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2019-2020年高考英语专题冲刺专题11完形填空之议论文含解析1.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One day, my puter wiped out all of my digital records. There were important medical1. , as well as business records that might never be got again. Whats2. , the data couldnt be retrieved.This sad story of my puter breakdown was overwhelming. I made a conscious attempt to view this optimistically. Its3.even though its increased my workload to4. many documents I used regularly. I tell you my personal saga to5.you to begin to view that overwhelming issue in your life6. an opportunity to change your perspective. Easier said than done. To let me7.you, maybe this little story will help.A young couple moves into a new neighborhood. The next morning while they are eating breakfast, the young woman sees her neighbor8.the wash outside. “That laundry is not very 9.”, she said. “She doesnt know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs10.detergent. ” Her husband looked on, but remained11. Every time her neighbor would hang her12.to dry, the young woman would make the same13. About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband: “Look, she has14.how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this. ” The15.said, “I got up early this morning and16.our windows. ”What we see17.the window through which we look. Is there something in your life that needs a18.of perspective: a window washed, an attitude adjustment, or a new perception of reality?It could be a job that doesnt meet your potential, 19. it pays the bills right now. Try to put a(n)20.spin on your circumstance. It may require you to let go of a short term goal to free up emotional space for a long term dream.1 A. books B. patients C. recordsD. tests2. A. cleverer B. betterC. worse D. further3. A. recovering B. workingC. leavingD. playing4. A. recreate B. repeatC. recycleD. reform5. A. order B. warnC. allow D. encourage6. A. in B. at C. for D. as7. A. catchB. see C. convinceD. understand8. A. hangingB. choosingC. pickingD. buying9. A. whiteB. clean C. clear D. apparent10. A. niceB. better C. softer D. thicker11. A. coolB. calm C. still D. silent12. A. meatB. quilt C. fish D. wash13. A. promiseB. plan C. mentsD. difference14. A. knownB. learnedC. observedD. followed15. A. husbandB. writer C. son D. mother16. A. cleanedB. repairedC. exchangedD. opened17. A. takes onB. depends onC. turns onD. moves on18. A. seriesB. sense C. change D. way19. A. forB. and C. or D. but20. A. positiveB. negativeC. importantD. lucky【答案】1. C2. C3. B4. A5. D6. D7. C8. A9. B10. B11. D12. D13. C14. B15. A16. A17. B18. C19. D20. A2. C根据下文的. . . the data cant be retrieved. 可知, 是比上文更糟糕的。 故用Whats worse, 意为“更糟糕的是”。3. B由下文的I tell you my personal saga. . . 可知, 上文的I made a conscious attempt to view this optimistically. 是起作用的。work意为“起作用”。4. A从上文知, 电脑中所有数据已经都没有了。 故此处指“重新创建许多我经常使用的文件已经增加了我的工作量”。recreate再创造, 符合文意。5. D根据上文的I tell you my personal saga. . . 可知, 是为了鼓励你开始把生活中的巨大问题看做一个机会来改变你的观点。encourage 鼓励。6. D考查固定短语。view. . . as. . . 把看做。7. C根据上文的Easier said than done. 可知, 说起来容易做起来难。 为了让我说服你, 或许这个小故事会起作用。convince使确信, 使信服, 说服, 符合文意。8. A根据下文的Every time her neighbor would hang. . . 可知, 看见“她”的邻居在外面挂衣服。hang悬挂, 吊。9. B 从下文的“She doesnt know how to wash correctly. ” 可知, 那洗好的衣服不是很干净(clean)。 误解分析: white 白色的; clear 清澈的, 透明的; 而当“洁净的”讲时, 常指皮肤无污点或无瑕疵的; apparent 表面上的; 假的, 明显的。10. B由上文内容知, 或许“她”需要更好的洗涤剂。 而nice友好的; soft柔软的; thick 厚的, 粗的。 后三者不符合语境。11. D从上文知, 年轻妇女总是评论邻居所洗的衣服, 但丈夫旁观着, 并保持沉默(silent), 与上文妻子的行为形成了对比。 误解分析: still 静止的, 强调“静止, 不动”; calm 镇定的, 平静的; cool 冷静的, 冷淡的。12. D由上文的the wash和laundry可知, 是挂“洗的衣物”来晒干。wash洗涤; 要洗的衣物。13. C根据the same及上文的内容可知, 是做出同样的“评论(ments)”。14. B根据下文的I wonder who taught her this. 可推知, “她”已经学会了如何正确地洗。learn与teach对应。15. A从上文知是“丈夫”说。 因为这个家庭是一对年轻的夫妇, 且文中只提到了丈夫。16. A根据下文的a window washed, 可知, 丈夫早上起来擦了窗子。clean把弄干净, 符合语境。【题型】完形填空【难度】较难 2.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。This is the age of puters. You1.it in railway stations, in banks, in restaurants, in shopping centers, and needless to say in offices. You find it almost everywhere. You need to2. it for one or the other purpose. If you know how to 3. it, you can make use of the Internet services anytime, anywhere and get your things done. Here lies the importance of 4. education. You need the 5. of puter operation to avail the services provided by it in almost every sphere of life.You can see the 6. of puter education clearly in getting and sustaining yourself in a job. Any 7. would prefer you if you have a puter background. You notice the importance of puters even at 8. . If you wish to 9. a train, air or cinema ticket without standing in long queues, you need to have a puter and Internet connection. If you10. to shop something from abroad while sitting in your bedroom, you need a puter11. ;if you want to pay telephone, DTH, electricity, etc bills, you need to 12. have a puter.Even if you are a student or wish to pursue some course, the use of puter will ease collection of data and learning. You will be able to 13. the information which you require in a fraction of seconds over the Internet. 14.using puter in this manner, you not only save your15.and labor but also unnecessary hassle by asking others to provide you. With the data16.on your puter, you can go through that as many times17.you wish, meaning that you can grasp the matter well till your satisfaction.The above18.is not only your story. This is19. most of the individuals are living in this world. Since puters are important for performing20. many jobs, the knowledge of its usage and operation carries great significance.1. A. search B. findC. seekD. discover2. A. runB. useC. tryD. perform3. A. dealB. manageC. operateD. equip4. A. chemicalB. technologyC. municationD. puter5. A. resultB. usageC. scienceD. knowledge6. A. importanceB. possibilityC. difficultyD. difference7. A. employerB. waiterC. businessmanD. teacher8. A. schoolB. homeC. workD. hospital9. A. placeB. orderC. bookD. carry10. A. refuseB. askC. begD. wish11. A. similarlyB. generallyC. fortunatelyD. especially12. A. alreadyB. againC. thenD. quite13. A. search forB. take forC. fight forD. leave for14. A. WithB. AtC. ByD. On15. A. strengthB. energyC. timeD. money16. A. accessedB. replacedC. fixedD. saved17. A. whileB. thoughC. thanD. as18. A. representedB. referredC. mentionedD. used19. A. whyB. howC. whenD. where20. A. soB. suchC. tooD. well【答案】1.B2.B3.C4.D5.D6.A7.A8.B9.C10.D11.A12.B13.A14.C15.C16.D17.D18.C19.B20.A1. B由下文的You find it almost everywhere. 可知, 你发现它在火车站, 在银行。find意为“发现”, 强调找的结果。 误解分析: 本题易错选D, discover意为“发现”, 表示原来已经存在的, 而很久才发现。search搜寻; seek 寻找; 发现。2. B由下文的. . . you can make use of the Internet services anytime. . . 可知, 你需要为一个或另一个目的使用它。3. C由下文的. . . get your things done. 可知, 如果你知道如何操作它, 你才能在任何时候, 任何地点, 利用网络服务, 帮助你做事情。deal发牌; 给予; manage 管理; equip装备。4. D上文所提到的都是计算机的情况, 故此处表示计算机教育的重要性。5. D因为上文提到了计算机教育, 故此处表示你需要计算机操作的知识。6. A由下文的You notice the importance of puters even. . . 可知, 在让你自己得到并保持工作中, 你能清晰地看到计算机教育的重要性。7. A因为上文提到了“in getting and sustaining yourself in a job. ”所以此处表示的是“任何雇主会更喜欢你, 如果你有计算机背景知识。”employer 雇主; waiter 服务员; businessman商人; teacher教师。8. B从下文的in your bedroom可知, 是在家里。9. C由下文的without standing in long queues可知, 如果你希望订一张火车票, 飞机票或电影票。“订票”用动词book, 意为“预订, 预约”。 误解分析: 该题易错选B, order 意为“命令, 定购”, 尤指书面下订单, 较正式。 且常指订房间, 订座位。10. D由下文的if you want to pay telephone, DTH, electricity, etc bills. . . 可知, 此处表示如果你希望坐在卧室里从国外买东西。wish 希望; refuse拒绝; ask 问, 要求; beg 请求。11. A从上下文来看, 很多事情都是需要计算机的, 所以是相似地(similarly), 适合语境。generally普遍地; fortunately幸运地; especially尤其地, 特别。15. C由上文的in a fraction of seconds over the Internet. 可知, 此处表示所用时间很短。 故可知“节省了时间”。16. D由上文的the use of puter will ease collection of data and learning. 及下文的you can grasp the matter well till your satisfaction. 可知, 应该是数据被存储在你的计算机上。save意为“保存; 存盘”。17. D此处考查同级比较。 结构为“as many times as. . . ”。18. C此处指的是: 上文所提到的不仅仅是你的故事。 动词mention意为“提到, 说起”。 而refer to意为“提及”; represent代表/理; 表示, 象征。19. B上文提及人们的生活离不开电脑。 是表示人们的生活方式的, 故用how。20. A考查副词的用法。 因为名词前有many, 所以用so 来修饰, 意为“那么”。 而too many意为“太多”, 不符合文意。such 不可修饰“many, few等+名词”。【题型】完形填空【难度】一般 3. 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。As the saying goes, “Love makes the world go around” and its because love is a powerful force. We all have it in us and we need to1.it.Either consciously or even without2. it, you share love every day in the little things you do. Just think, we have the opportunity to spread3.to others every day. We should be doing just that. Always!The joy we4.from feeling love is the inspiration to make every day better than the one before.We are all busy, 5.our daily tasks, sometimes in a mad rush, with no time to think. We6.meetings with friends because of work; we sometimes skip meals because of deadlines and there are times7.we should be on a vacation and cancel that8. Stress is a major concern in todays society and there are too many of us falling by the wayside9. Learn to handle matters10. a more reasonable way; dont lose perspective on life, and be 11.to yourself. How will you function effectively at this pace, when there is all this negativity to your energy?Stop and smell the roses; remember to take the time to relax and12. Love life; love your family; love your significant other; 13. your pets; and love your friends. You must put yourself into a better place and be in a 14.frame of mind, always. Know that we all have an incredible amount of never-ending love inside of15.and we were given that to share. Love is happiness. Disperse some of that16.energy throughout your daily routine with everyone you e across today and every day.A17., a thank you, a pliment, a helping hand, giving an18.to listen, giving a shoulder to cry on, these are all the little things that you can do. Share your goodness and love with everyone you19., even if it is someone youve just met. A warm, heartfelt, sincere greeting and a big beautiful smile20.a great effect.1. A. share B. attack C. catch D. avoid2. A. knowingB. hearingC. seeing D. feeling3. A. joy B. health C. beauty D. surprise4. A. use B. touch C. buyD. get5. A. going alongB. going after C. going outD. going about6. A. praise B. attract C. delay D. miss7. A. how B. whileC. whenD. where8. A. still B. alsoC. tooD. either9. A. after allB. as a resultC. first of allD. in a hurry10. A. withB. in C. by D. about11. A. harderB. kinderC. cleverer D. simpler12. A. lookB. tasteC. breathe D. sound13. A. understandB. recognizeC. loveD. enjoy14. A. decisive B. positive C. creativeD. imaginative15. A. us B. them C. you D. him16. A. powerfulB. useful C. helpfulD. careful17. A. nod B. smile C. sign D. symbol18. A. radio B. TV C. ear D. puter19. A. show B. inform C. leave D. meet20. A. cause B. call C. make D. has【答案】AAADDDCCBBBCCBAABCDD3. A由上文知你每天在你做的小事上分享爱, 由此可推知, 此处表示传播“快乐”给其他的人。4. D句意: 我们从感受爱所获得的快乐是使每天都比前一天好的动力。 故选用get意为“得到”。5. D句意: 我们都很忙, 处理着我们的日常任务。 考查动词短语。go along进行, 进展; go after追赶, 追求; go out外出; 过时; go about着手做, 处理, 忙于。6. D由下文的because of work可推知, 我们会错过与朋友的相会。miss错过, 漏掉, 符合语境。delay耽搁, 推迟; attract吸引; praise赞扬。7. C分析句子结构, 可以看出来此句为when引导的定语从句。8. C由上文的skip meals可知, 此处表示类似的事情又一次发生, 且用于句末及肯定句中, 故用too。 误解分析: also 意为“也”, 但是位于实义动词前, 助动词及情态动词之后; still 仍然; either 也, 但是用于否定句中。9. B因为压力是当今社会的一个主要的问题, 所以我们中许多人倒在了路边。 故选择as a result, 意为“因此”。after all毕竟, 终究; first of all 首先; in a hurry匆忙, 急于。10. B考查固定短语。in a. . . way以方式。11. B由本段最后一句话可知, 上文指的是对自己要好一些。12. C由上文的Stop and smell the roses可知, 此处表示“记得花时间去放松和呼吸。”13. C从本句话来看, 都是用的love构成的祈使句。 故此处也选择love。14. B考查形容词。decisive决定性的; positive积极的; creative创造性的; imaginative富有想象力的。 由上文的You must put yourself into a better place. . . 可知, 你必须处于积极的思维框架中。15. A因为该一句的主语为we, 所以此处用us。【题型】完形填空【难度】一般4. 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The secret to happiness is keeping busy,research has found.Keeping the mind1.with tasksno matter how meaningless2.negative emotions. However,the bad news is that humans seem born to be3.in order to save energy,according to Professor Christopher Hsee,a behavioral scientist at Chicago University.In a study 98 students were asked to4.two surveys. After they had pleted the first they were made to wait 15 minutes to5.the next one. They were given a choice of6.handing in the first survey nearby or at a more distant7.they had to walk to. 8.option they chose,they received a chocolate bar. Two-thirds (68 per cent) chose the9.option. Those who had taken the walk reported10.happier than those who had11.put. Prof Hsee 12.keeping busy helped keep people happy.He said the findings, 13.in the journal Psychological Science,had policy implications. “Governments may increase the happiness of idle citizens by having them build bridges that are actually14.”,he proposed.At the individual level,he advised: “Get up and do something. 15. 16.there really is no point to17.you are doing,you will feel better for it. ” He18.: “Incidentally,thinking deeply or engaging in self-reflection counts as keeping busy,too. You do not need to be running around, you just need to be19.,either physically or20. ”1. A. taken B. occupiedC. filledD. crowded2. A. breaks away fromB. takes away from C. keeps away fromD. gets away from3. A. hardworking B. lazy C. clever D. foolish4. A. perform B. attend C. do D. plete5. A. show B. win C. earn D. receive6. A. neither B. either C. nor D. both7. A. location B. situation C. discussion D. petition8. A. Whatever B. Wherever C. However D. Whichever9. A. anxious B. eager C. lazy D. laborious10. A. looking B. feeling C. sounding D. appearing11. A. remained B. stayed C. waited D. kept12. A. considered B. regarded C. concluded D. proved13. A. stated B. declared C. announced D. reported14. A. useless B. useful C. imaginativeD. creative15. A. Anything B. Something C. Nothing D. Everything16. A. As if B. Even if C. Even as D. Ever since17. A. which B. what C. whether D. where18. A. described B. added C. remained D. predicted19. A. connected B. informed C. engaged D. concerned20. A. generally B. mentally C. usually D. normally【答案】1. B2. C3. B4. D5. D6. B7. A8. D9. C10. B11. B12. C13. D14. A15. A16. B17. B18. B19. C20. B3. B但不幸的是人天性懒惰, 以便节省精力。4. D98名学生完成了两项调查。plete完成。 下句出现了该词。5. D完成第一项调查后他们还得等15分钟, 接着进行下一项调查。show给看; win赢; earn挣得, receive接受。 根据语境, 他们被动接受调查, 因此D项正确。6. B根据后面的or判断应用either。 他们可以选择将完成的第一份调查交到附近的地点或较远的地点, 不过他们需要走着去。7. Alocation地点, situation环境, discussion讨论, petition比赛。 根据语境, B、C、D三项与文意无关。8. D由于是两个选择, 有范围, 因此D项正确。9. C三分之二的人做了懒惰的选择。lazy 此处指选择了较近的地点。10. B根据happier判断, 应用系动词feel。report后用动名词, 因此B项正确。11. Bstay put原地不动的。 与前面的chose the lazy option相呼应。12. CHsee教授得出结论: 忙碌使人们快乐。13. D研究结果在心理学科学杂志上做了报道。announce宣布, state声明, declare宣称, 均与语境不符。14. A政府通过让闲散的公民建一些实际上没有用的桥梁增加其幸福的感受。 根据actually判断, 这些桥梁没有用处。15. A做点事情, 什么都可以。16. B即使你做的事没有什么意义, 你的感觉也会很好的。as if好像, even if即使, even as正当, ever since自从。 根据语境分析, A、C、D三项与语境无关。【题型】完形填空【难度】较易 5. 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Dahlia was running around the house screaming and crying. “I hate her!I hate her!I will1.play with her again! ” Finally , her steps slowed , 2.she told her father what had happened. He listened attentively.3.she stopped , he asked ,“Is there4. else? ” Dahlia added more details and began 5.bitterly again. Father listened. When Dahlia 6.talking, he said,“It must 7. to be made fun of like this by your best friend Tina. ” Dahlia8.her fathers embrace and support as she cried9.more in his arms. Then as10.as the storm of tears began,she was finished. She got up and11.announced,“Daddy,did you know that tomorrow Tina and I are going together to the beach?We are12.a log house there with Adam and Tom,I will tell Tina before we go that I13.ruin her work again,and Im sure she will be14.to me. ”Why was this encounter so successful?How did Dahlia15.her upset so pletely and realize her responsibility in the matter16.her own?There were three main parts in her fathers reaction that17.:(A) Attention (B ) Respect (C) Trust. He gave his daughter18.attention and took her seriously as she19.her feelings. He respected her by not ing with words of wisdom,advice or help. He validated the feelings she20. And he trusted her to do and say what she needed in order to lead herself toward resolution of her emotions.1. A. hardly B. seldomC. everD. never2. A. soB. butC. andD. then3. A. BeforeB. WhenC. WhileD. Since4. A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing5. A. cryingB. shoutingC. talkingD. saying6. A. keptB. startedC. stoppedD. hated7. A. hurtB. acheC. injureD. wound8. A. gotB. receivedC. acceptedD. admitted9. A. manyB. someC. anyD. no10. A. soonB. quicklyC. suddenlyD. fast11. A. surprisinglyB. angrilyC. sadlyD. cheerfully12. A. buildingB. buyingC. makingD. repairing13. A. shouldntB. wontC. darentD. cant14. A. politeB. cruelC. rudeD. nice15. A. get overB. get awayC. get alongD. get through16. A. forB. onC. byD. of17. A. didB. followedC. wentD. worked18. A. fullB. inpleteC. halfD. undivided19. A. sent outB. threw outC. put outD. poured out20. A. expressedB. showedC. hidD. strengthened【答案】DCBBACACBCDABDDBDADA4. B还有别的事吗? 这是个疑问句, 用anything。5. A从后面的again及修饰副词bitterly判断, 应用crying。Dahlia又开始委屈地痛哭起来。6. CDahlia说完之后, 爸爸说: “像Tina这样要好的朋友取笑你, 一定是很让人伤心的。”7. Ahurt疼痛的, 让人伤心的。8. Caccept接受, get得到, receive收到, admit承认。Dahlia接受了爸爸的拥抱, 得到了爸爸的支持, 在爸爸的怀里高兴地痛哭流涕。9. B根据后文的finish可知, 此处Dahlia还在哭泣。10. C就像刚才眼泪来得那么突然一样, 现在Dahlia不哭了。11. D她站起来, 高兴地说道 根据Dahlia所说的计划, 可知Dahlia已经破涕为笑了。12. A此处的build与下文的ruin相呼应。13. B在出发前我会告诉Tina不会破坏她的作品的。wont此处有承诺的意思。14. D我相信她会对我好的。be nice to sb. 对某人友好。【题型】完形填空【难度】较易6. 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Environmental protection is everywhere and Christmas is no exception. Going “green” has1.been so festive as in westernmost Canada2.two start-ups are offering an eco-friendly Christmas tree rental service for the holiday period.For about 100 dollars,Evergrow Christmas Trees and Carbonsync Christmas will3.a potted tree at your home or business and4.three weeks later after all the5.have been opened and Santa has6.his sleigh.Carbonsync plans to donate its7.to habitat restoration groups for replanting,while Evergrow says it will8.them to a nursery to be9.until next Christmas when they may be10.out again.Trees11.cost four times less 12.,but are usually turned into mulch or sent to garbage dumps after the holidays in most


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