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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上学期词语解释与延伸Unit4 SectionA B 人教新目标版撰写人:_时 间:_1. take v 搭乘(某种交通工具)2.subway 地铁 take the subway 乘地铁take the subway to =go to by subway 乘地铁去(1) He takes the subway to work every day .=He goes to work by every day.他们每天乘地铁上班。*take 花费 某事花费多少时间。(2)The subway ride usually takes about 30 minutes.乘地铁通常用大约30分钟。* It takes sb. some time to do sth. =sb. spends some time (in) doing stb.某人用(花费)多少时间做某事。(3)It took him about two hours to finish the work yesterday. 昨天他用了大约两个多小时完成了这项工作。= I spent about two hours finishing the work yesterday.* It takes some time to do sth.做某事用多少时间(4)It takes twenty minutes to walk to school.步行上学需要二十分钟。3decide on 决定于 (1) He thought about going to Tibet or Spain ,but decided on Australia. 他考虑去西藏还是去西班牙,可是他决定去澳大利亚。(2)He decided on Macao.他决定去奥门。4. minute n 分钟 in a minute 一会儿 用于一般将来时(1)Itll take them ten minutes to walk there. 走着去那里他们要用十分钟。(2)He5far adj 远的 far from 离、远 near to 离、近 how far 多远(1) My house is far from the hospital .= My house isnt near to the hospital. 我家离医院很远。(2)How far is it from Shanghai to Beijing. ? 从上海到北京多远?(3)Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗?6 kilometer 千米 公理 对距离提问用how far (1)Its about ten kilometers from the cinema to my house.电影院离我家大约十公理。 How far is it from the cinema to your house? 你家离电影多远?(2)His house is five kilometers away from school.他家离学校五公理。7 quick adj quickly 快的(1)My good friends usually have a quick lunch at school because they want to have some time to play football on the playground .我的好朋友在学校通常匆匆吃过午饭因为他们想有一些时间去操场踢足球。(2)Every morning he has a quick breakfast and then goes to school.每天早晨他匆匆吃过早饭然后去上学。(3)He spoken so quickly that I couldnt hear you clearly.他说话太快我不能听清楚。8station n 车站 at the bus stop =at the bus station 在汽车站 at the train station = at the train station 在车站(1) Who are children waiting for at the bus station? 孩子们在车站等谁呢?(2) Ill meet my uncle at the train station tomorrow.我明天去为车站去接我叔叔。9 stop vt stop doing stn. 停止正在做事 stop to do sth. 停下来做某事(1)The students stopped talking when the teacher came into the classroom.。老师走进教室学生停止说话。(2)He stopped to have a look at the blackboard after he wrote down the new words.他写下生词后停下来看黑板。(3) They stopped to have a rest after a long walk. 长时间行走他们停下来休息一会儿。10early adj 早的 提旱的 adv (1) His father goes to work early every day .他的父亲每天很早就去上班啊。(2)Sleeping early and getting up early is good our health.早熟旱起对我们的健康有益啊。11transportation n 公共交通,运输 (1) What do think of the transportation in England? 你认为英国的交通如何?(2)How do you like water and land transportation ? 你认为水陆运输如何?12north adj 北部的 北方的 in the north of 、 在、北、in North America 在北美州 to the north of 、在、北 on the north of 、在、北 在某一整体内部用in 在某一整体的外部用to 挨着某一不整体用on (1) Beijing is in the north of China. 北京在我国的北部。(2) Korea is on the northeast of China. 韩国在我国的东北部。(3) In North America ,not all the students take the bus to school .在北美州不是所有的学生都乘汽车上学。13part n 地方 区域 (1) Most parts of the books are very interesting. 大部分书都很有意思。(2)His uncle traveled to many other parts of the world last year.去年他叔叔去了世界各地旅游。14. depend depended v. 依靠 依赖 depend on 视、而定 决定于 依赖于(1)Good health depends on good food ,exercise and getting enough sleep.良好的身体依赖一于好的食品和充足的睡眼。(3)The price depends on the quality.价格依质量而定。15river 河 in the river 在河里 by the river 在河边(1)Children enjoyed themselves by the river last Sunday. 上周孩子们在河边玩得可开心了。(2)Look ! Some boys are swimming in the river. 睢! ,几个男孩在河里游泳。16boat n 小船 by boat =in a boat 乘船 go boating 去钧鱼 take a boat 乘船(1)Students in Hongshanhu and Kaisandao have to take a boat to get to school.。 =Students in Hongshanhu and Kaisandao have to get to school by boat. 红山湖和开山岛的学生得乘船去上演。(2)-Would you like to go boating with me ? Id love to .17.must (表示推测) 一定 表示对现在的推测,用在肯定句中。否定句表示推测用cant 不可能(1)You must be tired after work. 工作后你一不定很累。(2)-Who is the teacher in the purple coat ?- Sorry , I dont know. She must be a new teacher. 穿紫色大衣的那们老师是谁?对不起, 我不知道。她一定是新老师。(3) Even the top students in our class cant work out this problem ,so it must be very difficult .既使班上的尖子生也做不出这道,因此它一定很难。(4)( C )-Listen! Someone is singing in the next room.-Who _it be?Is it Wei Fang ? No ,it _be her .She is at school now.A. will , may not B. must mustnt C. may ,cant D. may ,wont 听! 有人在隔壁房间唱歌。 可能是谁呢? 是魏芳吗?不可能是她。她现在在学校呢。18worry worrying worried worries v 担心, 担忧 焦虑 * worry about 担心 be worried be worried about =worry about 为、担心(1) Please tell my parents not to worry about me.请告诉我父母不必我担心。(2)Don t worry, we have a little time left.不要担心,我们还有一点剩下的时间。(3)His mother is worried about him all the time .他的母亲一直为他担心。19than 比 用于比较级句型 (1)This pencil is longer than that one.这支铅笔比那支长/(2)My pencil case is newer than hers.我的文具盒比她的新。(3)Her coat is nicer than mine. 她的大衣比我的大衣好看。(4)She is much taller than me .她比我高多了。比较级的结构: 甲+ be + 形容词的比较级+ than + 乙。20so adv 表示程度 这么,那么I think so . I hope so I m afraid so . I dont think so .我认为是这样 我希望是这样。 恐怕是这样 我认为不是这样用于交际用语。(1)-Does Mr Brown have a bad cold ? - I think so .He cant go to work until next week.布朗先生患了重感冒了吗?我认为是这样。到下周他才能上班呢。(2)-Does Miss Liu have a sore throat? Im afraid so . Shes ill in the hospital . 刘老师嗓子疼吗? 恐怕是这样。 她生病住院呢。(3)-I must get good grades next term.-I hope so .我下学期一定取得好成绩。我希望是这样啊。(4)You worked late every night . Its bad for your health ,so you shouldnt work so hard. 每天晚上你工作得很晚,对你的健康有害。所以你为应该那么努力啊。21means n 方法 手段 工具(1) A car is a means of transportation. 汽车是一种交通工具。(2)There s no means of getting there.没有去那里的方法。(3)In China ,bikes and buses are the most popular means of transportation.在中国自行车和汽车是最受欢迎的交通工具。22 too much + n(u) much too + adj (1) Drinking too much wine is bad for your health .喝太多的酒对健康有害。(2)In summer ,theres too much rain and its much too hot .夏天雨太多又太热。22a number of + n (pl) 作主语谓动词用复数。几个 一些 the number of +n (pl) 、数量 、数目 作主语谓语动词用单数。(1) The number of students in our school is 900. 我们学校学生的数量是900。(2) A number of children take subway to get to school. .一些孩子乘地铁上学。(3)The number of the girls in our class is thirty four.我班女生的数量是34。5 / 5


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