2015届高考英语一轮 专题8 动词的时态与语态复习题及答案.doc

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2015届高考英语一轮 专题8 动词的时态与语态复习题及答案.doc_第1页
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2015届高考英语一轮 专题8 动词的时态与语态复习题及答案.doc_第3页
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学 以 致 用.单句填空,用所给动词的适当形式填空。1If you dont like the drink you _ (order),just leave it and try a different one.2Ill go to the library as soon as I finish what I _ (do)3The manager was worried about the press conference his assistant _ (give)in his place but,luckily,everything was going on smoothly.4It is the most instructive lecture that I _ (attend)since I came to this school.5In the last few years thousands of films _ (produce)all over the world.6Last month,the Japanese government expressed their thanks for the aid they _ (receive)from China.7By the time Jack returned home from England,his son _ (graduate)from college.8Tom _ (work)in the library every night over the last three months.9Tommy is planning to buy a car.I know.By next month,he _ (save) enough for a used one.10Is everyone here?Not yet.Look,there _ (come)the rest of our guests!11Barbara is easy to recognize as shes the only one of the women who _ (wear)evening dress.12Every few years,the coal workers _ (have)their lungs Xrayed to ensure their health.13The book has been translated into thirty languages since it _ (come) on the market in 1973.14When you are home,give a call to let me know you _ (arrive)safely.15Up to now,the program _ (save) thousands of children who would otherwise have died.16For many years,people _ (dream)of electric cars.However,making them has been more difficult than predicted.17In the near future,more advances in the robot technology _ (make) by scientists.18Experiments of this kind _ (conduct)in both the US and Europe well before the Second World War.19After getting lost in a storm,a member of the navy team _ (rescue)four days later.20All visitors to this village _ (treat) with kindness.21The church tower which _ (restore) will be open to tourists soon.The work is almost finished.22This coastal area _ (name)a national wildlife reserve last year.23Linda,make sure the tables _ (set) before the guests arrive.24Youve failed to do what you _ (expect)to and Im afraid the teacher will blame you.25People say that a smile can _ (pass) from one person to another,but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so.26When research _ (assign),the professor expects the student to take it actively and to complete it with minimum guidance.27The meeting _ (hold) tomorrow.28All the tickets _ (sell) out when they rushed there.29The cloth _ (wash)well.30The door wont _ (shut)答案1.ordered2.am doing3.was giving 4have attended5.have been produced6.had received 7had graduated8.has been working9.will have saved 10come11.wears12.have13.came14.have arrived15.has saved16.have been dreaming17.will be made18.had been conducted19.was rescued 20are treated21.is being restored22.was named23.are set24.were expected25.be passed26.is assigned27.will be held28.had been sold29.washes 30shut.语篇填空,用括号中动词的适当形式填空。Welcome to our school.Id like to introduce you to plans for our school.A lot of work _1_(do) in the past few years.The library _2_(complete) and is ready for use.But we still have to do more work.A new biology lab _3_(build)this year.But we dont have enough money for the equipment.Students in all grades _4_(collect) money.The money which is collected _5_(spend) on new equipment.At present,a plan _6_(make) for a party at the end of the term,at which wonderful performances _7_(put)on.The gardens of the school _8_(improve) this year.New trees _9_(plant) which will soon give shade in summer.The whole school _10_(paint) during the summer holidays.In fact,our school is becoming more and more beautiful.答案1.has been done2.has been completed3.is being built4.are collecting5.will be spent6.is being made7.will be put8.are being improved9.are being planted10.is going to be painted


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