2019-2020年中考英语专题训练九上 Unit 6 牛津译林版.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语专题训练九上 Unit 6 牛津译林版一、词汇检测(15分)1There is an (最新的)style of this years fashion2Heres a list of the most famous (导演)names3You will never know whether you can do it or not (除非)you try4The CCTVnews will be (报道)at 7:00 P.mDont miss it5The river turned green after too much (废料)was put into it6The policemen rushed into the house,each with a (枪)in their hands 7Most (亚洲的)people like eating rice and vegetables8You can learn a lot about (真实生活的)events from these reports9Its (傻的;愚蠢的)of you not to forgive others for their mistakes10The teacher asked us to make a (对话)with the words on the blackboard11Are there any (最新的)reports about the accident in todays newspaper?12A1l the students are looking forward to the (即将来临的)New Years Eve13What programme do you like best? The showThere are always famous people talking about their lives on these shows14Can I get some medicine for my heart disease? Im afraid you cant you show me a doctors note 15Where are these flowers from? From my musical They told me they loved my music very much二、单项填空(20分)( ) 1 waste of time it is to watch so many ads on TV! AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a( ) 21 watched a documentary last night,so I feel tired now A4-hours B4-hours C4-hours D4-hour( ) 3Listen,1ts too noisy in the teachers office Go and see they have finished correcting the papers yet Athough Bunless Cif Duntil( ) 4The TV station will begin to programmes tonight Asend away Bsend for Csend out Dsend up( ) 5It wasnt a recorded showIt was covered A1ive B1ively C1ife Dalive( ) 6A book show in Shanghai last month Awas happened Bwas held Cwas taken place Dhas taken place( ) 7My friend,Tom, me for an hour yesterday Akeep;wait Bkeeping;waited Ckept;waiting Dkeeps;to wait( ) 8 youve tried it on,you cant imagine how beautiful the new style dress is AUnless BBecause CAlthough DWhen( ) 9 you invite Tom to the party? He at home now AWhy dont;may be BWhy not;may CWhat about;maybe DWhy dont:maybe ( )l0Lets vote our favourite super boy the Internet Aon;over Bfor;in C. to;on Dfor;on( )11Ann saw a man sunglasses the building and go upstairs Awith;enter Bin;to enter Cwear;entering Dwith;entered( )121 will be angry invited to the party Aas I am Bif I am Cunless I am not Dif I am not( )13Students must TV because its bad for their eyes Abe stopped to watch Bbe stopped from watching Cstop to watch Dstop from watching( )14If I am wanted on the telephone,ask him to leave a Amessage B1etter Cdiary Dsentence( )15The programme different sports,such as basketball。swimming and badminton Acovering Bis covered with Ccovers Dis covered( )16一Mav I smoke here,please? 一Im afraid you This is a non-smoking area Acan Bcant Cmay Dmay not( )1 7Im not sure Linda will e to Jacks wedding she es。 Ill call you Aif;If Bwhether;Whether Cwhether;If DA&C( )18In our school library there a number of books on scienceand in these years the number of them growing larger and larger Aare;is Bis;are Chave;are Dhas:is ( )l9If the government pay attention to the safety of foodour health in danger Aisnt;is Bisnt;will be Cdoesnt;will be Dwont;is ( )20一Ill give you 500 for the coat一 ! ADone BThats right CWell done DNot at a11三、完形填空(10分) How old was I?I cant rememberMaybe 1 was only 10It was the first 1 without my fatherHe left me to fill that sad place in my mothers heartIt was the Christmas when I stopped being a 2 and tried to play Father Christmas myselfReally wanted to make it happy and bright again Mom first saw the coat at Tobias,a nice 3 shop in our towns little shopping mallIt was dark greenAnd it was a long,heavy,wool dress coat “I need a new coat,” Mom smiled before the mirrorShe looked good in any clothes, 4 this coat suited her much betterShe looked at the 5 ,then hung the coat back on the rack,standing there once more to 6 the smooth brush of woo1 Eighty-seven dollarsBut I decided to buy it for herAs we moved on 7 the mall,I found some excuse to return and asked one of the Tobias ladies to 8 the coatI helped clean every yard in our neighbourhood一some yards twice. and soon I got the coatThe store ladies helped me put it in their biggest 9 with bright blue paper and thick silver ribbon(丝带)I dont remember how I got it home,but I can still feel the wonderful excitement and pride that filled me 1 would imagine the big space which the box would take up under our treeHere it wasjoy,peace and 10 一all in the box,waiting for Morns surprise( ) 1AEaster BChristmas CHalloween DThanksgiving( ) 2Achild Bson Cstudent Dteacher( ) 3Achildrens Bwomens Cgirls Dmens( ) 4Athough Bor Cfor Dand( ) 5Aprice Bdesign Ccolor Dmaterial( ) 6Ataste Bfeel Csound Dsmell( ) 7Athrough Bover Cpast Dacross( ) 8Asell Bsend Ckeep Dwash( ) 9Atank Bbasket Cbag Dbox( )10Acourage Bconfidence C1ove Dhonesty六、阅读理解(20分) (A) North American black bears are shy animalsThey are fearful by nature,and will usually run away if they see or hear peopleBecause of this,it can be difficult for scientists to learn about these animals In order to study black bears, researchers from New Jersey,USA,catch bears and use drugs to help them go to sleepResearchers then work out the size and the weight of the bear, take blood to test for diseases,remove a tooth and take it to the lab to find out its ageFrom these studies。researchers want to find out how many bears live in New Jersey,how 1ong they live,and how many babies they produce But in Minnesota,USA,researchers study bears that are pletely awakeThe bears know the researchersvoices and they are not afraid of the research teamWith the help of a few grapes to keep the bears busy,researchers can touch them to check their hearts,look at their teethand do other jobsResearchers can also walk or sit with bears for hours and make videos to learn about their everyday livesIn both places,the main purpose is the sameto make sure there is a healthy population of black bearsBut the research methods and the kinds of information that researchers are able to collect are quite different( )1In the first paragraph,we can learn that North American black bears are Ashy and fearful animals Bnot found today Cwell known to scientists Dnot afraid of people( ) 2The word“remove”in the second paragraph probably means in Chinese A拔下 B移植 C清洗 D修补( ) 3Which of the following may NOT be included in the New Jersey studies on bears? AThe age BThe way of their munication CThe weight DThe number of babies they produce( )4In the Minnesota studies,researchers Acan never get close to the bears Bstudy the bears while they are asleep Cuse grapes to make the bears full D1earn a lot about the bearseveryday lives( )5What do the two studies have in mon? AResearch places BThe main purpose CResearch methods DCollected information (B) Tea,coffee and cocoa(可可饮料)are three main drinks all over the worldTea is drunk by the largest number of people in the worldTea,as well as silk and porcelain(瓷器),began to be known by the world over a thousand years ago and has been an important Chinese export(出口)since then Tea has a history of over 4,000 years and China is the home of teaIn ancient China,tea was used as a kind of medicine,while nowadays people drink tea daily Longjing,Puer,Wulong and Tieguanyin are all famous teaThanks to the pleasant climate and rich soil in Fujing,Zhejiang and Yunnan,tea is produced mainly in these provincesThe word for tea in different languages came from Chinese,like“chai”in RussianAnd the Japanese character(字母)for tea is written exactly the same as it is in Chinese Over the past centuries,Chinese people have developed their special tea culture,which includes tea planting, tea leaf picking, tea making,tea drinking and so onTea is also popular in some sayings,like“A friendship between gentlemen is like a cup of tea”In dances,songs,poems,and novels,tea is often mentioned,too( ) 6How many drinks are mentioned in this passage? AThree BFour CFive DSix( ) 7Tea is produced mainly in Fujian,Zhejiang and Yunnan because Athey are all big provinces Bthey are all close to the sea Cthere are quite a lot of mountains there Dthe chimate is good and soil is rich there ( ) 8The underlined sentence“A friendship between gentlemen is like a cup of tea”in the last paragraph means A一个朋友就是一杯茶 B君子之交淡如水 C看到朋友就会想起茶 D绅士才能够喝茶( ) 9Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ATea,cocoa and silk are important Chinese exports BTea has less than 1,000 years of history CJapan is the home of tea DIn ancient China,people used tea as a kind of medicine( )10Which is the best title for the passage? AChinas Tea Culture BA Saying of Tea CDrinking in the World DTea and Coffee四、完成句子(15分) 1昨晚那位富有的经理被发现死在了他的办公室。 2和他交谈简直就是浪费时间。 3今晚将现场直播那场篮球比赛。 4除非你是个音乐迷,否则你可能会觉得这场音乐会有点乏味。 5我刚刚看到三个男人正从大楼出来,手里拿着枪。 七、书面表达(20分)现代科技的发展已给人们带来了很多便利。请根据以下要点,写一篇短文。要点:1过去,人们习惯看报纸和听收音机来知道最新的消息。 2现在,许多节目都是现场直播。随着因特网的发展, 3人们已意识到了这些变化,因为它们给我们带来了很多好处。 4相信在将来, Modern science and technology is developing very fast 参考答案一、1up-to-date 2directors 3unless 4covered 5waste 6gun 7Asian 8. real-life 9silly 10dialogue: l11atest 12ing13chat 14unless 15fans二、l5 BDCCA 610 BCAAD 1l15 ADBAC l620 BDACA三、15 BABDA 610 BACDC四、15 AABDB 610 ADBDA五、1The wealthy manager was found dead in his office last night 2Talking with him is as good assimply a waste of time 3The basketball match will be covered 1ive tonight 4You maymight find this concert a littlea bita little bit boring unless you are a music fan 5I saw three men ing out of the building with guns in their hands just now六、 Modern science and technology is developing every fast. In the past,people were used to reading newspapers and listening to the radio to know the latest informationBut now many programs are covered liveWith the development of the Internet,people can know what is happening in every corner of the world at any timeMany people have realized these changes,because these changes have brought us many advantages I am sure in the future all the industries will bee better and people will live a happier life


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