2015届高考英语一轮 专题2 冠词复习题及答案.doc

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2015届高考英语一轮 专题2 冠词复习题及答案.doc_第2页
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学 以 致 用.用a/an,the或填空1We were looking for _place to spend _night._place we found turned out to be in _charming village._village was called _Lodsworth.2_individual has every right to expect personal freedom._freedom of _individual is something worth fighting for.3Yes,my name is _Simpson,but Im not _Simpson youre looking for.4Whos at _door?Its _postman.5When you go out,would you please go to _supermarket and get some butter?6Ive got _appointment this afternoon.Ive got to go to _doctors.7We went to _theatre last night and saw Flames.Its _wonderful play.8We prefer to spend our holidays in _country,_mountains or by _sea.9We have seen what _earth looks like from _moon.10This is the front room._ceiling and _walls need decorating,but _floor is in good order.Well probably cover it with _carpet.答案1.a;the/a;The;a;The;2.An/The;The;the3;the4.the;the5.the6.an;the7.the;a8the;the;the9.a/the;the10.The;the/;the;a/.根据文意填入适当的冠词HIGH FLYERI travel all over _1_world on business and my neighbour thinks my life is one long holiday.You know what _2_ business travel is like;up at _3_ dawn to catch _4_plane;_5_breakfast in _6_ London,_7_lunch in _8_New York,_9_ luggage in _10_Bermuda.When youre in _11_ sky,you see only snow in _12_ Arctic or _13_Greenland.You have glimpses of _14_ Andes or _15_Pacific.Youre always exhausted.Your wife or husband complains youre never there to take _16_ children to _17_ school or put them to _18_bed.When you get home,your neighbour says,“Another nice holiday,eh?”Give me Home Sweet Home any day!Home Sweet Home!答案1.the2.()3.()4.a/the5.()6.()7()8.()9.()10.()11.the12.the13()14.the15.the16.the17.()18.().在下文的空白处填入a/an或theDuring our journey we came to _1_ bridge.As we were crossing _2_bridge,we met _3_old man and spoke to him._4_ man refused to answer us at first.He could tell at a glance that we had escaped from _5_ prisonerofwar camp and he was afraid of getting into trouble.We werent _6_ first prisoners of war to have escaped from _7_camp.As soon as Jim produced _8_ revolver,_9_man proved very willing to answer our questions.He told us exactly where we were and directed us to _10_ farm where we might find food.答案1.a2.the3.an4.The5.a/the6.the7the8.a9.the10.a


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