头”和“数量”方面的“大”,而且可以表示程度方面的“极大”,并且具有反常的内涵。 (2)huge“巨大的”,强调体积方面的“巨大”。 (3)vast“广大的”,强调幅员“辽阔广大”。,4,这个地方非常大,比我曾经见过的任何建筑都大。 The place is _larger than any building Ive ever seen. 那里是一片汪洋。 It is a _expanse of water there. 在北京有许多高大的建筑物。 There are lots of _ buildings in Beijing.,【完成句子】 ,enormous,vast,huge,look back at回顾,追忆 He likes to look back at his childhood. 他喜欢回忆童年。 I look back on those days as the happiest time of my life. 我回顾那些日子,把它看作是我生活中最快乐的一段时间。 Ive looked through all my papers but I still cant find the contract.我翻阅了所有文件,但仍然没有找到那份合同。 Things are looking up.事情正在好转。 After winning the scholarship he never looked back. 赢得奖学金以后,他更是一帆风顺。,1,【归纳拓展】 look back on回忆,回顾 call sth to mind使回想某事 bring back memories of sth引起对某事的回忆 bring back回想起 never_look_back越来越成功 look down on看不起 look into调查 look on旁观,look on.as把看作 look through翻阅,查找 look up(形势)好转,改观 look up to尊敬 look out(for)当心,注意,警方正在调查两个孩子失踪的事。 The police _ the disappearance of two children. 我一直很敬重比尔,他既勇敢又果断。 Ive always _ Bill for his courage and determination. 只有一个人设法帮助我们,其余的人都只是默不作声地看着。 Only one man tried to help us,the rest just _.,用look短语完成句子 ,are looking into,been looking up to,looked on,too.to. 在英语中,“tooadj./adv.to do sth”结构表示否定意义,意为“太而不能”。 You are too young to understand such things. 你太年轻,不懂得这些事情。 The problem is too difficult for me to work out. 这道题太难,我做不出来。 Ive been too busy to find time to answer that letter. 我一直很忙,抽不出时间来回那封信。,2,【归纳拓展】 在下列场合下,too.to.结构表示肯定意义: (1)某些形容词与too.to.连用表示肯定意义,too相当于very或very much。这些形容词多是表示心情的词或描述性的形容词:ready,glad,pleased,surprised,delighted,happy,easy,eager,thankful,anxious,willing,good,kind,true等。 She was too surprised to see how angry her father was. 当看到父亲如此生气时,她非常吃惊。 They seemed to be too nervous and were too anxious to leave.他们看起来特别紧张不安,并且非常着急地要离开。,(2)在too前加上only,but,all,simply或just时,too.to.结构表示肯定意义。 Im only too glad to meet you here again. 我很高兴在这儿再次见到你。 (3)too.to.和never,not连用时,表示肯定意义,意为“非常,不会不”。 Shes too careful not to have noticed it. 她那么细心,不会注意不到这一点的。 English is not too difficult to learn.英语并不难学。,Allen had to call a taxi because the box was much too heavy to carry all the way home. _ He moved away from his parents,and missed them too much to enjoy the exciting life in New York. _ Alice is a kind girl.She is too willing to help me study in English. _,艾伦不得不去叫辆出租车,因为这个箱子太沉了,没法提回家。,他离开了父母,太想念他们,无法享受在纽约的幸福生活。,艾丽丝是一个热心的女孩,她很乐意帮助我学习英语。,【翻译句子】 ,3have problems with.在方面有问题 What problems do you really have with him? 你和他之间到底出了什么问题?,【归纳拓展】 have difficulty/trouble/problem(in)doing_sth做某事有困难/麻烦/问题 have no difficulty/trouble/problem(in)doing sth做某事没有困难/麻烦/问题 have(no)difficulty/trouble/problem with_sth做某事有(没有)困难/麻烦/问题 have some difficulties with sth/(in)doing sth做某事有困难 There be some difficulties with sth/(in)doing sth做某事有困难,尽管下雨,按时到校没问题。 _ _ 对于一个外国人,学习汉语有点难。 _ _,Although it is raining,we have no difficulty getting to school on time. There are some difficulties for a foreigner to study Chinese.,【翻译句子】,4have fun(in)doing sth玩的开心,开心地干某事 Do you have much fun walking by the seaside? 你们在海边漫步很开心吧? They often have fun flying kites. 他们经常开心地放风筝。 【归纳拓展】 for fun for the fun of it为了好玩 make fun of sb取笑某人 What fun it is! 多么有趣! How funny it is!多么有趣! What a pity!真遗憾!,孩子们画画很开心。 The children are going to _ _ drawing the pictures. 对许多人而言,运动不只是为了好玩。 For many people,sports are not just _ _. 在炎热的夏日来份冰淇淋是多么惬意。 _ _ it is to have an icecream on a hot summer day.,【完成句子】 ,have fun,for fun,What fun,It seems strange to think that in a few days time I will be walking out of the school gates forever.想想过几天就要永远地走出校门了,似乎有一种别样的感觉。 本句用了句型:It seems adj. to do sth.其中it 为形式主语,不定式为真正主语。 【归纳拓展】 It is/wasadj.thatclause/to do sth. it seemsadj./to do/to be/as if It felt funny watching myself on TV. 在电视上看到我自己真好玩。,1,【单项填空】 _have seen the film. AIt seems that he BHe seems that he CHe seems to DIt seems as if possible that he will come late. AHe seems BThere seems to be CThere seems DIt seems,答案 C D,Its wellknown that Americans are competitive,and I did enjoy it whenever I won our races!众所周知,美国人喜欢争强好胜。不管什么时候只要我赢得了比赛,我都会欣喜万分。 I did enjoy it whenever I won our races这是一个强调谓语的结构。does/do/did 动词原形表示对谓语动词的强调,“的确,确实”。 She did tell me about her address but I forgot all about it. 她确实告诉我她的地址了,但我忘了。 Do come here tomorrow.明天一定要来。,2,He does like you.他的确喜欢你。 He did visit us yesterday.他昨天真来看我们了。 注意:do 强调动词时时态随句子的时态而变化。,他来得确实比你早。 He _ _ here earlier than you. 我确实想邀请你去那里。 I _ _ to invite you to go there. 她真的爱她的父母。 She _ _ her parents.,did come,do want,does love,【完成句子】,Meanwhile,I find myself looking back at my senior year,and thinking about all the wonderful things that have happened.同时,我发觉自己在回顾自己高中最后一年的时光,追忆所有发生过的美好往事。 and连接looking和thinking,共同作myself的宾语补足语,that引导定语从句修饰先行词all the wonderful things。 find oneself doing sth发现自己处于做某事的状态,在oneself后可接介词短语、现在分词、过去分词等作find的宾补。 Later,he found himself lying on the ground,aching all over.后来,他发觉自己躺在地上,浑身疼得难受。,3,【归纳拓展】 (1)Find oneself in doing 发现自己有某方面的能力 You should be able to find yourself in writing. 你应该知道自己有写作天分。 (2)find oneself in sp发现自己身处某地 The soldier found himself in a house,bleeding on the head. 那位战士发现自己躺在一个房子里,头上流着血。,我发现玛丽坐在阅览室的桌子旁,正在写报告。 I found Mary _ at the table and _ a report in the reading-room. 这个孩子发现自己有打篮球的天赋。 The boy found _ _ _ basketball.,seated writing,himself in playing,【完成句子】,It took two hours but it was worth it,as everyone told me I looked very elegant!这花了我两小时,不过很值得,因为每个人都说我看起来端庄典雅。 句中第一个“it”指的是“做头发这件事” to have my hair done。第二个“it”指的也是“做头发这件事” to have my hair done。第三个“it”指的是“两小时的时间”the time of two hours。 在这里,可理解为:worth itworthwhile在上下文意思明确时,我们可以说worth it,表示一个很好的理由去做某事,值得去做某事。这里的it代表什么,可以通过上下文去理解。 It was hard work,but it was worth it in the end. 那是艰苦的工作,不过最后还是值得的。,4,The doctor thought _ would be good for you to have a holiday. Athis Bthat Cone Dit The fact that she was foreign made _ difficult for her to get a job in that country. Aso Bmuch Cthat Dit 答案 D D,【单项填空】 ,


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