2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 A healthy life单元综合测试(II) 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 A healthy life单元综合测试(II) 新人教版选修6第一部分听力:配听力检测题 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. We must never think _ we are good at everything, _ others are good at nothing.A. that; while B. that; when C. what; that D. what; while22. _ circumstances beyond our control, the lecture had to be cancelled.A. Thanks to B. Due to C. In spite of D. In terms of 23. To realize my dream, I know clearly there are risks I will have to _. A. make B. take C. burden D. possess 24. With the efforts of all the people here, the small village _ into a modern city.A. has been transformedB. has transformedC. would be transformedD. will transform25. My mother moved to the city two months ago; its no wonder that she _ to living here so far. A. hasnt been accustomed B. wasnt accustomedC. hadnt been accustomedD. isnt accustomed 26. Having walked for half an hour in such hot weather, he was _ a cold drink. A. addicted to B. worried about C. curious about D. desperate for27. The exercises are designed to _ your stomach muscles and help you keep fit. A. strengthen B. stress C. decrease D. loose28. panies that only employ males have a(n) _ against female employees.A. exchange B. preference C. influence D. prejudice29. My daughter Maria, _ senior at _ Harvard University, is a considerate girl. A. a; the B. the; a C. a; / D. /; the30. She told us the story vividly as if she _ it herself. A. had experienced B. experienced C. has experienced D. was to experience31. I have seen an interesting plant, _ open at sunrise and close at sunset. A. which flowers B. the flowers of which C. what flowers D. its flowers32. Dont expect too much. _hasnt been decided whether the writer will e or not. A. That B. This C. It D. What 33. He never breaks his word, so you can depend on _ that hell do whatever he promises.A. it B. that C. which D. whether 34. I know _ isnt difficult to know my own weaknesses, but _ is difficult is to help others to know their weaknesses. A. it; it B. what; what C. it; what D. what; it35. You look pale; youd better take a couple of days off. _.A. Ill take your advice B. Let me see C. Never mind D. Take it easy第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Jackie Heinricher, a fisheries (水产业) biologist, started a business in bamboo plants with her husband, Guy Thorn-burgh, and their business might help to save the planet. Heinrichers 36 for bamboo started in her backyard in childhood. Heinricher said that one of her beautiful 37 of childhood was playing among the plants that her father had planted. Heinricher started Boo-Shoot Gardens in xx. She 38 early what is only just being known to the rest of the world now: bamboo is 39 as well as environmentally-friendly. It can be used to make buildings, furniture, floors and even items of clothing. 40 , bamboo absorbs four times as much CO2 as hardwood trees. 41 realizing the benefits, she decided to 42 herself to a green career. But at first she had to find a way to mass-produce (大规模种植) the plants, which is a 43 task, since bamboo flowers bloom and 44 seeds only once every 50 to 100 years. So she 45 Randy Burr, a tissue culture expert, for help. Her large garden 46 her with the chance to do 47 . Later a United Nations report said bamboo forests were disappearing 48 , which proved that her sense of urgency (紧迫感) about planting more bamboo was 49 . Heinricher knew that bamboo could have a(n) 50 on the environment only if huge numbers could be produced. And thats just what she and Burr 51 after nine years of experiments a way to grow millions of plants. With great 52 , they finally got the plants to sprout (发芽) and then they 53 them in soil in greenhouses. Having once 54 financial difficulties, today Hein-richer owns a 55 pany. It is working on species from all over the world.36. A. love B. decision C. concern D. expectation37. A. Achievements B. memories C. responses D. dreams38. A. undertook B. realized C. explained D. presented39. A. Hopeful B. Useful C. Wonderful D. bBeautiful40. A. Otherwise B. However C. Moreover D. Therefore41. A. After B. Since C. Though D. As42. A. devote B. lead C. instruct D. adapt43. A. Surprising B. relaxing C. dangerous D. difficult44. A. serve B. form C. establish D. create 45. A. turned to B. referred to C. stood for D. brought up46. A. Afforded B. attempted C. developed D. provided 47. A. Harvests B. planting C. Growth D. experiments 48. A. Patiently B. regularly C. Rapidly D. secretly 49. A. correct B. unnecessary C. impossible D. noticeable 50. A. sense B. use C. reaction D. effect 51. A. understood B. achieved C. thought D. doubted52. A. Attention B. demand C. effort D. operation53. A. shaped B. Touched C. Challenged D. raised54. A. experienced B. discouraged C. inspired D. managed55. A. special B. Worthy C. valuable D. meaningful 第三部分阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AA disabled woman said employees at a McDonalds refused to serve her when she wanted to use her foot to get the bags of food at a takeout window. Dawn Larson was born with a disease and has small hands that cannot reach to her shoulders. She has adapted to using her feet to deal with many daily activities by herself. I fed my baby with my feet. Nobody ever taught me how to do it; I just did it, Larson said. I can ride a bike. I can swim. These hadnt been problems in my life at all. It didnt stop me from having four boys. I have never dropped any of them. In a lawsuit(诉讼), she charged employees at two different McDonalds restaurants in Rockford with stepping back when she tried to take her food using her foot. In both cases, employees finally agreed to give Larsons food to other people in her vehicle(交通工具), including her son and a friend. Both times, cashiers at different windows took her credit card from her foot without any problem. I felt discriminated(受歧视的) against and embarrassed, Larson said. All I wanted was the food I had paid for with my money. I just wanted to feed my kids. We care very much about our customers and take this matter seriously, said Taylor, owner of the two restaurants. We do our best to serve our customers with great care and respect. We have strict rules forbidding any forms of discrimination in our restaurants.56. What is the passage mainly about? A. A womans experience at a fast food restaurant.B. A quarrel between a disabled woman and two restaurants.C. A case between a disabled customer and fast food restaurants. D. A disabled womans pursuit for equality and justice.57. Which of the following is TRUE about Dawn Larson? A. She leads a difficult life because of her disability.B. She can deal with her daily life on her own. C. She has had many different jobs to support her family.D. She charged employees with tricking her before her sons.58. Why did Dawn Larson feel embarrassed at the McDonalds restaurant? A. She was laughed at by other customers.B. She was unable to take her food using her foot.C. The employees refused her when she used her foot to get food. D. The employees refused to take money from her foot.59. You may read the passage in a _. A. fashion magazine B. consumer-focused newspaperC. high school textbook D. research report BEverybody feels anxious at times. We lose interest in enjoyable activities, or get stressed, but when it continues for a long time or affects our daily activities, it may be serious. Stress is the bodys response to any demand or pressure. These demands are called stressors. When stressors in your life are constant, it can influence your mental and physical health. Anxiety (焦虑) is a normal reaction to stress. It helps you deal with a tense situation. However, if you cannot shake unnecessary worries, or if the feelings are strong enough to make you want to avoid everyday activities, you may have an anxiety disorder. Depression (沮丧) is very different from casual upsets. About 18.8 million Americans experience depressive disorders that affect their lives. Depression starts between the ages of 15 and 30. There are different types of depressive disorders, each with its own symptoms and treatment choices. The good news is that depression can be treated, and people can recover. The following suggestions are some steps that you can take. _Regular physical activity improves ones mood, helps relieve depression and increases ones feelings of well-being. Try going for a walk, dancing, or riding a bike. Ask a friend to exercise with you if you need to be motivated (激励). Try to find out why you feel depressive. Find out what may be causing your stress. Determine what steps you can take to reduce stressors, such as changing schedules and setting realistic goals for yourself. Talk to someone. Talk to someone you can trust, such as a parent, doctor, friend, or teacher. Some people find that sharing their feelings with someone they trust and who recognizes what they are going through helps them feel better. Visit a health center, and discuss concerns with a health professional. If the health professional advises treatment, follow his or her instructions. Watch out for side effects, and attend follow-up appointments to assess improvement. If you dont feel any better after 4-6 weeks, tell your health professional.60. According to the passage, depression _. A. is the bodys response to pressureB. is a normal reaction to stressC. is a kind of casual upset D. usually starts between 15 and 3061. Whats the best title for the first step in treating depression?A. Stay active. B. Change your feelings. C. Exercise with friends. D. Get motivated.62. When discussing problems with a professional, you should _.A. share your feelings with him or her so that you can feel betterB. follow his or her instructions to avoid the side effectsC. visit him or her frequently to check if youre getting betterD. visit another one if you dont feel better after 4-6 weeks63. What can be inferred from the passage? A. Stressors will influence your mental and physical health.B. Anxiety prevents you from dealing with tense situations.C. Therere 15 million Americans that experience depression. D. Different kinds of depressive disorders have different symptoms. CEvery day, all across the nation, as many as one in four children refuse to go to school. The reasons are various. School Refusal, formerly known as School Phobia, is an actual anxiety-based disorder. Many children are vague about their plaints and unable to be sure what is making them anxious, so it is sometimes regarded as typical childhood willfulness. However, the effects of constant school refusal can be far-reaching for your childs education. So, where is the line between whats normal and whats not? You need to look at whether it is affecting the child or the familys daily functioning, explains Christopher Kearney, Ph.D. In other words, if a childs grades are suffering from frequent absences or a parents job is disturbed, it is time to look closely at the issue. Parents should listen carefully to children who say they cant go to school because of untestable things, such as stomachaches or headaches. While these plaints alone dont necessarily indicate school refusal, there may be deeper problems if bined with general plaints about school, talks of threats at school and so on. There are different kinds of behavior in school refusal. Some children are influenced by their friends who skip school to hang out with their friends, showing a sense of rebellion (叛逆). Some children cling to their mothers leg, screaming at the thought of having to enter the school building. However, that doesnt mean that getting a child back into the classroom is impossible. According to Maryann Roth, a school psychologist and guidance counselor (顾问), parents should attempt to make the child get back to school, no matter how hard it is. Working closely with school officials and possibly a specialist to create a plan is a necessary step.64. The underlined word vague(Paragraph 1) is close in meaning to _. A. irregular B. unclear C. indifferent D. unusual 65. According to Paragraph 2, the real reason of School Refusal may be that the children _.A. are suffering from illnessB. are afraid of endless tests C. want to stay with their parents D. feel bored and unsafe at school66. When facing School Refusal of their children, parents should _.A. take the problem seriously if their daily life is disturbedB. discuss the seriousness of the problem with their childrenC. take their children to see the doctor immediately D. keep their children away from their rebellious friends67. The passage intends to _. A. explain that School Refusal is a symptom of an illnessB. explain the phenomenon of School Refusal and how to treat itC. remind parents to take good care of their children D. explain that School Refusal is normal and not seriousDIf you love adventure and excitement, then Hunters best-selling Warriors series is for you. The fantasy books follow four cat clans(部落) as they try to survive in the wilderness. In the newest book, Thunder Clan warrior Ash fur has been mysteriously murdered. This sets three warrior cats named Holly leaf, Lion blaze and Jay feather on a journey to find the killer. The three friends must deal with other problems, too. Jay feather is searching for his parents, but he must struggle against many lies to find them. Holly leaf encounters her own obstacles when her clan refuses to follow the warrior rule. And Lion blaze discovers some unbelievable secrets. Besides, the cats face many dangers and the chance that another warrior will disappear forever. Hunter is really a pen name for Victoria Holmes and two other authors, Kate Cary and Cherith Baldry. They chose Hunter to cover the three of them because of Red wall, a very successful book written by Brian Jacques. It is a similar animal fantasy about rats and mice. Because Warriors was going to fit into that bracket (级别), they wanted their books to go into the bookshelves next to his. So they needed a name alphabetically (按字母排序地) that would be close to Jacques. Hunter fits perfectly. My favorite character is Jay feather. You never know if he is on the side of the angels or not. Hes got a quite dark side about him. In terms of the cat that I would like to be my best friend, that would be Cinder pelt. She is so cool. She has a great sense of humor and she is a good medicine cat. Even if she isnt a warrior, she tries to make the best of her destiny. I really admire that in her, said Victoria Holmes, one of the authors.68. The three warrior cats go on a journey mainly to _. A. survive in the wildernessB. protect another warrior from disappearingC. find the killer that murdered Ash fur D. look for some adventure and excitement69. From the second paragraph, we can learn that _. A. Jay feather likes to tell lies and is unreliableB. the warrior rule of Holly leafs clan is terribleC. the journey is not easy for the three cats D. there are lots of unbelievable secrets among the clans70. The authors chose Hunter as the pen name because _.A. the book is about the hunting of catsB. they all admired the fantasy author Brian JacquesC. the books should be placed into the bookshelves labeled as HD. they wanted their books to be best-sellers just like JacquesRedwall第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)My favorite American hero was Sally Ride. The reason why shes special for me is because she is the first woman astronauts. She was born in 1951 in Los Angeles, California. She liked to play the tennis;thus, she didnt choose it as a career even though she received a national prize for it. That is because of she wanted to be astronaut and would never give up her dream. She worked very hard to achieving her goal. In 1978, her dream was finally realized. What wonderful she is! He has set a very good example for me. 第二节书面表达(满分25分) 关于人们是否应该减肥这个话题,某网站最近进行了一项网络调查,调查结果显示有70%的人支持减肥,30%的人反对减肥。请根据下表提示,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,发表在该网站的英文论坛里。观点 比率 原因支持 70% 肥胖会引发多种疾病;不美观,易受人歧视;在生活中造成诸多不便。反对 30% 只要健康,肥胖无所谓;内在美比较重要。你的观点 参考词汇:肥胖(obesity) 参考答案21-25 ABBAA 26-30 DADCA 31-35 BCACA36-40 ABBBC 41-45 AADDA 46-50 DDCAD 51-55 BCDAC 56-60 CBCBD 61-65 ACDBD 66-70 ABCCD 短文改错1. was 改为is 2. because 改为that 3 . astronauts 改为astronaut 4. 去掉the5. thus 改为however 6 . 去掉of 7 . be 后加an 8 . achieving 改为achieve9. What 改为How 10 . He 改为She书面表达(One possible version) Recently a website carried out a survey on whether overweight people should lose weight. The results are as follows. Seventy percent of those who participated thought overweight people should lose weight. They argue that obesity is associated with many diseases. Plus, those people are sometimes looked down upon because they dont look beautiful. Besides, obesity can cause a lot of inconvenience. In contrast, only thirty percent think that overweight people neednt lose weight. They think it doesnt matter whether you are fat and inner beauty is what really matters. Personally, I take the side of the majority. Obesity is a leading cause of many diseases, and physical exercise is a good way to keep fit.


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