2019-2020年高三英语二轮复习 作业卷十三.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语二轮复习 作业卷十三一 、完形填空阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。Once upon a time, there was a beautiful bird, which was very curious about Hell. When she was little, her mother always told her that if she didnt master the 1skills, she 2go to Hell. She was so curious about Hell that she 3asked others what Hell looked like, but no one was sure, because 4of them had ever been there. Some said Hell was a place full of water, and others told her that Hell was full of burning 5. However, the bird knew they were lying. She wanted to 6what Hell was. When other birds 7flying skills, she always hid herself and 8them. She thought in this way she could go to Hell and see 9Hell looked like. However, she spent so 10time learning flying skills that one day she was 11by a little boy. The little boy gave her to his 12in the countryside as a gift. The old man liked her very much. He made a delicate 13and put her in it. The 14was very 15because she thought she couldnt find out what Hell was like 16in this small cage. 17, she couldnt escape. Day after day, she just stayed in the cage, watching other birds flying. She lost her 18and she became sadder and sadder. At last, she became ill. The old man finally opened the cage, but she was too 19to fly. Lying on the ground, she thought of the 20that she ever asked all the time. “What does Hell look like?”“Hell is a small well-decorated cage.” Before she closed her eyes forever, she finally answered that question herself. 1.A. swimmingB. walkingC. runningD. flying2. A. wouldB. couldC. shouldD. must3.A. seldomB. neverC. alwaysD. unusually4.A. neitherB. noneC. eitherD. all5.A. fireB. woodC. gasD. matches6.A. turn outB. find outC. work outD. look out7.A. learnedB. have learnedC. were learningD. are learning8.A. sawB. noticedC. foundD. watched9.A. howB. whichC. whoD. what10.A. littleB. muchC. plenty ofD. a little11.A. huntedB. shotC. caughtD. wounded12.A. grandmaB. fatherC. grandpaD. friend13.A. houseB. cageC. tableD. bed14.A. boyB. friendC. fatherD. bird15.A. satisfiedB. happyC. surprisedD. worried16.A. livingB. stayingC. sittingD. stopping17.A. HoweverB. SomewhatC. ThusD. Anyway18.A. freedomB. disabilityC. wisdomD. judgment19.A. strongB. smallC. weakD. eager20.A. situationB. questionC. problemD. position二 、阅读理解AThe production of coffee beans is a huge, profitable business, but, unfortunately, full-sun production is taking over the industry and bringing about a lot of damage. The change in how coffee is grown from shade-grown production to full-sun production endangers the very existence of, certain animals and birds, and even disturbs the worlds ecological balance.On a local level, the damage of the forest required by full-sun fields affects the areas birds and animals. The shade of the forest trees provides a home for birds and other special(物种) that depend on the trees flowers and fruits. Full-sun coffee growers destroy this forest home. As a result, many special are quickly dying out.On a more global level, the destruction of the rainforest for full-sun coffee fields also threatens(威胁)human life. Medical research often makes use of the forests plant and animal life, and the destruction of such species could prevent researchers from finding cures for certain diseases. In addition, new coffee-growing techniques are poisoning the water locally, and eventually the worlds groundwater.Both locally and globally, the continued spread of full-sun coffee plantations (种植园)could mean the destruction of the rainforest ecology. The loss of shade trees is already causing a slight change in the worlds climate, and studies show that loss of oxygen-giving trees also leads to air pollution and global warming. Moreover, the new growing techniques are contributing to acidic(酸性的) soil conditions.It is obvious that the way much coffee is grown affects many aspects many aspects of life, from the local environment to the global ecology. But consumers do have a choice. They can purchase shade-grown coffee whenever possible, although at a higher cost. The future health of the planet and mankind is surely worth more than an inexpensive cup of coffee.21.What can we learn about full-sun coffee production from Paragraph 4?A. It limits the spread of new growing techniques.B. It leads to air pollution and global warming.C. It slows down the loss of shade trees.D. It improves local soil conditions.22.The purpose of the text is to .A. entertain B. advertise C. instruct D. persuade23.Where does this text probably e from ?A. An agricultural magazine.B. A medical journal.C. An engineering textbook.D. A tourist guide.24.Which of the following shows the structure of the whole text BScience has a lot of uses. It can uncover laws of nature, cure diseseases, make bombs, and help bridges to stand up. Indeed science is so good at what it does that theres always a temptation(诱惑) to drag it into problems where it may not be helpful. David Brooks, author of The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character,and Achievement, appears to be the latest in a long line of writers who have failed to resist the temptation.Brooks gained fame for several books. His latest book The Social Animal, however, is more ambitious and serious than his earlier books. It is an attempt to deal with a set of weighty topics. The book focuses on big questions: What has science revealed about human nature? What are the sources of character? And why are some people happy and successful while others arent?To answer these questions, Brooks surveys a wide range of disciplines(学科). Considering this, you might expect the book to be a dry recitation of facts. But Brooks has structured his book in an unorthodox(非常规的), and perhaps unfortunate, way. Instead of introduciing scientific theories, he tells a story, within which he tries to make his points, perhaps in order to keep the readers attention.So as Harold and Erica, the hero and heroine in his story, live through childhood, we hear about the science of child development and as they begin to date we hear about the theory of sexual attraction. Brooks carries this through to the death of one of his characters.On the whole,Brookss story is acceptalbe if uninspired. As one would expect, his writing is mostly clear and, to be fair, some chapters stand out above the rest. I enjoyed, for instance, the chapter in which Harold discovers how to think on his own. While Harold and Erica are certainly not strong or memorable characters, the more serious problems with The Social Animal lie eslewhere. These problems partly involve Brookss attempt to translate his tale into science.25.The author mentions the functions of science at the beginning of the passage to_.A. illustrate where science can be appliedB. demonstrate the value of Brookss new bookC. remind the reader of the importance of scienceD. explain why many writers use science in their works26.According to the author, which of the following could be a strength of the book?A. Its strong basis.B. Its convincing points.C. Its clear writing.D. Its memorable characters.27.What is the authors general attitude towards the book?A. Contradictory.B. Supportive.C . Cautious.D. Critical.28.What is the author likely to write about after the last paragraph?A. Problems with the book.B. Brookss life experience.C. Death of the characters.D. Brookss translation skills. CSIGN YOUR CHILD UP FOR FLY TO THE MOON CLUBAND ENJOY A FREE * FLIGHT TO ANY DESTINATION IN ASIA!With a registration fee of just $50 per child,children under the age of 12can join Eagle AirwaysFLY TO THE MOON CLUB as members.They can then enjoy the same benefits onboard Eagle Airways newest Boeing-797to any destination in the world!BENEFITS YOU CANT MISS!A free * flight to any destination in Asia30% off any course at Tanya Language School20% off any purchase made at Ruby BookstoreA free notebook with every purchase above $50 at Starlight StationeryA free bowl of dessert for a family of four at Dons Dinersdinner orderedA birthday gift on your childs birthdayA free album containing pictures taken during the journeyAll bookings made before 12 September will receive free travel insurance forthe entire family! * Insurance is issued by Live Life Insurance Group.10% OFF ALL BOOKINGSfor departures from 5 to 11 September* Child must be acpanied by twopaying adults.* Terms and conditions apply.29.One of the benefits mentioned in, the advertisement is .A.a free flight to any destination in the worldB.30% off any book purchased at Ruby BookstoreC.a free bowl of dessert at any restaurant at the airportD.a discount on any course at Tanya Language School30.Which of the following bookings may receive the most benefits?A. Booking dateDeparture dateSeptember 13September 18BBooking dateDeparture dateSeptember 2September 12C.Booking dateDeparture dateAugust 15September 4D.Booking dateDeparture dateAugust 16September 831.Which of the following is TRUE according to the advertisement?A.You need to pay$50 to sign up a child for the club.C.The advertisement is intended for students of all ages.D.Any child must be acpanied by at least one paying adult. DThe Boy Made It!One Sunday, Nicholas, a teenager, went skiing at Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine. In the early afternoon, when he was planning to go home, a fierce snowstorm swept into the area. Unable to see far, he accidentally turned off the path. Before he knew it, Nicholas was lost, all alone! He didnt have food, water, a phone, or other supplies. He was getting colder by the minute. Nicholas had no idea where he was. He tried not to panic. He thought about all the survival shows he had watched on TV. It was time to put the tips he had learned to use.He decided to stop skiing. There was a better chance of someone finding him if he stayed put. The first thing he did was to find shelter form the freezing wind and snow. If he didnt, his body temperature would get very low, which could quickly kill him.Using his skis, Nicholas built a snow cave. He gathered a huge mass of snow and dug out a hole in the middle. Then he piled branches on top of himself, like a blanket, to stay as warm as he could.By that evening, Nicholas was really hungry. He ate snow and drank water from a nearby stream so that his body wouldnt lose too much water. Not knowing how much longer he could last, Nicholas did the only thing he could- he huddled(蜷缩) in his cave and slept.The next day, Nicholas went out to look for help, but he couldnt find anyone. He followed his tracks and returned to the snow cave, because without shelter, he could die that night. On Tuesday, Nicholas went out to find help. He had walked for about a mile when a volunteer searcher found him. After two days stuck in the snow, Nicholas was saved.Nicholas might not have survived this snowstorm had it not been for TV. He had often watched Grylls survival show. Man vs. Wild. Thats where he learned the tips that saved his life, In each episode(一期节目)of Man vs. Wild, Grylls is abandoned in a wild area and has to find his way out.When Grylls heard about Nicholas amazing deeds, he was super impressed that Nicholas had made it since he knew better than anyone how hard Nicholas had to work to stay alive.32.What happened to Nicholas one Sunday afternoon?A. He got lost. B. He broke his skis.C. He hurt his eyes D. He caught a cold33.How did Nicholas keep himself warm?A. He found a shelter. B. He lighted some branches.C. He kept on skiing. D. He built a snow cave.34.On Tuesday, Nicholas _.A. returned to his shelter safelyB. was saved by a searcherC. got stuck in the snowD. staved where he was35.Nicholas left Grylls a very deep impression because he _.A. did the right things in the dangerous situationB. watched Grylls TV program regularlyC. created some tips for survivalD. was very hard-working三 、七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。RecentlysomeAmericanscientistshavegivenausefulpieceofadvicetopeopleinindustrializednations. Theysaypeopleshouldeatmoreofthesamekindoffoodeatenbyhumanslivingmorethan10,000yearsago. 36.Thescientistssaythatthehumanlifehaschangedgreatly. Ourbodieshavenotbeenabletodealwiththesechangesinlifestyleandthishadledtonewkindsofsicknesses. 37.Sotheyarecalled“diseasesofcivilization”. Manycancersanddiseasesofthebloodsystemareexamplesofsuchdiseases. ScientistsnotethatpeopleinboththeOldStoneAgeandtheNewStoneAgeenjoyedverylittlealcoholortobacco,probablynone. 38.However,achangeinfoodisoneofthemaindifferencesbetweenlifeinancienttimesandthatoftoday. StoneAgepeoplehuntedwildanimalsfortheirmeat,whichhadmuchlessfatthandomesticones. Theyatealotoffreshwildvegetablesandfruits. Theydidnothavemilkoranyotherdairyproducts,andtheymadeverylittleuseofgrains. 39.Weeatsixtimesmoresaltthanourancestors. Weeatmoresugar. WeeattwiceasmuchfatbutonlyonethirdasmuchproteinandmuchlessvitaminC. 40._ Butscientistssaythatwewouldbemuchhealthierifweeatmuchthesamewaytheancientpeopledid,cuttingtheamountoffatty,saltyandsweetfood. A. StoneAgepeoplelivedasimplelife. B. Buttoday,weenjoyeatingalotofthese.C. Inthatcase,theywouldlivemuchhealthier. D. Ancientpeoplealsogotlotsofphysicalexercise.E. Thesenewsicknesseswerenotknowninancienttimes.F. Peopletodayprobablydontwanttolivelikeourancestors. G. Modernpeopleusedtosufferfrom“diseasesofcivilization”.四 、语法填空阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:l)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确, 并将该词完整地写在相应的横线上。Many Americans have found the cell phone valuable in providing help in emergencies and free time entertainment. (41.)M_, it has also brought up (42.) p_ in careless driving, irritating behaviors in public and high expenses.Cell phones are also (43.)_ (流行的) in China, and many students own them. The question is (44.)_ students should be allowed to use them at school. Some parents support it just for the need to municate with their children, (45.)w_ some others think it a bad idea, worrying that it will disturb usual educational (46.)_ (环境). In my opinion, (47.)_ is not that necessary for us to have cell phones in school. Busy with studies and afterclass (48.)_ (活动), we do not have much time to call others. (49.)_, it is true that parents and students have a need to talk to each other from time to time. I suggest schools provide more pay phones on campus so that parents and students can have easier access (50.)_ each other.五 、短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2只允许修改l0处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。Union is strength whenever youre faced with difficulties or in a dilemma. Cooperation plays an important part in getting you out of trouble.There was a time when I was too proud that I overlooked my classmate, refusing to work together with them. Therefore, it was no doubt that I was left alone, suffering from loneliness and failure. Unfortunately a teacher impressed on me the value of cooperation. From then on, I learned to help others and turn to my friends for the help whenever I had difficulty finish a task on my own. Surely cooperation made a great difference. Now I am getting well with my friends.My experience has teach me that only if we attach great importance with cooperation, can we go beyond ourselves. As the saying go “United, we stand; divided, we fall.”0.xx衡水万卷作业十三答案解析一 、完形填空【答案详解】: 文章大意:一只小鸟在很小的时候,它妈妈告诉它一定要掌握飞翔本领,否则就会到一个叫Hell的地方去。由于它好奇Hell是个什么地方,它就问其他伙伴,谁也不知道那是个什么地方。因它非常想去,所以其他小鸟学习飞行本领时,它就躲起来不学。他以为这样他就能弄清楚它的问题了。结果其他鸟会飞了,它却因不会飞而被一小孩抓住送给了爷爷,爷爷便把它关在笼子里,它失去了自由,一天天悲伤难耐,终于在临死之前明白了“Hell is a small well-decorated cage.”1.【答案】D 【解析】段间逻辑。第二段第一句,32空后及后文的内容:它终究没有学会飞而被抓住关进小笼子里。2.【答案】A. 【解析】句内逻辑。前半句意思:如果不学会飞翔,就会, would表示一般不变的规律。3.【答案】C 【解析】句内逻辑。前半句She was so curious about Hell 如此好奇,肯定总是想弄明白,所以always asked others4.【答案】B 【解析】句内逻辑。前半句but no one was sure及空后of them判断。5.【答案】A 【解析】句内逻辑。前半句Hell was a place full of water,后半句肯定是full of burning fire,其他的都不是危险之处。6.【答案】B【解析】句间逻辑。根据本段内容,空前所有句子的内容,应该是它想知道(弄清楚)Hell是什么。而turn out, make out, look out都没有“弄清楚”的意思。7.【答案】C 【解析】句内逻辑。后半句she always hid herself,前半句一定是When other birds were learning flying skills.8.【答案】D 【解析】句内逻辑。前半句When other birds were learning flying skills, she always hid herself and,肯定是“观察”其他鸟儿学习飞翔本领。9.【答案】D【解析】段间逻辑。第一段28空后asked others what Hell looked like。10.【答案】A【解析】句内逻辑。后半句that one day she was caught by a little boy.说明它没花时间学习飞翔本领而导致被小孩捉的结果。32空、33空那句话也证明它没花时间学习飞翔本领。11.【答案】C【解析】句内逻辑。由35空,必然引出36空“被捉”的结果。12.【答案】C【解析】句间逻辑。下一句The old man liked her very much.说明小孩把他捉的小鸟送给爷爷了。13.【答案】B 【解析】句间逻辑。下一句41空后in this small cage.14.【答案】D【解析】句间句内逻辑。前句告诉我们小鸟被关进笼子,后半句又告诉我们它非常着急因为呆在笼子里就无法弄清楚Hell是什么样子了。15.【答案】D【解析】句内逻辑。后半句because she thought she couldnt find out what Hell was like staying in this small cage.16.【答案】B 【解析】同39题解析。下句she just stayed in the cage也可知答案。17.【答案】A【解析】句间句内逻辑。空后she couldnt escape与空前句because she thought she couldnt find out what Hell was like staying in this small cage说明这儿意思转折。18.【答案】A 【解析】句间逻辑。前句:它被关进笼子有无法逃出来,自然就失去了“自由”。19.【答案】C.【解析】句间逻辑。空后to fly.按逻辑和前文陈述,应该是“太虚弱”。20.【答案】B 【解析】段间逻辑。后文“What does Hell look like?”以及最后终于自己回答了这个问题。说明临终前躺在地上还在想它曾经质疑的问题。二 、阅读理解A篇【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了全日照咖啡豆的大面积种植对当地和全球生态环境的影响,并呼吁大家要更加关注生态平衡。21.B细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“The loss of shade tteesand studies show that the loss of oxygengiving trees also leads to air pollution and global warming”可知,全日照咖啡豆种植园破坏了雨林的生态系统,释氧树木的减少导致了空气污染和全球变暖。故B项正确。22.D 写作意图题。根据文章最后一段的句子:But consumers do have a choice. They can purchase shade-grown coffee whenever possible, although at a higher cost.可知作者的意图是劝说人们购买阴凉处种植的咖啡,这样对环境是有好处的,故选D。23.A 推理判断题。文章介绍阳光充足的咖啡生产会带来的破坏,应该是出自一本农业杂志,故选A。24.A 文章结构题。文章第一段介绍阳光充足的咖啡生产的话题,二、三、四段介绍了阳光充足的咖啡生产带来的破坏,第五段说服人们去购买对环境有利的阴凉处种植的咖啡,所以是总分总的结构,故选A。【考点定位】环保类阅读理解B篇【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。文章先列举出科学的许多功能,接着指出科学有巨大的诱惑力,以致许多作家抵挡不住这种诱惑,在文学作品中运用到科学。并以Brooks的新书The social animal为例,批判地分析这本书的优势和不足。25.D写作用意题。首段第一、二句首先列举出科学的许多功能,接着指出科学有巨大的诱惑力,以致许多作家抵挡不住这种诱惑,在文学作品中运用到科学。故选D项。26.C推理判断题。根据最后一段中“, his writing is mostly clear and , to be fair, some chapters stand out above the rest. I enjoyed, ”可知作者认为写作思路清晰是这本书的一大优势。故选C项。27.D观点态度题。最后一段中的链接词“while”之前是这本书的优势,其后作者指出了其不足。因此作者对这部书持批判的态度。故选D项。28.A篇章结构题。文章最后一段中链接词“while”后面部分开始谈论这本书存在的问题。因此紧接着作者应该还是在写这本的不足。故选A项。考点:议论文阅读C篇【文章大意】本文是一则广告,主要介绍了一家只招收儿童的俱乐部。29.D细节理解题。根据BENEFTIS YOU CANT MISS部分中的“30% off any course at Tanya Language School”可知,在这所语言学校,不管学什么课程,都会有折扣。故答案选D。30.D细节理解题。根据图中偏下部的内容All bookings made before 12 September will receive free travel insurance for the entire family! 可以知道在9月12日之前预定可以得到免费保险,10% OFF ALL BOOKINGS for departures from 5 to 11 September预定日期在xx年5到11号离开的可以享受百分之10的减免。故选D31.A细节理解题。根据主标题下面第一句With a registration fee of just $50 per child,children under the age of 12 can join Eagle AirwaysFLY TO THE MOON CLUB as members.可以知道一个12岁以下的孩只要50美元就可以加入俱乐部。故选A考点:说明文阅读。 D篇【文章大意】本文讲的是一个小男孩在暴风雪中迷路,他不畏艰难,利用在电视中学到的野外生存知识逃脱困境的故事。32.A 细节理


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