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2004高考试题英语试题及答案(浙江卷) 英 语第I卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15 B. 9.15 C.9.18答案为B。1. What do we learn about the man?A.He slept well on the plane. B.He had a long trip. C.He had a meeting.2.Why will the woman stay home in the evening?A.To wait for a call. B.To watch a ball game on TV. C.To have a dinner with a friend.3.What gift will the woman probably get for Mary?A.A school bag. B.A record. C. A theatre ticket.4.What does the man mainly do in his spare time?A.Learn a language. B.Do some sports C.Play the piano.5.What did the woman like doing when she was young?A.Riding a bicycle with friends. B.Travelling the country. C.Reading alone.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给予出5秒钟的作答案时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段材料,回答第6至7题。6.Where does the conversation take place?A. In a hotel B.At a booking office C.At a friends house7.What will the man probably do in a few days?A.Fly to another country B.Come to the same hotel C.Drive here to visit friends听下面一段材料,回答第8至10题。8.What did the man worry about at the beginning of the conversation?A.He might not find everything he wanted.B.He might not have enough money with him.C.He might not be able to carry the shopping.9.How much should the man pay?A.$5 B.$75 C.$75.0510.What did the woman do in the end?A.She charged the man a little less. B.She asked the man to pay her later.C.She made a mistake in adding up the cost.听下面一段材料,回答第11至13题。11.Where are the speakers?1A.In a classroom B. In a theatre C. In an office12.Why does the man plan to leave the party?A. He is going on vacation B. He is going to a performance. C. He is going to the post office.13.What does the woman offer to do?A. Clean the office B. Pick up the mans son. C. Finish the mans work听下面一段材料,回答第14段至17题。14.How does the woman feel at the beginning of the conversation?A. Angry B. Surprised C. Sad.15.What size bag does the woman want?A. A 24-inch bag B. A 29-inch bag. C. A 32-inch bag16.When will the woman leave for Mexico?A. On Thursday. B. On Friday C. On Saturday.17Where does the man work?A. At a mail order company B. At an international travel service.C. At the airport information desk.听下面一段材料,回答第18段至20题。18.Why did the woman not go to college?A.She didnt pass the exam.B.She wasnt interested in college.C.She couldnt afford college education.19.What job does the woman say she did?A. She was a bus conductor B. She was a shop assistant C. She was a housekeeper.20.What did the woman think of her friends college life?A. It was busy B. It was wonderful C. It was dull.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以真入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child_he or she wants.A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever答案是B。21. The winter of 1990 was extremely bad, _ most people say it was the worst of their lives.A. At last B. In fact C. In a word D. As a result22. The Wilson live in _ A-shaped house near the coast. It is _ 17th century cottage.A. the; 不填 B. an; the C. 不填;the D. an; a 23. The discussion _alive when an interesting topic was brought in.A. was coming B. had come C. has come D. came24. _students are required to take part in the boat race.A.Ten strong young Chinese B. Ten Chinese strong youngC. Chinese ten young strong D. Young strong ten Chinese25. We wanted to get home before dark, but it didnt quite _as planned.A. make out B. turn out C. go on D. come up226. I _pay Tracy a visit, but Im not sure whether I will have time this Sunday.A. should B. might C. would D. could27.-What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game.-_. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.A. It just depends B. Its up to you C. All right D. Glad to hear that28.-Brad was Janes brother.-_he reminded me so much of Jane!A. No doubt B. Above all C. No wonder D. Of course29.Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, _as 3M.A. knowing B. known C. being known D. to be known30.If you are feeling so tired, perhaps a little sleep would_.A. act B. help C. serve D. last31. _modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand.A. While B. Since C. As D. If32. Ive never seen anyone run so fast_David go.A. just watch B.just to watch C. just watching D. just having watched33.We had three sets of garden tools and we seemed to have no use for_.A. none B. either C. any D. each34. Because the shop_, all the T-shirts are sold at half price.A. has closed down B. closed down C. is closing down D. had closed down35. Anyway, that evening, _Ill tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachels place.A. when B. where C. what D. which第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分 40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所级的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。“It was all his own idea,” says Pat, the wife of California high school football coach Bob Peters. Bob had 36 made a “mothehood contract(合同)”declaring that for 70 days this summer he would 37 the care of their four children and all the housrwork 38 he didnt even know how to make coffee when he signed, he was very confident.After 40 of the 70 days, he was ready to 39 . “ I was beaten down,” admits Bob. “ Not only is motherhood a 40 task, it is an impossible job for any normal human being.”Bob and Pat were married in 1991. After the marriage, Pat 41 a secrectary to help put him through university. 42 Bob has been the football coach while Pat raised the kids. 43 two years ago Pat went back to work. “I had been 44 children so much, ” she 45 , “I couldnt talk to a grown-up.” She continued to run the household, 46 until Bob signed the contract.Bob tried hard to learn cooking, but the meals he prepared were 47 . For the last three weeks, the family 48 a lot sometimes having MacDonalds hamburgers for lunch and dinner.49 housekeeping, a home economics teacher had told Bob that a room always looks clean 50 the bed is made. “I found 51 I shut the doors, ” he says. Soon the kids were wearing their shirts inside out. “When we went to 52 Pat at work, I made them wear their shirts 53 side out so they would look clean. ”3Now that Bob has publicly 54 he was wrong, he is 55 the child-raising and household tasks with Pat.36.A. only B. just C. nearly D. ever37.A. stick to B. set about C. think about D. take over38.A. If B. As C. Since D. Although39.A. carry on B. give up C. break out D. find out40.A. strange B. pleasant C. difficult D. serious41.A. sent B. employed C. learned from D. worked as 42.A. In time B. Before long C. Since then D. Later on43.A. Then B. Thus C. So D. Still44.A. near B. after C. about D. around45.A. insists B. sighs C. jokes D. apologizes46.A. besids B. therefore C. however D. otherwise47.A. terrible B. tasty C. expensive D. special48.A. starved B. traveled C. worked out D. ate out49.A. Due to B. As for C. Along with D. Except for50.A. until B. before C.if D. unless51.A. an easier way B. a cheaper way C. a cleaner way D. a harder way52.A. receive B. welcome C. great D. fetch53.A. good B. wrong C. right D. opposite54.A. admitted B. suggested C. agreed D. explained55.A. operating B. realizing C. sharing D. performing第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分 40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所级的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThat cold January night, I was growing sick of my life in San Francisco. There I was, walking home at one in the morning after a tiring practice at the theater. With opening night only a week away, I was still learning my lines. I was having trouble dealing with my part-time job at the bank and my acting at night at the same time. As I walked, I thought seriously about giving up both acting and San Francisco. City life had become too much for me.As I walked down empty streets under tall buildings, I felt very small and cold. I began running, both to keep warm and to keep away from any possible robbers(抢劫犯). Very few people were still out except a few sad-looking homeless people under blankets.About a block from my apartment(公寓房间), I heard a sound behind me. I turned quickly, half expecting to see someone with a knife or a gun. The street was empty. All I saw was a shining streetlight. Still, the noise had made me nervous, so I started to run faster. Not untill I reached my apartment building and unlocked the door did I realize what the noise had been. It had been my wallet falling to the sidewalk.Suddenly I wasnt cold or tired anymore. I ran out of the door and back to where Id heard the noise. Although I searched the sidewalk anxiously for fifteen minutes, my wallet was nowhere to be found.4Just as I was about to give up the search, I heard the garbage truck(垃圾车)pull up to the sidewalk next to me. When a voice called from the inside, “Alisa Camacho? ” I thought I was dreaming. How could this man know my name? The door opened, and out jumped a small red-haired man with an amused look in his eyes. “Is this what youre looking for? ”he asked , holding up a small square shape.It was nearly 3 A.M. by the time I got into bed. I wouldnt get much sleep that night, but I had gotten my wallet back. I also had gotten back some enjoyment of city life. I realized that the city couldnt be a bad place as long as people were willing to help each other.56. How did the writer feel when she was walking home after work?A. Cold and sick B. Fortune and hopefulC. Satisfied and cheerful D. Disappointed and helpless57. From the first paragraph, we learn that the writer was busy _.A. solving her problem at the bank B. taking part in various city activitiesC. learning acting in an evening school D. preparing for the first night show58. On her way home the writer_.A. lost her wallet unknowingly B. was stopped by a garbage truck driverC. was robbed of her wallet by an armed man D. found some homeless people following her.59. In the fifth paragraph, why did the writer say she was dreaming?A. Someone offered to take her back home. B.A red-haired man came to see her.C. She heard someone call her name. D. Her wallet was found in a garbage truck.60. From the text, we can infer that the writer_.A. would stop working at night B. would stay on in San FranciscoC. would make friends with cleaners D. would give up her job at the bank BThese days a green building means more than just the colour of the paint. Green building can also refer to environmentally friendly houses, factories, and offices.Green building means “ reducing the impact(影响)of the building on the land”, Taryn Holowka of the U.S. Green Building Council in Washington, D.C., said.According to Holowka, buildings account for(占了)65 percent of total U.S. electricity use.But green buildings can reduce energy and water use. Also, the buildings are often located near public transportation such as buses and subways, so that people can drive their cars less. That could be good for the environment, because cars use lots of gas and give off pollution. Green buildings are often built on developed land, so that the buildings dont destroy forests.Marty Dettling is project manager for a building that put these ideas into action. The solaire has been called the countrys first green high-rise building. According to Dettling, “Weve reduced energy use by one-third and our water by 50 percent.”The Solaire cuts energy in part by using solar power. “ On the face of the building we have solar panels which change the suns energy into electricity, ” Dettling explained.The Solaire also has lights that automatically turn off when people leave the room. In addition, the building has lots of windows, allowing people to use the sun for light during the day. The Solaire cuts water by reusing it.5Not everyone is eager to move into a green building, however, some people think that things like solar panels cost more money than traditional energy sources. Anyhow, Holowka said, “ Its going to be big. ”61. In the second paragraph, the underlined words “the buildling” most probably refer to_.A. an ordinary building B. an energy-saving buildingC. a green-colored building D. a building in Washington, D.C.62. A green building is often built on an area of land_.A.which has thick forests aroundB.which has already been used for buildings.C.where people of high income liveD.where traveling around by car is most convenient63. When Holowka says in the last paragraph, “Its going to be big”, she means that green buildings_.A. will be more comfortable B. will become popular in the futureC. will be more environmentally D. will take the place of traditional buildings64.What is the main subject discussed in the text?A.Dettling desighed the first green building in the U.S.B.Energy shortage calls for buildings of new design.C.Green buildings help save environment.D.The Solaire serves as a model of high buildings.CCentral ParkOutside among the trees, watch the wildlife both the human and animal varieties. Call(212) 360-3465 or (212) 360-2726 for daily events and tours. Central Park stretches from 59th to 110th Sts., and from 5th Ave. to Central Park WestEmpire State BuildingThis is among the most striking buildings in the city, the nation, even the world. The observation deck(了望台) on the 86th floor is open to the general public, offering a wonderful view of the city. On the second floor youll find the New York Skyride, a simulate helicopter ride over Manhattan. 5th Ave. at 34th St., Midtown/(212) 736-3100Intrepid Sea-Air-Space MuseumFive blocks west of Time Square, this museum has hundreds of air, deep-sea and space exhibits. Walk the flight deck of the 900-foot-long aircraft carrier Intrepid, see dozens of old and modern aircraft and ride the Intrepid Navy Flight Simulator. Pier86, W. 46th St. and 12th Ave./(212)245-0072Madison Square GardenIf its big, it probably happens at the Garden. Check out sporting events, concerts and much more. Tours are available. 7th Ave., btwn. 31st and 33rd Sts., Midtown/(212)465-674165. The New York Skyride is for_.A. sightseeing B. flight training C. model plane sports D. city transportation66. If a visitor is interested in music, he will probably go to _.A. Central Park B. Empire State BuildingC. Intrepid Sea-Air-Space museum D. Madison Square Garden667. What is the purpose of these text?A.To provide information of living in New YorkB.To provide directions of city traffic in New YorkC.To give visitors a guide to New YorkD.To give a brief introduction to the history of New YorkDWe live in a technological society where most goods are mass-produced by unskilled labor. Because of this, most people think that craft(手工艺) no longer exists。One of the ways these people wrongly support their view is by pointing to 100-year-old homes which are still solid, and arguing that it is the craftmanship that is responsible for their durability(持久性). “ Homes in those days were well-built,” they say. No doubt these homes were well-built, but what these people have done is mix up the quality of material used in the house with the quality of the craftmanship.Homes today could be built to last just as long as those old home if people were willing or able to pay the price. For example, most people can no longer afford solid oak stairways, although they were once fairly common in older homes. Nor can they afford the high cost of employing a carpenter(木匠) to build the stairway. Yet if someone can pay the high cost, there are still plenty of carpenters around able to make those stairways. And not only would these carpenters know how to build them, they would probably do a better job than carpenters of old.One thing the modern carpenter has which enables him to do a better job is much more advanced tools. Such tools as laser beams and powerplanes help them lay out a house better and make more precision cuts(精确切割) on the wood. Also, it is not uncommon any more to find carpenters with college degrees and carpenters with a solid knowledge of mathematics, which would enable them to deal with more difficult house designs.The problem of modern quality, then, really boils down to the problem of material, for the modern carpenter is just as able to produce craftmanship as the carpenter of fifty years ago, but only if given proper material.68. Compared to the carpenters in the past, modern carpenters are _.A. more successful B. more learned C. more imaginative D. more hardworking69. What does the underlined word “they ”(paragraph 2) refer to?A.Carpenters who are fond of oak stairways.B.Carpenters who have college degrees.C.People who think highly of carpenters of old.D.People who think that modern material is of low quality.70. What does the third paragraph mainly discuss?A.People in the past preferred to use oak to build stairways.B.It is now expensive to employ a carpenter.C.Modern houses last as long as the old ones.D.Good carpenters still exist in modern times.71. What would be the best title for the text?A. Is Craft Dead? B. Craft, Back to Life?C. History of Craftmanship D. Carpenters Today and Yesterday7EIt was an early September day, cool and bright and just right for running, and I was in the first few miles of a 10-mile race over a course(路线) with a few high hills. Still, I felt energetic; despite the hills it was going to be a fine run.Just ahead of me was Peggy Mimno, a teacher from Mount Kisco, New York. She too was running easily, moving along at my speed. The pace (步速) felt comfortable, so I decided to stay where I was; why pay attetion to pace when she was setting such a nice one? Id overtake(追上) her later on when she tired.So I ran behind her. The course headed north for five miles, wandered west for a hilly mile, then turned south again along a winding road. The race was getting harder. We had four miles left and already it was beginning to be real work.Peggy overtook a young runner. She seemed to know him, for they exchanged a few cheerful words as she passed him. Their exchange worried me. You dont chat during a race unless you are feeling good, and Peggy plainly was.Still, I was close enough to overtake her if she tired, so I didnt give up hope completely. We were getting nearer to a long, punishing hill now and it would be the best. We were a mile from the finish line, so whatever happened on the hill would almost certainly determine who crossed it first.As I moved up the hill, my attention wandered for a few minutes. When I looked up, Peggy was moving awayfirst five yards, then ten, then more. Finally it was clear that there was no hope of catching her. She beat me soundly.There is an important lesson in that race. Women are thought to be weaker, slower and not nearly as skilled in sport. Yet as Peggy Mimno so clearly showed, the similarities between men and women runners are more important than the differences. I have run with a number of women, and I can say that it is often hard work.72. What did the writer think of the race in the beginning?A. It would be hard work B. It would be an easy raceC. It would be a test of his strength D. It would be a good learning experience.73. What worried the writer when Peggy greeted the young runner?A. Peggy overtook the young runner. B. Peggy was running energetically.C. Peggy was laughing at the write


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