2019-2020年九年级英语上学期第三次月考试题 人教新目标版(VIII).doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上学期第三次月考试题 人教新目标版(VIII)英汉互译。(10分)1.爱上_2.查找_ 3.两星期后_4.担心_5.以而骄傲_6.word by word_7.traffic accident_8.毫无疑问_9.同时_10.part-time job_二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(20分)1.We should practice_(read) aloud in class.2.We learn English by_(make) vocabulary lists.3.In the library there are lots of books on_(difference) subjects.4.Are you interested in_(collect) stamps.5.I felt very_(excite) when I heard the_(excite) news.6.The Englishman spoke_(slow) enough for me to understand.7.Miss Gao told me that the moon_(move) around the earth.8.He became a_(music) when he was only twenty.9.We finished the_(nine) lesson last week.10.I dont know_(who) book this is?11.She was seen_(help) that old man.12.The black bike_(buy) in that shop three days ago.13.It is very_(noise) outside in the street.14.The room_(should clean) every day.15.Teenagers should not_(allow) to drive in the road.16.Look! The three_(Japan) are talking to the two_(German).17.These skirts_(make) of cotton.18.It takes me one hour and a half_(finish) the homework every day.19.The books must_(take) out of the reading room.20.Miss Liu is one of the most popular_(teach) in that school.三、单项选择(25分) 1. As a student, it is your _ to study hard. A. progress B. decision C. duty D. challenge 2. _ do you study for the ing English tests? _ listening to the tape every day. A. How, With B. Why, For C. How, By D. Where, To 3. Its not a good habit to _ late because the next day youll feel tired. A. get up B. make up C. stay up D. clean up 4. He will go to the movies _ staying at home this weekend. A. but B. instead of C. without D. instead 5. Learning a foreign language is _. What language are you _ in?A. interested; interestingB. interesting; interested C. interesting; interesting D. interested; interested 6. This problem is too difficult.Can you show me _? A. how can I work it out B. how I can work it out C. how to work out it D. how can I work out it 7. If I _ you, Id have a long vacation. A. was B. am C. were D. is 8 Lets listen to the music _ we can dance _. Thats a good idea. A. that, to B that , with C who, to D who, with9. This book _ Lucys. Look! Her name is on the book cover. A. must be B. may be C. cant be D. mustnt be My parents want to go _ on vacation. A. somewhere peaceful B. dangerous somewhere C. somewhere boring D. fascinating somewhere11. Hes given an important report on the work of the government,_? Aisnt he Bis he Chasnt he Dhas he12_ nice flowers ! Where did you buy them? AHow BWhat CWhat a DWhat an13-I am very worried about the math test. I am afraid I cant pass this time. - _! Im sure you will make it. A. No problem B.Thats right C. Cheer up D. Dont mention it14May I listen to the music here,Mr.White? Sorry,youd better _ it like that Anot to do Bnot do Cdont do Dnot do to15Could you please e to the museum with me this afternoon? Sorry,I _I have to take a piano lesson at 2 pm Acouldnt Bmustnt Ccant Dneednt16Has your father finished his report? Sorry,I dont knowHe _ it this morning Awas writing Bwrote Chas written Dhad written 17Excuse me,I want to buy some milkWhere can I find a supermarket? Oh,I know _ not far from my home Ait Bthat Cone Dits18Now the air in our city is _ than it used to beSomething must be done to stop it Avery good Bmuch better Crather bad Deven worse19His hobby is _ watching TV _ playing the pianoIts reading books Aeither;or Bboth;and Cneither;nor Dnot only;but also20Are you going to help John with his Chinese this evening? No,He _ to EnglandHe will be back next month A.returned Bhas returned Creturns Dwill return21. He was _ tired _ he fell asleep as soon as he lay down. A. too;to B.enough ;to C. so; that D. such; that22. Please _ the tigers. Its dangerous to take photos with them. A. keep off B.take off C. get off D. turn off23. Not only _ help him with his math,but you should help him with his English. A. you should B.should you C. you will D. will you24.He speak _ for us to hear clearly.A. quick enough B.quickly enough C.enough quick D. enough quickly25. The little girl _ her mother when I e in. A. looks after B.takes after C. is looking after D. is taking after四、完形填空 (10分)A mother planted many kinds of vegetables in her garden. One day, she said to her _1_, Betty, e here. Look at all these little yellow marks on the _2_ of the cabbages. They are eggs of a kind of insect(虫子). They are very beautiful but very bad for cabbages. This afternoon you must _3_all the eggs on the leaves and kill them. In this way, you will help us have_4_, greater and bigger cabbages. Betty didnt think she should do it _5_ and in the end she forgot all about it. The mother fell ill for a few days and _6_ work in her garden. When she was well, she took Betty to the garden to see the cabbages. To _7_ surprise, the insects had eaten every leaf. When Betty saw this, she began to _8_. Then her mother said to her, We should never put off what we have to do today till _9_. And you must learn to deal with the bad things while they are small, _10_ it will turn into a big problem.( ) 1. A. son B. mother C. daughter D. father( ) 2. A. trees B. leaves C. grass D. branch( ) 3. A. find B. eat C. fly D.think( ) 4. A. worse B. better C. thinner D.worst( ) 5. A. at most B. at last C. at once D.at first( ) 6. A. must B. couldnt C. need D. may( ) 7. A. my B. their C. his D. our( ) 8. A. cry B. wait C. run D.laugh( ) 9. A. yesterday B. today C. tomorrow D. afternoon( ) 10. A. but B. or C. and D.though五、按要求完成句子。(15分)1. It must be Marys. (改为否定句) It _ _ Marys.We want to know how we can study well.(改为同义句) We want to know_ _ study well.Tom gives me a book.(改为被动语态) A book_ _ to me by Tom.The flowers need to be watered.(改为同义句) The flowers need_.5.This is Lucys book. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is this?6.I think teenagers should be allowed to have a part-time job on weekends.(改为否定句)I_ _teenagers_ _allowed to have a part-time job on weekends.7.His brother hardly does his homework,_ _?(变反义疑问句)六、阅读理解。(20 分) A.信息归纳(10分 )阅读下面短文,完成信息卡。You are in a full-time school called “life”. Each day in this school you will have the chance to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or hate them, but theyre part of your life.Each person has a different path. As you travel along your life path, you will be faced with many lessons that you will need to learn in order to realize your goal. These lessons are specific(特定的).As you travel through your lifetime, you may meet challenging lessons that others dont have to face, while others spend years struggling with(与作斗争) challenges(挑战) that you dont need to deal with. You cannot be sure why you struggle hard for money while your friends enjoy much wealth. You must remember that you will be faced with all the lessons that you specifically(明确地) need to learn, whether you choose to learn them or not.Remember, dont pare your path with that of the people around you and focus(集中于) on the difference between their lessons and yours.Life is not fair, and you may indeed have a more difficult path than others around you and the only thing you can do is to accept it and then make it better. Information CardThe full-time school is called “ 1 ”.The lessons people must learnThey are 2 from person and they are specific.What you should doYou will be faced with the lessons you need to learn, whether you choose to learn them or not; dont_3_ your path with that of the people around you and focus on the _4_ between their lessons and yours.You should remember that life is_5_ in fact. You must accept your life path and try your best to make it better. B选出正确的答案(10分)If you dont use your arms or your legs for some time, they will bee weak; when you start using them again, they will gradually bee stronger again. Everybody knows this. Yet many people do not seem to know that it is the same with our memory.If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame, and few of us know that it is just his own fault.Have you ever found that some people cant read or write but they usually have better memories? This is because they can not read or write and they have to remember things; they can not write them down in a little notebook. They must remember dates, names, songs and stories; so their memories are being exercised the whole time.So if you want a good memory, learn from there people: practice remembering.( ) 6. What will happen to your arms or legs if you dont use them for some time?A. They will be strong B. They will be brokenC. They will be weak D. They will be hurt( ) 7. What does the word “fault” mean in the second paragraph?A. 困难 B.过错 C.粗心 D.聪明( ) 8. What do many of us think of the person with a poor memory?A. His parents are to blame. B. He isnt clever.C. He is foolish. D. His parents are very clever.( ) 9. Why do some people usually have better memories but they cant read or write?A.Because they stronger. B.Because they often practice remembering things.C. Because they have strong arms and legs.D. Because their parents are good.( ) 10. What does the passage mainly(主要)talk about?A. Arms. B. Legs. C. Behaviors. D. Memories.七、情景对话:从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话(5分) R=Rick M=MaryWell, how about Town Cinema?Hi, Mary. Are you free this evening?Im sorry to hear that.May I speak to Mary please?Sure. Id love to. Where?R: Hello! 21._ M:Hello!This is Mary speaking.R: 22._M: Yes. I have nothing to do.R: Can you go to the movie with me?M: 23._R: Lets go to Movie Palace. Its close to our home.M: But it doesnt have fortable seats.R: 24._ M: Where else do you know ?R: 25._Its the best theater in town.M: Thats a good idea. Lets meet at the front gate of the cinema at eight, OK?R: OK. See you.八、书面表达(15分 ) 请以“The Happy Life”为题,根据以下的内容提示和你的实际学校生活,写一篇短文来描述一下你心中的最幸福的生活。 内容提示:1.你现在生活中快乐和烦恼。2.你追求的最快乐、最幸福的生活是什么样子的?3.你会为此做出什么样的努力?要求:1.语言准确得当,条理清楚。 2词数:80词左右。 The Happy Life_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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