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2019-2020年九年级中考英语模拟试题(I) 姓名_ 考号_得分_一. 单项选择题 号123456789101112131415答 案 ( )1. Do you think my yellow T-shirt goes well with the blue jeans? Well, they are not bad. But I think that white T-shirt and the jeans are match_. A. a better B. the better C. better D. a best( )2. I wanted to buy a copy of The Youth, but there were _ left in the bookshop. A. no one B. something C. anyone D. none( )3. Whats the _of her sadness? She is usually a cheerful girl. Its the death of her loved cat. A. reason B. idea C. cause D. mistake( )4. I made a mistake today. I meant to make Jane less nervous before the exam, but she seemed to be more_after our munication. A. calm B. excited C. relaxed D. stressed( )5. What about going skating this afternoon, Sam? I would rather _ at home than_skating on such a cold day. A. stay; going B. stay; go C. to stay; to go D. to stay; going( )6. Can you _ how different colours affect our moods_me? Certainly. A. explain; to B. argue; to C. explain; at D. argue; with( )7. We dont like him because he is proud _. A. in time B. on time C. at times D. some time( )8. Wang Lin has decided to_his bad habit. A. wake up B. set up C. get up D. give up( )9. _she is only a twelve-year-old girl, _ she can speak four languages very well. A. Because; so B. Though; but C. Though; / D. If; but( )10. _ good _ polite behaviour in public places. A. Its; to have B. Thats; have C. Its; having D. Thats; having( )11. If you have finished your homework, please _as soon as possible. A. work it out B. hand it in C. work out it D. hand in it( )12. Gao Ying is often seen _ with her friends in the dancing room. A. dance B. dances C. to dance D. to dancing( )13. Hes never seen this film, _? No. Hes going to see it tonight. A. is he B. isnt he C. has he D. hasnt he( )14. Jane looks really sad today. Whats wrong with her? Oh, she lost her bike. Lets _her _. A. cheer; up B. pick; up C. put; up D. think; up( )15. There are so many MP4 players in the shop that I cant decide _. A. what to choose B. which to choose C. where to choose D. when to choose二. 完形填空题 号161718192021222324252627282930答 案To most of us, school means classes, teachers, schedules, grades and tests. But for the children at Sudbury Valley School in Massachusetts, school is very 16.Firstly, there are no 17. All the children, aged between 4 and 19, do whatever they want. There are no teachers, only staff members (管理人员). The idea behind this is that you do not need to 18 children learn because children want to learn anyway. You do not need to say to three-year-old kids, “Go to 19 the secrets of nature.” You cant stop 20! says Daniel Greenberg, a founder (创始人) of the school. But if you make children do 21 you want all day, they will lose all 22 for learning.At Sudbury Valley School, you will find children talking, reading, painting, playing the piano, climbing trees, 23 just running around. Two boys 24 three years just fishing!The other way that Sudbury Valley School is different is that the children can 25 the rules. Every week, there is a school 26 where both children and staff have one vote each even the four-year-olds. They decide the school rules, 27 to spend the school budget (预算), and even which staff they want and do not want anymore.When the school first opened in 1968, people said it would 28 work. But today, the school has 200 students, and 80% of its students 29 to college. Even the two boys who went fishing all the time have bee successful today. One of them is a musician and 30 is a puter scientist.( )16. A. boring B. important C. mon D. different( )17. A. lessons B. students C. books D. playgrounds( )18. A. ask B. encourage C. make D. allow( )19. A. create B. discover C. hide D. represent( )20. A. me B. them C. us D. they( )21. A. what B. who C. whom D. whether( )22. A. value B. taste C. importance D. energy( )23. A. and B. but C. or D. so( )24. A. spared B. used C. took D. spent( )25. A. break B. keep C. decide D. obey( )26. A. meeting B. experiment C. experience D. club( )27. A. when B. how C. that D. why( )28. A. never B. always C. often D. sometimes( )29. A. go up B. go down C. go on D. go back( )30. A. other B. another C. others D. the other三. 阅读理解题 号313233343536373839404142434445答 案ANEW YORK MUSEUMOpen:Mon. to Fri.: 9.00 am 5.00 pm Sat.: 9.00 am 1.00 pmAddress: 1100 Chesnut St. New YorkTelephone: 77364431THE CITY FLOWER SHOW8 APRIL TO 17 APRILPrice: $50 for adults $25 for childrenAddress: 112 Kendal Way Chesterton Cambridge CB4Telephone: 55539561ENGLISH SUMMER CAMPHow will you spend your summer?English Summer Camp 2011 at the University of Toronto, Canada!Ages: 13 to 18For more information, call CEE / CCIEE at (010) 6606-2607POP MUSIC WEEKBands from home and abroad will give performances in Chaoyang Park, Beijing. Chinese singers like Zhang Liangying will also share music with fans.Price: 30 50 yuanTime: 9.00 am 9.00 pm( )31. New York Museum is closed on _. A. Monday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday( )32. 8-year-old Tommy is visiting the City Flower Show with his parents. They should pay _. A. $75 B. $100 C. $125 D. $150( )33. If you want to get more information about English Summer Camp, you can _. A. go to Canada B. call (010) 6606-2607 C. write to CEE / CCIEE D. send an e-mail to the University of Toronto( )34. In Pop Music Week, _will give performancesin Chaoyang Park. A. bands and singers B. bands and dancersC. actors and singers D. bands and actors( )35. Phillip, twenty years old, is NOT allowed to go to _. A. Pop Music Week B. New York Museum C. English Summer Camp D. the City Flower ShowBOn a hot summer day, a little boy decided to go for a swim in the lake behind his house.In a hurry to swim in the cool water, he ran out of the back door, leaving behind his shoes, socks, and shirt as he went. He flew into the water, not noticing that in the middle of the lake, a crocodile (鳄鱼) was swimming to the bank. His mother in the house saw the two as they got closer and closer. She quickly ran to the lake, shouting to her son as loudly as she could.Hearing her voice, the little boy swam quickly to his mother, but he was too slow. Just as he reached her, the crocodile reached him, too.The mother caught her little boy by the arms just as the crocodile caught his legs. There was a tug of war (拔河) between the two. The crocodile was much stronger than the mother, but the mother didnt give up. A farmer happened to drive by. He heard her shouts, and then tried his best to kill the crocodile.After spending weeks in the hospital, the little boy felt well. His legs were scarred (留下疤痕) by the animal and on his arms there were deep scars, too. His mothers hands had deeper scars because she wouldnt let go.The newspaper reporter interviewed the boy. He asked the boy if he would show him his scars. The boy said to the reporter proudly, Look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms. I have them because my mum wouldnt let go.( )36. The little boy _ when he heard his mothers shouts. A. swam to the middle of the lake B. quickly ran toward the water C. ran out of the back door of his house D. swam quickly towards his mother( )37. Who killed the crocodile in the end? A. The boy. B. A farmer. C. The boys mother. D. The boys father.( )38. The boys _were hurt in the accident. A. legs and hands B. hands and arms C. legs and arms D. face and hands( )39. The underlined word stronger means _ in Chinese. A. 更害怕 B. 更可怜C. 更微弱 D. 更强大( )40. Which can be the BEST title for the passage? A. The scars of love B. In a hot summer C. A scary crocodile D. A dangerous swimC The MysteryOn November 5th, 1872, the Mary Celeste left New York to sail to Italy. The captain (船长), his wife and daughter and seven sailors were on board. But something terrible happened. The captain of another ship found the Mary Celeste floating (漂浮) in the middle of the sea on December 4th, 1872. The captain, his family and the sailors were not on the ship and were never found.What happened? Why did the sailors and passengers leave the ship? The Mary Celeste was not broken. Everything was good. There was no fighting, no fire and no smoke sign. There was still plenty of food and drinking water left. There were signs that the captain, his family and the sailors had left the ship in a hurry. We could tell all these because there was half-eaten food on the table. The sailors also left all their clothing behind. Even their shoes were beside their beds.How and when did the people leave the ship? Some people said that the lifeboat (救生艇) was still on the ship but others said it was missing. The captains diary was found on the ship and the last entry (登记) was made on November 24th. So, we could only guess that the happening time was between November 24th and December 4th.An investigator (调查者) went aboard the ship several times to search for the answers to all these questions. But he could not find any. No one else could solve the mystery.( )41. What was the Mary Celeste? A. A train. B. A plane.C. A ship. D. A captain.( )42. When was the Mary Celeste found? A. On November 5th, 1872.B. On November 4th, 1872. C. On November 24th, 1872.D. On December 4th, 1872.( )43. Why was the event mysterious (神秘的)? A. The Mary Celeste was broken. B. The Mary Celeste did not move in the slightest. C. The people on the Mary Celeste could not be found. D. Some food and clothing were left on the Mary Celeste.( )44. Which of the following was NOT found on the ship after the event? A. Sign of fire. B. Food.C. Clothing. D. The captains diary.( )45. Why is the event called a mystery? A. The lifeboat was missing.B. Everyone left the Mary Celeste. C. The Mary Celeste was not made of wood. D. The captains diary was found on the ship.四. 填空A. 根据句意和汉语提示,用正确的单词填空。46. The result of the _(实验) was kept as a secret.47. Simon is an _(精力充沛的) boy. He seldom feels tired.48. Watch your _(行为). Its rude to eat with your mouth full of food.49. He offered me two _(建议) before I started the project.50. Its hard for me to forgive myself for the careless _(错误).B. 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。51. To tell you the _(true), you are the best man I have ever met.52. Millie is a very shy girl. She is _ (active) in class.53. They were full of _ (sad) when they saw the earthquake on TV.54. To make her class lively, Miss Chen often tells us some _ (humour) stories.55. I hate to be like others, so I try to do everything _ (different).C. 根据句意和所给首字母提示,用正确的单词填空。56. My classmates took an a _ part in the sports meeting last week.57. Daniel thinks that his parents are so s _with him.58. The book is of great v _ to us middle school students.59. Now many people s _ from a lot of stress.60. Do you know w _ Daniel will study abroad or not? Sorry, I have no idea.五. 完成句子61. 我们班主任很公平,能平等对待每个学生。 Our head teacher _ every student equally.62. 因为人们的活动,很多濒危的动物正遭受着失去食物的痛苦。 Many endangered animals are _ the loss of food because of peoples activities.63. 我们从来没有见过黛安娜炫耀自己,她一直很谦虚。 Weve never seen Diana _. She is modest at all times.64. 他不给我们提供任何帮助,真是很自私。 Its really selfish _ us any help.65. 我们经常建议他不要熬夜,但是他充耳不闻。 We often _, but he just turns a deaf ear to it.六. 阅读填空A. 阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容,在文章后第66-75小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每空一词。The Class 8, Grade 9 students are having an election (选举) to decide who would be the monitor this year. There are three candidates (候选人) and the class must choose one person to represent them. The candidates have decided to advertise themselves using coloured ribbons. Each candidate has chosen one colour that they think best represents their characteristics. Bettie has chosen blue because she thinks that her best quality is staying calm in difficult situations. Bettie thinks that it will help her stop people from fighting, and then all her classmates will be friends. Therefore, she thinks she is the most suitable person to be the monitor. Jason has chosen yellow as his colour. He thinks he is a sunny person and he is very good at cheering people up. Moreover, Jason has chosen this colour because he believes it can bring him success! Brian has chosen red to represent him. He thinks this is the best colour to show his strong personality. Brian thinks he is a very powerful person. He can always find a way to get a job done. The class will wear their favourite candidates colour on Friday to see who will be the new monitor!Title: Three candidatesCandidatesColours and characteristicsBettieShe has chosen (66)_. She thinks her best quality is staying (67) _in difficult situations. It will help her stop people from (68) _. She thinks she is the most (69) _ person.JasonHe has chosen (70)_. He thinks he is a (71) _person and he is very good at cheering people up. He believes yellow can bring him (72) _!BrianHe has chosen (73) _. He thinks red is the best colour to show his (74) _ personality. He is (75) _. He can always find a way to get a job done.B阅读下面的短文,根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。I love hiking and being outdoors. I love them even more when I can help others.Some of the other mums I met in the school (76) e_ are single parents or have a child with special needs, so I often (77) o_to take their child or children to go hiking together with my son. This (78) a_ the mothers to have time to do other things.Today I offered my friend that (79) c_and took her son with us on a hike to Paradise Falls.The (80) w_ was perfect, just enough sun but still cool. Soon we reached our final destination (目的地) a beautiful waterfall! Everyone enjoyed it and my friend was (81) e_when I sent her some pictures of her son climbing and playing in front of the waterfall. She (82)_ me for taking him.I am very lucky to be (83) a_ to enjoy the beauty of nature and help other mothers. Its so good for everybody.My (84) a_ is to go outside. Go for a hike and help someone out. Its a gift that is truly (85) v_ and so easy to give.七书面表达Frank最近迷上了手机游戏,经常玩到深夜。现在他因睡眠不足,上课不能认真听讲,成绩也在下降。他妈妈很生气,不再让他使用手机。假如你是他的朋友Tina,请你写一封信给他,建议他要合理使用手机,如查阅资料、记单词等。同时,考试在即,要理解父母、老师的心情,要主动去沟通,得到他们的原谅和帮助。要求:1. 包含所给要点,语言流畅,意思连贯,适当拓展;2. 词数: 不少于80词,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear FrankI am sorry to hear that you quarrelled with your parents about playing mobile phone games._I hope my suggestions are of great value to you.YoursTina参考答案1-5 ADCDB 6-10 ACDCA 11-15 BCCAB16-20 DACBB 21-25 ABCDC 26-30 ABACD31-35 DCBAC 36-40 DBCDA 41-45 CDCAB46. experiment 47. energetic 48. behaviour 49. suggestions 50. mistake(s)51. truth 52. inactive 53. sadness 54. humorous 55. differently 56. active 57. strict 58. value 59. suffer 60. whether61. is fair enough to treat 62. suffering from 63. show herself off64. of him not to offer 65. advise him not to stay up66. blue 67. calm 68. fighting 69. suitable 70. yellow 71. sunny 72. success 73. red 74. strong 75. powerful76. either 77. offer 78. allows 79. chance 80. weather 81. excited 82. thanked 83. able 84. advice 85. valuableOne possible version:Dear FrankI am sorry to hear that you quarrelled with your parents about playing mobile phone games.You spent so much time playing games that you forgot when to sleep and you were too sleepy and tired to listen to the teachers in class the next day. Youve bee weak in your studies. Your mother got angry with you. You felt bad about this.Firstly, I think you should stop playing games. You can use your mobile phone to search for information, and look up new words. It is a useful tool in your studies.Secondly, you need to municate with your parents and teachers, and let them know your problems. They will help you. At the same time, they will forgive you.I hope my suggestions are of great value to you. YoursTina


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