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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册Unit1Knowyourself随堂小测试1新版牛津版撰写人:_时 间:_. 根据所给的汉语意思,用正确的单词填空。 1. I dont believe some people are (天生的) clever. Wisdom (智慧 2. In (总的), Eric is a creative boy. 3. I dont think life is like a (竞赛). It is more like a journey. 4. Steve Jobs was a great (开拓者). And because of his great success, Apple can go further. 5. South Korea has taken the (领先地位) in ship-building. 根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Tom was punished by his parents for his (careless). 2. After several (miss) he finally hit the target (目标). 3. The job (it) is exciting, but the working condition needs improving. 4. Mr Wu is a good teacher and he has (devote) himself to his work. 5. We must make a careful plan before we start, because we cant afford (make) any mistakes. . 单项选择( ) 1. Will Andy achieve success in the contest? Of course. His works always .( ) 2. Your job is your standard this time, Eric. I am sorry. I will work the high standard if I am given another chance.A. below; to B. above; to C. above; on D. below; with( ) 3. The film won from people for its perfect plot (情节).A. trust B. money C. praise D. respect( ) 4. My cousin wears his glasses every day. Without his glasses, he is blind.A. as long as B. as well as C. as bad as D. as good as( ) 5. You made some spelling mistakes again, Tom. You wont do well in English if your spelling . Sorry, Mr Wu. I will be more careful.A. wont be paid attention B. isnt paid attention toC. doesnt pay attention to D. isnt paid attention( ) 6. The job may be too hard for you, Andy. Are you sure you will take it? Yes. I have decided to the challenge. A. take on B. take up C. turn on D. turn up( ) 7. What will you do if you find it too hard to carry on with the job? I will ask for help. Anyway, I wont halfway (中途).A. give out B. give up C. give away D. give off( ) 8. Is your manager easy to ? Yes. He is a good leader. A. work B. work with him C. be worked with D. work with( ) 9. Have you ever watched the show “The Brain” on Jiangsu TV? Yes. And a boy called Zhou Wei impressed the whole country his super brain.A. for B. on C. with D. as( )10. Does the project need further discussion? Sure. Its a very important project. A. Many hands make light work. B. Better late than never.C. We cant be too careful. D. We cant take it into our heads. 从方框里选择合适的词(组),并用其正确形式完成短文。chief accountant, fall behind,extra hours, day after day, respect. It means he has to work with numbers. I think it boring to do that job (2). But my uncle says he enjoys it very much. He devotes himself to his work and never minds working (3). 根据所给的汉语完成下列句子,词数不限。 1. 目前,湖人队以三分优势领先。 At present, the Lakers is by three points. 2. 不仅学生们喜欢这个节目,他们的老师也很喜欢。 the students their teacher enjoys the program. 3. 他努力工作赢得了每个人的高度称赞。 He has everyone because of hard work. 4. 政府将建造一条轻轨把这个镇和主城连接起来。 The government will build a light rail to the city. 5. 这场比赛很重要,我们要么赢得比赛,要么就输掉一切。 The game is important. We will .参考答案:. 1. born 2. general 3. race 4. pioneer 5. lead. 1. carelessness 2. misses 3. itself 4. devoted 5. to make . 1-5 BACDB 6-10 ABDCC. 1. chief accountant 2. day after day 3. extra hours 4. respect 5. falls behind . 1. taking the lead 2. Not only; but also 3. won high praise from 4. connect the town to 5. either win the game or lose everything6 / 6


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