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2019-2020年九年级英语第三次模拟考试试题说 明:1、全卷分两部分,第一部分为选择题,第二部分为非选择题。共8页。满分85分。2、本卷试题,考生必须在答题卡上按规定作答;凡在试卷、草稿纸上作答的,其答案一律无效。答题卡必须保持清洁,不能折叠。3、答题前,请将姓名、考生号、考场、试室号和座位号用规定的笔写在答题卡指定的位置上,将条形码粘贴好。 4、考试时间80分钟。5、本卷选择题部分,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔将答题卡选择题答题区内对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案。6、考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一卷 选择题(60分)I. 选择填空 (15分)i) 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡选择题答题区将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共7小题,每小题1分)1. How is your head teacher? Our head teacher is _ with us and I usually feel nervous in his lesson. A. kind B. pleasedC. strict2. Three _ Chinese opera shows will be held at Shenzhen Childrens Palace. A. additional B. traditional C. international3. Do you know the Beijing actor Lu Han? Yes. He is a former _ of the South Korean pop band EXO.A. numberB. amount C. member4. The air_ of Shenzhen in February ranked the 10th among 74major cities in China.A. quarter B. qualityC. quantity5. Dont leave your puter_ if you dont use it. Electricity is valuable. Sorry, I wont.A. on B. outC. off6. The dish smells _ but tastes_. A. good; bad B. well; nice C. nice; good7. When you _, you start a journey.A. set off B. put off C. get offii) 根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项,并在答题卡选择题答题区将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共8小题,每小题1分)8. -This is really a difficult problem.-Yes, thats true, but she managed to solve it.A. failed to solve B. liked to solve C. succeeded in solving9. Do I have to save all the information?A. check B. store C. receive10. I heard that you passed the exam this time. Congratulations! My teacher told some practical methods of learning English. So I passed the final exam.A. clever B. wise C. useful 11. Are you going to a job interview with Lenovo? Yes, but in the first place, I have to decide what to wear.A. in the past B. in the beginning C. in the end12. Stop now or the water will run over.A. get dirty B. flow out C. smell bad 13. Saying such things is out of place. After all, that is a serious occasion.A. not suitable B. not popular C. not interesting14. Last week, the first time I made a speech before my class, I constantly told myself “take it easy, just take it easy.”A. do it easily B. dont be nervous C. dont take it 15. To cut a long story short, I have made my dream e true.A. In a long time B. In a way C. In a few wordsII.完型填空 (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从28-37小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡选择题答题区将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共10小题,每小题1.5分)Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared from radar screens an hour after it took off on March 8. It has been 16 for more than 3 months.The plane may fall into the sea. China, Malaysia and many other countries have joined to search the 17 on the sea. The relatives of the 227 passengers and 12 crew are 18 good news from them.How did the accident 19 ? It is said that the plane was attacked by the terrorists. Some think there may be something wrong with the plane, and others think the accident may be 20 by the mistake of the crew. However it is 21 to tell the reason because the plane hasnt been found yet.It may 22 some time to find the missing plane and even more time to get to know the truth of what happened. However, we cant stop imagining what has happened to the plane 23 it is found.Whether the missing plane is found 24 not, the whole world should pay more attention to the safety of people, especially at airports.We hope these people on the plane will be 25 , and they can get together with their family members.16. A. found B. seen C. missing17. A. plane B. terrorists C. ship18. A. talking about B. waiting forC. listening to19. A. take B. happenC. e20. A. given B. met C. caused21. A. hard B. easy C. wise 22. A. spend B. take C. get23. A. before B. after C. until24. A. nor B. so C. or25. A. dangerous B. safe C. friendlyIII. 阅读理解 (30分)阅读下列短文,从下面每题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡选择题答题区将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共20小题,每小题1.5分)AApple Watch represents a new chapter in the relationship people have with technology. Its the most personal product Apple has ever made, because its the first one designed to be worn.Calendar. See whats next in your day or month. Apple Watch sends you meeting reminders, as well as calendar invitations you can accept or decline directly from your wrist.Maps. See your current location and get directions. Maps give you the single best route. And turn-by-turn navigation(导航) helps you arrive at your destination.Passbook. Store your boarding passes, tickets, loyalty cards and more right on your wrist. Passbook alerts you when your discount or loyalty cards are relevant. And lets you choose which credit or debit card(借记卡)to use for Apple Pay.Music. Control the music on your iPhone without taking it out of your pocket. And when you leave iPhone at home to go for a jog, listen to music directly on Apple Watch.Remote Camera. Apple Watch doubles as a remote viewfinder(取景器) for the iSight camera on your phone. Use Apple Watch to display a live preview of what your iPhone sees, snap the photo, or set the timer on the camera.Stopwatch. Apple watch presents this popular watch function in digital, analog, or bybrid view. It can even show you a real-time average of your lap times on a graph-something you wont find on other watches.Photos. Apple Watch keeps your favorite photos on your wrist. You can zoom into photos with the Digital Crown, then swipe to scroll through them,Siri. Raise your wrist and say“Hey Siri.” Then ask to view your next event, find the nearest coffee shop, and more. Siri is closer than ever with Apple Watch.Settings. Enable or disable Airplane mode, Bluetooth, and Do Not Disturb. Also turn mute(静音) on or off, or ping your iPhone to determine its location.26. Apple Watch has the following functions EXCEPT_.A. stopwatch B. remote camera C. movie player D. calendar27. Which of the following is not true?A. You can accept or decline calendar invitation from Apple Watch.B. Most watch can show you a real-time average of your lap time on a graph.C. Apple Watch can help you find the nearest book store.D. You can use Apple Watch to preview what your iPhone sees.28. The underline word “it” in the passage refers to _.A. music B. Apple Watch C. pocket D. iPhone29. This passage is probably from _.A. a storybook B. a novel C. a science magazine. D. an advertisementB Baymax, a new Disney character, has made everyone like him and want to hug him. The big robot is from the Disney movie- Big hero 6. He lives with a fourteen-year-old smart boy called Hiro Hamada. Baymax has helped Hiro get through hard times after Hiros elder brother died in an accident. Soon Hiro finds that some bad people are behind his brothers death and want to take the city. To stop it , he uses his high-tech gadgets(小配件) and turns Baymax and his four other friends into super heroes. The movie has received very good feedback(反馈). In February, the movie won the best animation(卡通片) feature of the 87th Oscar Awards. Baymax has bee popular thanks to his big soft body and his forting voice. People say his love can be found on the screen.Mothers in Japan have started to make Baymax-sharped white rice balls for children. In China, fans warmly call him “the big white”. The friendship between Baymax and Hiro makes many people cry in the cinema. As a nursing robot, Baymax is never designed to be a super hero. He dares to love you without expecting anything for himself. I think we all love him because of his love.30. What is Baymax?A. A big robot. B. A popular movie. C. A smart boy. D. A bad people in the movie31. Why is Baymax popular?A. Because he is a Disney character.B. Because he won the best animation feature of the 87the Oscar Awards.C. Because he has a big soft body and forting voice.D. Because he has received very good feedback.32. What do Chinese people call Baymax?A. Hiro Hamada. B. Smart boy. C. Super hero. D. The big white.33. Which one is the best title for this article?A. Smart boy-Hiro Hamada B. The Best Animation FeatureC. Disney movie- Big Hero 6 D. Love of a RobotCIn the days following the first anniversary(周年纪念) of my dad s death, I felt sad. I still missed him so much. I would walk over to his old house where my daughter now live and still expect to see him sitting out on his front porch(走廊). I would see him in my dreams, looking young and strong again.I felt bad too because I regretted not spending more time with him while he was here. I wished I had visited him more, talked with him more, and listened to him more. I wished I had asked the questions that I never did. I wished I had given him more hugs and told him I loved him more often. I wished I had cherished the time I had with him here. I was angry at the destiny(命运) because Dad and Mum had both passed away before I was 50, and I was angry with myself because I hadnt made the most of time I had with them.Today, I found myself walking under a cloudy sky, staring at the leafless trees. As I walked along, one of the last golden maple leaves fell from its tree and sailed in the wind until it landed in front of me. I picked it up and smiled. At the moment of peace I felt a sound in my heart and mind: “death is momentary(瞬间的), but love is eternal(永久的).” I knew at that moment that my relationships with Mum and Dad were not over. We would see each other again in a place of love, joy and light. We would spend our days in learning, laughter and love.34. What is the main idea of this passage?A. The writers parents had both died before he was50.B. Life is limited but love is forever.C. The writer regretted that he had no more time to stay with his parents.D. The writer felt sad because he couldnt stay with his dad any more.35. According to the passage, we know that_.A. the writers dad died a year agoB. the writers dad died ten years agoC. the writers dad still lived with him D. the writers dad lived with his daughter36. In this passage the writer expressed his following emotions to his parents EXCEPT_.A. missing B. regrets C. love D. gratefulness37. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. The writer asked many questions.B. The writer didnt give his dad any hugs.C. The writer told his dad he loved him sometimes but not very often.D. The writer visited his dad very often. DThoughts on Shenzhen Airport Traffic AccidentMarch 1 was a very sad day for everyone.On that day a huge traffic accident happened at the Shenzhen Airport. Nine people lost their lives and 23 people were injured. For those people, it was a night- mare!To learn a lesson, we must know who caused the accident and why.The answer looks obvious. Its the car owners fault because she drove her car into the people. However, is that true? Is that her fault? What about the dead and injured people? Did they have their own faults as well? The answer is yes.According to news reports, at that time, many people were standing in the turning section of the viaduct watching the airplanes take off and land. Suddenly, a car appeared. Maybe the car owner got nervous, so she mistakenly stamped on the accelerator instead of the brake pedal, which caused the accident.In my opinion, of course the driver should be blamed because she caused the accident. However, for those dead and injured people, although we feel sorry for them, they have their own responsibilities as well. They should have been aware of their own safety. They shouldnt have been standing in a dangerous place to watch the airplanes take off and land.38. The accident happened on_.A. March 1 B. March 2 C. March 3 D. March 539. How many people died in this accident?A. 23 B.9 C.32 D. 2540. Which of the following shows the writers feeling about this accident?A. Angry.B. Happy. C. Sad. D. Sorry.41. What does the writer want to tell us in the passage?A. We shouldnt drive cars to the airport.B. We mustnt stand and watch the planes at the airport.C. We should be aware of our own safety anytime and anywhere.D. Driving a car is dangerous for the young people.ELeBron James is widely regarded as one of the best basketball players today. He has an incredible bination of skills, strength, leaping ability and height that make him one of the best athletes in the world.LeBron James was born in Akron, Ohio on December 30th, 1984. He grew up in Akron where he had a difficult childhood. His father was an ex-con(出狱的囚犯) who wasnt there when he grew up. His family was poor and had a hard time. Fortunately his basketball coach,Frankie Walker,received him and let him stay with his family where he could focus on school and basketball.LeBron James went to high school at St. Vincent-St Mary High School in Akron. He led his basketball team to three state titles and was named “Mr. Basketball” into Ohio for three years. He decided not to go to college and went straight to the NBA where he was the number 1 pick in the draft(选秀).LeBron James was drafted by the Cleveland Cavaliers where he played his first seven seasons.In xx, LeBron James became a free agent. This meant he could play for any team he wanted. Which team he would choose was big news. ESPN even had a whole show called The Decision where James told the world that he was going to play for the Miami Heat next season. He had played for the Heat until xx.LeBron James holds a number of NBA records and has received a number of awards. Here are just a few of them. He was the NBA Finals MVP and Champion in xx. He won two Olympic gold medals in xx and xx.42. LeBron James is considered as one of the best athletes in the world because of _.A. his basketball coachB. his fatherC. his bination of skills, strength, leaping ability and heightD. his hometown43. What was LeBron James childhood like?A. Difficult. B. Naughty. C. Rich. D. Weak. 44. What did LeBron James do after he decided not to go to college?A. He went straight to the NBA.B. He went straight to work with his coach.C. He went to play for Miami Heat.D. He went home.45. According to the passage, we know that_.A. LeBron James is not a born basketball player.B. LeBron James was not fit for the sport when he was young.C. LeBron James is gifted in basketball.D. LeBron James left sport in xx.第二卷 非选择题(25分)IV. 语法填空:用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的限填一词,将答案写在答题卡上。(共10小题,每小题1分)A man walked into a pub and asked for three beers. The barkeeper (46) _(surprise)and served the man. This repeat several times, and the town was talking about the man who was ordering three beers (47) _ the same time. Later, the barkeeper asked (48) _he ordered three beers all the time. The man answered, “My two brothers live abroad at the moment, (49) _in France, and the other in Italy. We have made (50) _ agreement that each of us going to a pub would order extra two beers and it will help keep the promise.One day, however, the man (51) _(e) to the pub and ordered only two, not three (52) _ usual. The barkeeper served him with a sad feeling. The next day all the people in the town talked about the news. Some people prayed, and (53) _were quietly sad.The man ordered two beers again, the barkeeper said to him,“ I would like to offer sorrow to the (54) _(die) of your brother.” The man considered this for a moment, saying,“ Oh, my two brothers are alive well. I just made a decision to give up (55) _(drink). V.书面表达 (共1题,15分)随着越来越多的农村劳动力进入城市,在农村随之产生了一个特殊的未成年人群体-留守儿童。近日,你校即将开展帮助留守儿童的志愿者活动。假如你是校报英语专版的编辑,请根据下面的表格提示写一封倡议书,向全班同学发出倡议,关注留守儿童。提示:1.现状:农村有很多留守儿童。2.提倡:1与留守儿童交朋友;2在生活方面关心照顾他们;3在学习方面帮助他们。要求:1词数:80词左右(文章的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数);2根据所给信息可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:留守儿童left-behind children、参考短语、句型: take care of, make friends with sb., invite sb. to do sth.,helpwithDear classmates,There are many left-behind children in the countryside in China._Yours,Editor.xx学年九年级教学质量检测英语试题答案及评分标准答案及评分标准选择题(60分)II. 13-17CBCBA 18-22AACBC 23-27BBABC该题每小题1分。答案不符合不给分。III.28-32CABBC33-37ABCCB IV.38-41CBDC42-45ACDD 46-49BADC 50-53 ABDC54-57 CAAC28-57小题每小题1.5分,答案不符合不给分。非选择题(25分)V. 58. was surprised 59.at60.why 61. one62. an 63.came 64. as 65. others 66. death 67. drinking该题每小题1分;大小写扣0.5分,答案不符合不给分。VI. Possible version Dear classmates,There are many left-behind children in the countryside in ChinaTheir parents cant take good care of them. I think we should do something to help them.First, we can make friends with them, for example, inviting them to our school or writing to them. Second, we are able to help them to have a better life by giving them daily products. Finally, we can help them with their lessons. This activity is very meaningful; it is not only good for the left-behind children, but also helpful to us.Yours,Editor该作文题采用整体印象评分法。第一档次13-15分:条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确。第二档次10-12分:条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点及语法有一些错误。第三档次 7-9分:条理不甚清晰,语句还连贯,语法标点有一些错误。第四档次 4-6分:语句凌乱,条理不很清晰,能明白小作者大致的意思,语言不规范,语法有较多错误。第五档次 3分或3分以下:偶尔能将所给词汇用在恰当处,或者有一两个短语出现在文中。


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