2019-2020年中考英语专项复习 动词时态之四 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语专项复习 动词时态之四 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年中考英语专项复习 动词时态之四 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年中考英语专项复习 动词时态之四 人教新目标版过去进行时: 概念:表示过去某段时间或某一时刻正在发生或进行的行为或动作。 【自我检测】:1. I _ a letter at nine last night.A. am writing B. was writing C. wrote D. is writing2. I _ myself French from 7 to 9 yesterday morning. I _ to work.A. was teaching; didnt go B. taught; didnt go C. was teaching; went D. taught; went3. This time yesterday Jack _ his bike. He _ TV.A. repaired; didnt watch B. was repairing; watched C. repaired; watched D. was repairing; wasnt watching4. When you _ at the door, I _ some washing.A. knocked; did B. was knocking; did C. knocked; was doing D. knock; am doing5. The boy_ English on the radio when I _ his door.A. learned; was opening B. was learning; opened C. learned; opened D. is learning; open6. A young man _ her while she _ her work . A. watched; was doing B. was watching; did C. watched; did D. was watching; was doing【自我小结】一、判断是否用过去进行时常注意的标志词有:1.表示过去某时某刻的词语: at that time, at that moment, these days等。 2.小时间+过去的大时间,如at ten last night, from 7 to 9 yesterday morning。3.注意:When / while引导一个动作发生在过去的时间状语从句,不管是主句还是从句的谓语动词,只要是延续性动词 就要用_时态;只要是 非延续性动词 就要用_时态。如上面4、5、6题.二、在过去进行时的句子中,谓语动词用_+_形式。【自我思考】 1.过去进行时的句子其肯定形式,否定形式和疑问形式各是什么? 2.过去进行时和一般过去时的区别是什么?【能力提升】1.He_(walk) with a camera in the street when I_(see) him yesterday.2. -I called you at 4:00 yesterday afternoon, but no one answered.-Sorry, I _with my friends at that time. A. swim B. swam C. will swim D. was swimming 3.What did the teacher say just now? Sorry. I didnt catch it. I _something else. A. Think B. will think C. was thinking D. had thought4.I didnt hear you because I the news on the radio. 【河北省xx】 A. listen to B. am listening to C. listened to D. was listening to 5.Mrs White _dinner when her son came home. 【xx浙江衢州】 A. is cooking B. was cooking C. are cooking D. were cooking


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