2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Music单元小测 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Music单元小测 新人教版必修2.在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式1The hotel was pletely rebuilt last year, with the _(add) of a swimming pool.2Tom put his heart into the wildlife research, and finally, his efforts earned him _great success and fame.3They pretended _ (work) hard when the old man entered the room.4Can I pay the bill by check?Sorry, sir.But it is the management rule of our hotel that payment shall be made _cash.5I dont like _(broadcast) the fact that my father owns the pany.6In these musical festivals, you cannot only enjoy the wonderful music, but also have a great chance to witness the wonderful _(perform) of the singers!7Many children dream of _(enter) a university after they plete the school.8There are still a number of issues _(sort) out,but we hope that an agreement could be reached quite soon.9Love is _(attractive) power in the universe.Anything can be conquered by love.10Mary was _(pain) awakened from her dream of owning a house when she saw how much it cost.阅读理解We dont know how different our future will be in the future.We can only try to imagine it.At first we think about human relationship.In the year 2050, we will use puters almost every day.We will be making new friends through the Interneteven our husbands or wives will be met in this way.It will be much faster and easier for us.On the other hand, our relationships with people wont be as important as they are todaywe will feel a little lonely.puters will also help us in many other activities in 2050.For example, they will be used by the children at school to make their learning easier.In addition, there will be much more other machines which will play a similar role as puters, like robots which will do the housework for us.Spending holidays will also be pletely different.Travelling to other planets or to the moon will be available for everyone.Means of transport will, of course, change, too.We will be using solarpowered cars, which will be much more environmentally friendly.We could expect that the faster technological progress would lead to a more polluted environment.But it isnt true.We will pay more attention to protecting the environment.And, scientists will probably find cures for many dangerous diseases, like cancer or AIDS.Therefore, our surroundings as well as our health will be in a better condition.Although we cant predict the exact changes which will be made in the world, we often think about them.We worry about our and our childrens future; we have expectations, hopes as well as fears.But I think we should be rather sanguine about our future.We should be happy and believe good things will happen.1Why will people probably feel a little lonely in 2050? ABecause the number of people will bee much smaller.BBecause people wont municate with each other much often.CBecause people wont like making friends with each other.DBecause there will be less facetoface munication.2According to the passage, which of the following will happen in 2050? AIt wont be difficult for people to travel to other planets.BThe way of spending holidays will be the same as that of today.CThe relationship between people will be more important than today.DOur environment will be much more polluted with a growing number of cars.3The underlined word “sanguine” in the last paragraph most probably means “_”Adisappointed BoptimisticCcurious Dsurprised4What does the passage mainly talk about? AHow people will municate in the year 2050.BWhat high technology will appear in the year 2050.CHow people will travel and spend their holiday in the year 2050.DWhat our life will be like in the year 2050.完形填空One day, Nancy came home from school crying.Taking her in her arms, Mummy tried to _1_ her.After a while, she stopped crying and asked, “Mummy, am I _2_?” “No, you are not, ” said Mummy, “but let us discuss this after you _3_, OK?”Several minutes later, Nancy began to have supper with Mummy.“Who _4_ that you are bad?” asked Mummy.“Phillips, my friend.He asked me for help with his maths but I _5_ because I wanted to read the new book Daddy gave me.He got _6_ and said I was a bad girl, ” said Nancy.“You are _7_, ” said Mummy.“Phillips has often helped you with your English.You should have helped him.Why dont you phone him and say _8_ to him?”“But he called me bad and _9_ with me.I dont want to go, ” Nancy cried.“Though you have done _10_ bad, it does not make you a bad person.You are _11_ a good person.”Nancy showed a _12_ look on her face.“How can that be, Mummy?” she asked.“Our _13_ is always good.So never believe that you are bad, ” Mummy replied with a smile._14_ flooded on Nancys face.“Am I _15_ good, Mummy?” she asked.“Yes, you are good, and always will be so.But that does not mean that you should not _16_ the wrong that you do.You will have to call and _17_ to Phillips.Do you understand me?” “Yes, Mummy, ” said Nancy slowly.“Thank you for telling me this.I feel much better now, ” said Nancy _18_“I am going to _19_ Phillips right away, and I am never going to _20_ that I am always good.”1A.calm Bprotect Ctrick Dpraise2A.shy Bfoolish Cbad Dstrong3A.get up Bgrow up Cwash up Dturn up4A.said Bsaw Cheard Ddoubted5A.cried Brefused Cadmitted Dallowed6A.excited Bfortable Cnervous Dangry7A.wrong Bbrave Cwise Dcareful8A.goodbye Bsorry Cthank you Dhello9Apeted Blived Cworked Dargued10A.everything Banything Csomething Dnothing11A.always Bsometimes Cever Dnever12A.worried Bpuzzled Cconfident Dsatisfied13A.chance Bchoice Ccondition Dnature14A.Fear BPatience CShock DJoy15A.really Bhardly Calready Dgradually16A.account for Bpay for Clook forward to Drely on17A.devote Bapologize Cintroduce Dturn18A.coldly Bsadly Cgratefully Dpitifully19A.consult Bchange Cteach Dcall20A.agree Bexplain Cforget Dconfirm.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Motto is a short statement giving a rule on how to behave, 1._ can inspire us especially when we are 2._ (face) with difficulties.Many of us have our mottoes, such as “Where there is a will, there is a way.” or “Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.”, and so on.My motto is “God helps those who help 3._” Sometimes I am lazy and dont want to make efforts 4._ (work) hard, 5._the moment I think of my motto I will get energetic again and devote myself 6._what I am doing.I write my motto 7._I can see it easily.Every time I fail in my exam and begin to lose heart, the sight of my motto inspires me with much 8._ (confident)My motto also makes me bee 9._independent person.That is to say, I wont rely on others easily.My friends, what is your motto? If you still havent got a motto, please choose10._because a motto can have a great effect on you.参考答案单元小测(五).1.addition2.a3.to be working4.in5.to broadcast6.performance7.entering8.to be sorted9.the most attractive10.painfully.【文章大意】 我们不知道我们的未来将如何不同,我们只能想象它。文章从人际关系(电脑对人际关系和生活的影响)、度假、技术进步等角度描述道,尽管我们不能非常具体地预测未来的世界将会怎样,但我们仍然抱着积极乐观的态度。1D细解理解题。根据第二段段落大意可知,电脑改变了我们交流和沟通的方式,故选D项。2A细节理解题。根据第四段的“Travelling to other planets or to the moon will be available for everyone.” 可知,每个人都可以去其他行星或月亮旅行,故选A项。3B推理判断题。根据第六段“We worry about our and our childrens future; we have expectations, hopes as well as fears.But I think we should be rather sanguine about our future.”中“But”一词可知,我们担心我们和我们孩子的未来;我们有期望、希望和恐惧。但是,我们应积极地对待我们的未来。故选B项。4D主旨大意题。文章主要对人际关系(电脑对人际关系和生活的影响)、度假、科学技术的未来进行预测。故选D项。.【文章大意】 本文是一篇很有启发的故事。文章讲述了Nancy由于Phillips的话很伤心地回到了家,在母亲的安慰和积极的引导与教育下,重新认识自己,改正了自己的错误。1A文章开头讲述了Nancy很伤心地回到了家,她的母亲挽着她的胳膊在安抚她,试着使她平静下来,故选A项。2C由下文第三段中“Whothat you are bad? asked Mummy.”可知此处应填bad,故选C项。3C结合上下文可知,Nancy止住了哭,母亲要她洗干净之后再讨论Nancy坏不坏这一问题。故选C 项。4A前文Nancy向母亲提出了问题,在这里母亲问Nancy“是谁说她不好?”故选A项。5B由“He asked me for help with his maths but Ibecause I wanted to read the new book Daddy gave me.”可知,他要“我”帮他学数学,可是由于“我”想要阅读爸爸给“我”买的书,所以拒绝了他。故选B项。6D由于Nancy没有帮助Phillips,所以Phillips很生气,故选D项。7A由下文可知,Phillips经常在英语方面帮助Nancy,而Nancy却不帮助Phillips学数学,所以母亲认为Nancy的做法不当。故选A项。8B为什么你不打电话向他道歉呢? say sorry to sb向某人道歉;say goodbye to sb向某人告别;say hello to sb向某人问好。故选B项。9D他说“我”不好并和“我”争吵。argue with sb与某人争吵。故选D项。10C尽管你有一些事情做得不对,这也不会使你成为一个坏人。故选C项。11A你一直都是一个好人。故选A项。12B结合上下文可知,Nancy对于两个人对自己评价完全不一样感到非常疑惑。故选B项。13D我们的本性总是好的。故选D项。14D喜悦在Nancy 的脸上涌现。故选D项。15A结合上下文可知,Nancy一下子受到了母亲的肯定,很开心,所以问母亲她是不是真的是一个好人。故选A项。16B这并不意味着你不应该为你的错误付出代价。account for对做出解释;pay for支付,赔偿,付出代价;look forward to渴望;rely on依靠。故选B项。17B母亲的意思是要Nancy向Phillips道歉。故选B项。18CNancy很高兴地接受了母亲的教育,故选C项。19DNancy很高兴地接受了母亲的教育,并听从母亲的建议,向Phillips道歉,故选D项。20C“我”将不会忘记“我”一直都是一个好人的。故选C项。. 1.which此处是which引导的非限制性定语从句,which指代的是Motto。2facedbe faced with面对。3themselves这里是一句座右铭,即“上帝帮助那些帮助他们自己的人”。故填themselves。4to workmake efforts to do 努力做。所以这里用动词不定式作宾语。句意:有时我很懒,不想努力工作。5but这里起转折作用。句意:虽然有时我懒,不想努力工作,但是一想起我的座右铭,我就又精力充沛,全身心投入到我的工作中去。故填but。6todevoteto献身于,致力于。这里理解为全身心地投入。7where这里是where引导的地点状语从句。where I can see it easily作I write my motto的地点状语。句意:我把我的座右铭写在容易看见的地方。故填where。8confidenceconfident对应的名词形式为confidence。with为介词,后跟名词,所以要用confidence。句意:看着我的座右铭,它激励我并给予我信心。故填confidence。9an根据后文independent person可知,这里应该是一个冠词,而independent是以元音音素开头,要用an。句意:我的座右铭也让我成为一个独立的人。故填an。10one这里是代词,代指座右铭。句意:如果你还没有座右铭,请选择一个座右铭,因为它会对你有很大的影响。


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