2019-2020年高考英语大二轮总复习 语篇阅读高分练(五).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语大二轮总复习 语篇阅读高分练(五).阅读理解Dear Betty,My roommates family wants me to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with them in their home.I accepted the invitation,and Im excited about going,but Im a little nervous about it,too.The social customs in my country are different from those here,so Im a little worried about making mistakes.Should I bring a gift,such as candy or flowers?Should I arrive on time or a little late?At the dinner table,how can I know which fork or knife to use?How can I let the family know that Im thankful for their kindness?Yours,Knowing NothingDear Knowing Nothing,Its a good idea to bring a gift when you go to a dinner party.Flowers are always wele,or you can bring a bottle of wine if you know the family drink it.You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late.Dont get there early.If you are going to be more than fifteen minutes late,you should call and tell them.Try to relax at the dinner table.If you dont know how to use the right fork,knife or spoon,just watch the other guests,and follow them.If you still have no idea of what to do,dont be shy about asking the person next to you;its better to ask them than to be silently unfortable and nervous.If you like the food,say so.Of course,youll thank the host and hostess for the meal and for their kindness.Its also a good idea to send a card to thank them the day after.Yours,Betty1Knowing Nothing wrote a letter to Betty to .Atell Betty some good newsBask for some adviceCanswer some questionsDinvite her to dinner2According to Betty,Knowing Nothing when going to a dinner party.Acan only bring some flowersBcant bring wineCshould arrive on time or five to ten minutes lateDshould arrive twenty minutes late3Betty does NOT advise Knowing Nothing to .Arelax at the dinner tableBwatch the other guestsCask the person beside himDkeep silent at table4After a dinner party,Knowing Nothing could .Asay nothing but goodbyeBsend a card to thank them the day afterCthank the host and hostess for the meal and for their kindness at onceDinvite the host and hostess for a dinner the next day.阅读填空(xx吉林实验中学高三三模)Nowadays,many people love to travel.It is very mon for people to go on a trip at any time. 5 Perhaps,the reason for its present popularity is that modern people have e to realize the benefits of traveling.Traveling provides many good opportunities for fun,adventure and discovery.When we visit other countries,we gain a better understanding of the people living there.We learn their cultures,history and background.We discover the similarities they have with us. 6 It is interesting to learn from people with different backgrounds.Traveling helps to enrich our lives. 7 When we visit interesting places,we discover and learn many things.We discover new people,surroundings,plants and animals.If we want to make our travel more exciting and challenging,we can plan our own tour and select the specific places we want to visit.Traveling is refreshing.It is a psychological necessity,especially for people who have stressful jobs. 8 Staying at home during the weekend is not enough to make some people feel relaxed. 9 It helps them to handle the stress they experience at work better.After the break,they feel more energetic in their work.For many working adults,regular getaways help them keep their energy and enthusiasm they require for their work.Without these breaks,they may suffer from work burnout.AYears of hard work finally pays off.BWe also get to know their differences from us.CIt increases our knowledge and widens our vision.DSome even consider traveling as part of their lifestyle.EIn todays society,many people suffer great stress at work.FTaking periodic(定期的) trips produces better results for them.GIt is indeed a joyful thing to share the experience of a special trip with others.完形填空(xx甘肃省部分普通高中高三2月联考)I think Im one of the luckiest people in the world because of the time Im able to spend with young people who are not afraid to show their excitement and zest for life. 10 ,I would prefer a person with passion and enthusiasm to a person with 11 and talent any day of the week.You can teach and develop skills, 12 you cannot develop a love of life and an optimistic attitude.These are 13 of a person and appear at all times during work or play.Furthermore,they are traits that one is born with and they will never 14 them.As a 15 and an Independent Education and Career Planning Advisor,I 16 too many children and young adults who are on a road to despair unless someone can find a way to change their attitude towards 17 and indeed life itself! 18 ,society has turned out too many children and young that are unwilling to put much 19 or thought into their work.Whenever I e across such people 20 or old,Im reminded of a boy who went with his mother on a blueberry picking hike into the 21 .The boy filled his 22 mostly with moss(苔藓) and then covered the moss with a thin layer of blueberries so that it looked 23 .But the next morning,he found the blueberry pie which his mother 24 for him was moss.So 25 ,whether you are in school or 26 ,if you have enthusiasm and if you are 27 to put in consistent effort along with passion,you will receive the 28 .If,on the other hand,you are 29 and prefer to take shortcuts,you should not expect to achieve the same results.10A.Obviously BPersonallyCLuckily DQuickly11A.skills BideasCkindness Dcourage12A.or BforCbut Dif13A.choices BrequestsCappearances Dcharacters14A.use BdeserveClose Dcherish15A.journalist BdoctorCcolleague Dteacher16A.search for Be acrossCcare about Ddepend on17A.learning BdonatingCspeaking Dgreeting18A.Eventually BUnfortunatelyCHopefully DPerfectly19A.equipment BinformationCeffort Dpossession20A.innocent ByoungCpoor Dstupid21A.woods BcornerCpark Dmarket22A.mouth BpanCbasket Dhand23A.delicious BbeautifulCclean Dfull24A.collected BbakedCkept Dbought25A.promise BguessCremember Dlook26A.in danger Bin distanceCin hospital Dat work27A.willing BconfidentCproud Dcareful28A.crop BtrustCvotes Drewards29A.lazy BbusyCcurious Dstubborn语篇阅读高分练(五).1.B推理判断题。根据第一封信的第二段“Should I bring a gift,such as candy or flowers?Should I arrive.Im thankful for their kindness?”可推知Knowing Nothing是为了征求建议,故选B。2C细节理解题。根据第二封信的第二段的“You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late.”可知选C项。3D细节理解题。根据第二封信第三段中的“.dont be shy about asking the person next to you;its better to ask them than to be silently unfortable and nervous.”建议Knowing Nothing不要在吃饭时保持沉默,故选D。4B细节理解题。根据第二封信的最后一句话“Its also a good idea to send a card to thank them the day after.”可知宴会后Knowing Nothing 在第二天可以写张卡片感谢他们,所以选B。.5.D6.B7.C8.E9.F.10.Bobviously明显地;personally 亲自地,就自己而言;luckily 幸运地;quickly迅速地,很快。分析句意为“就自己而言,我更喜欢有激情和热情的人而不是有技术和才能的人。”11A由下句“You can teach and develop skills.”及上下文语境可知,此处应填skills。12C根据空格前后句意可知,前后为转折关系,故选but。13Dchoice选择;request要求;appearance外貌,外观;character品质,特性。分析句意为“这些是个人品质,展现在你的工作和娱乐中。”14Cuse使用;deserve值得;lose丢失,丢掉;cherish珍惜。分析句意为“另外,那些还是从一出生就具有,而且永远不会丢掉的特质。”15D此处由and并列,故前后词意思应该一致或相近,又因后面为an Independent Education and Career Planning Advisor教育导师,故选teacher。16B结合上下文,分析句意为“我遇见过很多孩子和年轻人,他们正处在绝望中,除非有人帮他们找到改变他们对于学习和生活本身的方法。”e across遇到,偶遇。17Alearn学习;donate捐赠,捐献;speak说话,演讲;greet问候。句意见上题解析,故选A。18B根据后面句意“社会证明太多的孩子和年轻人对待工作不够努力和用心。”故此处选unfortunately“不幸地”。19C根据“or”前后词一致原则,此处应为和thought相近的词,分析句意可知答案为effort“努力”。20B分析句意为“无论我什么时候碰到这种人年轻人或者老人,我都会给他们提到关于一个小男孩的故事。”21Awoods小树林;corner角落;park公园;market市场。分析句意知小男孩是去“小树林”摘蓝莓。22Cfill A with B意为“用B装满A”,此处指小男孩多数是用苔藓装满了篮子,去摘蓝莓应该用的是篮子。23D小男孩在篮子里放了大多数的苔藓,而只在上面铺了薄薄的一层蓝莓是为了让篮子看起来满满的。故用full。24B分析句意为“但是第二天他发现妈妈为他烤的蓝莓饼是苔藓的。”此处“pie”应该与“bake”搭配。25C通过上文所讲的故事可以看出作者想让读者“记住”下面的道理,故用remember“记住”。26D作者想让读者记住的就是“不管你是在上学还是工作,如果你有热情并且把不停地努力和热情结合在一起,你将会收到回报。”27Awilling愿意的;confident自信的;proud骄傲的,自豪的;careful小心的。be willing to do sth.愿意做某事。28D分析上下文可知此处指前面的付出会有所“回报”。29A分析句意为“相反,如果你很懒并且想走捷径的话,那就不要期望有相同的回报。”故选lazy“懒惰的”。


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