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阅读填空的应试策略与技巧,成绩分析: 8分: 41人 5 7分: 21人 5分: 2人,A篇(2009),B篇(2010),C篇(2011),评分标准:大小写,单复数错误不扣分;单词拼写错误扣0.5分;超过三个单词算错误,扣1分。答对要点,且结构准确可得1分。,12人,35人,17人,28人,29人,7人,8分(41%),5-7分(46%),5分(13%),错误率最高的题:A82, B75, B76,B79,B80, C73 其中 B75, B76, B80, C73 -整合信息题 A82, B79 - 概括信息题,目标分数段,2 不熟悉转换信息的方法。,主要失分原因分析,1 不熟悉常用的概括性词汇。,3 粗心大意。单词拼写错误,单词字数过多和动词形式错误。,4 做题速度慢,到规定的时间没有写完。,要求考生根据所给短文的内容在每小题的空格里填上适当的单词或短语,每空不超过三个单词。 本节要求考生理解所给短文的主旨大意和关键细节,把握文章的篇章结构和逻辑关系,完成对所给短文进行转述和摘要。主要考查考生获取信息和处理信息以及用英语进行思维和表达的能力。,考纲解读,3-4,3-4,1,2,命题趋势,略读快速浏览抓住中心 大意及每段大意,认真分析表格 借助已有信息,复查,解题步骤,浏览表格,1.单词数,2.形式一致,3.信息一致,4.单词拼写,表格,文章,表格,湖南高考阅读填空,直接信息题,概括信息题,整合信息题,如何快速准确定位信息句?,常用的概括性词汇有哪些?,转换信息的巧妙方法有哪些?,题型,关键,阅读填空技巧,直接信息题-快速准确定位信息句,根据表格中的题目顺序,确定有效信息句在文章中的大致位置。一般情况下,第1小题的答题信息句应在_,而最后一小题的答题信息句中应在_。,文章开头,文章末尾,An apprenticeship is a form of on-the-job training that combines workplace experience and classroom learning(72题). It can last anywhere from one to six years, but four years is typical for most. An apprentice spends the majority of(73题) the time in a workplace environment learning the practical skills of a career from a journeyman-someone who has done the job for many years. The rest of the apprentices time is spent in a classroom environment learning the theoretical(74题) skills the career requires. Being an apprentice is a full-time undertaking.,2010年湖南高考阅读填空(注意信息句的顺序),One of the advantages of apprenticeship is that it does not cost apprentices anything. The companies that hire them pay for school. Whats more, it offers apprentices an “earn while you learn” opportunity. They usually start out(75题) at half the pay of a journeyman, and the pay increases gradually as they move further along in the job and studies. Near the end of the apprenticeship, their wages are usually 90 percent of what a journeyman would receive(76题). Apprenticeship also pays off for employers. It can offer employers a pool of well-trained workers(77题) to draw from.,Despite the advantages, apprentices are usually required to work during the day and attend classes at night, which leaves little time for anything else. Sometimes, they might be laid off(78题)if business for the employers is slow. Once they have completed the apprenticeship and become journeymen, they receive a nationally recognized and portable certification and their pay also increases again(80题). Some journeymen continue employment with the companies they apprenticed with; others go onto different companies or become self-employed contractors.,总之,阅读填空题的10个小题的答题信息句在文章中一般是依次出现的。,1. reason/cause (原因) 2. effect/result (结果) 3. feature/characteristic(特征) 4. use/function(功能) 5. advice/suggestion/tip(建议) 6. purpose/aim/goal (目的) 7. positive attitude/negative attitude(肯定/否定态度) 8. conclusion(结论) 9. procedure/step(程序/步骤) 10. measure(措施) 11. way/method/means(方法 ),概括信息题-常用的概括性词汇,12. solution(解决办法 ) 13. subject/topic(主题 ) 14. location/place( 位置 ) 15. advantage/disadvantage(优点/缺点) 16. phenomenon (现象) 17. percentage(百分比) 18. significance(意义 ) 19. type/kind( 种类 ) 20. definition( 定义),温馨提示:注意搭配。如“的原因”-_ of 或_ for 记清单词的拼写,不要想到了,却写错了!如“结论”,causes,reasons,conclution (错) conclusion(对),整合信息题-转换信息的巧妙方法,必要性:原文的信息在字数、词性、结构等方面与表格中的目标信息不一致.,1. 用名词做定语或名词所有格形式“S”代替介词of the hard-working people of America Americas hard-working people. (2006 湖南高考样题81) 2) great pressure of employment great employment pressure,the agricultural development of countries. _ _ _ 2. improve the quality of service _ _ _,countries agricultural development,improve service quality,(每空只填一词),2省略次要信息,提炼关键信息。 1), then the listener can make multiple playlists without creating an account with the site. Make multiple playlists without an account.(2011年湖南76题) 2)In addition, one can enjoy various art projects that people have created on display Enjoy art projects on display. .(2011年湖南79题),Daydreams help you recognize the difficult situations in our life. helping _ _. 2. It would cause a great deal of resentment (不满) which would ultimately(最终)lead to violence. Results:_ _ _(名词),recognize difficulties,resentment and violence,3. 换成意思相近的,但字数较少的表达方式。 1) It can offer employers a pool of well-trained workers to draw from. offering employers many well-trained workers.(2010年湖南77题) 2) Near the end of the apprenticeship, their wages are usually 90 percent of what a journeyman would receive. 90% of a journeymans wages near the end. (2010年湖南76题),None of them showed a renewed interest. They showed _ _ _. 2. There are all sorts of books. There are _ _.,no renewed interest,various books,4. 转换语法结构 1)Some can help find the right schools based on ones interests. Find the right school that one is interested in. (2011年湖南73题)(_定语从句的_) 2) and their pay also increases again. Results: another pay increase.(名词结构)(2010年湖南80题) (句子名词),方式状语,谓语,So you should have a consistent and regular exercise routine. So you should exercise _ _ _. 2. Liquids help in quick absorption of nutrition. Liquids help to _ _ _.,consistently and regularly,absorb nutrition quickly,温馨提示: 做阅读填空题,还需要考虑逻辑关系(数量比较、正反对照、因果、转折、并列)以及事物发展方向的一致性等问题。,找出与下面所列单词相对应的词(注意:词性与所给词一致) (1) reason-result (2) advantages-_ (3)cause- _ (4) direct-_ (5) subjective- _ (6) mental-_ (7) safety- _ (8) birth-_ (9) dos-_ (10) majority-_ positive- _ (12) agreement-_,disadvantages,indirect,objective,physical,danger,death,minority,negative,disagreement,effect,Donts,逻辑推理训练,阅读填空技巧口诀 做该题,莫着急 概括信息填容易 首先读懂表格题 千万要把词写准 直接信息先填入 整合信息靠转换 稳住心态靠该题 结构形式须对应,巩固练习题,巩固练习题答案 71 Healthy eating 72 Fallacies/wrong arguments/invalid arguments 73 staying 74 feeling great 75 Dos 76 Eating smart 77 Benefits 78 modeling better/healthier habits 79 feeling good texture 80 (more) energetic,难题解题思路,75 Donts Dos(逻辑推理),78 to model better healthy eating habits from others modeling better/healthier habits(提炼关键信息+形式一致),80 keeps your energy up making one (more)energetic (转换语法结构),2008年湖南阅读填空题,Homework,


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