2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Celebration Period(7)选词填空同步练习 北师大版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Celebration Period(7)选词填空同步练习 北师大版必修1选词填空1Six students stand in a row _ the classroom.2This is the first car that _ this morning.3She _ a portrait of her father on the wall.4Please hand in your papers _ the exam.5Even after the music started they _ talking.6You might _ get it over if you can.7This illness makes a _ of my holiday plans.8_,the show was one of the dullest we have ever seen.9_ he is poor,he looks happy.10Plenty of fresh air _ good health.单项填空1My daughter has won the petition!Congratulations!_.ANo,no,she is nothingBOh,thank youCSometimes she is intelligentDYou are right2The little boy came riding full speed down the motorway on his bicycle._it was!AWhat a dangerous sceneBWhat dangerous a sceneCHow a dangerous sceneDHow dangerous the scene3The girl can ride a horse and swim,and she can shoot_.Aalso Bas well asCeither Das well4I have some big news for you.Youve been accepted as a member of our club._Thats great!AHave I? BPardon?CCongratulations! DGood idea!5I went along thinking of nothing_only looking at things around me.Ain brief Bin doubtCin harmony Din particular6Visitors _ not to touch the exhibits.Awill request Bis requestedCare requesting Dare requested7Professor Johnson,Im afraid I cant finish the report within this week._.How about next week?AGood for youBIt wont bother meCNot at allDThats OK8So much of interest_that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it all.Aoffers BeijingBBeijing offersCdoes Beijing offerDBeijing does offer9How are the team playing?Theyre playing well,but one of them_hurt.Agot Bgets Care Dwere10Great changes have taken place in the village_the years.Aover Bfor Csince Din.阅读理解If youre having trouble falling asleep,youre in good pany.About 65% of Americans said they have sleeping problems a few nights each week,according to a recent study by the National Sleep Foundation.Sleeping too little can lead to a higher risk of being fat and getting depressed (沮丧的)But before you go to a doctor for advice,its worth examining your sleeping habits one more time.Some of your favorite evening habits may have something to do with the sleeping problems.1Setting a Bright Alarm ClockThe light of your bright alarm clock can prevent you from falling asleep.You can make your room as dark as possible.Cover the bright numbers with a book or consider buying a small travel clock.Your cellphone alarm may also do the trick.2Counting SheepWhen you just cant fall asleep,its useless to stay in bed to count sheep.If youve been trying to fall asleep for more than 30 minutes,the National Sleep Foundation suggests that you get up to do some reading or watch TV for a while.Such activities will make you sleepy.Before you know it,youll be going back to bed really tired.3Exercising Late at NightDaytime workouts (锻炼) will keep you full of energy for hours.Thats why you dont want to exercise within three hours of hitting_the_sack.Fierce (剧烈的) physical activity raises your body temperature and pumps your energy levelboth are bad for a good nights sleep.1What can we learn from the first sentence of the passage?AIts not good to fail to fall asleep at night.BPeople in a good pany often have sleeping problems.CThere are many people who have sleeping problems.DYou should find someone to talk to if you cant fall asleep.2The underlined part “hitting the sack” in the last paragraph means “_”Agoing back home Bgoing to bedCgoing to the gym Dfalling asleep3Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?AThe bad results of getting too little sleep.BWhy the bright alarm clock keeps you awake.CWhat to do if you cant fall asleep after 30 minutes.DWhy watching TV and reading books make people sleepy.4By writing the passage,the writer mainly wants to tell us _.Awhy so many people cant sleep well at nightBhow to enjoy a good nights sleepCthat sleeping problems are troubling more and more peopleDthat people may solve their sleeping problems by changing some habits.书面表达学校决定举行英语作文竞赛,主题为“We Need Advice from Older Generations”。请根据以下要求写一篇作文:你遇到了困难或问题,不知道该怎么办。你去请教一位长辈,后来问题得到了解决。要求写清楚下面三点:1你当时面临的问题或困难是什么?2你获得的指教是什么?3结果如何?注意:词数为100左右。Period 7munication Workshop,Culture Corner,BulletinBoard and Writing.1.in front of2.arrived3.put up4.at the end of5.carried on6.as well7.mess8.Unfortunately9.Even if10contributes to.1.B对于他人的祝贺应表示感谢,故选B项。2A句意为:那个小男孩儿骑着自行车沿高速公路全速行驶,多么危险的情景啊!由感叹句的常见形式“What a(n)adj.n.其他!”或“Howadj.a(n)n.其他!”可知A项正确。3D句意为:这个女孩能骑马、游泳,还能射击。as well在句中表示“也”,常用于句末。also一般不用于句末;as well as用法同连词或介词;either表示“也”时用在否定句中。4A句意为:我有好消息要告诉你。你被接受加入我们的俱乐部了。是吗?太好了!根据语境,应选A项。5D句意为:我漫无目的地走着,只是不经意地看看周围的事物。in brief意为“简言之”;in doubt意为“拿不准,不确定”;in harmony意为“协调,一致”;in particular意为“特别”,由语境可知D项切题。6Dbe requested (not) to do sth.(被)要求做(不做)某事;又因为visitors作主语,故谓语动词用复数形式。因此答案为D项。7D考查交际用语。Thats OK表示理解和宽容,意为“没关系”;Not at all是感谢的应答语。8C本题为so.that.结构,当so用于句首时,句子部分倒装,故选C项。9A“get过去分词”构成被动语态,由语境可知,一队员受伤应是过去的动作,故选A项。10A考查介词的用法。若选B项,只能说for years;C项的since后面只能接时间点;若选D项,时态要用过去时,意为“经过多年”。故正确答案为A项。.1.C推理判断题。根据后文的“About 65% of Americans said they have sleeping problems a few nights each week.”可知作者是想表达:如果你晚上睡不着觉,那你并不孤单。说明失眠的人很多。2B词义猜测题。根据最后一段的“Daytime workouts will keep you full of energy for hours.”可知锻炼后会使你几个小时都保持着旺盛的精力,因此人们在睡觉前的三个小时不会去锻炼身体(以免影响睡眠)。3D细节理解题。作者在第三段只是提到晚上如果睡不着觉,可以起来看书或者看电视,但作者并没有解释为什么看书和看电视有助于入睡。4D作者意图题。根据第一段的“Some of your favorite evening habits may have something to do with the sleeping problems.”以及后文所给的几个例子可知作者主要是想告诉我们改变我们平时的一些习惯或许就可以帮助我们解决失眠问题。.参考范文In our daily life, we often meet some difficulties. When we are in trouble, we need advice from others, especially from older generations, as they have experienced a lot and have enough experience.Once I wanted to plant flowers, but I didnt know what to do. So I went to my father for advice. He told me,first,I should buy a flowerpot, and put some soil into it. Then, put the flower into the pot and put some more soil. After that,I should water the flower and put the pot in the shade so that the sun wouldnt burn it. A week later,I could move it in the sun.I followed his instructions, and the flower is growing well now.And from this,I learned how to plant flowers by myself.


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