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2019-2020年高中英语Unit3AustraliaUsingLanguageAimsTo help students read the passage AUSTRALIAS DANGEROUS CREATURESTo help students to use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writingProceduresI. Warming up by reading online about going campingWhen I was younger I went camping all the time but now I never go and every summer I say that Im going to and it never happens, so Im hoping this summer I finally do it. My and my boyfriend want to go hiking up in the white mountains and I would really like to go camping up there as well. Well see.I cant wait! To be at the lake and cooking around the fire. Sleeping in the tent(on an air mattress) MMMM the coffee! LOLI went camping all over Southern Ireland. Ive had a fantastic time. you meet really nice people, and the cost is better.Its a great way to see the country.I need to get out of town for a mini-vacation, probably over the weekend. Id like my boyfriend to e with me. Im not sure where Im going. I might even leave w/o a destination in mind. Fun, fun. Id probably sleep in the car. Its not camping only. I could do everything else though. Like go to a lake, have a bonfire, and be stinky w/o a shower. Good times.II. Listening about campingGo to page 26, please. We shall listen to a conversation between Bob and Wei Ping about their would- be going camping in the summer holiday.III. Reading for forms Read the text AUSTRALIAS DANGEROUS CREATURES on page 27 to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions. AUSTRALIAS DANGEROUS CREATURESAustralia is home to more than 170 different kinds of snake/ and 115 of these are poisonousIn fact,Australia has more kinds of venomous snake /than any other country /in the worldLuckily, the poison of most snakes can kill/ or paralyze only small creatures. A few varieties,however,can kill humans,so it is just as well /that snakes are very shy /and usually attack /only if they are disturbed/ and feel threatened There are also approximately 2,000 different kinds of spider/ in Australia /and,1ike snakes,most have a poisonous biteHowever,the majority have no effect on humans/ or cause only mild sicknessOnly a few have venom/ that is powerful enough /to kill a human beingWhile a small number of Australians are bitten by spiders each year, most recover without any medical treatment The seas /around Australia/ contain over 160 different kinds of shark, which vary in size /from just 20 centimetres/ to over 14 metresHowever,although they look dangerous/ because of their wide mouths /and sharp teeth, all /but two/ or three kinds are harmless to humans Another potentially dangerous sea animal is the jellyfish. Most kinds of poisonous jellyfish can cause severe pain to anyone /who touches them /but the poison of the box jellyfish can actually kill a human,especially if that person has a weak heartThe tiniest amount of poison /from a box jellyfish can kill in less than five minutes /and it is probably the most poisonous animal/ in the world There is one other dangerous animal/ in Australia/ worth mentioning,and that is the crocodileAlthough two types of crocodile live in Australia,only the saltwater crocodile has been known to kill humansThis crocodile moves very quickly /when it sees something/ it considers to be food,and /from time to time a crocodile has snatched someone/ before he/ or she is even aware that/ the crocodile is there You might think that/ with all these dangerous animals/ Australia is an unsafe place /to live in /or visitHowever, this is far from the truthThere are no more than a handful of shark attacks each year/ and only three deaths have been reported /in the last five yearsSimilarly,in the last three years /there have been only two reported deaths/ from crocodile attacksSince 1956,when an anti-venom treatment /for redback spider bites was developed,there have been no deaths from redbacks,and /since 1981/ when a treatment was developed for funnelweb spider poison,there have been no deaths /from this spider/ eitherTreatments for jellyfish stings /and snakebites have also been developed /and /in the last five years/ there have been only three deaths/ from jellyfish stings /and about the same number /from snakebitesIV. Copying useful expressions and making sentencesAustralias dangerous creatures, be home to, more than, different kinds of, in fact,have morethan any other country in the world, the poison of most snakes, be disturbed and feel threatened, have a poisonous bite, have no effect on, have venom, kill a human being, without any medical treatment, vary in size from just 20 centimetres to over 14 metres, look dangerous, because of, all but two or three kinds, be harmless to, another potentially dangerous sea animal, cause severe pain to sb., in less than, be worth doing, from time to time, be aware that, be far from the truth, no more than, a handful of, in the last three years, reported deaths, an anti-venom treatment for, no deaths from redbacks, a treatment for funnelweb spider poison,no deaths from this spider, treatments for jellyfish stings and snakebites V. Writing a replyRead the email on page 29 first. And then write a reply to Li Haidi.Dear Li Haidi,I am pleased that you emailed me yesterday.I learned that you are going on a camping trip in the Northern Territory. I think all you really need is food, water and shelter to survive. Keeping this in mind camping is actually pretty luxurious. So take as much food and water with you as possible. Or take lots of money. You can buy food and water on the way to and from the camping. I hope you will find my advice useful. Best wishes, Wang ZhenDear Li Haidi,I think you can go camping during the holiday. It might be fun!I spent a lot of time as a child in the wilderness. Those are some of my fondest memories and happiest times. I havent gone camping yet as an adult and I dont know what keeps stopping me. Other than no $ for equipment, not enough time, etc. I want to go somewhere away from other people and just soak up nature. I want to lay on the ground at night and watch the amazing, infinite sky. I want to hear the streams and frogs and crickets and birds and beessmell the campfire and the forest. I want to put my feet into the icy cold stream and go, “brrrr!” I want to find cool rocks. Guess I better start planning this :)I hope you will find my advice useful. Best wishes, Mary SmithDear Li Haidi,Happy to get your email.You are right to choose to go camping.My boyfriend (giggling ensues, still love that!) and I are planning a camping trip this summer in Maine. Yea, it will be absolutely beautiful. I am so excited! And I will be so out of my element, but also so in my element. Go camping!Best wishes, Tian FengV. Closing down by reading a camping poemI got my gear in my packI got my pack on my backTodays the day Im going campingJust got the goahead signThe weathers gonna be fineTodays the day Im going campingIm gonna pitch me a tentWont have to pay any rentIt looks like evrything is A O.K.As far as I can seeI think its gonna be a perfect camping dayThe trees and animalsAnd clear blue skiesA waterfall es tumbling right before my eyesBirds that flyAbove a mountain streamIts absolutely perfect better than a dreamPeace and quietWhere the Good Lord smiledFields and fields of flowers growing wildThis isJust where I belong Im a mother Natures childIts time to hit the trailTo hit the hill and daleOh, I love hiking in the mountainsIts great to reach the snowAnd see the world belowOh, I love hiking in the mountainsEach time we stop to eatWe get to rest our feetAnd well make it if we take slowCause the best way to climbIs one step at a time and hiking is the only way to goI got my gear in my packThe trees and animalsIts time to hit the trailI got my pack on my backAnd clear blue skiesTo hit the hill and daleTodays the day Im going campingA waterfall es tumbling right before my eyesOh, I love hiking in the mountainsJust got the goahead signBirds that flyIts great to reach the snowThe weathers gonna be fineAbove a moun-tain streamAnd see the world belowTodays the day Im goin campingIts absolutely perfect be


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