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2019-2020年高一人教版英语必修4练习册:单元小测4.在句中空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式1They asked me so many questions that I got _(confuse)2In order to avoid_(meet) him, I turned around and walked away.3While staying in a fivestar hotel, you will feel pletely _ease.4All the soldiers decided to_(defend) their country.5The two men have different_(face) expressions.6Yesterday he made a speech at the meeting, _(represent) our school.7He is _(like) to win the match.8There are many different ways _(greeting) someone using words.9In our country, every citizen owns the _(free) of speech.10Mr Black _(pat) the boy on the shoulder and encouraged him.完形填空I was thirteen years old when Dad called my two younger brothers and me into the game room of our house.I was_1_! I thought we would play games or even see movies together! “Bring a notebook and something to write with,” said my dad_2_we reached the game room.My brothers and I_3_dead in our tracks and stared at each other in horror! His_4_was unusual, and our excitement turned to fear.We_5_that games or movies were not the reason why we were called out.As we went back for a notebook and a pencil, we_6_to think about the reason for this gathering.We thought family meeting was not_7_because Mum was out shopping.In the game room, we_8_ three chairs facing a huge blackboard.Dad asked us to sit down.“I want your full_9_We are going to have a weekly meeting every Saturday morning.That is why Ive called you here,” he said, _10_businesslike.“Im going to teach you what Ive learned about_11_So take it seriously.”For the next five years, rain or sunshine, in sickness or in health, Dad_12_us once a week.He instructed(教授) us in a variety of_13_manners, the importance of education, respect for others, home repairs, and the_14_went on.We filled one notebook after another, which we all_15_well. As I came to my eighteenth birthday, the lessons became_16_lessons and then every other month, until they slowly drifted away.My brothers and I were older, and we had school activities, sports activities and job responsibilities that became very_17_ to manage.Its been years now since we had those classes with Dad.We have_18_with careers(事业) and wives of our own.Very often, _19_, one of us has a situation where we need help from Dad.At this time, we_20_take out our notebooks; we neednt call home.1A.surprised Bexcited Cdisappointed Danxious2A.before BunlessCuntil Dsince3A.turned BfellCfelt Dstopped4A.reaction BideaCrequest Dinvitation5A.decided BrealizedChoped Dadmitted6A.wanted BrefusedCcontinued Dforgot7A.convenient BimportantCinteresting Dpossible8A.found BtookCput Dshared9A.imagination BattentionCattraction Dconsideration10A.going BbeingCgetting Dsounding11A.nature BschoolClife Dfamily12A.taught BhelpedCvisited Djoined13A.methods Bcontents Cproblems Dsubjects14A.list BgoalCplan Dnote15A.used BkeptCunderstood Dknew16A.weekly BregularCmonthly Dinformal17A.foolish BdifficultCnecessary Dunusual18A.grown BfamiliarCbored Dcareful19A.instead BthereforeChowever Dbesides20A.even BseldomCstill Djust.阅读理解Robert Frost was one of Americas best known and most honoured serious writers.But his fame came late in his life.He was born in San Francisco, California in 1874.He lived in California during his early childhood.He was named after the chief Southern general in American Civil War.The generals name was Robert Edward Lee.The poet was named Robert Lee Frost, because his father wanted to honour the general.Someone once asked another American writer, Ernest Hemingway, how to bee a writer.The best thing, he said, was to have an unhappy childhood.If this is true, Robert Frosts childhood was unhappy enough to make him a very good writer.Robert Frosts father was a reporter who wanted to be a politician.He often drank too much wine and became angry.Robert was the victim(受害者) of his anger.Robert Frost finished high school in 1891.After high school, Roberts grandfather offered to pay his costs at Dartmouth College.But Robert left the school after a few months.He did not like it.He spent the next few years working at different jobs.At one time, he worked in a factory.Later, he repaired shoes.He was a teacher.He was a reporter.Always, he wrote poetry.Robert Frost had been in Harvard University for two years.After that, he returned to the many jobs he held before.For a while, Frost tried to take care of a farm in the state of New Hampshire.He was not a successful farmer.And he continued to write poetry.He said that until 1930, he earned only about ten dollars a year from writing.In 1912, he decided to try to make a new start.He took his family to Britain.The cost of living was low.In Britain, Frost found a publisher for his first book of poems.The book was called A Boys Will.When it appeared in 1913, Frost received high praise from British readers.Praise was something he had not received in his own country.Ezra Pound, another American poet living in Britain, read the poems and liked them very much.He wrote a magazine article about Frost.He also helped get Frosts second book of poems published in America.That book was called North of Boston.1The following are writers EXCEPT _ARobert Edward Lee BRobert Lee FrostCErnest Hemingway DEzra Pound2The passage wrote about Hemingway in order to show that _Ahe had a great influence on Frosts poetry and lifeBFrosts poetry style was the same as HemingwaysCFrost was unhappy because he was the victim of his fatherDFrost spent his childhood unhappily3What can we learn from the passage?AOnce Frosts first book was published he gained great praise in his country.BAfter leaving Harvard University, Frost began to learn to write poetry.CFrost was found to have a gift in poetry while he studied in high school.DRobert Frosts father was angry and drank a lot because he didnt realize his dream.4Whats the passage mainly about?ARobert Frosts unhappy childhood. BRobert Frosts first and second books.CRobert Frosts family and jobs. DRobert Frosts life and poetry. 语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。Usually, thinking about the future means worrying about the future. When you think about the future, you think about what might or could go wrong. This is a way to bring 1. _(anxious), stress and unhappiness into your life. I think my grandmother could probably be the most anxious woman on the planet. Much of her life was spent 2._ peace and happiness because her mind was always 3._(focus) on the future and what might or could happen.She was always worrying about what bad things might befall those she loved, 4._(especial) me. When I was very young and went for a walk with her, she would say, “Dont run. You might fall and get hurt.”Just as there are many people who cant stop thinking about the future, there are those who cant stop thinking about the 5._. Their 6._(thought) are focused on “What if I hadnt given up my job, been lazy or moved to 7._town?”Even if you could turn back the clock and change all those things, you still couldnt know what would happen in the future. So why not live in the 8._moment? Why not free yourself 9._ worries about the future and depression of 10._(regretful) over the past? 参考答案单元小测(四). 1.confused2.meeting3.at4.defend5.facial6.representing7.likely8.to greet9.freedom10.patted. 【文章大意】 作者的父亲的教育方式很特别,但是很有用。1B由下文的“I thought we would play games or even see movies together!”可知, “我”以为“我们”要去玩游戏或者看电影, 所以是“激动的”。该空也与下文的our excitement对应。2A在到达游戏室“之前”, 父亲要“我们”拿上笔记本。3D听到父亲的话, 弟弟们和“我”都“停”下了脚步, 面面相觑, 内心很害怕。4C父亲的“要求”是不寻常的。request需求, 要求。5B“我们”“意识到”父亲叫“我们”来不是要玩游戏或者看电影。6C在“我们”回去拿笔记本和笔的时候, “我们”“继续”思考父亲要“我们”聚在一起的原因。continue “继续”,符合语境。7D“我们”觉得家庭会议是“不可能的”, 因为母亲外出购物了。8A在游戏室内, “我们”“发现”了三把椅子, 面对着一个大黑板。find发现, 找到。9B父亲授课要求“我们”集中“注意力”。attention注意力;imagination想象;attraction吸引, 吸引人的事物;consideration考虑。10D父亲和“我们”说的话“听起来”很有商业味道。sound听起来。11C由下文可知, 父亲教“我们”“人生”道理。12A父亲每周“教”“我们”一次。teach教。13D父亲教授“我们”各种各样的“课程”。subject科目, 课程;method方法;content内容, 所含之物。14Alist清单。父亲教授“我们”各种各样的课程, 有礼仪、教育的重要性、尊重别人、家庭修理而且课程“清单”还有很多。15B“我们”的笔记本都“保持”得很好。16C一开始, 父亲的授课是每周一次, 后来“每月”一次, 然后每两个月一次。monthly每月的。17B“我”和弟弟们都长大了, “我们”要面对学习、体育活动和工作职责这些“难”以处理的事物。18A“我们”“长大成人”, 有了自己的事业和家庭。grow长大。19C“然而”, “我们”经常需要父亲的帮助。20D这时, “我们”“只”需拿出“我们”的笔记本。just只, 仅仅。. 【文章大意】 本文介绍了Robert Frost的生活经历和他的两部诗集。1A细节理解题。根据第二段的“He was named after the chief Southern general in American Civil War. The generals name was Robert Edward Lee.”可知Robert Edward Lee是一位将军,而不是作家。故A符合题意。2D推理判断题。根据第三段的“The best thing, he said, was to have an unhappy childhood. If this is true, Robert Frosts childhood was unhappy enough to make him a very good writer.”可知,提及Hemingway只是想说明Robert Frost的童年很悲惨。故D正确。3D推理判断题。根据第三段的内容可知D正确。4D主旨大意题。本文介绍了Robert Frost的生活经历和他的两部诗集。故D正确。 . 1.anxiety考查名词。分析句子结构及前后语境可知,anxiety作动词bring的宾语。 2without考查介词。 文中举例说明祖母生活在焦虑中,生活中没有平静。故用without。3focused考查动词搭配。分析句子结构及前后语境可知,her mind与focus on之间为被动关系,故用过去分词。 4especially考查副词。此处表示陈述某一事实之后列举一个具有代表性的例子来进一步强调,故用副词。 5past考查名词。 根据下文可知,很多人除了担心未来,还后悔过去。6thoughts考查名词。分析句子结构及前后语境可知,此处指人们的想法,故用thoughts。 7another考查限定词。分析句子结构及前后语境可知,此处指迁到另一个城镇。 another另外的,另一个。 8present考查形容词。分析句子结构及前后语境可知,present修饰moment,意为“此时”。 9from考查介词。 freefrom为固定搭配,意为“从中解脱”。10regret考查名词。分析句子结构及前后语境可知,of后面跟名词。


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