2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解训练5(I).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解训练5(I)阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。The multi-million pound new Library of Birmingham (LoB) will be the most visible sign of the way the city is accepting the digitalization (数字化) of everyday life. Set to open in xx, the 188m LoB is already beginning to take shape next to the Birmingham Repertory Theatre, with which it will share some equipment. As digital media (媒介) is important toits idea, the project is already providing chances for some of the many small new local panies working at the new technologies. Brian Gambles, the LoB project director, says it is about giving people the right tools for learning:“The aim is to mix the physical with the digital, providing 24-hour services which can be used through many different ways. It is important to enable us to reach more people, more effectively.”The digital library will, he says, be as important as the physical one, allowing the distant use of the services, making sure that it is never closed to the public. Even before the LoB is plete, the public has been able to go online to visit the Virtual (虚拟的) LoB, designed by Baden, the Birmingham virtual worlds specialists. Not only have the public been able to learn about the LoB, but the virtual one has also enabled those working on the LoB to understand the building and how it will work before it even opens. Two other small Birmingham-based digital panies are also working on the LoB projects. Substrat, a digital design pany, is developing what it calls an example of an “enlarged reality” project. It is about the use of an exciting smart phone, an important part of the LoB which is in the early stages of development. And The Peoples Archive is an online library of historical figures of the city being built up by a digital content pany in Cahoots, in which users will be encouraged to add to and ment on the material. Gambles says:“Technology will enable us to make the librarys content and services open to citizens as never before.”1. The underlined part “its idea” in Paragraph 3 refers to the idea of.A. the equipmentB. the projectC. the digital mediaD. the physical library2. While visiting the Virtual LoB, the public can.A. get a general idea of the LoBB. meet many world-famous expertsC. learn how to put up a library buildingD. understand how the specialists work on the project3. Which of the following is true of the LoB when it opens? a. It offers better learning tools. b. It reaches users in different ways.c. It provides users with smart phones. d. It allows users to enrich its material.e. It gives non-stop physical and digital services.A. a, b, dB. a, c, eC. b, c, dD. b, d, e4. The text is most probably taken from.A. a puter bookB. a library guideC. a project handbookD. a newspaper report【参考答案】1-4 BAAD阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I used to think of myself as a fairly open person, but my bookshelves told a different story. Apart from a few Indian novels and the Australian and South African book, my literature collection consisted of British and American titles. Worse still, I hardly ever read anything in translation. My reading was limited to stories by English-speaking authors.So, at the start of xx, I set myself the challenge of trying to read a book from every country in a year to find out what I was missing. As I was unlikely to find publications from nearly 200 nations on the shelves of my local bookshop, I decided to ask the planets readers for help. I created a blog called A Year of Reading the World and put out an appeal for suggestions of titles that I could read in English.The response was amazing. Before I knew it, people all over the planet were getting in touch with ideas and offers of help. Some posted me books from their home countries. Others did hours of research on my behalf. In addition, several writers sent me unpublished translations of their novels, giving me a rare opportunity to read works otherwise unavailable to the 62% of the British who only speak English. Even so, selecting books was no easy task. With translations making up only around 4.5 percent of literary works published in the UK and Ireland, getting English versions (版本)of stories was difficult.But the effort was worth it. I found I was visiting the mental space of the storytellers. These stories not only opened my mind to the real life in other places, but opened my heart to the way people there might feel.And that in turn changed my thinking. Through reading the stories shared with me by bookish strangers around the globe, I realised I was not alone, but part of a network that spread all over the planet. 1. Which of the following might be found on the blog A Year of Reading the World?A. Lists of English version books. B. Research on English literature.C. Unfinished novels by British writers.D. ments on English literature.2. Why was it hard for the author to select the right books to read? A. The author had a busy schedule.B. The author was only interested in a few topics.C. The author could only read books written in English.D. Most books remended are not available in local bookshops.3. The author is probably from_.A. AmericaB. the UKC. AustraliaD. Canada4. Which of the following words can best describe the authors experience?A. fast and effortless B. challenging but rewardingC. hopeless but beneficialD. meaningful but fruitless1-4 ACBBBMy oldest child, Emma, just returned to campus after a long holiday break to finish up her last period of college. These days, friends and family have begun flooding me with one question: What is she going to do after graduation?The job market is, after all, awfully tough. Just this month the Federal Reserve Bank published a study showing that “recent graduates are increasingly working in low-paid jobs or working part-time.” The bright spot, according to the study, is for students who majored(主修) in STEM science, technology, engineering and mathematics areas in which recent graduates “have tended to do relatively well”. But Emma is a student of the humanities(人文) at a small college. Shes an American Studies major with a focus on the politics and culture of food. For quite a while, I think her field of study is so fashionable right now that Im not the least bit worried she will find a good job. Yet the more Ive thought about it, the more Ive decided to be honest. “Im not sure what Emma is going to do,” I now say. “But shes gotten a great education and has really found her interest. and I know those things will serve her well over the course of her life.”Nowadays, more and more universities and colleges are being measured by the salaries of their recent graduates. In this climate, encouraging your kid to study the humanities, seems, at best, unwise or, at worst, unconcerned with earning a living. But a college is not a vocational(职业) school. And promoting STEM subjects should not be societys only answer to helping the next generation grow in a petitive world.From the beginning, we never urged Emma to pick a college or a major with an eye on its expected return on money, as more and more families are doing. To Emma, what really matters will be something that we may not be able to measure for quite a long time: Emmas contribution to the world and how happy she is in it.5. The authors friends and family_.A. are worried about Emmas safetyB. have been worrying about the floodC. are concerned about Emmas futureD. are worried about the job market 6. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?A. The number of the graduates is increasing.B. STEM graduates can be better employees.C. STEM graduates are in relatively greater demand.D. More and more graduates like to do a part-time job.7. Why did Emma choose a major in the humanities?A. Because she is interested in it.B. Because her mother told her to.C. Because it is increasingly popular.D. Because she wants further education.8. According to the author, what matters most in choosing a major is that_. A. it should be among the STEM B. it should be fashionable and interestingC. it should allow a good job and a high salaryD. it should bring achievements and happiness5-8 CCAD CRecently a study, led by Pedro Hallal of the Federal University, suggests that nearly a third of adults, 31%, are not getting enough exercise. That rates of exercise have declined is hardly a new discovery. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, technology and economic growth have helped to create a world in which taking exercise is more and more an option rather than a necessity. But only recently have enough good data been collected from enough places to carry out the sort of analysis Dr Hallal and his colleagues have engaged in.There are mon themes in different places. Unsurprisingly, people in rich countries are less active than those in poor ones, and old people are less active than young ones. Less obviously, women tend to exercise less than men34% are inactive, pared with 28% of men. But there are exceptions. The women of Croatia, Finland, Iraq and Luxembourg, for example, move more than their male countrymen.Malta wins the race for most slothful country, with 72% of adults getting too little exercise, and Swaziland and Saudi Arabia are in close behind, with 69%. In Bangladesh, just 5% of adults fail to exercise enough. Surprisingly, six Americans in ten are active enough according to Dr Hallals study, pared with fewer than four in ten British. These high rates of inactivity are worrying. Human beings seem to have evolved(进化) to benefit from exercise while deliberately avoiding it whenever they can. In a state of nature it would be impossible to live a life that did not provide enough of it. But that is no longer the case. Actually lack of enough activity these days has nearly the same effect on life span(寿命) as smoking.9. We may learn from Paragraph 1 that_.A. the decline of exercise rates is newly discovered B. the study suggests 31% of female adults get too little exercise C. the good enough data has been collected from only one countryD. the industrial revolution has changed the way people live to some degree10. According to the study, women of Luxembourg_. A. have little time to exercise B. hate to get regular exerciseC. take more exercise to lose weightD. exercise more than men in their country11. The underlined word “slothful” in Paragraph 3 most probably means_.A. powerfulB. richC. lazyD. unpopular12. What can be the best title for the text? A. Worldwide Lack of Enough ExerciseB. New Health DiscoveryC. Evolvement of Human Beings D. Benefits of Taking Exercise9-12 DDCA D Wele to Arundel Castle which is situated in West Sussex, England. The castle has a history of nearly 1000 years and has weled visitors traveling from all over the world. Arundel Castle also plays a starring role in many films.The GardensThe White Garden is planted with soft white Iceberg Roses, and Snow White Lilies.The Rose Garden is newly planted with lovely old-fashioned English roses that are at their very best in June and July.The Organic Kitchen Garden produces a wide range of seasonal fruit and vegetables, pears, cherries and apples.The Castle Shop In the Castle Shop, you will discover a wide and interesting range of gift ideas for everyone. It offers gifts and souvenirs designed to appeal to all tastes and pockets. Foods, china, books, and stationery (文具)are all available. Many are sold in this Castle Shop only. At Arundel Castle we pride ourselves on supporting local suppliers and actively encourage environmentally friendly products.The Arundel Festival xx Saturday 16th to Monday 25th August The annual Arundel Festival gets bigger and better every year. It is one of the most amazing, diverse and easily accessible arts festivals in the UK, offering a mix of visual arts, music, theatre and street entertainment.Parking Coaches and mini-buses can drop off at the main Castle entrance in Mill Road and park in the main town car park that is opposite the Castle entrance. Please inform us when making your booking of how many parking permits are required.13. When visiting the castle, you can_.A. get old-fashioned English roses as giftsB. buy eco-friendly products in the Castle ShopC. get seasonal fruit and vegetables for freeD. see how the local gifts are being made14. How long does the Arundel Festival last this year?A. 10 daysB. One weekC. 16 daysD. One month15. Where can you park the coach?A. In Mill RoadB. Inside the CastleC. In the main town car parkD. At the main Castle entrance13-15 BAC


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