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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习高考卷题型重组第7组.阅读理解Registration is Now Open for Summer.Request_a_brochure_or_apply_today!The Great Books Summer Program is an experience like no other in American education. For the past thirteen years, GBSP has gathered exceptional middle and high school students from across the world to read, discuss and debate selections from the greatest works of literature, experience collegelevel discussions and seminars, and enjoy summer fun with other literaryminded students. We offer summer camps at Stanford University, Amherst College and Oxford University.A Sample of Life at Great Books: Read and discuss the likes of Plato, Jefferson, Tolstoy, Borges and Vonnegut with an international munity of literatureloving students and distinguished college faculty. Then join our arts and literature electives to write in a creative fiction workshop, paint “en pleinair”, learn a new instrument, act in a Shakespeare play, or closely read a Russian novel with a group of new friends. Join us in the evening for a camp dance, ice cream social or for a surprise guest speakerperhaps a Pulitzerprize winning author or celebrated movie director! Enjoy a worldclass university campus. Make friendships that will last a life time.The Student Experience: Find your voice in the classroom. The Great Books Summer Reading Program gives students the opportunity to grow academically and socially as they prepare for high school college. Open discussions encourage students to express themselves and give power to their ideas. Students gain confidence in their ability to read a text closely and express their ideas clearly both verbally and in writing.Three Distinguished Campuses: Amherst College in Massachusetts, Stanford University in California and our inaugural session at Oxford University in Oxford, England. This is the perfect opportunity to preview life on a college campus!Dont miss your chance to join students from 49 states and 29 countries in this unique learning experience! Space is limited. Register_today!体裁:应用文题材:新闻广告主题:阅读计划语篇导读:本文主要介绍了暑期名著阅读计划。1Who can register GBSP?ACelebrated movie directors.BDistinguished college faculty.CPulitzerprize winning authors.DMiddle and high school students.【解析】D细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知 ,初高中学生可以加入暑期阅读计划,故选D项。2Those who take part in GBSP will _.Ahave the privilege to apply for the universities mentioned in the textBbe honored at a special ceremony at Oxford University in Oxford, EnglandCbe offered the great works of Plato, Jefferson, Tolstoy, Borges and VonnegutDhave the opportunity to grow academically and socially for future development【解析】D细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,为了学生将来的发展,GBSP会给学生提供发展学术和增进社交能力的机会,故选D项。3What type of writing is this text?AA book review.BAn official report.CAn advertisement.DAn exhibition guide.【解析】C推理判断题。根据文章开头并结合全文可知,本文是一则广告,介绍了暑期名著阅读计划及其好处,以吸引读者报名参加,故选C项。BThose of you who are bad at math may some day be able to improve your skills through a painless method of electrical brain stimulation(刺激)In a study, neuroscientists at Oxford University reported that adults with normal math abilities were able to improve their performance on a series of numerical tests with the help of a technique known as transcranial directcurrent stimulation(TDCS)TDCS involves stimulating specific regions of the brain with lowlevel electrical currents to improve or reduce the activity of neurons(神经细胞). Over the last decade, the procedure has shown promise in improving brain functions in stroke(中风) victims, as well as in people with Parkinsons disease. But this is the first study to show that TDCS can help healthy individuals do better on math tests.For the study, Cohen Dosh and his colleagues studied 15 student volunteers. The students were asked to learn a series of artifical numbers. “As our aim is eventually to help children when they are experiencing learning difficulties with numbers, we wanted the adult subjects to learn new materials rather than testing them with materials that they already knew,” Cohen Dosh explained.His team tested the participants ability to judge the relationships of the artificial numbers to one another and to map them correctly in space using standard testing methods for numerical ability.The results of the tests showed that the brain stimulation improved the participants ability to learn the new numbers and that those improvements lasted for six months. Control tests showed that the effect was specific to the learned symbols and did not affect other cognitive(认知的) functions.“Like many good studies, it opens a window for lots of questions, including Will this work on children? and Is it safe to use in children?” said Dr.Edwin MRobertson.“Our aim is to find a way to improve cognitive treatment by coupling it with noninvasive and painless brain stimulation,” said Cohen Dosh. “The experiments that we are doing have been designed to improve learning disabilities, but of course they can be used by others to improve average math performance, and we dont have any control over that.”体裁:说明文题材:科普知识主题:经颅直流电刺激能提高数学技能语篇导读:在过去的十年中,经颅直流电刺激已经在医学领域得到应用。新的研究发现,对大脑进行直流电刺激,即利用弱电流调节大脑皮质神经元活动的技术,可提高受试者的数学技能。4According to the text, TDCS has been applied in the field of _.AphysicsBpsychologyCeducationDmedicine【解析】D细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句可知,在过去的十年中,经颅直流电刺激这种方法已显示可以改善中风病人和帕金森病人的脑部功能,即经颅直流电刺激已经在医学领域得到应用,故选D项。5The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 4 refers to _.Athe artificial numbersBthe adult subjectsCthe new materialsDthe learning difficulties【解析】B词义猜测题。根据语境“我们想让成年实验对象/受试者学习新材料,而不是用他们已经熟悉的材料来对他们进行测试”可知,them指代adult subjects,故选B项。6The attitude of Dr.Robertson toward Doshs technique is _.AneutralBexcited CindifferentDdisapproving【解析】B推理判断题。根据题干中的Dr.Robertson可将答案定位到文章第七段,罗伯逊博士所说的话“就像许多优秀的研究一样,这种技术打开了许多问题的窗户”可推断出,罗伯逊博士对这种技术持认可的态度。C、D两项是以否定前缀in和dis开头的单词,表示否定意义(indifferent漠不关心的,disapproving不赞同的),故先排除C、D两项;neutral(中立的),与其观点不符,故选B项。【状元点拨方法】根据措辞,判断态度作者的态度可以从文章的措辞,尤其是表达感情色彩的形容词、副词上一窥端倪。如通过文中的good一词便能看出罗伯逊博士的态度。7What is the main idea of the text?AA way has been found to improve the math skills of adults.BTeachers can stimulate the math skills of the students with electricity.CElectric shocks may reduce ones ability to calculate.DMath skills improve with electrical brain stimulation.【解析】D主旨大意题。根据文章首段可知,本文主旨大意为:有朝一日那些不擅长数学的人或许可以通过用电流刺激大脑的方法来提高数学技能,故选D项。.完形填空It was my first college acting class. With great hesitation, sweating hands and an _1_ heart, I walked into the classroom. I had spent my entire life _2_ public speaking. But now here I was, _3_ not only to learn how to speak like someone on _4_, but to bee them entirely.Theater classes are _5_ at many high schools and universities in the US.“Theater kids” are quite a different bunch who always seemed able to _6_ a room with their personalities._7_ it was only a beginnerlevel course, my college class was filled with students who seemed a _8_ fit for acting. They were confident, fun and _9_. The professor, a stout(胖的) woman with a permanent smile and gentle behavior, _10_ just as well. She _11_ us each with a handshake and weling eyes.The class was held in a circular room with _12_ situated around the edges. This allowed everyone in the room to have a(n) _13_ of whatever performance or lecture was _14_ in the center.After our firstday introductions, each week we _15_ in a series of activities designed to help us find our own inner _16_. We sang songs, danced to music, and recited _17_ from our favorite short stories.The _18_ was eyeopening. I learned that anyone has the _19_ to act, and many of us already do in our daily life. In the end, Im not _20_ that I would consider myself an actor. But I dont think I ever had more fun in a college class.体裁:记叙文题材:个人经历主题:表演课带来的乐趣语篇导读:作者生性腼腆,可在大学期间却修了表演课。从表演课中,作者学到了很多东西,同时还得到了快乐。1A.unsteadyBunsatisfiedCunusualDunfair【解析】A根据本句中的With great hesitation和sweating hands可推知作者很紧张,心中十分忐忑(unsteady),故答案为A项。2A.practisingBavoidingCdeliveringDlearning【解析】B根据上文可知作者生性腼腆,故过去一直避免在公共场合演讲。3A.refusingBhappeningCpreparingDhesitating【解析】C但现在我却在这里准备不仅要学习如何像台上的人一样讲话还要完全变成他们。4A.stageBcampus CstrikeDtrial【解析】A根据上句中的public speaking可推知本空为stage(舞台)。on stage在舞台上。5A.difficultBexpensiveCadvancedDpopular【解析】D根据常识及下句可推知:在美国,戏剧课在高中和大学很受欢迎。6A.put upBmake upClight upDbreak up【解析】C学表演的孩子们与众不同,他们总是能够用自己的个性使整个房间熠熠生辉。light sth.up照亮某处。7A.ThoughBSince CUnlessDOnce【解析】A虽然这只是一个初级班,但我们班里具有表演天赋的学生比比皆是。前后两句为转折关系,故设空处为though。8A.strangeBnaturalCmonDformal【解析】Ba natural fit for在本句中表示:天生就适合做的人。9A.outgoingBcautiousChardworkingDpatient【解析】A根据常识可知,具有表演天赋的人的特点是自信、风趣、性格外向。10A.servedBpreparedCspokeDfit【解析】D那个教授很胖,永远面带着微笑且举止优雅,也非常适合表演。11A.inspiredBsuppliedCgreetedDforted【解析】C由于是第一节课,因此那位教授和我们每个人握手,用热情友好的眼神迎接我们。12A.blackboardsBtablesClightsDchairs【解析】D根据下句及本句中的circular(圆形的)和介词around可推知,这个班的座位布置呈圆形。13A.viewBopinionCdebateDmand【解析】A将座位摆成圆形是为了使学生们更好地看到表演及演讲中所发生的一切。have a good view of清楚地看到。14A.leavingBoccurringCarrivingDdeclining【解析】Boccurhappen 发生。15A.tookBsucceededCsharedDparticipated【解析】D由下文可知此处表示我们会参与各种活动。participate in参加。16A.singerBactorCprofessorDdancer【解析】B本文的中心话题是学习表演,故本空答案为actor(演员)。17A.charactersBproverbsClinesDplots【解析】C我们唱歌,随着音乐跳舞,朗诵我们最喜欢的短篇小说中的台词(line)。character人物;proverb格言;plot情节。18A.adventureBconcertCpetitionDexperience【解析】D上文作者介绍了在大学的第一节表演课及以后参加的活动,由此可判断此空答案为experience(经历)。学表演的经历使作者开了眼界。19A.giftBinterest CtendencyDdesire【解析】A作者通过学习表演,明白了一个道理,即任何人都有表演的天赋,并且我们中的很多人已经在日常生活中表演了。20A.contentBsureCawareDdoubtful【解析】B我不能肯定我会把自己当成一名演员,但是我认为在大学上表演课最快乐。


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