2019年高中英语 Unit 16 Communication Workshop双基限时练 北师大版选修6.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 16 munication Workshop双基限时练 北师大版选修6.单词拼写1The audience athe singer for three minutes.答案applauded2Try to act naturally, even if you are t.答案tense3Lots of foreigners are awith chopsticks.答案awkward4Practising is (厌烦的), but stick with it and some day you will be a good pianist.答案tiresome5His city girlfriend looked pretty c (笨拙的) out here on the farm.答案clumsy.单项填空1She didnt think that her husband was_to her.Aattentive B. attentionC. active D. available答案与解析A句意:她认为她丈夫对她不体贴。attentive“周到的;体贴的”; attention“注意”,是名词; active“活泼的;活跃的”; available“有用的;有效的”。2Mr. Smith and his wife_the housework and live happily.Ashare in B. share withC. share out D. do their share for答案与解析A句意:史密斯先生和妻子分担家务,过得很快活。share in“分享;分担”; share with“与分担”; share out“分派;分配”; do ones share for“对做出某人应有的贡献”。3The young man is_Mr. Zhang in chemistry.Amore superior thanB. superior toC. the more superior toD. the better superior than答案与解析B该题的比较级属以ior结尾的形容词的比较级,用to代替than。4She just gave me_of the lecture because time was limited.Aa description B. describingC. an outline D. a outline答案与解析C时间有限,对“lecture”只能“略述”。description为“描述”,不能选。5He_his speech by saying “Thank you.” and added that he was glad to stay there.Astopped B. finishedC. concluded D. told答案与解析C句意:他说了声“谢谢”结束了他的演说,并补充说他很乐意待在那儿。四个选项中只有conclude(使结束,结束的时候说)最符合题意。.阅读理解A I will never forget what my old headmaster taught me. Normally when you are only 15 years of age you do not remember most of the things that are taught by your teachers. But, this particular story is one such lesson as I will never forget. Every time I drift off course, I get reminded of this story.It was a normal Monday morning, and he was addressing the students on important things in life and about mitting ourselves to what is important to us. This is how the story went: An old man lived in a certain part of London, and he would wake up every morning and go to the subway. He would get the train right to Central London, and then sit at the street corner and beg. He would do this every single day of his life. He sat at the same street corner and begged for almost 20 years.His house was dirty, and a stench (恶臭) came out of the house and it smelled horrible. The neighbors could not stand the smell any more, so they asked the police officers to clear the place. The officers knocked down the door and cleaned the house. There were small bags of money all over the house that he had collected over the years.The police counted the money, and they soon realized that the old man was a millionaire. They waited outside his house to share the good news with him. When he arrived home that evening, he was met by one of the officers, who told him that there was no need for him to beg any more as he was a rich man now, a millionaire.He said nothing at all; he went into his house and locked the door. The next morning he woke up as usual, went to the subway, got into the train, and sat at the street corner and continued to beg.Obviously, this old man had no great plans, dreams or anything important for his life. We learn nothing from this story other than staying focused on the things we enjoy doing.1The headmaster told the story to the students to_.Amake the students relaxed in the lesson B. remind the students to think deeplyC. show how poor the old man was D. encourage the students to bee rich答案与解析B根据第二段中的“. what is important to us.”可知校长想让学生有崇高的理想,让学生深思。2After hearing what the officer said, the old man_.Abelieved the officer was playing a joke on himB. didnt know many people respected him a lotC. was very angry to find his house broken intoD. was not so excited as the officer had expected答案与解析D根据倒数第二段对老人的动作描述“He said nothing . went to his house and locked the door .”可判断那个乞丐并没有警察想象得高兴。3What did the author learn from the story?AOne should devote himself to his dream.B. The old man was foolish not to stop begging.C. What the headmaster taught was very important.D. People must have a plan before taking action.答案与解析A根据最后一段的最后部分可知从这篇文章作者学到的是老人的执著。4Which word can best describe the authors attitude towards the old man?APity. B. Disappointment. C. Respect. D. Anger.答案与解析C根据最后一段第二句可推断作者十分“敬重”老人。5We know from the passage that_.Athe author had a big dream at the age of 15B. the headmaster was popular with the studentsC. the old man begged every day without stoppingD. the neighbors took great pity on the old man答案与解析C根据第三段“He would do this every single day of his life.”可判断他每天乞讨从未间断。B Early every morning, a shepherd took his flock of sheep out in the fields to graze (放牧). He would sit by watching as the sheep lazily munched on fresh grass. After they had eaten, he would round them up and walk back home. Sometimes while watching his flock, he would lie in a quiet corner and go to sleep.One day, the shepherd caught a wolf which had strayed (走失) into the field, eyeing his sheep. However, it was some distance away and it made no effort to e nearer. The shepherd at first stood on guard against the wolf, as against an enemy,and kept a strict watch over its movements.But the wolf did not do anything. When the shepherd grazed the sheep and headed home with his flock, the wolf quietly followed them at a distance.This continued for a while. The shepherd would find the wolf waiting at the edge of the field every morning. But it made not the slightest effort to seize the sheep and would just watch. So, by and by, the shepherd let down his guard a bit. A few days later, he began to actually look forward to the wolfs presence.The wolf, who generally sat on a large piece of rock, looked like a big sheep dog from a great distance. The shepherd thought that other wild animals would be scared of the wolfs presence and not harm his flock while it was around.Now, he began to look upon the wolf as a guardian of his flock. One day, in the middle of grazing his sheep, the shepherd was called back home urgently. Leaving the sheep entirely in the charge of the wolf, he left.When he came back, he found that the wolf had killed most of his flock, with only a few sheep wandering about. Bodies of the dead sheep lay around, everywhere.The shepherd sat down in shock and whispered to himself, “Why did I trust my sheep to a wolf?”6Which of the following best shows the meaning of the passage?AThe death of the wolves, the safety of the sheep.B. The wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature.C. One who keeps pany with wolves will learn to howl.D. Never wake a sleeping wolf.答案与解析B本文所叙述的是牧羊人由于对狼的信任而导致自己的羊群被狼几乎吃完的故事,与B项谚语的意思相近,意思是“狼的牙齿会掉,但本性却不改”。7The underlined word “munched” (in Paragraph 1) means “_” Alay quietly B. played happily C. slept soundly D. ate grass noisily答案与解析D从下一句的“After they had eaten”可知羊在大口大口地吃草,故选D项。8At the beginning, the wolf didnt eat the sheep most probably because_. Ait wanted the shepherd to trust it B. it was far away from the sheep C. it has enough food to eat D. it wanted to be the guardian of the sheep答案与解析A一开始,这只狼只是远远地看着、跟着羊群,而并没有表现出要吃羊的欲望,久而久之后赢得了牧羊人的信任。很明显,这只狼的目的一开始就是要取得这位牧羊人的信任。9After several days, the shepherd expected the wolf to_. Akill other animals B. help to guard his sheep C. follow him back home D. round his sheep up答案与解析B由第四段的最后一句,第五段的第二句及第六段的第一句可知,牧羊人慢慢放松了对狼的警惕,甚至希望狼的出现,因为他认为狼可以帮他看护羊群,故选B项。


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