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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Revison教学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版撰写人:_时 间:_课型复习教学目标1. 知识目标:复习本单元单词,词组和含疑问词的宾语从句 2能力目标:能用本单元所学词汇句型谈论青少年问题和解决问题的方法重点难点1、重点:复习本单元单词,词组和含疑问词的宾语从句2、难点:用所学词汇谈论中学生遇到的问题并思考解决问题的方法媒体及准备1. 媒体:PPT及录音机2. 教辅:补充习题课课练导 学 过 程备注Activity One :share my feelings These days Im very busy. I cant achieve a balance between my work and my family . I have no time for my son, so I feel unhappy from time to time. I need help, would you please give me some advice?(to go over some phrases)Activity two: different problemsStep 1 get用法(1.) Lucy gets a bus to school every day.(2.) When I heard this, I got angry. (3.) Everyday we get a lot of homework to do.(4.) Li Ming studies hard, so he often gets high marks in test.(5) Dad has gone to Hong Kong. He got there last nightStep 2 review some teenage problems(look at pictures and say the sentences, pay attention to the useful expressions)1 The TV is always on at Kittys home. The noise almost drives her mad2 Daniel doesnt have any close friends to talk to. Sometimes, he feels lonely.3 Sandys parents work all day. They dont have time for her.4 Simon doesnt have enough time to do his homework. Step 3 review readingName_Problemhave a lot of _ and have no time for _ like staying out late to _, but his parents do not allow him to _ after 6 p.m 2 fill in the blanketsMillie has a problem and she doesnt know how to _ it. She has a lot of homework but she cant _ it because she understand that it is important to do her homework and _ on time. She usually just _ it and often stays up late to _ the exercises. However, she has no _ time for her hobbies. She _ whether it is _. She is _ a holiday without homework and she wants Sigmund Friend to _.Simon is so _ about football that he likes _to play football with his friends. His parents are very _ with him and they do not _ him to play outside after 6 p.m. Simon feels stressed and angry _. He thinks hobbies can help him _ and make his life _. He wishes he could have his parents _. He wants Sigmund Friend to tell him how to _ between his school work and his hobbies.3 Write a letter to Millie The letter written by SigmundDear Millie: I hope I can _ you some useful suggestions. You said you dont have enough time to do homework. Plan your day carefully. It will be a good _ to make a list of all the homework you have to do. Then work out how much time you need to _ it. You also said that you do not have enough time for your _. Perhaps you can choose one hobby to do each day, for example, playing _ today and playing ping-pong the next day. I hope that my advice is_taking.Best wishesSigmundActivity Three: writingHarry 在学习和生活中遇到了一些问题。请你根据下面提供的信息,用英文写一篇100词左右的短文。Harrys problems:1.有时感到孤独,不善于交朋友。 2.经常玩电脑游戏。3.英语成绩不好。Advice: 1.积极参加各种活动。常和老师、同学交流.2.不要花太多时间玩电脑游戏,对学习不利。3.认真听课,做笔记要求:1.包含以上信息,可适当发挥;2.语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范;Activity Four 由疑问词引导的宾语从句Step 1(合并成一句)1 When did the train leave? I want to knowI want to know when the train left2 What time did she get up? The young man asked.The young man asked what time she got up.3 Whats the matter with her? Can you tell me?-Can you tell me whats the matter with her?4 What has happened to him? We dont know.-We dont know what has happened to him.Step 2 Translation 1 我想知道我应该做什么。I wonder what I should do.I wonder what to do.2 Daniel 不知道他应该和谁交谈Daniel does not know whom he should talk to.Daniel does not know whom to talk to.3 我不能理解为什么他们对我如此严厉。I dont understand why they are so strict with me.Activity Five: 一、根据中文提示、英文释义或句意,填写单词。1. A _ is a young person between 13 and 19 years old.2. Its _ (not healthy) for the children to eat too many sweets.3. I have no friends here. I often feel _ (孤独).4. You are so fat that you should take more _(锻炼).5. The heavy work almost drives me_ (发疯的).二、单项选择。( ) 1. Have you finished _the story book? Yes, I have.A. to read B. read C. reading D. reads( ) 2. Dont worry, sir. Im sure I can run _to catch up with them.A. fast enough B. enough fast C .slowly enough D. enough slowly( ) 3. At the foot of the hill you could hear nothing but the _of the running water.A. shout B. noise C. voice D. sound( ) 4. To our disappointment (失望), the pool was _ for the whole time during our stay.A. closed B. open C. clean D. gone( ) 5. The old man lives in a _town. He lives _, but he doesnt feel_.A. alone, alone, alone B alone, alone, lonely C. lonely, alone, lonely D. lonely, lonely, alone三、翻译句子。1. 我不喜欢在家做家庭作业,因为电视总是开着。 I dont like to_because the TV_.2. 看我的肚子,我变胖了。_, Im_.3. 我没有足够的时间去洗衣服。 I dont_ my clothes.4. Tom 没有亲密的朋友,他觉得孤独。Tom_. He_.5. 每天晚上我有很多作业要做,没有时间看电视。I_ _every evening. I_TV.6. 我父母整天工作,他们没有陪我的时间。My_. They have_.Homework: 1. Finish writing a letter on the paper. 2. Remember the key words, phrases of unit 3.板书设计:教后反思:10 / 10


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