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2019-2020年九年级英语中考复习:形容词和副词1单项选择( )1. It was _ weather that they decided to go out for a picnic. A. such fine B. such a fine C. so fine D. so fine a ( )2. My parents will go there by taxi because it is raining _. A. badly B. hardly C. probably D. heavily( )3. Daniel is a careful driver, but he drives _ of my friends. A. more carefully B. the most carefully C. less carefully D. the least carefully( )4. Mrs King kept weighing herself to see how much _ she was getting. A. heavy B. heavier C. the heavier D. the heaviest( )5. Did you watch the basketball match last weekend?Yes, I did. It was covered _, and I think it was wonderful. A. live B. alive C living D. lively( )6. The girls voice sounds _. Maybe she can bee a good singer when she grows up.A. sweet B. sweetly C. beautifully( )7. How are you today, Bob?Im even_ _ now. I dont think the medicine is good for me. A. better B. worse C. happier D. unluckier( )8. Billy has all kinds of different ideas. He is _ to be a famous writer. A. enough creative B. creative enough C. energetic enough D. enough energetic( )9. Helen learns to dance three times a week. Now she dances _ Anita does. A. so good as B. as well as C. as good as D. so well as( )10. When the fire broke out, many people were so_ that they ran _.A. frightening; wild B. frightened; wild C. frightened; wildly D. frightening; wildly词汇运用1. Many Chinese have trouble using a knife and fork _ (correct). 2. When you feel tired, youd better wear _ (energy) colours, such as green. 3. Dont get _ (patient) about your personal trouble. 4. I like working here because everyone is_(friend).5. The girl is a top student in her school. Shell go abroad for _ study next month. (far) 6. Do you want to learn how to cook healthy and _(taste) food? Of course. 7. The weather today bees even _(bad). Why not take a raincoat with you?8 If someone doesnt show good manners to others, he or she is _( polite). 9. How_(quick) Betty answered the teachers question! 10. Blue is a calm and _(peace) colour. It can make you feel relaxed. 中考链接任务型阅读Many animal lovers would like to do more to help animals, but arent sure where to start or feel like they just dont have the time. The good news is that there are many simple things you can do to help protect animals.Think more before you decideThe decisions you make may go a long way toward stopping the killing of animals. Consider eating a vegetarian diet. If you arent ready to make this change, there are still things you can do. Do not buy animal products from panies that have illegal(违法的) practices.Help speak the word outSpeaking the word out about the problems faced by animals can be as easy as putting up a notice on your car. Also, talk to your friends and family members about important problems of animals. Give some simple advice to a friend with a new pet about the serious pet over-population problem were facing. Turn to some books on the subject if you are not so clear about the advice you give your friend.Write a letterWeve all heard the saying, “The pen is more powerful than the sword(宝剑)”. Put this idea to the protection of animals. If a pany has practices or rules that are harmful to animals, write them a letter to let them know you are angry about them, and that you wont buy their products until they make some changes. Write letters to state and local legislators(立法者)to let them know how important it is that they support legislation that protects animals. Make them know that their actions will have a great effect on your vote.Be more lovingIf youre considering adding a dog or a cat to your family, think about getting one from a homeless-animal house rather than buying a pet. There are many wonderful animals just waiting for a home. By taking back an animal from there, you will be helping in the fight against pet over-population, as well as giving your money to those who look after poor animals.Let your actions be an example to othersIt may sound simple,but one of the best ways to help animals is to let your actions speak to the world. You should do the following things first by yourself: Treat all living animals with respect. Care about your pets and look after them well. Avoid (避免)entertainment places that use animals to perform. Support legislation that protects animals. All of these things set an example for others to follow. Title: Ways of 1 animalsThink carefully before you make 2 Dont eat meat. 3 to buy animal products from panies that have illegal practices.Speak the word outPut up an animal-protection 4 on the car.Talk to your friends and family members about important animal problems.Give your friends some simple 5 on the pet over-population problem.Get help from books if necessary.Write lettersLet those panies that are doing 6 to animals know about your anger.Let legislators know the 7 of their support for legislation that protects animals.Be more lovingGet a pet from a homeless-animal house.Act as an example to othersTreat all living animals with respect.Take good 8 of your pets.Do not go to places where animals 9 .Support legislation which is 10 for animals.1._ 2._3_ 4._ 5._6._7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 缺词填空。Mental health is about the way you think and feel and your ability to deal with ups and downs. Even though you are mentally healthy, it hardly m 1 that you dont have a mental health problem. Mental health is everyones b 2 . We all have times when we feel down or stressed. Most of the time those feelings pass, but sometimes they d 3 into a more serious problem. It seems that our mental health doesnt always stay the same. It can change as the environment changes and as you move t 4 different stages(阶段) of your life.Here are four practical ways to look after your mental health. M 5 simple changes to how you live doesnt cost much or take up lots of time. Anyone can f 6 them. Talk about your feelings. It can help you stay in good mental health. It isnt a sign of weakness, but p 7 of your ability to do what you can to stay healthy.


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