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2019-2020年九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题人教新目标版(VIII) 本试卷分卷和卷两部分。卷为选择题,卷为非选择题。 本试卷共100分,考试时间为60分钟。 请在答题纸上作答. 卷(选择题部分,共60分)笔试部分.单项选择题(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分) 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.1. The girl doesnt get _till now.A. to dress B. dressed C. dresses D. dress2. You have no choice but_. A. to give up B. giving up C. gave up D. give up3e and see us _you want. A. whatever B. whenever C. however D. wherever4.We_plant more trees to protect the environment. A. should B. shouldnt C. may D. neednt5.He wrote a_ position in English but there were quite a few Spelling mistakes. A. two-hundred-words B. two hundred words C. two-hundred-word D. two hundred word 6.One of my friends_ moved to America. I miss her so much. A. has B. have C. is D. are7.-Dad, why must I stop_ puter games? -For your health, my boy. A. play B. to play C. to playing D. playing8.Scientist are trying their best to_ ways to treat the terrible disease called H7N9. A. e up with B. look forward to C. talk about D. give up9.-_the heavy rain, we didnt go camping last Sunday. -What a pity! A. Thanks to B. Because of C. Instead of D. As for10.Not only my friends but also I _interested in football and Messy is our favourite star. A. be B. am C. is D. are.完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从下面所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。We wish that we could be better at sports or more attractive. We wish we had nicer clothes or more money. Everyone likes to feel that he or she is special. 11 , many of us grow up believing that were not special at all. We believe we are not good enough just as we are.Most parents want us to be the best we can be. Very often, they pare(比较) us to 12 . By doing this, they try to encourage us to do better. They 13 well, but the message we often get is that were not good enough. We begin to believe that the only way we can be special is 14 being better than someone else, but we are often disappointed(失望). There will always be someone out there who is better than we are at 15 . Plenty of people around may not be as smart as we are, but they are better at sports. Or they may not be as good-looking, but they have more money. It is 16 for us to be better than everyone else all the time.We all want the things that we believe will make us better people. But very often we dont realize that we already have 17 us the very things that we want. These things make us 18 others. When we are growing up, 19 sometimes forget to tell us that we are special, that we are good enough. Maybe no one told them when they were growing up. 20 , its up to us to remind them from time to time that each of us, in our own way, is special. What we are is enough.11.A. Again B. Next C. Otherwise D. How ever12.A. other B. others C. another D. the others13.A. believe B. work C. mean D. show14.A. to B. on C. by D. in15.A. something B. anythingC. everything D. nothing16.A. helpful B. impossible C. necessary D. important17.A. inside B. among C. around D. for18.A. worse than B. better than C. different from D. the same as19.A. friends B. scientists C. parents D. doctors20.A. Also B. Anyway C. Although D. After all. 阅读理解 (共15小题,每小题2分,计30分) 阅读A.B.C.三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项.AHealthy eating starts with learning new ways to eat, such as adding more fresh fruit and vegetables, and cutting back on foods that have lots of fat, salt and sugar. Healthy eating will help you feel your best and give you plenty of energy. It can help you deal with stress better. However, healthy eating isnt a diet . If you eat too little when you diet, you may eat more after you stop dieting. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is very satisfying. And if you match that with more exercise, you may be able to have a healthier weight. What can you do to make healthy eating habit? First, think about your reasons for healthier eating. Do you want to improve your health? Do you want to feel better? Next, think about small changes that you can make. Then set some goals and go for them. Set an easy goal you can reach, like having a piece of fruit each day. Set a long-term(长远的)goal too, such as having one meal not including meat or fish every week. Whats more, having help from others is important . After you get more help, itll be easier for you to make changes. Have family and friends help you make meals and give youuseful advice on healthy cooking . If you need more help, talk to your doctor or look online for groups that care about healthy eating and tell success stories .21.The underline part “cutting back on” means “ _” in Chinese. A. 制造 B.销毁 C.减少 D. 增加22.The second paragraph is mainly about _.A. how to eat healthily B. how to lose weight C. the advantages of eating and dieting D. the difference between healthy eating and dieting 23.The writer advises people to _. go on a diet do more exercise setsome goals make big changes firstA. B. C. D. 24. The writer mentions people can get help from the following EXCEPTA. friends B. TV programs C. doctors D. the Internet 25.Whats the passage mainly about?A. Healthy cooking B. Healthy eating C. Ways to set goals D. Ways to lose weightBYoure standing in the kitchen and a voice says, “Add a little more salt to that soup.” Yes, its alwaysnicetohave someone help you when youre cooking. But this voice is not from a man. You are alone! Then where does it e from? Is it from a ghost(鬼)? No, this isnt a ghost kitchenits the kitchen of the future.Scientists are working to improve everything in the kitchen, from fridges to tables, and even the ways we cook. They are making a system. It will help a person cook a meal. You do not need cookbooks. You can hear how to cook food. The fridge of the smart kitchen has a scanner. It looks at the foods in the fridge. It will order more milk from the store when your milk has gone bad or there is no more in the fridge. The gloves will test the temperature of everything they touch and say, “Need to cook longer” or “Hot and ready to eat”. If you leave them on the stove by mistake, you will hear they say, “Fire!” Even the knives and spoons will speak. For example, if your food is bad,the knives and spoons will tell you not to eat it.The future kitchen may look wonderful, but its not cheap. The multimedia fridge costs about 8,000 dollars. So even though high-tech kitchens are no longer a dream, not everyone can afford one.26In the kitchen of the future, there is_.A. a system helping youB. a man helping youC. a ghost helping youD. a servant helping you27In the future, you can cook_.A. by reading B. by hearingC. by learning D. by looking28. The fridge of the smart kitchen has a scanner and it_.A. can help you do everythingB. can clean the fridge when it is dirtyC. can give you a warning when there is something wrongD. can talk with you29From the passage we know that in the future_.A. everybody can buy such a fridgeB. not everybody can buy such a fridgeC. nobody can buy such a fridgeD. most people can buy such a fridge30.Whats the main idea of this passage? A. Someone will help you when you cook in the future.B. Scientists are making a kitchen.C. The food in the fridge will be changed by the fridge.D. It tells us what high-tech kitchens are.CA famous teacher was speaking to the students at our school. He began his lesson by holding up a ¥100 bill. Then he said to the three hundred students, “Who would like this ¥100 bill?” The students began to put up their hands at once.Then he said, “I am going to give this ¥100 to one of you, but first, let me do this.” He then made the bill into a ball. Then he said, “Who wants it now?” The hands went back into the air.“Well, ” he said, “What if I do this?” and he dropped it on the floor and stepped on it. He picked up the dirty, crumpled bill and said, “Who still wants it?” Hands went back into the air.“My friends,” he said, “you have learned a valuable lesson today. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not go down in value. It was still worth ¥ l00!”Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and stepped on by the chances we take and the things that happen to us. We feel as if we are worth nothing. But remember, no matter what has happened to you, you will never lose your value:you are always valuable to those people who love you. Your value doesnt e from what you do or whom you know, but WHO YOU ARE.You are special and valuable. Dont ever forget it!31. Even though it was dirty, the money _.A. still went up in value B. was worth nothingC. didnt go down in value D. was still ours32. We are always valuable to the people _.A. who pay us B. who call us C. who hate us D. who love us33. Your value doesnt e from what you do but _.A. who you know B. who made youC. who you remember D. who you are34. The sentence “Hands went back into the air” means “_”。A. the students put up their hands againB. the students put down their handsC. the students put their hands behind their backs againD. the students put their hands in front of them35. Why did the famous teacher use a ¥100 bill at his lesson?A. Because he wanted to make the bill into a ball.B. Because he used to drop a bill on the floor and stepped on it.C. Because he was going to give the bill to one of his students.D. Because he wanted to make the students know what value was.卷( 非选择题,共40分)笔试部分IX任务型阅读。(共5小题,每小题2分。计10分) 阅读短文,并按要求完成36-40题。36题判断正误;37题完成句子;38-39题简略回答;40题将文中划线部分译成汉语。Green is more than just a colour. It means that you should live to protect the environment the water, the land and the air. You can be a green kid by following these steps.Reduce( 减少)it.When you use less of something, you do a good thing for the Earth. For example, a shorter reuse it. Many times, even if you dont need something, someone else might just need it. For example, if your younger sister doesnt play with her toy bear; you can give it to your neighbors. Try to change books, toys, even clothes with friends. Enjoy it.It s true that pollution is a great problem now , but the Earth is still a beautiful and interesting place to explore (探索) . Go for a hike ( 远足 ),visit nature centers , and gardens , climb mountains and take a boat in the rivers . Outdoor activities are good for you. You can also plant trees ,collect reusable (可重复使用的)things . Being a green kid is so easy.根据短文内容,完成下列各题。36. Green is only just a colour.( )37. If your younger sister doesnt play with her toy bear; you can _to your neighbors.38. How many steps to be a green kid are mentioned in the passage? _39.Is it hard to be a green kid?_40. _. 词语运用(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词.“Sorry” is a word that people in Britain often say in their daily life.One day while I was 41. on the street,a young man ran by hurriedly,brushing(轻擦) against my handbag. He continued his way,but turned 42. and said “sorry” to me. Even in a rush,he didnt 43. to say “sorry”One day,after I bought some bananas,the shopkeeper was passing me the change,but I wasnt ready for it and a coin dropped onto the ground. “Sorry,Madam.” he said 44. bending(弯腰) to pick it up. I was 45. why he said “sorry” to me. Another time,I stepped on a mans 46. at the entrance to a cinema. At the same time,we 47. said “sorry”Slowly,I got to know that when something unpleasant happens in daily life,the British dont 48. much about who is wrong. If someone is in trouble,a “sorry” is always 49. Perhaps that is 50. I seldom see people quarrel on the buses or streets in Britain. 基础写作(包括A B两部分,A部分5分,B部分15分,共计20分)A连词成句(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分). 将所给的词语连成句子,标点已经给出。要求:符合语法,语句通顺, 大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。51. help, vitamins, you, healthy, stay(.) _52. told, she, to, me, plenty, drink, water ,of(.) _53. too, drinking, alcohol, bad, is, habit, bad, much, a (.) _54. is, meaning, what, the, life, of(?) _55. came, he, up, an, with, idea, hybrid, rice, for(.) _B)书面表达(计15分)随着中国的发展,世界各地掀起了“汉语热”。作为中国人,我们更应该学好汉语。请以“My Chinese Learning”为题,写一篇短文。内容包括:1. 为什么要学好汉语?2. 谈谈自己学习汉语的经历。3. 介绍12条学习汉语的方法。写作要求 词数80左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。_试题答案1-5 BABAC 6-10ADABB 11-15 DBCCA 16-20 BACCB 21-25 CDDBB 26-30 ABCDB 31-36 CDDAD 36.F 37. give it 38. Three 39. No, it isnt 40. 如果你做到如下步骤你就可能成为一个环保的孩子。41.walking 42.back 43.forget 44.while 45.surprised 46.foot 47.both 48.care 49.necessary 50.why 51. Vitamins help you stay healthy.52. She told me to drink plenty of water.53. Drinking too much alcohol is a bad habit.54. What is the meaning of life?55. He came up with an idea for hybrid rice.书面表达My Chinese Learning With the development of China,Chinese is being more and more popular. As native speakers,its our duty to learn Chinese well. It helps us to understand Chinese culture better.Chinese was one of the subjects when I was in a primary school. At first,I used to be weak in it,and I felt stressed out. My Chinese teacher advised me to read more books. From then on dcooCO.net.组卷*,reading played an important role in my life. I often went to the library which was near my home. I made much more progress in Chinese.I think reading books is a useful way of learning Chinese well. Also,its necessary to practice writing as often.


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