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吴璇玲漳州七中九年级上学期期中考试卷 第一部分 听力(20分)I 听句子;选择正确图片.每个句子读一遍.(5分) ( ) 1 . A B C. ( )2 . A B C. ( ) 3 A B C. ( ) 4 . A B C. ( )5A B C. . 听问题;选择正确答语.问题读一遍.(5分)( )6. A. Yes; I like. B Yes; I d love to. C. Oh; thats easy.( )7. A. Air pollution B. Light pollution C. Soil pollution( )8. A.Two days ago. . B.In two days.C. Since yesterday morning.( )9. A. I feel terrible. B.Its nice of you. C. I m right. ( )10. A. It looked like a hill. B. A beautiful place with flowers and grass. C.Its a big river.III. 听短文;选择正确答案.短文读两遍.(5分)( )11. The writer is from _. A.Guilin. B.Xiamen C. Shanghai( )12. The writer found there were only_rooms in that school.A.two B.three. C. six( )13 Every night; the writer was busy _A.preparing lessonsB.reading test papers C. A amd B.( )14.The students _with the help of the volunteer teacher. A.are making progress B. are making friends C. are making cards ( )15 What do you think of the volunteer teacher and the students.A.Hard-working B.Upset.C. Lazy.IV 听对话;根据对话内容完成下面表格信息.对话读两遍(5分)NameWang TaoAge_16_Job_17_In the pastHe used to help his parents with _18_work in free time.NowHis _19_conditions have improved a lot.Future planHe will have many _20_to make farm work much easier.第二部分 英语知识运用(80分). 单项选择.(10分) ( )21.Where are Maria and Kangkang?They _ England.A.have been toB.are awayC.have gone to ( )22 _ the population of the U.S.A. in 2005?It _ about 296 million.A.What is; isB.What was; was C.How many is; was( )23 His father has worked in this factory _ he came here in 1980.A.sinceB.forC.when( )24 In our class _ of the students _ girls.A.third fifths; isB three fifth; are C.three fifths; are ( )25It smells terrible. What has happened here?Look; there is much waste gas _ from the chemical factory.A.pourB.pouringC.poured ( )26 is difficult if you set your mind on it. A.Something B.AnythingC.Nothing ( ) 27 He is tall; _ his son is short.A.whenB.orC.while ( )28 She finished the work _ as soon as possible. Shes very happy now.A.succeedB.successfullyC.success ( )29We really shouldnt use plastic bags any more when shopping._ Its important to protect our environment.A.So do I.B.With pleasure.C. So it is.( )30.Xian is a city with many places of interest and _ tourists come here every year.A.thousands ofB.thousandC.thousandsII(A) 任务型阅读;根据图表内容;选择最佳选项(5分)Place of interest Water Cube(立方)West LakeDisneylandDragon TowerLocation(位置)Beijing HangzhouHong KongHarbinPhone Number010-281355890571-6834557600852-280298220451-82187899Price of Ticket¥60¥50¥300¥150FeatureSpecial bubbly (气泡状的) designThe Broken BridgeCartoon charactersSkywalk( )31 It is said that the love story about Xu Xian and the white Snake happened on _. A. Dragon Tower B.West Lake C. Water Cube( )32 If a person in Hangzhou feels like visiting Water Cube; he should call _ to get information. A. 0451-82187899 B. 0571-68345576 C. 010-28135589( ) 33 Disneyland; which attract a lot of tourists from home and abroad every year; is in _ according to the travel information. A.Beijing B.Harbin C. Hong Kong( )34 Two travelers plan to have a birds-eye view(俯视)of Harbin; and they need to pay_ from the information above. A. ¥150 B. ¥300 C. ¥450( )35 Which of the following is TRUE according to the travels information?A. Water Cube is special in design.B. The price of a ticket for West Lake is the highest.C. In Disneyland; you cant see any cartoon characters.(B)把A-E五个选项填入文中空缺处;使短文内容完整;正确.(5分) We may still remmember the girl with big eyes. Her big eyes are telling us of her dream: I want to go to school. _36_They want to go to school; but their families are too poor to afford it. _37_ So parents often ask girls to stay at home; and boys to go to school. _38_From 2005 on; children can go to school for free in some very poor countries. _39_ Besides; if they live in school; they can get some money to make their lives better. By 2007 ; all the children in the countryside will go to primary school and junior high school for free. _40_ It is really great. A. Now they neednt worry about money.B. If the family has two or three children; it is harder to pay the cost for all the children.C. In China; there are still namy girls and boys like her.D. All families are very happy with this news.E. .They dont have pay for books and other things. III根据汉语意思完成下列句子.(10分)41你必须来参观一下. You must _ _ _ _ .42 有时吉姆缺钱;不得不跟朋友借.Sometimes Jin was _ _money and had to borrow some from his friends.43这个计划还向他们提供舒适的住处. The program also _them _nice houses.44我叔叔离开家乡已有好几年了.My uncle _ _ _ _ his hometown for quite a few years.45用这笔钱;它已经建了数千所学校和图书馆._ _ _ ; it has built thousands of schools and libraries-46 树能防风固土. Trees can _ the wind _ _the earth away.47 当你离开教室的时候; 应该随手关灯.You _ _ turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.IV 句型转换.(每空一词)(10分)48 Did your father go to Japan?(改为现在完成时)_ your father _ to Japan?49. The Smiths have lived in the country for five years.(对画线部分提问) _ _ _ the Smiths lived in the country?50“What will you do for Project Hope?” he asked me. (改为间接引语)He asked me _ _ _ do for Project Hope.51. He has already finished the work.(改为一般疑问句) he _the work _?52.He joined the Party ten years ago. (同义句转换)He_ _ a Party member _ten years. 53 Dont play football in the street.” The teacher said to them. (改为间接引语) The teacher told them _ _ play football in the street. 54 My mother is a teacher. His mother is a teacher; too. (同义句转换) _ _ my mother _ _ his mother is a teacher.V综合填空(10分)根据短文内容;用所给单词的适当形式填空.white; harm; be; water; produce; soil; sickness; air; pour; healthy Do you know how pollution hurts the earth? Now let me tell you. There _1_many kinds of pollution. The chemical factory _2_terrible gas. Its called _3_pollution. It makes people _4_ .Iit causes _5_problems and even cancer. Farmers use fertilizer(化肥)too much.; so _6_pollution is difficult to be stopped . Every year people _7_a lot of waste into rivers; lakes and so on. So _8_pollution spreads widely. Light pollution is _9_to our eyes. Whats more; _10_pollution influences the look of our cities.55._ 56._ 57._58._ 59._60_ 61._62_ 63_ 64_VI 口语应用: 在下列横线上填入适当的话语;使对话完整;正确.(10分)Nick:Hi!Mina.I visited you last night; but you werent in. _65_Mina: I went to the TV Station.Nick: What did you do there?Mina: I took part in a talk show.Nick: Really ? _66_Mina: We talked about how to be a greener person.Nick: It is interesting and important; isnt it?Mina: _67_ Its everyones duty to protect the environment.Nick:But what should we do?Mina:We should do many things; for example; we should obey the “three Rs”-reduce; reuse; and recycle.Nick: 68_Mina: We can collect waste paper; soft drink cans and so on.Nick: 69_ We are supposed to do so.VII 书面表达(10分)70 because of; have one child 71keep in touch with ; by modern communications. 72be used for; electricity 73 be harmful to ; peoples eyes 74with the help of VIII根据下面表格的提示;写一篇80词左右的短文.(10分)人类的不明智之举1.乱伐树林2.乱扔垃圾3.不加处理排放废物导致的问题1.良田变沙漠 2. 水土流失3. 河水变脏4.影响人体健康建议至少两条合理化建议 答题卡一 听力部分(20分) I 1( ) 2( ) 3()4()5()II 6( ) 7( ) 8()9( )10()III 11( ) 12( ) 13()14( )15()IV 16 17 18 19 20 二 基础知识运用(8分)I 21( ) 22( ) 23()2( )25()26( )27( )28( ) 29( ) 30()II 31( )32( ) 33()34()35()36( )37( ) 38()39()40()III 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 IV 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 V 55._ 56._ 57._58._ 59._60_61._ 62_ 63_ 64_ 答案VI 口语应用: 在下列横线上填入适当的话语;使对话完整;正确.(10分)Nick:Hi!Mina.I visited you last night; but you werent in. _65_Where did you go? Mina: I went to the TV Station.Nick: What did you do there?Mina: I took part in a talk show.Nick: Really ? _66_What did you talk about?_Mina: We talked about how to be a greener person.Nick: It is interesting and important; isnt it?Mina: _67_Yes.(it is) /Of course) Its everyones duty to protect the environment.Nick:But what should we do?Mina:We should do many things; for example; we should obey the “three Rs”-reduce; reuse; and recycle.Nick: 68_What can we do at school? Mina: We can collect waste paper; soft drink cans and so on.Nick: 69_ I agree with you ./Thats a good idea. /I think so. We are supposed to do so.VII 书面表达(10分)70 because of; have one child Because of the one-chila policy;most families have one child.71keep in touch with ; by modern communications. Nowdays; we keep in touch with our friends by modern communications.72be used for; electricity Wind is used for producing electricity.73 be harmful to ; peoples eyes Light pollution is harmful to peoplaes eyes. 74with the help of In the past; farmers planted crops with the help of animals. VIII根据下面表格的提示;写一篇80词左右的短文.(10分)人类的不明智之举1.乱伐树林2.乱扔垃圾3.不加处理排放废物导致的问题1.良田变沙漠 2. 水土流失3. 河水变脏4.影响人体健康建议至少两条合理化建议 As time goes by; man is making the earth sick. People cut down too many trees and throw rubbish away here and there. Many factories pour waste water into rivers and lakes. As a result; a lot of rich land has changed into desert; leaving only sand. The water brush the earh away.The rivers are becoming dirtier and dirtier. It affects peoples health.Many people now are in bad health. I think everyone is supposed to reduce the waste. Recycling can not only protect the environment but also save money. Wed better not buy bottles or boxes which people can use only once. If we are greener people; our world will become more and more beautiful. 答题卡一 听力部分(20分) I 1(C ) 2( A ) 3(C)4(B)5(B)II 6( B ) 7( A ) 8(C)9( A )10(B)III 11( C ) 12( B ) 13(C)14( A )15(A)IV 16 15 17 student 18 farm 19 living 20 inventions 二 基础知识运用(8分)I 21( C ) 22( B )23(A)2( C )25(B)26( C )27( C )28( B ) 29(C ) 30(A)II 31( B )32( C ) 33(C)34(B)35(A)36( C )37( B ) 38(A)39(E)40(D)III 41 come for a visit 42 short of 43 provides with 44 has been away from 45 with the money46 stop(prevent) from blowing 47 ought to IV 48 has gone 49 How long have 50 what I would 51 has finished yet 52 has been for 53 not to 54 Not only but also V 55._are_ 56._produces_57._air_58._sick_ 59._healthy_60_soil_61._pour_ 62_wather_63_harmful_ 64_white_


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