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教学资料参考范本八年级英上册 Unit 6 Lesson 41 A Phone Friend说课稿 冀教版撰写人:_时 间:_This lesson is the first lesson of Unit6. So if the students learn it very well, it will be helpful to make them learn the rest of this unit.根据这一课在教材中的地位和作用,我制定了以下重点和难点:重点: How to make phone calls and how to express when you cant follow others.难点:运用所学语言点自编电话对话。八年级的学生,在各个方面都对英语有了一定的认识,并且产生了浓厚的兴趣和强烈的求知欲。对于41课重难点的突破就在于大量的口语训练以及笔头练习。Part2. 教学目标分析1.知识目标:Four skill words: idea, phone, encourage, follow, repeat, sentence, understand Oral words and expressions: pardon, have a good talk, have an idea Oral English: May I speak to? This is speaking. Is this/ that? Whos this/that? I cant follow you. Pardon?2.能力目标:学会用英语进行交流。3.情感目标:通过小组合作培养合作精神,并通过互相评价激发学生的学习欲望。Part3. 教法和学法分析: Lesson41是对话课,对话课的特点就是要进行对话。所以我采用听、说、读、练的教学方法以及小组合作的学习方式进行教学,主要突出学生的主体地位以及老师的指导作用。Part4. 教学过程分析 Ill finish this lesson in eight steps. Step1. Lead in. Lesson41 A Phone Friend.通过讲Phone一词,我有意识的和一个同学设计了个小品,而其他同学都不知道。我的设计意图是:创设情境,激发学生的兴趣。Step2. 表演完小品我有引出一个疑问:学生多久给老师打一次电话。我的设计意图是:使课堂过度到。“Think About It” Guide the students to answer the first question in English. If they cant answer the second, they can answer it in Chinese.Step4. Listen an d answer. Books closed! Listen to the tape and answer the two questions:What does Wang Mei want to do? When do they make a telephone?我的设计意图是:训练学生的听力能力。Step5.Listen and read. Books open. Listen and repeat the text. Then ask the students to read it silently and find the new words, phrases and the phone language. Then I can write them on the blackboard with the help of the students, such as:New words Oral English idea May I speak to?encourage This isspeaking.follow Whos this/that?give a good talk Is this/that?have an idea Pardon?I cant follow you. Point to them on the blackboard and say to the students: We must pay attention to these words and oral English and try to use them freely. 我的设计意图是:训练学生的听、说、读以及阅读理解的能力。Step6. Work in groups. Divide the class into several groups. Each group has four people. Practice the text in groups of four. Ask them to try to act it out in front of the class. They can use their own hands as telephones. Six minutes later, check several groups and give them scores and see which group is the best. 我的设计意图是:以小组合作以及竞争意识来充分调动学生的积极性和主动性,并且在轻松愉悦的氛围中突破重难点。给学生一个展示的空间,同时也锻炼了学生的口语表达能力。Step7. Practise in class. I design A and B exercises for the class. Exercise A is about the words and expressions. Its easy for all the students. Exercise B is a dialogue with some blanks. Its a little hard for several students. Ask them to do the exercises by themselves, then check the answers orally in class. Correct the mistaken ones in time. 我的设计意图是:根据不同层次的学生进行分层训练,使同学们都能从不同的角度找到自信和愉悦,并且及时反馈信息和改正错误。这对学生的进一步学习有很大的帮助。Step8. Homework: Must do: Make up a dialogue using the phone language learned in this lesson. Choose to do: Rewrite the text into a passage. 我的设计意图是:让不同层次的学生都有收获和成就感。Part5. 效果分析 我认为,在本课中可能出现的问题就是电话用语中的“我是”“你是吗?”的实际运用。这就是中西方文化的差异。针对这种情况,要多给学生训练的机会,多创设这样的情景,相信效果肯定会更好。4 / 4


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